
Day 293.1 Adding SilverScript Day 293(2) Aug 11 2017

Aug 14th, 2017
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  1. Day 293.1 Adding SilverScript Day 293(2) Aug 11 2017
  3. Day 293.1 Adding Awan Car ratlines Drilling Down on the Awan Car Theft Ring, JTTF Constitution Bingo
  5. livechat
  7. Transcript
  8. 0:00
  9. okay good morning everybody so up here
  10. 0:02
  11. in the Bronx day 293 and I wanted to add
  12. 0:05
  13. in kind of the car rat lines that show
  14. 0:07
  15. how the cars are used to move D U and W
  16. 0:11
  17. P the D U we're going to talk about the
  18. 0:13
  19. depleted uranium and the ring there is
  20. 0:16
  21. gonna be mostly I believe Virginia
  22. 0:18
  23. through South Carolina potentially
  24. 0:20
  25. Savannah and then I think the white
  26. 0:24
  27. phosphorus is gonna be mainly Florida
  28. 0:25
  29. especially the Port of Tampa the
  30. 0:27
  31. Jacksonville I'm not quite sure about
  32. 0:30
  33. yet but we'll get there when time allows
  34. 0:33
  35. but let's focus mainly on the Awan
  36. 0:34
  37. brothers piece of this in Virginia again
  38. 0:37
  39. this is all under kind of a DynCorp
  40. 0:39
  41. construct so there's gonna be West
  42. 0:42
  43. Africans and New York would be stealing
  44. 0:44
  45. the cars and then there's going to be
  46. 0:47
  47. you know the wands having the middle
  48. 0:49
  49. piece of the rat line and then there's
  50. 0:51
  51. gonna be people downstream as well so
  52. 0:53
  53. I'm just gonna focus on the Elan piece
  54. 0:55
  55. of this and the DynCorp ring again where
  56. 0:57
  57. the DynCorp picks up and where the wands
  58. 1:00
  59. pick up is kind of under you know dying
  60. 1:04
  61. for is running the whole rat line from
  62. 1:05
  63. beginning in the the ones could be just
  64. 1:08
  65. the middle piece how much they know
  66. 1:10
  67. alpha Jolla and so forth in the
  68. 1:12
  69. beginning of the ratline is remains to
  70. 1:14
  71. be seen
  72. 1:14
  73. they certainly are alpha jolla certainly
  74. 1:17
  75. is in DC quite a bit awry you know in
  76. 1:21
  77. the well right now as a matter of fact
  78. 1:23
  79. so we're gonna talk about cash weapons
  80. 1:26
  81. cars espionage that's really a replay of
  82. 1:28
  83. iran-contra to matter of fact it may be
  84. 1:31
  85. the same a Tron contra just it was just
  86. 1:33
  87. hidden better they just changed the name
  88. 1:35
  89. and hid it better and you could throw
  90. 1:36
  91. drugs in here as well
  92. 1:38
  93. I'll bring into your Javita in a little
  94. 1:40
  95. bit with that drug operation but right
  96. 1:43
  97. now I'm going to just focus mainly on
  98. 1:45
  99. the spy ring and a car ring so so right
  100. 1:49
  101. here is the twenty million dollar
  102. 1:51
  103. payment I talked about yesterday for the
  104. 1:52
  105. UAE to the this DC think tank which is
  106. 1:55
  107. the Middle East Institute these are
  108. 1:56
  109. always just very thinly veiled covers
  110. 1:58
  111. that's a kind of a rent payment for
  112. 2:00
  113. running the car ring
  114. 2:02
  115. and it's the same old game with just
  116. 2:04
  117. drugs in weapons out very simple the
  118. 2:06
  119. same isn't Mena Airport drugs in weapons
  120. 2:08
  121. out same as off at Air Force Base has
  122. 2:10
  123. been since then drugs in weapons out I'm
  124. 2:13
  125. gonna go ahead and keep the Twitter feed
  126. 2:14
  127. here just so you can see how see your
  128. 2:17
  129. name if you're tweeting out and gives it
  130. 2:21
  131. a kind of a metadata timestamping as
  132. 2:23
  133. well that I kind of like so you're gonna
  134. 2:24
  135. have to use that as proof of life I
  136. 2:26
  137. don't really want to do a lot of camera
  138. 2:27
  139. work I'm trying to get away from that
  140. 2:28
  141. and really focus on Cod source of truth
  142. 2:30
  143. to do that so and also I just want to
  144. 2:33
  145. upload videos I really don't like the
  146. 2:35
  147. pressure of going live but well here we
  148. 2:38
  149. are
  150. 2:39
  151. so the Washington Navy artists I
  152. 2:40
  153. mentioned I believe 148 buildings around
  154. 2:43
  155. in 78 buildings I think there's a huge
  156. 2:45
  157. store of old weapons that need to be
  158. 2:46
  159. disposed they're not really being
  160. 2:47
  161. disposed they're being resold and parts
  162. 2:49
  163. all over the world that's the general
  164. 2:51
  165. piece of all this they can sit there for
  166. 2:54
  167. years and years and years and nobody's
  168. 2:55
  169. gonna bother them I think d-u weapons
  170. 2:57
  171. actually spill all the way back to the
  172. 2:58
  173. world war two an experimentation in the
  174. 3:01
  175. 50s and really start developing in the
  176. 3:03
  177. 70s 80s and 90s so there's huge
  178. 3:05
  179. stockpiles here they're not being
  180. 3:06
  181. disposed of somebody's making money to
  182. 3:08
  183. dispose of those I really haven't got
  184. 3:10
  185. that part of the ratline but the key
  186. 3:12
  187. here is as they go down the the Potomac
  188. 3:15
  189. here where the Anacostia splits with the
  190. 3:17
  191. Potomac
  192. 3:18
  193. I believe the load point is that
  194. 3:20
  195. National Harbor the this weapons ratline
  196. 3:23
  197. is gonna be here at National Harbor and
  198. 3:25
  199. I know this has been turned into a
  200. 3:26
  201. commercial area with a with the g4s
  202. 3:29
  203. looking over all the operations here up
  204. 3:31
  205. there on the hill and now the casino is
  206. 3:34
  207. here the Tangier outlet mall and all
  208. 3:37
  209. that stuff and and so this load point
  210. 3:39
  211. maybe a little bit further up and up the
  212. 3:41
  213. Potomac now a little past Fort
  214. 3:42
  215. Washington in this more secure area in
  216. 3:45
  217. the Navy research labs so you know I'm
  218. 3:48
  219. just as just general the suit just
  220. 3:50
  221. general but here this Springfield to
  222. 3:52
  223. Woodbridge corridor here what do you
  224. 3:55
  225. want in the middle of it that's really
  226. 3:56
  227. gonna be kind of the load the loading
  228. 3:59
  229. area the weapons loading area and I
  230. 4:00
  231. believe the stores aren't going to be at
  232. 4:02
  233. actually the staging area it's gonna be
  234. 4:04
  235. Fort Belvoir and I believe that's how
  236. 4:07
  237. you say it if it still has the French
  238. 4:09
  239. pronunciation but Fort Belvoir I believe
  240. 4:11
  241. you're gonna bring in let's say whatever
  242. 4:14
  243. the
  244. 4:15
  245. sar they're gonna be packed and loaded
  246. 4:17
  247. into kind of the same thing you would do
  248. 4:19
  249. it in Amazon warehouse I'm not saying
  250. 4:21
  251. it's an animus on warehouse there
  252. 4:23
  253. specifically that's a front but maybe
  254. 4:25
  255. you want to look into that but the
  256. 4:28
  257. people that are being recruited are
  258. 4:29
  259. ms-13 they're you're mainly from their
  260. 4:32
  261. kids they're mainly from El Salvador
  262. 4:34
  263. Guatemala I believe the operation would
  264. 4:37
  265. in woodbridge that are shot Mahmud ran
  266. 4:39
  267. was basically that getting kids to work
  268. 4:42
  269. here temporary if they talk you can kill
  270. 4:44
  271. them and and that's just that simple and
  272. 4:46
  273. then it's a short hop over here for the
  274. 4:49
  275. drivers to just go over here to National
  276. 4:51
  277. Harbor to do the load so I think the
  278. 4:53
  279. loading is somewhere in here maybe
  280. 4:56
  281. Springfield companies I know our shop
  282. 4:58
  283. Mahmood had a thing called gol gol
  284. 5:00
  285. transport so there's other transport
  286. 5:04
  287. companies that other wands had ADHD and
  288. 5:08
  289. dropped the D so it's a th
  290. 5:10
  291. transportation that naeem awan had can
  292. 5:13
  293. only end up looking at all these
  294. 5:14
  295. transportation companies but i think the
  296. 5:15
  297. idea is very short haul very short haul
  298. 5:18
  299. drainage over to this load point it's
  300. 5:19
  301. gonna be somewhere along in here
  302. 5:21
  303. somewhere in here
  304. 5:22
  305. and the reason I say that is again some
  306. 5:25
  307. of this conjecture some of its a lot of
  308. 5:27
  309. it's supported with with fact but you
  310. 5:29
  311. want to keep your supply lines as short
  312. 5:31
  313. as possible because every mile that D U
  314. 5:33
  315. travels or sarin travels or the WP you
  316. 5:37
  317. have point a possible interdiction so
  318. 5:40
  319. you really want to limit your possible
  320. 5:42
  321. interdiction points as much as you can
  322. 5:43
  323. now is skybridge tactical flying to an
  324. 5:47
  325. airport up here with the white
  326. 5:49
  327. phosphorus to load WP here as well who
  328. 5:52
  329. knows you know and vice-versa skybridge
  330. 5:55
  331. tactical taking d you down to Tampa and
  332. 5:57
  333. loading there and and Jacksonville
  334. 5:59
  335. loading there potentially you know that
  336. 6:02
  337. makes sense why the separation with
  338. 6:04
  339. purple shovel in Virginia and the deed
  340. 6:08
  341. excuse me the camera Scott bridge
  342. 6:12
  343. tactical being in Florida now these are
  344. 6:14
  345. all look I believe this is just gonna be
  346. 6:15
  347. the camera rocket business now there
  348. 6:18
  349. could be other ammunition other arsenals
  350. 6:20
  351. better weapons
  352. 6:22
  353. you know payloads that are being
  354. 6:23
  355. supplied but for right now I'm just
  356. 6:25
  357. following Tim ring just the camera the
  358. 6:28
  359. camera missiles are going to either
  360. 6:29
  361. have addy you load I believe or WP load
  362. 6:31
  363. the Florida gem rings are gonna have the
  364. 6:33
  365. WP load and they're mainly gonna be sold
  366. 6:37
  367. to the armies of the Middle East and
  368. 6:40
  369. Africa but mainly Iran and Iraq
  370. 6:43
  371. initially so I think those are gonna be
  372. 6:45
  373. the key customers because they're most
  374. 6:46
  375. concerned about anti-tank now here we're
  376. 6:48
  377. gonna move into the vehicle theft ring
  378. 6:50
  379. and this is build Warner's work and the
  380. 6:52
  381. only thing I added to this picture was
  382. 6:53
  383. this cam ring rocket either with a de
  384. 6:56
  385. load here with the uranium sign or that
  386. 6:58
  387. it could be a WP or or I believe also
  388. 7:00
  389. could be a sarin gas load as well but
  390. 7:02
  391. the vehicle is truly a vehicle this is
  392. 7:04
  393. just a storage or a transportation
  394. 7:06
  395. vehicle for this so you have to steve-o
  396. 7:09
  397. steal the vehicle which is done I
  398. 7:10
  399. believe in New York New Jersey area
  400. 7:11
  401. there's a little bit of a there I
  402. 7:13
  403. believe there's also going to be a ring
  404. 7:15
  405. in Maryland but the problem when you get
  406. 7:20
  407. so close to your supply line is and
  408. 7:22
  409. people can start putting things together
  410. 7:23
  411. easily defenses are gonna be diplomatic
  412. 7:26
  413. couriers so like in djalu's ring there's
  414. 7:30
  415. 22 or 23 up in New York and New Jersey
  416. 7:32
  417. there's a ring of about six that are the
  418. 7:34
  419. entourage of some African Prince and
  420. 7:36
  421. that's how they get diplomatic status as
  422. 7:39
  423. diplomatic couriers
  424. 7:41
  425. I believe the you're gonna have the two
  426. 7:45
  427. guys that are expendable in this car so
  428. 7:47
  429. not the diplomatic entourage but they
  430. 7:51
  431. there's gonna be one or two diplomatic
  432. 7:53
  433. entourage following a line of cars five
  434. 7:56
  435. six seven eight nine cars and the last
  436. 7:57
  437. ones gonna have the diplomatic fence in
  438. 8:00
  439. there and then the cars are going to be
  440. 8:02
  441. brought down I'll show you the control
  442. 8:03
  443. point documents are prepared I don't
  444. 8:05
  445. know if it's gonna be caravans of six or
  446. 8:07
  447. seven or eight but safety and numbers
  448. 8:09
  449. kind of thing and then the diplomatic
  450. 8:11
  451. fences are going to drive the cars
  452. 8:12
  453. directly on to the diplomatic containers
  454. 8:15
  455. and there they are going to be the
  456. 8:16
  457. diplomatic courier that goes with the
  458. 8:19
  459. containers I think for is that the
  460. 8:22
  461. number that they feel most comfortable
  462. 8:23
  463. with looking at the shipping documents
  464. 8:25
  465. and really this is after looking at
  466. 8:26
  467. thousands of shipping documents but I
  468. 8:28
  469. think four is the number I'm not sure
  470. 8:30
  471. how many cars that is but I'm gonna say
  472. 8:32
  473. it's about you know with the size
  474. 8:34
  475. container they have about three or four
  476. 8:36
  477. cars per container so maybe four but I
  478. 8:40
  479. believe that's what's going on if
  480. 8:41
  481. somebody opens container
  482. 8:42
  483. he says hey I'm the you know the grant
  484. 8:46
  485. Prince of of not Lagos you know personal
  486. 8:50
  487. envoy and that's the princes car and
  488. 8:53
  489. that's his wife's car and so forth okay
  490. 8:55
  491. great close it up move it on and then it
  492. 8:57
  493. hits the ship mainly going to code every
  494. 9:00
  495. Burkina Faso they they keep breaking
  496. 9:04
  497. these little African countries into you
  498. 9:06
  499. know pieces so that they can do
  500. 9:09
  501. different ports but it was Lagos could
  502. 9:11
  503. be all the ports along that southern
  504. 9:13
  505. south western edge of the kind of
  506. 9:19
  507. tuberin sub africa all right then
  508. 9:22
  509. they're drilling all over Africa and the
  510. 9:24
  511. Middle East from there okay so let's
  512. 9:28
  513. look at the ring on like a map
  514. 9:31
  515. I believe the driver sanctuary is in
  516. 9:33
  517. McLean Islamic centre I don't believe it
  518. 9:36
  519. they actually drive the cars down to the
  520. 9:39
  521. CIA dealership and this is again looking
  522. 9:42
  523. at documents the great thing about Bill
  524. 9:43
  525. Warner is he's tracked everything to the
  526. 9:45
  527. VIN level and there's gonna be GPS data
  528. 9:48
  529. from those sky borough sky little GP at
  530. 9:51
  531. those little GPS s you can buy those $50
  532. 9:53
  533. GPS those those hidden GPS is the the
  534. 9:56
  535. the intelligent thing they did here was
  536. 9:59
  537. they worked with dealerships that were
  538. 10:01
  539. fifty to a hundred miles away at least
  540. 10:03
  541. 50 to 100 miles away so like in the
  542. 10:06
  543. Richmond Virginia they would start
  544. 10:07
  545. picking up dealerships and then they
  546. 10:09
  547. would be you know the kind of northern
  548. 10:11
  549. Maryland and then then stolen cars from
  550. 10:15
  551. New York so and New Jersey so I believe
  552. 10:20
  553. DynCorp runs the whole rat line from all
  554. 10:22
  555. the way from New York down to the actual
  556. 10:24
  557. shipping point all the way and tracks it
  558. 10:26
  559. all the ship all the way to its final
  560. 10:28
  561. destination to the customer that's
  562. 10:30
  563. getting off the ship but gets a new
  564. 10:33
  565. pickup driver going and driving it all
  566. 10:34
  567. the way to the Embassy of you know Gabon
  568. 10:37
  569. or wherever the final destination is
  570. 10:38
  571. going in then I believe DynCorp monitors
  572. 10:42
  573. that car though through its entire life
  574. 10:44
  575. as the you know car of the interior
  576. 10:48
  577. minister of Gabon you know for their
  578. 10:52
  579. diamonds and gold you know that that is
  580. 10:54
  581. this is a entire life cycle that's much
  582. 10:56
  583. and managed by DynCorp I believe the
  584. 10:59
  585. front company is going to be LCC or will
  586. 11:01
  587. light bridge communications or it was
  588. 11:02
  589. obviously Imran worked there it's just
  590. 11:05
  591. right across the street here in Tyson's
  592. 11:06
  593. corners I think cell plan was out here
  594. 11:09
  595. more cell plan was more of a front
  596. 11:12
  597. company I believe to get home equity
  598. 11:15
  599. lines of credit from the United States
  600. 11:16
  601. Congress so I don't think cell plan is
  602. 11:18
  603. actually in this now did sell plans to
  604. 11:20
  605. sell the blackberries to everyone along
  606. 11:22
  607. the way as there were drivers so that
  608. 11:23
  609. they would have encrypted communications
  610. 11:25
  611. along the way of course I mean of course
  612. 11:27
  613. you would use that for your
  614. 11:28
  615. communications of all your drivers and
  616. 11:30
  617. coordinating all this stuff and do I
  618. 11:32
  619. think DynCorp did all that of course I
  620. 11:33
  621. do but I'm I'm just saying that cell
  622. 11:36
  623. planned beyond that just looked like a
  624. 11:39
  625. way of getting house equity lines of
  626. 11:41
  627. credit to these different cell phone
  628. 11:44
  629. shops that provided this the
  630. 11:46
  631. communications for the ratlines so
  632. 11:48
  633. anyway I do I believe that there was a
  634. 11:50
  635. driver rewards at this Wolftrap yeah
  636. 11:52
  637. maybe who knows I mean everyone wants to
  638. 11:54
  639. think the worst of everybody involved
  640. 11:56
  641. sometimes you know it's just you know
  642. 11:59
  643. good good business you know people
  644. 12:01
  645. running down and doing a rat line in an
  646. 12:02
  647. operation in the country in a foreign
  648. 12:04
  649. country and they're just being you know
  650. 12:06
  651. good soldiers of their state that's how
  652. 12:08
  653. they think about the thing of their
  654. 12:09
  655. selves is just being patriotic these
  656. 12:12
  657. these reports or of all this you know
  658. 12:14
  659. fentanyl parties and stuff it will
  660. 12:16
  661. transfer I think greatly exaggerated but
  662. 12:18
  663. I have to report them because there are
  664. 12:20
  665. they have been made so and then the CIA
  666. 12:24
  667. here I believe is just a chop shop point
  668. 12:27
  669. if this somebody something goes along
  670. 12:29
  671. wrong along the way potentially
  672. 12:32
  673. interdiction law enforcement or you know
  674. 12:37
  675. somebody doesn't want the car or
  676. 12:39
  677. something goes wrong I think it goes
  678. 12:41
  679. here and then somebody picks it up and
  680. 12:42
  681. it just gets chopped somewhere in the
  682. 12:44
  683. Virginian Maryland area and then I
  684. 12:47
  685. definitely think the money as far as the
  686. 12:49
  687. money from the payments if drugs are
  688. 12:53
  689. coming in this way the payments are
  690. 12:55
  691. going into this garage Islamic Center
  692. 12:59
  693. and again it's just a repeat of the
  694. 13:01
  695. Arkansas developed Finance Corporation
  696. 13:03
  697. in
  698. 13:04
  699. Arkansas the money comes in you clear it
  700. 13:06
  701. at the end of the day money comes in you
  702. 13:07
  703. clear it at the end of the day you
  704. 13:09
  705. probably move it to some offshore
  706. 13:10
  707. account I'm guessing it's gonna be the
  708. 13:11
  709. Cayman Islands just looking up the
  710. 13:13
  711. traces of receipts as far as the
  712. 13:18
  713. different islands go in the Caribbean
  714. 13:21
  715. could be a little st. James but I
  716. 13:23
  717. haven't seen that evidence people have
  718. 13:24
  719. said oh it's little st. James how do we
  720. 13:27
  721. know this well here's all ATAR been
  722. 13:28
  723. convicted many times fake billing all
  724. 13:30
  725. the sex stuff and all the ties to
  726. 13:33
  727. Hezbollah he is in the dealership so he
  728. 13:35
  729. is bringing the money - I call it the
  730. 13:38
  731. Hezbollah car dealership he is bringing
  732. 13:39
  733. the money now I don't actually think
  734. 13:40
  735. he's over there at the actual dealership
  736. 13:43
  737. I think he is most of his visits were to
  738. 13:44
  739. garage and and making donations to the
  740. 13:48
  741. Hodge Center for for that for the for
  742. 13:53
  743. the weapons that we're going the other
  744. 13:54
  745. way
  746. 13:54
  747. so here's Alpha Jolla I do believe she's
  748. 13:56
  749. actually gonna be a diplomatic courier
  750. 13:58
  751. you're gonna find that status that's how
  752. 14:00
  753. you have shootouts on Capitol Hill and
  754. 14:02
  755. you're out a month later with a ankle
  756. 14:04
  757. bracelet and you know six months later
  758. 14:06
  759. you get a curfew ruling that says you
  760. 14:08
  761. even get more freedom and get to stay
  762. 14:10
  763. out even later that's how the things
  764. 14:12
  765. like that happen they don't happen by
  766. 14:14
  767. accident again bill Warner's can be the
  768. 14:16
  769. great one here because we get down to
  770. 14:18
  771. the point where we can actually see and
  772. 14:20
  773. graph and create a movie of alpha
  774. 14:23
  775. Jolla's move movement so that's gonna be
  776. 14:25
  777. really cool maybe even down to googling
  778. 14:28
  779. or flying ankle bracelet movements
  780. 14:31
  781. that's gonna be very interesting as we
  782. 14:34
  783. come down the pike on that again I did
  784. 14:37
  785. not set up the FBI I did not know that
  786. 14:40
  787. it was going into the port of Charleston
  788. 14:41
  789. I didn't do that just to foil all this
  790. 14:43
  791. and expose the ratline i but knowing
  792. 14:47
  793. that I do believe still that the for
  794. 14:48
  795. diplomatic containers did have radiation
  796. 14:51
  797. in them and I'm gonna explain how we're
  798. 14:53
  799. gonna proceed to get that I believe that
  800. 14:56
  801. this scientists here from Iraq and Iran
  802. 14:59
  803. both you're gonna see Iraq and Iran do
  804. 15:03
  805. you rod do you coming in to the port of
  806. 15:06
  807. South Carolina it's gonna be
  808. 15:07
  809. remanufactured in some facility I but I
  810. 15:11
  811. believe there is a facility got to be in
  812. 15:15
  813. South Carolina for reman
  814. 15:16
  815. factoring both the weapons both WP
  816. 15:20
  817. weapons and d-u weapons in South
  818. 15:23
  819. Carolina but definitely WP so anyway we
  820. 15:28
  821. can talk about golf Tanner and the port
  822. 15:30
  823. of canaveral I really don't think the
  824. 15:32
  825. port of Canaveral is gonna be a weapons
  826. 15:34
  827. port I believe it's going to be a people
  828. 15:36
  829. port I think people coming in to get you
  830. 15:38
  831. know organ harvesting type operations
  832. 15:41
  833. are gonna come in there people in sex
  834. 15:43
  835. trade are coming in through golf Taner
  836. 15:46
  837. I believe the export port is going to be
  838. 15:48
  839. Jacksonville for where you're gonna have
  840. 15:51
  841. your operations at Mayo Clinic up there
  842. 15:53
  843. and I also believe you're gonna have the
  844. 15:54
  845. exports of weapons there as well so all
  846. 15:58
  847. this will come forward we just dumped a
  848. 16:00
  849. whole bunch of documents about
  850. 16:01
  851. Jacksonville and Mayo Clinic that Jason
  852. 16:05
  853. has and we can talk about all this on
  854. 16:09
  855. crowd source of truth so we're just kind
  856. 16:12
  857. of drilling down again it's gonna be
  858. 16:14
  859. Jack Lew doing all these secret deals
  860. 16:15
  861. with blackberries and that's why we just
  862. 16:18
  863. need to Trump really homie needs on mask
  864. 16:21
  865. of very few documents to unwind this
  866. 16:23
  867. whole thing improved the whole
  868. 16:24
  869. conspiracy I think it's clear now with
  870. 16:27
  871. all the documents in Cosima and the
  872. 16:29
  873. Porticus scene that shows all these
  874. 16:30
  875. Royals from UAE and shows their
  876. 16:33
  877. entourage with the diplomatic entourage
  878. 16:35
  879. so you know we know the containers are
  880. 16:38
  881. coming in under diplomatic cover we know
  882. 16:39
  883. the containers weren't checked those
  884. 16:41
  885. four containers weren't checked into the
  886. 16:43
  887. into the port we know that another ship
  888. 16:45
  889. came and picked him up we know that the
  890. 16:47
  891. ANA took them down to Savannah and then
  892. 16:49
  893. the ANA went to Savannah and and then
  894. 16:51
  895. cleared him there so they don't do that
  896. 16:53
  897. for no reason and again we're gonna get
  898. 16:56
  899. the phone conversations between the port
  900. 16:57
  901. and myself we're gonna get those three
  902. 16:59
  903. conversations are not too clean how
  904. 17:01
  905. we're gonna do that so again this is why
  906. 17:03
  907. the blackberries why we had to go to the
  908. 17:05
  909. home to get the blackberries this part
  910. 17:07
  911. of the story still hasn't come out this
  912. 17:09
  913. part of the story what the laptops has
  914. 17:11
  915. come out but the BlackBerry server the
  916. 17:13
  917. big BlackBerry server that part of the
  918. 17:15
  919. story still has not come out either the
  920. 17:18
  921. some journalist some enterprising
  922. 17:20
  923. journalist will put two and two together
  924. 17:21
  925. and think hey BlackBerry Enterprise
  926. 17:23
  927. Server means a BlackBerry Enterprise
  928. 17:25
  929. Server here in Lorton this is the source
  930. 17:27
  931. of all the spying
  932. 17:29
  933. all the CENTCOM emails are coming here
  934. 17:31
  935. to Lord and from from Tampa all the
  936. 17:34
  937. congressional emails are coming here I
  938. 17:35
  939. believe also the State Department emails
  940. 17:37
  941. are coming here this is the gonna be the
  942. 17:39
  943. master server I think it all then goes
  944. 17:41
  945. to the Clinton Foundation for
  946. 17:42
  947. pay-to-play
  948. 17:42
  949. all everything goes to the Clinton
  950. 17:45
  951. Foundation for pay-to-play 4kk and our
  952. 17:47
  953. private equity's for research tokens so
  954. 17:50
  955. I think they're giving out the different
  956. 17:52
  957. bill speeches were just blackberry
  958. 17:54
  959. access subscriptions to that service to
  960. 17:56
  961. those emails and I also believe that
  962. 17:58
  963. there was a deal based deal based token
  964. 18:03
  965. so they were giving out blackberries for
  966. 18:04
  967. negotiating for different companies who
  968. 18:07
  969. wanted to negotiate one deal for
  970. 18:08
  971. instance like a Lockheed or you know a
  972. 18:12
  973. Raytheon doing a specific bid they may
  974. 18:14
  975. want up that Blackberry for you know a
  976. 18:17
  977. hundred thousand dollars a month I think
  978. 18:18
  979. all of the above they had the temporary
  980. 18:20
  981. Reynolds long-term subscriptions and
  982. 18:23
  983. also the pay to play for the longer-term
  984. 18:27
  985. private equity plays at KKR
  986. 18:28
  987. okay so the hard drive pieces come out I
  988. 18:32
  989. don't know if Malia Malia Zimmerman at
  990. 18:36
  991. Fox LA has come out with any reports yet
  992. 18:38
  993. or put out a tankard on camera but I
  994. 18:41
  995. believe when he gets on camera the whole
  996. 18:43
  997. thing comes out alright so again now
  998. 18:47
  999. more than ever we need to see the 650
  1000. 18:49
  1001. thousand emails Hillary under Huma but
  1002. 18:51
  1003. that doesn't matter because we are gonna
  1004. 18:55
  1005. be able to do metadata and show that
  1006. 18:57
  1007. this there's also a big server there now
  1008. 18:59
  1009. the other interesting thing about this
  1010. 19:00
  1011. is he published a video Emraan published
  1012. 19:05
  1013. a video of the back door of the house
  1014. 19:07
  1015. and I believe this is on the internet
  1016. 19:08
  1017. somewhere and I saw it and I should have
  1018. 19:10
  1019. made a note of it but it's got a big
  1020. 19:12
  1021. window in it so that if somebody coming
  1022. 19:14
  1023. down the stairs through the back window
  1024. 19:15
  1025. in the daylight basement could easily
  1026. 19:17
  1027. see this rack of could easily see this
  1028. 19:22
  1029. rack of BlackBerry's and laptops on the
  1030. 19:24
  1031. back so if you were setting something
  1032. 19:26
  1033. out for someone and said okay here's the
  1034. 19:28
  1035. package that you want to pick up you
  1036. 19:29
  1037. want one of these and you want four of
  1038. 19:31
  1039. these you could set that on the shelf
  1040. 19:33
  1041. that were in the downstairs daylight
  1042. 19:35
  1043. basement that they had a 960 oven
  1044. 19:37
  1045. it's right back here I remember him
  1046. 19:39
  1047. walking through it with Jamal on a tape
  1048. 19:41
  1049. he was walking through with Jamal Andy
  1050. 19:43
  1051. and run on a tape and I think the reason
  1052. 19:46
  1053. they did that under the auspices of
  1054. 19:48
  1055. showing the home was showing that people
  1056. 19:50
  1057. who were agents or you know really
  1058. 19:54
  1059. runners and not really agents that were
  1060. 19:56
  1061. runners how to go in the back door and I
  1062. 19:58
  1063. believe they were going the runners were
  1064. 20:00
  1065. coming in and out of this back door
  1066. 20:02
  1067. picking up this stuff in a rotating
  1068. 20:04
  1069. basis this wasn't a one-time thing this
  1070. 20:06
  1071. wasn't a emraan driving in all every
  1072. 20:08
  1073. time and going in this was the store now
  1074. 20:11
  1075. the Marines I'm still saying the marine
  1076. 20:13
  1077. and the Navy officer were upstairs
  1078. 20:17
  1079. you know Andre target from Fort Belvoir
  1080. 20:19
  1081. I still say he's upstairs in there
  1082. 20:21
  1083. Unknowing they're going out to you know
  1084. 20:24
  1085. karate class for their kids five kids
  1086. 20:26
  1087. and so forth while they're doing that
  1088. 20:28
  1089. there's this backdoor entrance and the
  1090. 20:30
  1091. right over here the Emraan owned house
  1092. 20:33
  1093. or Hina lived you know all be live right
  1094. 20:36
  1095. over here on this next street over and
  1096. 20:38
  1097. you could just walk back here right over
  1098. 20:40
  1099. here and just walk in there at night and
  1100. 20:42
  1101. leave this very short distance here
  1102. 20:45
  1103. between these two now you'd have to have
  1104. 20:46
  1105. some kind of cover
  1106. 20:47
  1107. you know babysitter cover or dog walker
  1108. 20:51
  1109. cover or whatnot and I don't know what
  1110. 20:53
  1111. that covers gonna be yet but I believe
  1112. 20:55
  1113. actually this operation was going on the
  1114. 20:59
  1115. day I was at that door on April 12 on
  1116. 21:04
  1117. April 10th and I know that's gonna seem
  1118. 21:07
  1119. hard to believe but or it had ended very
  1120. 21:10
  1121. briefly before then actually I'll just
  1122. 21:13
  1123. go ahead and say it I believe the
  1124. 21:14
  1125. operation was still going on when I was
  1126. 21:16
  1127. there and I'm not gonna say what
  1128. 21:18
  1129. surveillance I did on that door at this
  1130. 21:21
  1131. point but I am really encouraging put it
  1132. 21:24
  1133. this way my story is pliable if certain
  1134. 21:26
  1135. individuals come forward if certain
  1136. 21:29
  1137. individuals come forward and just kind
  1138. 21:30
  1139. of put it this way I'll make you a deal
  1140. 21:32
  1141. I'm gonna make a deal right now I if
  1142. 21:37
  1143. certain individuals come forward and
  1144. 21:38
  1145. tell the whole story about this okay and
  1146. 21:41
  1147. they say that the pile really was 20
  1148. 21:44
  1149. blackberries like they said originally
  1150. 21:46
  1151. and the pile of laptops was four and
  1152. 21:49
  1153. then there was the printer router and
  1154. 21:51
  1155. they also might want to talk about the
  1156. 21:53
  1157. big blackberry server
  1158. 21:54
  1159. then I will forget all about
  1160. 21:58
  1161. surveillance on this back door okay so
  1162. 22:02
  1163. is that fair all right so like I said
  1164. 22:07
  1165. this the 650 thousand emails Hillary and
  1166. 22:12
  1167. humi right can bust this whole thing but
  1168. 22:15
  1169. we don't need it you can do it by
  1170. 22:17
  1171. proving that this there was a blackberry
  1172. 22:19
  1173. enterprise server in the basement and we
  1174. 22:21
  1175. can also prove it by the printer router
  1176. 22:25
  1177. traffic or the router traffic back and
  1178. 22:28
  1179. forth to this this is going to have
  1180. 22:30
  1181. router IP addresses that going to it
  1182. 22:32
  1183. from Tampa through intermediaries of
  1184. 22:35
  1185. course but the source is gonna be I
  1186. 22:37
  1187. believe it's gonna be Jill Kelly's
  1188. 22:38
  1189. private home there on that tampa bay
  1190. 22:42
  1191. frontage again you have to have a cover
  1192. 22:44
  1193. story to move it from a classified
  1194. 22:45
  1195. setting from CENTCOM over to Jill
  1196. 22:47
  1197. Kelly's house then you have a there's
  1198. 22:50
  1199. gonna be some kind of construct between
  1200. 22:53
  1201. you know you know Muslims for America
  1202. 22:58
  1203. you know some kind of email in between
  1204. 23:00
  1205. Joel Kelly and Imran that's gonna create
  1206. 23:04
  1207. that linkage and people have speculated
  1208. 23:06
  1209. it's gonna be the images we're gonna
  1210. 23:08
  1211. send beautiful images of houses you know
  1212. 23:10
  1213. videos of houses and within the video is
  1214. 23:13
  1215. actually the messages encoded I don't
  1216. 23:15
  1217. know all about that stuff I'll let the
  1218. 23:17
  1219. forensic experts that watch this
  1220. 23:19
  1221. determine that but there's a lot of
  1222. 23:21
  1223. people are saying oh you know there's
  1224. 23:22
  1225. embedded messaging in the videos and
  1226. 23:26
  1227. that's very sophisticated stuff and I
  1228. 23:28
  1229. don't have that expertise I have an
  1230. 23:30
  1231. encryption background but not that deep
  1232. 23:32
  1233. encryption but I do have black deep
  1234. 23:35
  1235. blackberry the human telling me that's
  1236. 23:37
  1237. exactly how they did it so I'm not not
  1238. 23:41
  1239. the messaging per se inside a video but
  1240. 23:45
  1241. that there was a communication between
  1242. 23:48
  1243. Tampa and the Lorton home so and also
  1244. 23:53
  1245. the Lorton home and Clinton Foundation
  1246. 23:55
  1247. through intermediaries through I believe
  1248. 23:57
  1249. Hillary for America and
  1250. 24:00
  1251. and Hillary for America in Brooklyn and
  1252. 24:04
  1253. potentially SEIU so we're gonna look at
  1254. 24:07
  1255. those traffic patterns again um if I you
  1256. 24:10
  1257. were seeing me directly I'd be coming my
  1258. 24:12
  1259. hair right now NSA so how we gonna move
  1260. 24:17
  1261. forward and how we gonna actually prove
  1262. 24:19
  1263. all this well here is my FOIA request
  1264. 24:22
  1265. for from two years ago almost two years
  1266. 24:24
  1267. ago and the key question here is so what
  1268. 24:29
  1269. we're trying to do is get to the ports
  1270. 24:30
  1271. and get to JTTF because JTTF is going to
  1272. 24:33
  1273. give us the answers about the ports and
  1274. 24:36
  1275. we're gonna be able to get inside and
  1276. 24:37
  1277. have a look at this kind of octopus it's
  1278. 24:39
  1279. kind of a loch ness monster below the
  1280. 24:41
  1281. water we're gonna be able to see inside
  1282. 24:42
  1283. of it with this so what I'm gonna do
  1284. 24:45
  1285. here with the lawsuit is since I've
  1286. 24:48
  1287. waited two years I the key question is
  1288. 24:50
  1289. what's the time period for waiting for
  1290. 24:52
  1291. an administrative procedure and at what
  1292. 24:55
  1293. point does it become an administrative
  1294. 24:57
  1295. secrecy because what what the lawsuits
  1296. 25:01
  1297. are prepared for what the statutes are
  1298. 25:03
  1299. prepared for and there's argument on the
  1300. 25:06
  1301. on the web here is statute u.s. code
  1302. 25:09
  1303. five five five or is it five five two
  1304. 25:11
  1305. and then people are calling each other's
  1306. 25:13
  1307. mothers heritage into question you know
  1308. 25:16
  1309. over this I think it's five five to
  1310. 25:17
  1311. section five five two but I don't want
  1312. 25:20
  1313. to make the five five five people mad
  1314. 25:21
  1315. and it tastes great less filling and I
  1316. 25:23
  1317. don't want to get into that whole hue
  1318. 25:25
  1319. and cry and argument gnashing of teeth
  1320. 25:27
  1321. I believe it's five five two but anyway
  1322. 25:29
  1323. it allows you to pierce the
  1324. 25:31
  1325. administrative secrecy if people are
  1326. 25:34
  1327. using administrative procedures in a
  1328. 25:36
  1329. secret manner you can pierce that that
  1330. 25:39
  1331. FOIA over a certain period time I think
  1332. 25:41
  1333. it's twelve months other people say 24
  1334. 25:44
  1335. but the bottom line is it's been
  1336. 25:46
  1337. successfully tried and no longer up
  1338. 25:49
  1339. until this point I've been denied all my
  1340. 25:52
  1341. foil requests on GTF were denied based
  1342. 25:55
  1343. on state secrets well I now have
  1344. 25:57
  1345. standing state secret system is known as
  1346. 26:00
  1347. basically well we can't tell you because
  1348. 26:01
  1349. if you're on the terrorism watch list or
  1350. 26:03
  1351. not because it's state secrets and you
  1352. 26:07
  1353. have to prove what they call standing
  1354. 26:09
  1355. you have to say oh I have standing I
  1356. 26:11
  1357. know the FBI has
  1358. 26:12
  1359. and surveilling me this is this goes
  1360. 26:14
  1361. back to my Mohammed Mohammed case they
  1362. 26:16
  1363. use surveillance on him the illegal
  1364. 26:18
  1365. wiretap 12 33 12 triple three wiretap
  1366. 26:21
  1367. well before no one none of the other 12
  1368. 26:24
  1369. triple three lawsuits had been able to
  1370. 26:26
  1371. be successful because the government
  1372. 26:28
  1373. said up state secrets this goes back to
  1374. 26:31
  1375. Sibel Edmonds but but Mohammed Mohammed
  1376. 26:35
  1377. could prove he had standing so this is
  1378. 26:37
  1379. the first case he was a first case 12
  1380. 26:39
  1381. triple three was ever challenged because
  1382. 26:40
  1383. he proved the outstanding now I can
  1384. 26:42
  1385. prove I have standing because I can show
  1386. 26:44
  1387. the FBI was pinging my phone so the
  1388. 26:46
  1389. state secrets catch-22 defense is out
  1390. 26:48
  1391. the window now the only thing I have to
  1392. 26:50
  1393. wait to pierce the FOIA or
  1394. 26:53
  1395. administrative secrecy as I have to wait
  1396. 26:55
  1397. this certain time period so again if
  1398. 26:57
  1399. you're a five five person don't get
  1400. 26:58
  1401. upset don't threaten to murder or Doc's
  1402. 27:01
  1403. you know the five five two people five
  1404. 27:03
  1405. five two people please be section five
  1406. 27:06
  1407. five two people please be understanding
  1408. 27:07
  1409. and and and let's not go into the whole
  1410. 27:11
  1411. you know that let's just keep it you
  1412. 27:13
  1413. know keep it keep it okay so now there's
  1414. 27:17
  1415. this okay scoreboarding the Bill of
  1416. 27:19
  1417. Rights scoreboarding everyone wants to
  1418. 27:21
  1419. play at home everybody wants to have
  1420. 27:22
  1421. their bingo card for Bill of Rights
  1422. 27:23
  1423. scorecard okay we'll get there here's
  1424. 27:26
  1425. the Massachusetts case I talked about
  1426. 27:27
  1427. yesterday we're going to basically just
  1428. 27:29
  1429. take a line through Massachusetts and
  1430. 27:31
  1431. put the word Ohio this was the case in
  1432. 27:35
  1433. Massachusetts that was just adjudicated
  1434. 27:37
  1435. last year about this time where they won
  1436. 27:41
  1437. this is the first case the plaintiff has
  1438. 27:42
  1439. won and then plaintiff was aclu of
  1440. 27:46
  1441. course we're not gonna pay ACLU lawyers
  1442. 27:48
  1443. we're gonna go pro se you know and yes
  1444. 27:51
  1445. yes I know squeeze your squeeze your ass
  1446. 27:53
  1447. you know the judge would be a lot more
  1448. 27:56
  1449. understanding of my fumbles in the
  1450. 27:59
  1451. courtroom and pro se are expected to
  1452. 28:01
  1453. have the same amount of knowledge as a
  1454. 28:03
  1455. lawyer and all that stuff I got it but
  1456. 28:05
  1457. I'm gonna go pro se for a lot of good
  1458. 28:07
  1459. reasons because I want to be able to do
  1460. 28:08
  1461. my own filings for the most part free so
  1462. 28:12
  1463. anyway I'm not gonna probably file this
  1464. 28:14
  1465. today but probably gonna wait over the
  1466. 28:16
  1467. weekend we being the crowd source of the
  1468. 28:18
  1469. truth because I want to I want to
  1470. 28:19
  1471. socialize this with the crowd first but
  1472. 28:22
  1473. everybody wants to play the score card
  1474. 28:24
  1475. game
  1476. 28:24
  1477. and no you don't have to get four to hit
  1478. 28:28
  1479. the lotto of the amendments you don't
  1480. 28:32
  1481. have we only have to win on one
  1482. 28:33
  1483. amendment to get to win the lawsuit
  1484. 28:35
  1485. we're gonna have five bingo squares but
  1486. 28:38
  1487. this is bingo where you only need to get
  1488. 28:40
  1489. one bingo to win there's a big
  1490. 28:43
  1491. misconception out there with bill rides
  1492. 28:44
  1493. bingo that oh I need to get one I need
  1494. 28:47
  1495. to get three and Edie at four or five
  1496. 28:48
  1497. and then ten no you only need one bingo
  1498. 28:51
  1499. won one bingo to win the lawsuit now
  1500. 28:54
  1501. they in this case they went for four and
  1502. 28:57
  1503. five this fourth spot in the five spot
  1504. 29:00
  1505. and they got they won on fourth
  1506. 29:03
  1507. amendment illegal search and seizure and
  1508. 29:05
  1509. they won on five which is self
  1510. 29:07
  1511. incriminating we're also going to go for
  1512. 29:11
  1513. three more spots more spots in bingo you
  1514. 29:13
  1515. have the better chance you have one I'm
  1516. 29:15
  1517. a journalist right so you got that bingo
  1518. 29:18
  1519. play this is a direct attack on the
  1520. 29:21
  1521. First Amendment I have James risin being
  1522. 29:22
  1523. attacked by Attorney General Holder so
  1524. 29:28
  1525. I've got that I've got a lot of other
  1526. 29:30
  1527. First Amendment cases where journalists
  1528. 29:31
  1529. have been jailed so I can quote those as
  1530. 29:34
  1531. precedents third third isn't interesting
  1532. 29:36
  1533. you know everybody says don't play the
  1534. 29:38
  1535. streets mob don't play this free spot
  1536. 29:40
  1537. well we have g4s that again is a foreign
  1538. 29:43
  1539. government that's going to be an mi6
  1540. 29:45
  1541. cutout it's a public-private partnership
  1542. 29:47
  1543. so that they can get around having to do
  1544. 29:49
  1545. any record so having to do any FOIA is
  1546. 29:51
  1547. having to do any faces it's basically a
  1548. 29:53
  1549. survey the private arm the the
  1550. 29:56
  1551. surveillance arm and harassment arm of
  1552. 30:00
  1553. the FBI right and they're bringing it in
  1554. 30:02
  1555. under liaison loophole that's a standing
  1556. 30:04
  1557. army it's not only a standing army way
  1558. 30:08
  1559. the like like the original founders it
  1560. 30:13
  1561. is the exact same army these are
  1562. 30:15
  1563. descendants of the same British soldiers
  1564. 30:17
  1565. that were quartered in our home this
  1566. 30:19
  1567. these the g4s folks nope no offense to
  1568. 30:22
  1569. the folks in Britain and in the UK but
  1570. 30:26
  1571. these are descendants of the same folks
  1572. 30:27
  1573. that lived in our homes way back when
  1574. 30:29
  1575. this is just I hate to say it but it's
  1576. 30:32
  1577. it's quartering a British tube troops to
  1578. 30:35
  1579. there is no difference it would be
  1580. 30:39
  1581. interesting to take the ups looks like
  1582. 30:41
  1583. we might have lost our feed it'd be
  1584. 30:43
  1585. interesting to take the lineages no I
  1586. 30:47
  1587. think we're in trouble
  1588. 30:53
  1589. hold on I know there's probably Lackey
  1590. 30:56
  1591. things happening
  1592. 31:08
  1593. okay I think we're back no I was gonna
  1594. 31:11
  1595. say about the g4s being a cutout for mi6
  1596. 31:14
  1597. we might be able to go back to waltzing
  1598. 31:16
  1599. ham with some of these families this
  1600. 31:18
  1601. will be a genetics you know the people
  1602. 31:20
  1603. that do that genealogy on life this will
  1604. 31:22
  1605. be a boon like almost a cottage industry
  1606. 31:25
  1607. with people playing this game as well as
  1608. 31:27
  1609. this lawsuit proceeds just on the g4s
  1610. 31:30
  1611. personnel dairy in the u.s. running the
  1612. 31:33
  1613. private aspiring now I know there's
  1614. 31:36
  1615. people out the arguing out in Utah
  1616. 31:38
  1617. saying well no no we have they haven't
  1618. 31:39
  1619. McMullen spiring and all that and you
  1620. 31:41
  1621. know for west of the Mississippi but I'm
  1622. 31:44
  1623. mainly talking for the people who are on
  1624. 31:46
  1625. the East Coast here they're gonna you
  1626. 31:48
  1627. know have quite the parlor game of you
  1628. 31:50
  1629. know connecting this back to original
  1630. 31:52
  1631. lobster backs in in Boston you know and
  1632. 31:55
  1633. and who stayed where this could become a
  1634. 31:57
  1635. whole nother thing in Boston and in
  1636. 32:02
  1637. Philadelphia where you know the freedom
  1638. 32:04
  1639. walks and so forth you know we're gonna
  1640. 32:05
  1641. be able to walk the trail of different
  1642. 32:07
  1643. you know the granite ears you know we're
  1644. 32:09
  1645. here and now the you know the seventh
  1646. 32:11
  1647. generation Dragoon is you know running
  1648. 32:14
  1649. the Charleston port or the Ohio Mid Ohio
  1650. 32:18
  1651. JTTF you know gangs it should be
  1652. 32:22
  1653. interesting
  1654. 32:23
  1655. well we'll have fun and then the tenth
  1656. 32:25
  1657. amendment is going to really be about
  1658. 32:30
  1659. this rights of a state to exist this is
  1660. 32:34
  1661. the right of a state to call themselves
  1662. 32:35
  1663. a state Ohio has a right under the
  1664. 32:38
  1665. Constitution the the framers
  1666. 32:40
  1667. deliberately wade things on the sides of
  1668. 32:42
  1669. states because they wanted local control
  1670. 32:45
  1671. versus of federal control they were
  1672. 32:47
  1673. trying to get away from the you know
  1674. 32:49
  1675. all-powerful king all-powerful you know
  1676. 32:53
  1677. House of Lords and so forth with the
  1678. 32:55
  1679. landowners really running the show they
  1680. 32:58
  1681. wanted the states and then in the
  1682. 33:00
  1683. English tradition would be counties they
  1684. 33:02
  1685. wanted the counties and then aren't we
  1686. 33:04
  1687. inherited that we made it states to have
  1688. 33:08
  1689. powers of their own process of their own
  1690. 33:10
  1691. decision making they wanted an
  1692. 33:12
  1693. independent
  1694. 33:13
  1695. cheri they wanted an independent law
  1696. 33:15
  1697. enforcement they did not want the
  1698. 33:17
  1699. federal government involved in law
  1700. 33:19
  1701. enforcement the whole idea that the
  1702. 33:21
  1703. federal government is even in law
  1704. 33:23
  1705. enforcement is is kind of alien to our
  1706. 33:28
  1707. whole Bill of Rights they wanted that
  1708. 33:31
  1709. these assurances these first ten minutes
  1710. 33:33
  1711. were put in place specifically to almost
  1712. 33:36
  1713. warn against any kind of federal we kind
  1714. 33:39
  1715. of creeped in there with a Federal
  1716. 33:40
  1717. Bureau it was even called the when
  1718. 33:44
  1719. Hoover first had it was the Bureau of
  1720. 33:46
  1721. Investigation I think it was even called
  1722. 33:49
  1723. a Federal Bureau of Investigation
  1724. 33:50
  1725. because there was so much fear that it
  1726. 33:52
  1727. was like oh my gosh this is gonna for
  1728. 33:54
  1729. all the constitutionalist they're gonna
  1730. 33:56
  1731. go nuts then they added FBI about ten
  1732. 33:59
  1733. years later after everybody kind of
  1734. 34:00
  1735. forgot and this is the same kind of
  1736. 34:01
  1737. encroachment against the Constitution
  1738. 34:03
  1739. that just is continual right so so this
  1740. 34:07
  1741. states rights here was was put in the
  1742. 34:09
  1743. first ten which is hey we want the state
  1744. 34:12
  1745. of Ohio to have jurisdiction over how we
  1746. 34:14
  1747. want the state of Massachusetts to have
  1748. 34:16
  1749. this jurisdiction over Massachusetts so
  1750. 34:18
  1751. when you start bringing in you know and
  1752. 34:20
  1753. I don't want to say grenadiers and
  1754. 34:22
  1755. dragoons but I'm gonna go ahead and say
  1756. 34:23
  1757. credit grenadiers and dragoons well you
  1758. 34:26
  1759. start bringing them into Ohio and start
  1760. 34:28
  1761. howling Ohio and paying phones and and
  1762. 34:31
  1763. shuttling and corralling you know of
  1764. 34:34
  1765. local law enforcement and then using
  1766. 34:38
  1767. threats of you know using enforcement
  1768. 34:42
  1769. arms to you know make them do what you
  1770. 34:44
  1771. want them to do from a federal level
  1772. 34:46
  1773. you've turned the local police
  1774. 34:48
  1775. department in this the end even the
  1776. 34:50
  1777. state police into what they call federal
  1778. 34:52
  1779. actors they now are your actress that
  1780. 34:55
  1781. you've intimidated them there and now
  1782. 34:56
  1783. your federal actor so this is what
  1784. 34:59
  1785. specifically what the framers a
  1786. 35:00
  1787. Constitution we're kind of avoiding so
  1788. 35:03
  1789. and then when I did my foil originally I
  1790. 35:06
  1791. only put down six agencies DHS was one
  1792. 35:08
  1793. of them of course CIA was one of them at
  1794. 35:11
  1795. that time Oregon State Police was one of
  1796. 35:13
  1797. them but of course we're gonna have to
  1798. 35:15
  1799. add a whole bunch of people now as more
  1800. 35:17
  1801. information about JTTF has come to light
  1802. 35:19
  1803. what what I was really surprised about
  1804. 35:22
  1805. was the DoD presence with all the army
  1806. 35:26
  1807. intelligence and so forth
  1808. 35:27
  1809. Air Force operations and an nga for the
  1810. 35:32
  1811. geospatial tracking with nano sets for
  1812. 35:36
  1813. instance you throw them up there and
  1814. 35:37
  1815. they they burn up in a year who cares
  1816. 35:38
  1817. these nano sets can really get down to
  1818. 35:41
  1819. the you know individual walking on the
  1820. 35:43
  1821. street level so you don't need a big
  1822. 35:45
  1823. force of the old-school human human
  1824. 35:49
  1825. intelligence anymore you can throw these
  1826. 35:51
  1827. nano sets up there and this is gonna be
  1828. 35:53
  1829. the whole nhadra thing this is how it
  1830. 35:54
  1831. all ties back to the Awad brothers this
  1832. 35:57
  1833. all was put in from Army Intelligence
  1834. 36:00
  1835. this is all David Petraeus wrote this
  1836. 36:01
  1837. not rippln okay and the place that they
  1838. 36:04
  1839. tested it first place they tested it was
  1840. 36:06
  1841. going to be Bangladesh tested on the
  1842. 36:08
  1843. people of Bangladesh and then the people
  1844. 36:10
  1845. of on the people of Pakistan I mean the
  1846. 36:14
  1847. way the want self-identify is that we
  1848. 36:17
  1849. are a UAE Royals they don't
  1850. 36:19
  1851. self-identify as Pakistanis even though
  1852. 36:22
  1853. they have passports from both I think we
  1854. 36:24
  1855. were gonna find so they said hey that's
  1856. 36:27
  1857. here's a great target population East
  1858. 36:29
  1859. Pakistan they don't even think about it
  1860. 36:30
  1861. as Bangladesh and now here's another
  1862. 36:32
  1863. great one let's do West Pakistan now
  1864. 36:35
  1865. once that technology's proven with the
  1866. 36:37
  1867. Nano sets and what they're basically
  1868. 36:38
  1869. doing is a biochip phone and a bio chip
  1870. 36:40
  1871. identity card I mean this is round the
  1872. 36:43
  1873. clock you know knowing if you made a
  1874. 36:44
  1875. phone call and then being able to
  1876. 36:46
  1877. geolocate you buy it
  1878. 36:47
  1879. this is geolocation this is exactly what
  1880. 36:50
  1881. my lawsuit is geolocation where that
  1882. 36:53
  1883. that Massachusetts law suit was
  1884. 36:55
  1885. geolocation so this is geolocation
  1886. 36:58
  1887. nhadra is geolocation on steroids with
  1888. 37:00
  1889. the biochip phone and the biochip
  1890. 37:02
  1891. identity card and that's the Elan
  1892. 37:04
  1893. brothers that's you know all be that's
  1894. 37:05
  1895. what hina all be sold the other one
  1896. 37:09
  1897. Natalia Silva was not her bank the
  1898. 37:12
  1899. banking arm that was the banking arm for
  1900. 37:13
  1901. this whole operation and really this at
  1902. 37:16
  1903. the end of the day is a political
  1904. 37:19
  1905. military operation so the wands are
  1906. 37:22
  1907. actors in the middle of this political
  1908. 37:24
  1909. military operation that we've got and
  1910. 37:26
  1911. just so happens I did not set the FBI up
  1912. 37:29
  1913. it just so happens we have the perfect
  1914. 37:30
  1915. way to get discovery on all this JTTF
  1916. 37:34
  1917. and all the DoD involvement all the
  1918. 37:37
  1919. surveillance involvement in the JTTF in
  1920. 37:41
  1921. local law enforcement you can see who's
  1922. 37:43
  1923. really pulling the strings now by
  1924. 37:44
  1925. looking at this member list you can see
  1926. 37:46
  1927. that it has nothing to do with Ohio
  1928. 37:47
  1929. State Police that has nothing to do with
  1930. 37:49
  1931. the Zanesville Police all the paying all
  1932. 37:53
  1933. the use of g4s on the street feet on the
  1934. 37:57
  1935. street for all the human intelligence
  1936. 37:59
  1937. collection that's all being driven from
  1938. 38:01
  1939. these agencies and what's nice is it
  1940. 38:03
  1941. going to be able to specifically ask for
  1942. 38:05
  1943. discovery from all these agencies that's
  1944. 38:08
  1945. the plan so sorry this was a little bit
  1946. 38:10
  1947. long but there are people that say genes
  1948. 38:13
  1949. that we should be more complete we
  1950. 38:15
  1951. should be more detailed these are too
  1952. 38:17
  1953. fast so rewind and watch it again please
  1954. 38:22
  1955. five section five five people five
  1956. 38:24
  1957. people be nice to the five five two
  1958. 38:26
  1959. people please nobody else asked me about
  1960. 38:29
  1961. second amendment Second Amendment it's
  1962. 38:31
  1963. not involved here I know I should carry
  1964. 38:33
  1965. a gun I've never owned a gun I've never
  1966. 38:35
  1967. read this my son has scissors this I
  1968. 38:37
  1969. even consider this a dangerous and
  1970. 38:39
  1971. deadly weapon the shitty man in the
  1972. 38:40
  1973. house so let's forget about two we're
  1974. 38:44
  1975. not gonna play the two spot and we're
  1976. 38:47
  1977. not gonna play the six by the seven spot
  1978. 38:48
  1979. we're gonna just play these five spots
  1980. 38:50
  1981. one three four five and ten okay
  1982. 38:52
  1983. everybody that was fun
  1984. 38:55
  1985. constitutional bingo is over hope you
  1986. 38:58
  1987. want check your scorecards again before
  1988. 39:00
  1989. you come up and and claim your prize and
  1990. 39:02
  1991. we'll see you all on consus source the
  1992. 39:05
  1993. truth with Bill Warner oh my god Bill
  1994. 39:07
  1995. Warner we actually got that get later on
  1996. 39:09
  1997. today
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