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Jun 23rd, 2018
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  1. // Hardware cfg - Generated by QUAKE LIVE. Do not modify
  2. unbindall
  4. // binds
  5. bind 0x00 "+speed"
  6. bind TAB "+scores"
  7. bind * "weapon 5"
  8. bind + "sizeup"
  9. bind - "sizedown"
  10. bind . "+acc"
  11. bind / "messagemode"
  12. bind 1 "weapon 1"
  13. bind 2 "weapon 2"
  14. bind 3 "weapon 3"
  15. bind 4 "weapon 4"
  16. bind 5 "weapon 5"
  17. bind 6 "weapon 6"
  18. bind 7 "weapon 7"
  19. bind 8 "weapon 8"
  20. bind 9 "weapon 9"
  21. bind = "sizeup"
  22. bind _ "sizedown"
  23. bind a "+moveleft"
  24. bind b "say_team bridge"
  25. bind c "+movedown"
  26. bind d "+moveright"
  27. bind e "say_team Negative/Cant"
  28. bind f "+button2"
  29. bind g "+button2"
  30. bind h "say_team ^4Help Needed!"
  31. bind l "say_team low"
  32. bind m "say_team mid"
  33. bind o "messagemode5"
  34. bind p "say_team ^3POWERUP SOON"
  35. bind q "say_team on way"
  36. bind r "say_team AVAIL"
  37. bind s "+back"
  38. bind t "messagemode"
  39. bind v "dropweapon"
  40. bind w "+forward"
  41. bind x "say :)"
  42. bind y "messagemode2"
  43. bind z "say_team !taken"
  44. bind PAUSE "pause"
  45. bind CTRL "+zoom"
  46. bind SHIFT "+speed"
  47. bind INS "vote yes"
  48. bind DEL "readyup"
  49. bind PGDN "dropflag"
  50. bind PGUP "droppowerup"
  51. bind HOME "vote no"
  52. bind END "screenshotjpg"
  53. bind F1 "SAY_TEAM ^2Incomming ^1HIGH"
  54. bind F2 "say_team ^1^2Incomming ^3LOW"
  55. bind F3 "say_team ^5NEME ^1FLAG ^1FC ^5HERE"
  56. bind F4 "say_team avail"
  57. bind F6 "taken"
  58. bind F10 "stoprecord"
  59. bind F11 "screenshotJPEG"
  60. bind F12 "screenshotJPEG"
  61. bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
  62. bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"
  63. bind MOUSE4 "+zoom"
  64. bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev"
  65. bind MWHEELUP "weapnext"
  66. // aliases
  67. unaliasall
  70. // gfx etc
  71. seta cg_drawcrosshair "13"
  72. seta cg_crosshairSize "25"
  73. seta cg_crosshairColor "26"
  74. seta sensitivity "1.8"
  75. seta cg_fov "110"
  77. seta gun_rl "cg_gunX -4 ; cg_gunY 0 ; cg_gunZ 0"
  78. seta gun_gt "cg_gunX -5 ; cg_gunY 0 ; cg_gunZ 8"
  79. seta gun_df "cg_gunX -4 ; cg_gunY 0 ; cg_gunZ 8"
  83. //___________________________crosshair stuff____________________________________________________________________________//
  84. seta cg_drawcrosshair "13" //Sets the desired crosshair.//
  85. seta cg_crosshairBrightness "1" //Brightness of the crosshair. 0= darkest 1 = brightest.//
  86. seta cg_crosshairHitColor "0" //Controls crosshair color as applicable to the appropriate hits style controlled by cg_crosshairHitStyle.//
  87. //values 1>26 can be used. 0= disabled.//
  88. seta cg_crosshairHealth "0" //Colors the crosshair to indicate your health status. (This overrides cg_crosshairColor if enabled).//
  89. seta cg_crosshairY "0" //Y-axis distance of crosshair from the center of the field of view. values -300>300. 0= default.//
  90. seta cg_crosshairX "0" //X-axis distance of crosshair from the center of the field of view. values -220>220. 0= default.//
  91. seta cg_crosshairHitStyle "0" //Allows the crosshair to indicate the damage dealt to other players. 0= Off 1=Colorize the crosshair based on damage dealt.//
  92. //2= Colorize the crosshair to color designated by cg_crosshairHitColor. 3 = Pulse the crosshair (exaggerated/scaled pulse).//
  93. //4= Colorize by damage and Pulse the crosshair. 5= Colorize by cg_crosshairHitColor and Pulse the crosshair.//
  94. //6= Pulse the crosshair with a smaller pulse. (same size as the cg_crosshairPulse uses when picking items up).//
  95. //7= Colorize by damage and pulse with smaller pulse. 8= Colorize by cg_crosshairHitColor and pulse with smaller pulse.//
  96. seta cg_crosshairPulse "0" //Allows pulsating effect of the crosshair when items are picked up. 0= disabled 1= enabled.
  97. seta cg_drawCrosshairTeamHealthSize "0.12f" //
  98. seta cg_drawCrosshairTeamHealth "1" //Displays team mate health and armor under their name when targeted. 0= disabled, 1= setting 1, 2= setting 2//
  99. seta cg_drawCrosshairNamesOpacity "0.75" //Sets the opacity of the crosshair names feature when cg_drawCrosshairNames 1 or 2. values 0.0>1.0.//
  100. seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "1" //Displays the names of target opponents. 0= disabled 1= enabled 2= enabled, also shows team mate health and armor//
  101. //when cg_drawCrosshairTeamHealth 1//
  102. //____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  103. seta cg_drawgun "2" //shows the gun. 0= no gun 1= shows gun but moving 2= shows gun but fixed.//
  104. seta cg_forceTeamWeaponColor "1" //Force teammates grenades and rails to use 'Team Upper Color (cg_teamUpperColor)0= disabled 1=enabled.//
  105. seta cg_zoomOutOnDeath "1" //Enables resetting of player FOVs back to normal on death. This is useful if you use the cg_zoomToggle CVar.//
  106. //0= disabled 1=enabled//
  107. seta cg_trueShotgun "1" //When enabled, will display the true shotgun collision pattern that the server uses,//
  108. //while a value of 0 will show a more randomised and slightly inaccurate scatter of pellets.//
  109. seta cg_teamChatTime "5000" //Display time on HUD for team messages, the amount of time it is shown on your screen.//
  110. seta cg_teamChatsOnly "0" //1= only team based chat 0= see all chat.//
  111. seta cg_teamChatBeep "1" //1=you hear a beep when team chats 0= you dont.//
  112. seta cg_switchOnEmpty "1" //Automatically switch to highest numbered weapon with ammo when attempting to fire a weapon that is out of ammo.//
  113. //1= enabled 0=disabled//
  114. seta cg_stats "0" //Displays client frames in sequence with the exception of missed frames. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  115. seta cg_simpleItemsRadius "15" //Scales the icon size of items when cg_simpleItems =1. values 8>22. 8= smallest.//
  116. seta cg_showVoiceText "1" //Show corresponding text with VOs. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  117. seta cg_showmiss "1" //Displays missed packets and predictions on the HUD. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  118. seta cg_screenDamageAlpha_Team "200" //
  119. seta cg_screenDamageAlpha "200" //
  120. seta cg_rocketStyle "1" //Controls the rocket trail effect. 1= no plume 2= fire plume//
  121. seta cg_respawnTimerY "100" //Controls the y-axis position of where spectator respawn timers are drawn.//
  122. seta cg_respawnTimerX "10" //Controls the x-axis position of where spectator respawn timers are drawn.//
  123. seta cg_quadKillCounter "1" //1= enables a counter showing how many quad kills you get in one run.//
  124. seta cg_playVoiceChats "1" //1= enable voice chats 0= disabled//
  125. seta cg_playTeamVO "1" //1= enabled team voice chats 0= disabled//
  126. seta cg_playerLean "0.30" //Scales or disables the player lean effect caused by high velocities. values 0.0>1.0. 0 will disable this effect.//
  127. seta cg_plasmaStyle "1" //Controls the plasma effect. 1= no trail 2= particle trail//
  128. seta cg_nopredict "0" //A value of 1 will provide more accurate pickup notification sounds, however at the cost of potentially delayed playback.//
  129. seta cg_lowAmmoWeaponBarWarning "2" //Controls the weapon bar ammo warning display. 0= disabled 1= Draw weapon bar ammo value in red when empty//
  130. //2= Draw weapon bar ammo value in yellow when low and red when empty.//
  131. seta cg_lightningImpactCap "192" //Change the size of the lightning impact effect when impact is closer than x units. values 0>768. 0= none//
  132. seta cg_lightningImpact "1" //Enables lightning impact affect on surfaces by lightning gun. 0= disabled.//
  133. seta cg_killBeep "1" //
  134. seta cg_itemFx "7" //Changes how items are rendered in the world. values 0>7 //
  135. //0= static 1= bobbing 2= rotating 3= bobbing + rotating 4= static + spawn animation 5= bobbing + spawn animation//
  136. //6= rotating + spawn animation 7= bobbing + rotating + spawn animation//
  137. seta cg_impactMarkTime "10000" //Sets the amount of time in which impact marks are drawn for. values 0>10000. 0= none//
  139. seta cg_forceRedTeamModel "" //Force red team player models to be displayed as a specific model. Used in spectator mode. eg. "keel/bright"//
  140. seta cg_forceBlueTeamModel "" //Force blue team player models to be displayed as a specific model. Used in spectator mode.//
  141. seta cg_forceDrawCrosshair "0" //
  142. seta cg_selfOnTeamOverlay "1" //Show yourself on your team overlay. Requires enabling cg_drawteamoverlay.
  143. seta cg_drawTeamOverlay "1" //Displays the team overlay. 0= off 1= top-right of view 2= bottom-right of view.//
  144. seta cg_drawTeamOverlayY "0" //Y-axis offset in respect of cg_drawteamoverlay 1 or 2. <-480/480>//
  145. seta cg_drawTeamOverlayX "0" //X-axis offset in respect of cg_drawteamoverlay 1 or 2. <-640/640>//
  146. seta cg_drawTeamOverlayOpacity "0.75" //Sets the opacity of the team overlay background. 0.0 = Fully Transparent 1.0 = Fully Opaque.//
  147. seta cg_drawStatus "1" //Draws the health and score elements of the HUD. 0= hidden 1= draw status.//
  148. seta cg_drawSnapshot "0" //Displays the snapshots counter with the time and frame. 0= hidden 1= shown.//
  149. seta cg_drawIcons "1" //Enables the drawing of icons in the HUD or scoreboard. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  150. seta cg_drawFragMessages "1" //Displays frag messages on the top of the player view. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  151. seta cg_draw2D "1" //Displays HUD elements. 0= no hud 1= show hud.//
  152. seta cg_deferPlayers "1" //Sets loading of player models at death or map change, disabling models loading when bringing up the scoreboard.//
  153. //0= disabled 1= enabled//
  154. seta cg_deadBodyDarken "1" //Darkens bright model corpses. 0= disabled 1= enabled//
  155. seta cg_deadBodyColor "0x101010FF" //The color applied to bright model corpses as enabled in cg_deadbodydarken.//
  156. seta cg_complaintWarning "1" //
  157. seta cg_clanOnTeamOverlay "0" //Show clan tags in team overlay box. 0= hidden 1= shown//
  158. seta cg_currentSelectedPlayerName "1" //This shows the friendly player name that was last highlighted in your crosshair.//
  159. seta cg_chatHistoryLength "10" //The desired amount of chat history shown (6 lines long).//
  160. seta cg_cameraOrbitDelay "50" //Delay between increments of camera orbit rotation. in milliseconds 50 = 50ms.//
  161. seta cg_buzzerSound "1" //The end-game buzzer sound in all game types. 0= disabled 1= enabled//
  162. seta cg_autoProjectileNudge "0" //
  163. seta cg_zoomToggle "0" //Alters the behavior of +zoom such that a single key press will enable zooming and a repeated keystroke disables zooming,//
  164. //no longer requiring players to hold the key down while zooming. 0= disabled 1= enabled//
  165. seta cg_zoomScaling "1" //Enables the zooming in / zooming out scaling effect that is used as a transition between your cg_fov and cg_zoomfov;//
  166. //causing the +zoom to act as a quick snap to and from the zoomed fov. 0= disabled 1= enabled//
  167. seta cg_xerpclients "1" //
  168. seta cg_weaponcolorstyle "1" //
  169. seta cg_weaponColor_grenade "0xFFFFFFFF" //sets grenade color
  170. seta cg_weaponcolor "0xRRGGBBAA" //
  171. seta cg_weaponBar "1" //Displays the weapon bar at the specified place on the screen. 0= disabled 1=left docked icons
  172. //2= right docked icons 3= right docked icons 4= Large floating icons (Legacy Q3 Style)//
  173. seta cg_waterWarp "0" //1 Enables the minor warp effect on underwater views. 0 disables it.//
  174. seta cg_teammodel "crash/bright" //
  175. seta cg_teamChatHeight "8" //Number of rows of team chat that is shown at a time. Not applicable for Quake Live�s interface.//
  176. seta cg_switchToEmpty "0" //Enables the ability to switch to weapons that have no ammo.//
  177. seta cg_smoke_SG "0" //1 Enables the drawing of smoke puffs when firing the shotgun. 0 disabled.//
  178. seta cg_smokeRadius_RL "0" //Scales the size of the rocket smoke plumes. 0= disabled, default is 32.//
  179. seta cg_smokeRadius_NG "0" //Scales the size of the nailgun smoke plumes. 0= disabled, default is 16.//
  180. seta cg_smokeRadius_GL "0" //Scales the size of the grenade and proximity mine smoke plumes. 0= disabled, default 64.//
  181. seta cg_smokegrowth_rl "0" //
  182. seta cg_smokegrowth_gl "0" //
  183. seta cg_smokeRadius_haste "8" //Scales the size of smoke plumes in haste trails. values 0>16. 0= none.//
  184. seta cg_smokeRadius_flight "8" //scales the size of smoke plumes in flight trails. values 0>16. 0= none.//
  185. seta cg_smokeRadius_dust "8" //Scales the size of smoke plumes from ground dust. values 0>32. 0= none.//
  186. seta cg_simpleItems "1" //Replace 3D world items with 2D icons. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  187. seta cg_shadows "1" //Draws a blob type shadow underneath the player. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  189. seta cg_screenDamage_Team "0" //Colorizes the on-screen team-damage indicators, use "cg_screenDamage_Team 0" to disable.//
  190. seta cg_screenDamage_Self "0x00000000" //Colorizes the on-screen self-damage indicators, use "cg_screenDamage_Self 0" to disable.//
  191. seta cg_screenDamage "0" //Colorizes the on-screen damage indicator, use "cg_screenDamage 0" to disable.//
  192. seta cg_railTrailTime "700" //The time (in milliseconds) that rail trails are displayed for.
  193. seta cg_railStyle "1" //Controls the railgun trail effect. 1= rail core rail trail 2= spiral rail trail.//
  194. seta cg_predictItems "1" //Client prediction for picking up items. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  195. seta cg_playerNames "1" //Draw targeted player names while in spectator mode, both in freecam and first-person mode.//
  196. //0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  197. seta cg_nopredict "0" //A value of 1 will provide more accurate pickup notification sounds, however at the cost of
  198. //potentially delayed playback. 0= server player prediction 1= no player prediction.//
  199. seta cg_muzzleFlash "0" //Shows a muzzle flash when firing a weapon. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  200. seta cg_marks "0" //Enables projectile decal marks on walls. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  201. seta cg_lowAmmoWarningSound "1" //Controls the weapon bar ammo warning display. 0= off 1= Draw weapon bar ammo value in red when empty//
  202. //2= Draw weapon bar ammo value in yellow when low and red when empty.//
  203. seta cg_lowAmmoWarningPercentile "0.20" //Controls percentile level of ammo available before issuing a low ammo warning.//
  204. //minimum= 0.01 (1%) maximum= 1.00 (100%).//
  205. seta cg_lightningStyle "5" //controlls the lightning stream effect 1= Default Q3/QL 2= QuakeWorld inspired 3= Team Arena shaft//
  206. //4= Thin shaft 5= Wide beam (Q3 style).//
  207. seta cg_levelTimerDirection "0" //The counting direction of the timer. 0= count up to time limit 1= count down to zero.//
  208. seta cg_kickScale "0" //Screen shakes when hit. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  209. seta cg_impactSparksVelocity "128" //Speed in which impactSparks gravitate up or down. values -128>128.//
  210. seta cg_impactSparksSize "8" //Adjust the size of the impact sparks. values 2>16
  211. seta cg_impactSparksLifetime "250" //Time in milliseconds before impact sparks fade out. values 0>1000 can be used.//
  212. seta cg_impactSparks "0" //Causes the enemy to spark when they are hit by any non-explosive weapons. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  213. seta cg_hitBeep "1" //Controls the sound made when you damage an opponent. 0= disabled 1= single tone 2= multi tone//
  214. //3= reverse multi tone.//
  215. seta cg_enemyHeadColor "0xFF00FFFF" //Colorize bright enemy model heads. Replaces cg_enemyColor.0x00FF00FF is bright green//
  216. seta cg_enemyUpperColor "0xFF00FFFF" //Colorize bright enemy model torso. Replaces cg_enemyColor.//
  217. seta cg_enemyLowerColor "0xFF00FFFF" //Colorize bright enemy model legs. Replaces cg_enemyColor.//
  218. seta cg_enemyColor "" //Colorize bright enemy models.
  219. seta cg_drawRewards "1" //Displays rewards you have earned during the match, as you earn them.0= hidden 1= shown.//
  220. seta cg_drawItemPickups "3" //Displays items that were recently picked up. 0= off values 0>7 can be used.//
  221. seta cg_drawFullWeaponBar "1" //Draws the full weapon bar. 0= only the weapon you are holding 1= all weapons available on the map shown.//
  222. seta cg_drawFriend "1" //displays blips over friends. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  223. seta cg_drawFragMessages "1" //Displays frag messages on the top of the player view. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  224. seta cg_drawFPS "1" //Displays the frames-per-second counter in the top right-hand corner.//
  225. seta cg_drawAttacker "0" //Displays the name and icon of the last player to damage you. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  226. seta cg_drawAmmoWarning "0" //Displays �low ammo� and �out of ammo� warnings. 0= disabled 1=normal sized text warnings.//
  227. //2= small sized text warnings.//
  228. seta cg_draw3dIcons "0" //Displays 3D HUD icons instead of 2D. It is not available in the default Quake Live HUD.//
  229. //0= enabled 1= disabled.//
  230. seta cg_chatbeep "1" //Controls the sound made when in-game chat messages are received. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  231. seta cg_bubbleTrail "0" //Enables the drawing of bubble trails drawn by projectiles entering water. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  232. seta cg_bob "0" //Controls view bobbing. 0= disabled. 0.1=(minimum)> 1.0(maximum) amount of bob.
  233. seta cg_autoAction "1" //Controls the automation of demo recording and final scoreboard screenshots. 0= do nothing,//
  234. //1= enable auto demo recording 2= enable auto screenshot 3= enable auto demo recording and auto//
  235. //screenshot//
  236. seta cg_allowTaunt "0" //Allows gesture events and VO taunts client side.//
  237. seta cg_animspeed "1" //Allows linear interpolation between frames in player model animations. 0= disabled
  238. //player animation. 1= enabled player animation
  239. seta cg_brassTime "0" //Time in milliseconds that bullets or shells are shown before disappearing.0= disabled//
  240. seta cg_scorePlums "0" //shows floating score plums if 1. 0= disabled.//
  241. seta cg_autoswitch "0" //Enables weapon auto-switch on pickup. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  243. seta cg_forceTeamModel "keel/bright" //Force team mate player models to be displayed as a specific model.//
  244. seta cg_forceEnemyModel "visor/bright" //Force enemy team player models to be displayed as a specific model.//
  245. seta model "bitterman/blue" //Customises your in-game player model.
  246. seta cg_followPowerup "0" //In spectator mode, when a player obtains a powerup, the spectator//
  247. //view automatically switches to that player. 0=disabled 1= enabled//
  248. seta cg_followKiller "0" //In spectator mode, when a player scores a frag, the spectator view automatically//
  249. //switches to that player. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  250. seta cg_teamColor "0xFFFFFFFF" //Colorize team bright model skins. using this setting overrides the 3 below!!//
  251. seta cg_teamHeadColor "" //Colorize team bright model skin heads.
  252. seta cg_teamUpperColor "" //Colorize team bright model skin torsos.
  253. seta cg_teamLowerColor "" //Colorize team bright model skin legs.
  254. seta cg_stereoSeparation "0.4" //Stereo separation � splits color channels.//
  255. seta cg_smoothClients "0" //Smooth out other players� movement when they experience packet loss. 0=disabled 1=enabled//
  256. seta cg_enableRespawnTimer "1" //Draws the respawn timings of certain items (armor, megahealth, powerups) for spectators - on//
  257. //private servers only. This feature is dependent upon server-side shoutcaster privileges being//
  258. //enabled. Items are sorted by height according to their placement in the level for non-CTF games,//
  259. //and are sorted by team according to proximity from flag in CTF. 0= disabled 1= enabled
  260. seta cg_customAspect_Y "0" //
  261. seta cg_customAspect_X "0" //
  262. seta cg_currentSelectedPlayer "" //Selected team mate number for team commands.//
  263. seta cg_compHud "0" //Enables the stream friendly HUD on private servers. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  264. seta cg_atmosphericEffects "0" //
  265. seta cg_compmode "1" //Enables competition mode for private servers. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  266. seta cg_viewsize "100" //Percentage of screen the game appears on.//
  267. seta cg_specOnly "2" //
  268. seta cg_premium "1" //
  269. seta cg_ignoreMouseInput "0" //Disables mouse usage. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  270. seta cg_selectedPlayer "0" //Selects a team member (by team mate number) to issue/confirm orders to/from.//
  271. seta cg_forceEnemyWeaponColor "1" //Force enemies' grenades and rails to use 'Enemy Upper Color' (cg_enemyUpperColor).//
  272. seta cg_trueLightning "1" //A value of 0 will be like the wet noodle effect 0.7 0.8 and 0.9 are commonly used but id recomend
  273. // 1 if you ping under 40.//
  275. seta cg_lagometer "2" //Displays netgraph that shows your network packet traffic including received, rejected and lost packets.//
  276. //0= hidden. 1= Show netgraph. 2= Show netgraph + client ping estimation.//
  277. // ________________end of cg section_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  278. seta r_gl_reserved "1" //
  279. //seta r_BloomSaturation "0.800" //Sets the degree of color saturation applied to the bloom effect when r_enableBloom 1 and r_enablePostProcess 1.//
  280. //The higher the value, the more colorful the bloom effect will appear to be.//
  281. //seta r_BloomIntensity "0.750" //Sets the bloom intensity when r_enableBloom 1 and r_enablePostProcess 1. The higher the value, the more //
  282. //intensive and bright the bloom effect will be.//
  283. //seta r_BloomSceneSaturation "1.000" //Sets the degree of color saturation applied to the non-bloomed world when r_enableBloom 1 and r_enablePostProcess 1.//
  284. //The higher the value, the more colorful the non-bloomed world will appear to be.//
  285. //seta r_BloomSceneIntensity "1.000" //Sets the intensity of brightness applied to the non-bloomed world when r_enableBloom 1 and r_enablePostProcess 1.
  286. //The higher the value, the brighter the non-bloomed world will appear to be.//
  287. //seta r_BloomPasses "1" //Sets the number of rendering passes for bloom effect.
  288. //seta r_BloomBlurRadius "5" //
  289. //seta r_BloomBlurFalloff "0.75" //
  290. //seta r_BloomBlurScale "1.0" //
  291. //seta r_BloomBrightThreshold "0.125" //Sets the bloom threshold when r_enableBloom 1 and r_enablePostProcess 1.//
  292. //The lower the threshold, the more bloom drawn. values 0>1.//
  293. seta r_enableBloom "0" //Enables light bloom effects when r_enablePostProcess 1. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  294. seta r_enableColorCorrect "1" //Enables color correction when r_enablePostProcess is 1.//
  295. seta r_enablePostProcess "1" // Enables post processing, which offers extra graphical features and quality//
  296. //(such as light bloom effects and color correction), but inflicts a performance hit//
  297. //Recommended only for powerful computers. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  298. seta r_postProcessActive "0" //Dictates whether post processing is active. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  299. seta r_teleporterFlash "1" //
  300. seta r_fastsky "1" //Disable sky boxes (and portal camera views). 0= normal 1= skybox disabled.//
  301. seta r_fastSkyColor "0x000000" //Sets the sky color (in hex color code) when r_fastsky 1.//
  302. seta r_dynamiclight "1" //Dynamic Lights. (eg: rockets emitting light onto nearby scenery)//
  303. seta r_segmentlength "1" //
  304. seta r_preloadTextures "0" //
  305. seta r_lodbias "2" //sets the level of geometric detail. 0= high 1= medium 2= low.//
  306. seta r_ext_compress_textures "1" //
  307. seta r_dlightBacks "1" //
  308. seta r_ambientScale "1" //Controls the amount of ambient light cast among players.//
  309. seta r_fullbright "0" //Renders all textures on the map at full brightness. 0= normal rendering. 1= full brightness.//
  310. seta r_vertexlight "1" //Enables vertex light. 0= light map 1= vertex.//
  311. seta r_inBrowserMode "9" //Sets the resolution while in browser mode.//
  312. seta r_lightmap "0" //Enables the light data lighting modal. 0= disabled 1= enabled//
  313. seta r_uiFullScreen "1" //Sets the UI running fullscreen. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  314. seta r_colorCorrectActive "1" //Dictates whether color correction is active. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  315. seta r_inGameVideo "1" //
  317. seta r_glDriver "opengl32" //Sets the OpenGL driver in use.
  318. seta r_allowExtensions "1" //1= Global enabling of all OpenGL extensions. 0= disabled.//
  319. seta r_ext_gamma_control "1" //1= Enables the use of external gamma controls. 0= disabled.//
  320. seta r_ext_multitexture "1" //1=Enables external hardware multi-texturing. 0= disabled.//
  321. seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1" //1=Enables hardware compiled vertex array rendering. 0= disabled.//
  322. seta r_ext_texture_env_add "1" //1=Enables additive blending when using multi-texturing. 0= disabled.//
  323. seta r_roundImagesDown "1" //Sets amount to round images down by. Increases performance, lowers image quality.//
  324. seta r_detailtextures "1" //Enables the usage of detail texturing stages.0 = disabled.//
  325. seta r_colorbits "32" //Sets video color depth. 0= default 16= 16bit color 32= 32bit color.//
  326. seta r_stereo "0" //Enables stereo separation. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  327. seta r_stencilbits "32" //Sets stencil buffer size. 0= disabled 16= 16bit 32= 32bit
  328. seta r_depthbits "32" //Sets Z-buffer depth. 0= use dasktop depth bits 16= 16bit can result in artifacts!//
  329. //24= 24bit 32 = 32bit. 24 or 32 recomended
  330. seta r_overBrightBits "1" //Ambient lighting applied to in-game entities or objects. values 0>4 can be sued.//
  331. seta r_ignorehwgamma "1" //1= Enables ignoring of hardware gamma settings. 0= disabled.//
  332. seta r_simpleMipMaps "1" //1= Enables simple MIP mapping, boosts performance. 0= disabled.//
  333. seta r_ignoreFastPath "1" //1= Enables ignoring of Tess fast paths. 0= disabled.//
  334. seta r_mapOverBrightBits "1" //Ambient lighting and radiance of the map. values 0>10 can be used.//
  335. seta r_intensity "1" //Intensifies the level of brightness added to textures and model skins.
  336. seta r_flares "1" //1= Enables projectile flare and lighting effects. 0= disabled
  337. seta r_ignoreGLErrors "1" //1= Enables ignoring of OpenGL errors and to attempt to continue rendering. 0= disabled.//
  338. seta r_drawskyfloor "1" //1 =Enables a visual fix of the glitchy scrolling sky floors, removing the hall-of-mirrors effect. 0= disabled.//
  339. seta r_drawSun "0" //1= Controls the way in which lighting of models and objects is handled by simulating effects of sunlight. 0= disabled.//
  340. seta r_finish "0" //1= Enables synchronization of rendered frames. 0= disabled.//
  341. seta r_facePlaneCull "1" //1= Enables brush face culling, providing a performance boost. 0= disabled.//
  342. seta color2 "1" //Color of rail core/disc/swirl effect. values 1>26.//
  343. seta color1 "1" //color of the rail beam.//
  344. seta r_railWidth "8" //Diameter of rail beam and impact effects in pixels.
  345. seta r_railCoreWidth "1" //Rail trail core effect diameter (in pixels)
  346. seta r_railSegmentLength "128" //Rail trail section length (in pixels)
  347. seta r_primitives "0" //Sets rendering method.-1= skips drawing. 0= uses glDrawelements if compiled vertex arrays are present, or strips of glArrayElement if not.//
  348. //1= force strips. 2= force drawElements.//
  349. seta r_noFastRestart "0" //When set to 0 QL will attempt to change from fullscreen to windowed mode without re-loading all game data.//
  350. //1= enabled.//
  351. seta r_aspectRatio "0" //Controls the games screen aspect ratio setting. 0= 4:3 1= 16:9 2= 16:10 3= 5:4.//
  352. seta r_floatingPointFBOs "0" //Enables the use of floating point framebuffer objects an OpenGL extension for doing off-screen rendering, including//
  353. //rendering to a texture. By capturing images that would normally be drawn to the screen, it can be used to implement a//
  354. //large variety of image filters and post-processing effects. It is currently an experimental CVAR that will only work on modern graphics cards.//
  355. seta r_contrast "1.0" //Sets the level of contrast.//
  356. seta r_bloomActive "0" //Dictates whether the bloom effect is active.
  357. seta r_gamma "1" //Amount of image luminance applied to the in-game display. The higher the number, the stronger luminance present.//
  358. seta r_texturebits "16" //Sets texture quality level. 0= default 16= 16bit 32= 32bit.//
  359. seta r_ext_compressed_textures "1" //1= Enables external texture compression. 0= disabled.//
  360. seta r_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" //Sets texture filter.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST = Bilinear. GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR = Trilinear.//
  361. seta r_subdivisions "80" //Patch mesh/curve sub divisions. A value of 80 will replace curved surfaces with angled surfaces to give//
  362. seta r_fullscreen "0" //Enables full-screen view. 0= windowed 1= fullscreen.//
  365. seta r_picmip "8" //0= full graphics. values 0>16 can be used 16 is basic graphics but easier on the eye for me.//
  366. seta r_mode "12" //Screen resolution, values -2 > 27 can be used. 9= 800x600.//
  369. seta com_zoneMegs "16" //Sets the amount of memory (in mega bytes) reserved for the game. A value of 16 is best suited for 128MB of RAM.// //a performance boost. 4= curved surfaces 80= angled surfaces//
  370. seta com_allowConsole "1" //1 means you only have to press ` the button to the left of 1 on a uk keyboard.//
  371. seta com_maxfps "125" //Maximum rendered frames per seconds.
  372. seta com_configVersion "16" //
  373. seta com_hunkMegs "128" //Sets the amount of memory (in mega bytes) reserved for the game play. A value of 56//
  374. //is best suited for 128MB of RAM, 112 for 256MB RAM etc.//
  375. seta com_introplayed "0" //Disables the playing of intro movie when loading game.0= plays intro cinematic.
  376. //1= disabled.//
  377. seta com_soundMegs "16" //Allocates memory (in mega bytes) to game sounds. A value of 16 is best suited for 128MB of RAM.//
  378. seta con_speed "9999" //Sets the speed of the opening/closing scroll action of the console window.
  379. seta con_scale "1" //
  380. seta con_opacity "0.75" //Sets the opacity of the console background.
  381. seta con_height "0.33" //Sets the percentile of the screen the console window takes up when on display. values 0>1.0.//
  382. seta con_background "1" //Enables the animated console background. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  383. seta team_model "bitterman/red" //
  384. seta team_headmodel "bitterman/red" //
  385. seta net_noudp "0" //1= Enables the use of TCP/IP network protocol. 0= disabled//
  387. seta sex "male" //yes please!!!//
  388. seta handicap "100" //Sets your player handicap, handy if u feel your pwning to easy!//
  391. seta web_skipLauncher "1" //
  392. seta web_chattimestamps "1" //Enables chat time stamps in buddy chat window on website.//
  393. seta web_advancedBrowser "0" //
  394. seta web_configVersion "8" //Configuration file version setting for website.
  398. seta m_yaw "0.022" //Horizontal view movement sensitivity.//
  399. seta m_pitch "0.022" //Verticle view movement sensitivity.//
  400. seta m_forward "0.25" //Back and forward player movement speed in relation to mouse movement.//
  401. seta m_side "0.25" //Strafe player movement speed in relation to mouse movement.
  402. seta m_cpi "0" //
  403. seta m_filter "0" //Smoothes mouse movement. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  404. seta headmodel "bitterman/red" //
  407. seta cl_autoTimeNudge "0" //
  408. seta cl_allowConsoleChat "1" //Allows chat from console window without using the �/say� command, while omitting the �/�.//
  409. seta cl_paused "0" //Displays the status of the paused flag, client side. 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  410. seta cl_running "1" //Dictates whether or not a client game is running or if client/server mode.
  411. seta cl_mouseAccelStyle "0" //Sets mouse acceleration style.//
  412. seta cl_mouseAccelPower "0" //
  413. seta cl_mouseAccelOffset "5" //Sets mouse acceleration sensitivity offset.//
  414. seta cl_mouseAccel "0" //mouse acceleration factor//
  415. seta cl_maxpackets "125" //Controls how many updates you send to the server. change to 63 if your system is struggling//
  416. seta cl_demoRecordMessage "0" //message that appears on hud when you start recording. 0= hidden 1= shown//
  417. seta cl_conTimeStamps "1" //Put time stamps on console entries. 0= none 1=game time 2=server time//
  418. seta cl_run "1" //enables always walk. 0= always walk 1= always run.//
  419. seta cl_freelook "1" //Enables freelook (ability to look around using your mouse).//
  420. seta cl_packetdup "0" //Determines how many duplicate packets you send to the server to avoid packet loss.//
  421. seta cl_maxPing "800" //Maximum ping before disconnecting from server.//
  422. seta cl_anonymous "0" //Appear anonymous to the server.//
  423. seta cl_viewAccel "1.7" // //values 0>5 can be used.//
  424. seta cl_mouseSensCap "0" //Sets mouse sensitivity limit when using mouse acceleration. 0= disabled.//
  426. seta rate "25000" //Controls packets so that your downstream connection bandwidth does not get saturated (Max bytes per second).//
  429. seta in_midi "0" //1= Allows the use of a MIDI control. 0= disabled.//
  430. seta in_midiport "1" //1= Enables the use of a MIDI port. 0= disabled.//
  431. seta in_midichannel "1" //1= Allows the use of a MIDI channel as an input device. 0= disabled.//
  432. seta in_mididevice "0" //1= Allows the use of a MIDI device as an input device. 0= disabled.//
  433. seta in_mouseMode "win32(Raw)" //this command uses raw input from your mouse drivers.//
  434. seta in_mouse "2" //Controls the in-game mouse input.-1 = Windows mouse input 0= Disabled//
  435. //1= Direct input 2= Raw input.//
  436. seta in_nograb "0" //Developer input device tool for in Linux � allows an application break to occur without losing the mouse pointer.//
  437. //0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  438. seta s_mixahead "0.140" /Sets the time delay before mixing sound samples. This is for fine-tuning the mixer and will mix ahead the number of seconds specified.//
  439. seta s_mixPreStep "0.015" //This is for fine-tuning the mixer.It will mix this number of seconds every mixing step. The more you increase the better the sound but it will//
  440. //increase drastically the amount of processing power needed. Don't expect any improvements in sound past the default. Setting it to 0 results in hilarious//
  441. //sounding plasma and machine gun fire, although that's not to be recommended for anything more than a laugh.//
  442. seta s_ambient "0" //Ambient sound effects.
  443. seta s_doppler "0" //Controls doppler sound effects. (bypassing sounds) 0= disabled 1= enabled.//
  444. seta s_musicvolume "0" //Sets volume of the background music. values 0.1 > 1.0.//
  445. seta s_volume "1.0" //Sets sound effects volume. values 0 > 1.0//
  447. seta g_warmup "10" //Sets the time (in seconds) in which it takes to progress from pre-game readyup phase to match start.//
  448. seta dmflags "" //Deathmatch flags. Known flags: 4= no self splash-damage on health 8= no self splash-damage on armor.//
  449. //16= no falling damage.//
  450. seta fraglimit "30" //Show or set the frag limit for deathmatch games. 0= no frag limit.//
  451. seta timelimit "20" //Sets the time limit on your server.//
  452. seta password "" //Password string for connecting to password-protected servers.//
  457. seta gt_realm "quakelive" //
  458. seta gt_master "" //
  459. seta gt_eventid "1" //
  460. seta gt_eventtype "PUBLIC" //
  463. //_________________________________________________bind script__________________________________________________________//
  467. //END.
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