
Jay and Rin Part 6

Jul 24th, 2017
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  1. Aug wk4 1062
  3. (Soleil)
  6. The meet is about to start now after the rather long introduction for both teams, with Jalen and Hinoka(As captains) shaking hands and returning to their dugout. The 1st match is Rank D with Red vs Hayato with an Antlan on our side vs a Tiger Doll(Mew/Tiger) the opponent is a rather cocky brat named Hayato. Near me is Inigo and Kaze, Inigo with a smile of confidence and Kaze looking assured of a win here, over there to themselves are our captains, Jalen and Rhiannon, but their faces tell a different story..
  8. "Allright, Red! You can win, just remember the advice I told you and you too can be as awesome as me!"
  9. "Let's not overinflate his ego here, he just needs to take it slowly"
  11. Ego? That kid's practically as nice as Percy, if only much more quieter. I don't see our captains cheering Red on, So I guess I'll do it in their stead...My Alpha(Weird calling him that)'s expression worries me tho.
  13. "Go Red!"
  16. (Jalen)
  18. I saw Soleil looking at me from the corner of my eyes as the match started, Probably wondering why I'm not cheering Red on. The reason is sadly this.
  20. "Go Rudolf! Fire Punch!"
  21. "スタッド、トミーにかわいそうでボスのそれらを表示する!"(Show them who's boss with a dodge into Stab, Tommy!)
  23. Rudolf ran in with a wild Fire Punch which Tommy dodged to the right and countered back with a Stab to his sides, That did no damage considering Mew's POW and Antlan's DEF. But Stab is a Withering move so Rudolf's already out of Guts at the start. The other 3 cheer Red on as Rhiannon sighs.
  25. "You miss one punch, you can recover your Guts and get back in!"~~Inigo~~
  26. "Remain calm! a cool head always win!"~~Kaze~~
  27. "NO WORRIES, RED!"~~Soleil~~
  29. "5 seconds and Rudolf's out of Guts...."
  30. "And with that Mew out there, I expect it to have Miaow to keep it that way"
  32. Much as I thought, Tommy jump back and begins to sing with Miaow. Rudolf covers his ears, but the damage been done as Rudolf loses more Guts than before, I assume he have none on him at the moment now as Tommy take control of the match, throwing out Stabs and Miaows while dodging the Smoke Bombs(Only move Rudolf can use that doesn't cost much guts) from a desperate Rudolf. Red sounds more and more scared out there while Hayato is very sure of himself.
  34. "Damn! That Tiger doll is really annoying! Rudolf can't do anything with 20 seconds on the clock!"~~Inigo~~
  35. "As long as there's time left, I believe anything can happen...Red, you can win this still!"~~Kaze~~
  36. "Yeah, what the hell am I saying....GO RED, BEAT THAT BRAT!"~~Inigo~~
  37. "...."~~Soleil~~
  39. Soleil's probably getting the fact that Rudolf can't win this as time begin to wind down with 10 seconds left after much stabbing and singing from Tommy, with Rudolf not able to even hit the Tiger Doll. The match ends in Tommy's and HMA's win. I see the Hoshidians cheering for Hayato who is shittalking Red for losing. Luckily, Hinoka-Sempai is there to reprimand him for it with a smack on his head and an angry expression. Bring back the old days of when she was tutoring me and Rin here...
  41. "ああ!私の勝ち!それを取る、あなたは愚かな子供!星矢は優秀です!"(Aha! I win! Take that, you stupid kid! Hoshido is superior!)
  42. "クソ的な敬意を表明してください。その子供はあなたが私が賭けているように緑色であるので、弓を行ってください!"(Show some fucking respect, brat! That kid is as green as you are I bet, so go bow!)
  44. Hayato grumbles as he call out to Red and walk to him. He then bow before him and thank him for the match(In terrible engrish, I may add) as Red does the same with a smile...both walk back to their dugouts with Red getting some support. One of which I didn't agree with, can you guess who?
  46. "It's allright, be proud that you made it this far, we will win this meet for you"~~Kaze~~
  47. "You did great sweetie, You gonna do fine in later tournies! I promise!"~~Soleil~~
  48. "Besides, that Mew's a cheater, attacking your Antlan's guts like that....That's the coward's way!"
  50. I can tell as me and Rin walk over there that neither Kaze or Soleil agree with Inigo's statement(Kaze in particular look rather peeved...Considering who he have as a monster, I'm not shocked) Rhiannon 1st slams Inigo verbally before consoling Red.
  52. "Listen here, bastard! That Mew fought the way it was supposed to in that MU!!! Sorry that it didn't went for the KO you're so accustomed to, but not every fight revolves around knock-outs!!!...You did fine Red, but you kinda panicked once that 1st Miaow hit and let Hayato took control, Remember that against all Mews that you have to build up Guts 1st. Miaow's not an accurate move so no worries on that"
  54. Red nods as I look up and see Asugi and his Furred Hound, Abiwan(Tiger/Hare) out there. I turn to Kaze and nod as he too head out with Palmer. As I turn back, I feel a hand grabbing mines which makes me turn to see Soleil looking at me with a frown.
  56. "Huh?"
  57. "Watch the match with me, asshole"
  59. I'll never understand the psychology of tsundere betas; So hot towards you in public, but in private quarters they turn to a mess with you...I shrug and stay there with her while she scowls(Meaning that she is very happy I, her Alpha, heed her request) and her brother looks agitated. Before I could even speak, Soleil beats me to it
  61. "Problem, brother!?!"
  62. "N-No..."
  64. He scowls and look back to the match with his arms crossed as she smirks and nuzzle against me...Seems she's very tsun...might even give Severa a run for her money.
  67. (Rhiannon)
  69. I laughed as my brother's new beta called out to him and wanted to be near him AND intimidated her sorry excuse of an alpha brother, my smile soon fade away as I watch the next match. Palmer was doing much better than Rudolf did as he landed a Toxic Pollen to sap Abiwan's Guts, but Abiwan being a Tiger means he would get it back soon. And as the match went on, Abiwan got a clutch critical Ice bomb on Palmer's face to take the lead judging by Palmer's body language and cause of Plant's terrible POW and average INT/SKI....was able to win by timeout again for the HMA.
  71. Kaze and Asugi went to the middle and bowed in respect, much to no one's surprise, Kaze spoke fluent Hoshidese...Which, with a name like Kaze(that must be short for something) and his features, I imagine him as an Hoshidian born in Ylisse. Regardless, Kaze and Palmer came back, unlike Red who was sad about(Although now he's back to normal..Good for him!), Kaze seems somewhat pleased.
  73. "I've lost as you all seen, but I realize my shortcomings as a breeder there, Palmer need more INT and ACC to ensure a win. Sometimes we can't drain guts to achieve victory it seem"~~Kaze~~
  74. "Yeah, it's not a bad idea to do that, Plant DOES have some moderately powerful attacks in it's disposal to use, but that's for you to find"~~Jalen~~
  75. "Right...Now then, I believe it's time for Ini-"
  77. At that, Inigo and Riston both somersaulted their way to the field in a flamboyant manner. They land and I see both have a rose in their hand...I groan as does Soleil while Jalen scowls.
  79. "Can't he take this seriously?"~~Rhiannon~~
  80. "He is, sadly...."~~Soleil~~
  81. "What he's doing is fouling the name of Monster fighting..."~~Jalen~~
  83. (Jalen)
  85. I won't even waste your time speaking about Inigo's upcoming loss against Hana and her Green Suezo, Brild(Suezo/Plant), So instead, I'll tell you how Soleil seems to be hovering over me as well as me spotting me and Rin's mother in the crowd in a trenchcoat covering her body and face...She seems to notice me looking at her as I wave back to her, I call out to Rin to point her out..I love seeing her smile so brightly.
  87. "Hey Rin-rin, look...Mommy's here"
  88. "Jalen, don't be pulling my leg at a time li-MOMMY!!!"
  90. She wave enthusiastically at her as Soleil look at me with a questioning look.
  92. "Our mom is here watching"
  93. "Oh.....Geez, Inigo's getting whooped...badly"
  94. "He deserved it for not taking his opponent seriously"
  95. "I guess so...Since you have a Hare, what is he doing right and wrong?"
  97. I didn't need to think about this as Suezos are very common in Nohr...
  99. "He's making Riston fall back everytime he goes in for a Hard Straight to recover Guts...He should make him stay close cause Suezos not only have great INT and ACC, but they are best at far range, Not only that, but cause it's part Plant, it recovers Guts faster than your average Suezo"
  101. And to prove my point, Brild fires an Eye Beam that land on Riston's chest! Blasting him to the dugout with a KO. Inigo can't believe it as the HMA officially won the Meet...At this point, the remaining matches are for the audience to see and for the breeders to lay their pride down on the line.
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