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Jan 1st, 2021
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  1. Over the last few months TV reports had been discussing the sudden surge in terrorist attacks from the mysterious Neo Venus, a secretive organization that had been deploying highly experimental magic Gender Bombs across targeted locations. Across the globe, random victims in their radius would be transformed into attractive women with no rhyme or reason. Nobody knew their motivations, but it was causing serious panic for those affected. At his private all-boy's high school, senior Jamie didn't really pay much attention to the news, but he was sure it would never involve him... until one day he was sitting in class when the bomb suddenly hit.
  3. "Ungh~! What the fuuuuuck!?" Jamie groaned, a throbbing pain building in his chest as his heartrate skyrocketed, forcing him to double over and brace himself against his desk while his vision become blurred. Closing his eyes, he let the intense heat boil under his skin as all of a sudden he and all of his classmates began to change rapidly. His skin softened, hands shrank and hair lengthened down his shoulders, becoming more delicately feminine as his masculine features faded away. Meanwhile, he continued to compress downwards to become much shorter as the excess weight gathered in his hips, thighs and breasts, barely giving him time to pull down his pants before their tight threads exploded. Button after button flew across the room towards the blackboard as his breasts expanded outwards like balloons, forming two massively jiggly titties that were barely contained in the too-small bra that had formed to try and manage them. Throughout the entire process his body was sending pleasurable sensations through his nerves that forced embarrassed moans from his lips, sexual pressure building in his crotch.
  5. Reaching down in desperation he clawed for his shrivelling dick, but it was too late as it retracted inside of him and folded into a tight virgin's pussy. The incredible pressure of forming a clitoris was too much; with a terrified scream he came for the first time as a woman, tongue lolling from his mouth as shameful wetness ran down his legs. (S)he was indistunguishable from a cute, busty young woman now.
  7. Finally catching her breath, Jamie stood back up to her feet and surveyed the room, seeing that her classmates hadn't fared much better. Most of them were still going through their transformations, each in various stages of change and arousal, and she could tell who had already finished by the dense female secretions in their panties. Ever her teacher hadn't been spared, who now appeared as an attractive MILF with a great chest. But Jamie's incredibly huge bust still commanded the room with its truly impressive size... and heaviness. Cradling them in her hands Jamie began to cry from being so overwhelmed, unfamiliar hormones filling her brain as her tears started to pool in her cleavage.
  9. A few weeks later most students were finally beginning to properly adjust to their new lives and were sent back to school to start socializing again. Things hadn't changed much - they were all still mostly into sports, cars and stuff - but their conversations were also peppered with references to new brands of makeup to try, cute outfits or how to find the right-fitting bra. Jamie's enormous eye-grabbing tits were proving to be a huge hassle, with all the staring and back pain and getting in the way of everything, but it wasn't all bad. With the constant secret lesbian orgies they were all having after school, her mouthwatering melons meant she was always the center of attention...
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