

Nov 18th, 2013
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  1. Wow ok, ruin a good intro thanks. But anyway, Crock the first had been the first one to arrive at the top of an un-specified building which he had received a tip to visit. He stood there silently with his arms folded with a look of annoyance drawn all over his wrinkled features. The first Crock was by now, more than an old man. His skin was a deep orange hew of a tan and he had a tall and mighty stature. Over his apparently still built and thick frame, a heavy looking robe sat, pooling around his feet while a gold and ruby encrusted crown sat on his greying brown hair. Over his left eye was a might eye patch bearing the family crest of the Diles.
  2. After what seemed like minutes of waiting , A sudden mist descended from a cloud up above, drifting towards the king. Crock the first frowned and turned his head away as if in disgust. "Who else would drag me out here.." he mumbled to himself, as the mist took the shape two other beings and a large egg shaped device.
  3. As the last of the mist formed the men and foreign object, a new voice suddenly called, "Nice to see you too Gramps!" as Crock the Third waved the rest of the water residue away. Standing in some not specifically interesting combat armor with metal plates over the chest and groin region he was also accompanied by Subject 0. Slung over Crock the Third's back was Three Swords, one towering over the other two. "Should I even ask what I'm doing here, boy?" The older Dile growled as Crock the third moved to place a palm towards the oval shaped device, causing it to suddenly hum and slide apart revealing a seemingly deceased body which looked surprisingly similar to both Crock the Third and Crock the First.
  4. "Probably not." Crock the Third replied comically, as he grabbed a small container on his belt and twisted the cap off. Placing the top of the container against the deceased body's neck a small parasite squirmed out latching onto the body's neck and spreading out in thick purple tendrils. "There we go…" Crock said stepping back and tossing the container away. Crock the First finally turned to face his grandson and companion a look of anger blowing over his features. "You dare to disrespect me openly?! Bringing that abomination here?!" he seethed.
  5. Before Crock the Third could retort with a funny reply, the deceased person's head dipped upwards with a smile splayed over it's face. "No way to talk to your kinda-son pops!" it said cheerily as it climbed out of the egg shaped pod and kicked it backwards stretching it's limbs. It was wearing a standard pair of army grade trousers and a simple loose Crew-Shirt tucked into his pants.
  6. "Well isn't this nice!" The apparent Crock the Second said gesturing to his son and father. "I know I'm not as good as the real deal, but during the later years of our life I can say it was mostly me in charge anyway!" The body cackled.
  7. Before long, one final addition to the team was made. From the skies descended a small, flying wooden dingy. It landed a few paces behind the three generation of Diles, Out stepped, CJ Dile and Crock the Tenth who seemed to be carrying another one of the egg shaped Pods. "Eh, Granddad and Great Grandad?" CJ called as he approached the group, with the younger Crock the Tenth carrying the pod. "I swore the family reunion wasn't until the 21"st the teenager kid.
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