
A anon story chapter 1

Jul 16th, 2013
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  1. Ch.1: a bump on the head
  3. >you sit at home all day, surf the Internet or watching your subs videos
  4. >to be blunt, your a shut in
  5. >you have friends who beat the shit out of you for a laugh
  6. >they call out a loser cause you rather stay home and be on the web then go out with them to do stumped shit
  7. >you look up to the ceiling, the light beaming down on you
  8. > or is it, your just too scared to try anything that might get you into trouble?
  9. >you pause your game and put your arm over your eyes, covering the light
  10. >that's just it isn't it? Your too much of a pussy to live on the edge and try something extreme
  11. >you sigh then go back to playing your game
  12. >you wish you had the guts to do stupid things, he'll even if you did them one you could say you tried it and didn't like it, to go explore downtown, to try and jump over to another building, hell to get a fucking girlfriend
  13. >you pause your game again and stair at the screen
  14. >you really are worthless
  15. >leaning back in your chair, you look to the ceiling once more,
  16. >you lean too much and fall backwards
  18. >expecting a hit from the concrete floor of your basement you find your head falling onto... Grass?
  19. > you open your eyes to see, not your ceiling, but a clear blue sky
  20. >you blink a couple of times to make sure your not daydreaming, or maybe you have a concussion or something
  21. > after doing so, you lean up to a sitting position, and look around
  22. >your sitting in a field of grass, with few trees spread apart from each other
  23. >wait a minute... How did you end up in a meadow? More importantly where the hell are you?
  24. >you snap your fingers, cellphone
  25. >you go thought your pockets in search for your phone
  26. >it's gone...
  27. >so, you are lost in a place you don't know
  28. >what would bear grills do?
  29. >...
  30. >on second thought lets not copy him
  31. >you look around for a minute before getting up from where you say to stand
  32. "Wow... What a nice view" you complement while looking at the sun in the sky
  33. >"it is isn't it?" Says a voice beside you
  34. >you smile
  36. >you lose your smile and turn your head to the voice to see...
  37. >nothing?
  38. >...
  39. "H-hello?"
  40. >nothing responds, only a gust of wind make it not silent
  41. >you must be going crazy
  42. >you sigh and look around the meadow once more, well you need to find civilization, so the best way to go is-
  43. "That way" you say pointing towards what you believe is north
  44. >you start walking
  46. >you have been walking for what feels like hours making little to no progress
  47. >you have past tree's, but the grass meadow seems to go on forever
  48. >you see a tree up ahead and decide to rest there
  49. >sitting under the tree you look up into the sky to see if you can get some kind of time
  50. >by the looks of the sun going down and it's veto g dark, it might be around 8ish?
  51. >you sigh and close your eyes, if your up early tomorrow , you can get more traveling done and maybe find a city or at least a town
  52. >while trying to sleep, you begging to think
  53. >would people even notice your gone? You know you don't have much of a social life but someone has to check on you sometime right?
  54. >hopefully...
  55. >with that... Unsettling thought, you doze off into the dream world
  56. >you dream of the the past, what brought you up to what you are today
  57. >it's... Sad really
  58. >you where always so outgoing when you where young, always trying to make new friends, until well you met electronics
  59. >then you started to get weaker, paler, and less social
  60. >you started not hanging with friends because of a game you wanted to play or a video you wanted to watch
  61. >you wonder... What if you where born before electricity, or grew up with less electronics
  62. >you would be a totally different person...
  64. > you hear voices
  65. >"what is it?"
  66. >"I don't know, I just found it here"
  67. > "is it sleeping?"
  68. >you feel something touch your face
  69. >you move to the surprising feeling
  70. >"don't touch it! You might make it angry!"
  71. >you start to move your arms
  72. >"it's waking up!"
  73. >"ohmygoshohmygoshmygosh!"
  74. >you blink several times before opening your eyes to see... Six Small horses?
  75. >no, far too small to be horses, ponies maybe?
  76. >they all stare at you, where these things talking a mo-
  77. >"oh goddess it's awake" the purple one says
  78. >you have no idea what to do, so you do what any gentleman would do
  79. "Um... H-hi?"
  80. >smooth kid, smooth...
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