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a guest
Jan 23rd, 2018
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  1. on join:
  2. if yaml value "txt.przypomnienie" from file "zmienne/%player's uuid%.yml" is not set:
  3. set yaml value "txt.przypomnienie" from file "zmienne/%uuid of player%.yml" to true
  5. command txt [<text>] [<text>]:
  6. aliases: texturepack, texturka
  7. trigger:
  8. if arg 1 is not set:
  9. set {_on} to yaml value "txt.przypomnienie" from file "zmienne/%player's uuid%.yml"
  10. wait 2 ticks
  11. open chest with 3 rows named "&9» &0TXT" to player
  12. wait 2 tick
  13. if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&9» &0TXT":
  14. loop 27 times:
  15. format slot loop-number - 1 of player with 1 gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  16. format slot 10 of player with 1 of locked chest:14 named "&9➣ &rWersja 1.7.2 - 1.7.10 &4(BRAK)" with lore " &9&l☞ &8Kliknij, aby wybrac te wersje" to close then run [execute player command "txt wersja 1.7.2-1.7.10"]
  17. format slot 11 of player with 1 of locked chest:4 named "&9➣ &rWersja 1.8 - 1.9.4 &e(OPCJONALNA)" with lore " &9&l☞ &8Kliknij, aby wybrac te wersje" to close then run [execute player command "txt wersja 1.8-1.9.4"]
  18. format slot 12 of player with 1 of locked chest:13 named "&9➣ &rWersja 1.9.5 - 1.10.2 &2(ZALECANA)" with lore " &9&l☞ &8Kliknij, aby wybrac te wersje" to close then run [execute player command "txt wersja 1.9.5-1.10.2"]
  19. format slot 13 of player with 1 of locked chest:1 named "&9➣ &rLinki" with lore " &9&l☞ &8Kliknij, aby wyswietlic linki do txt" to close then run [execute player command "txt linki"]
  20. if {_on} is true:
  21. format slot 16 of player with 1 of paper named "&9➣ &cWylacz &rautomatyczne przepomnienie o txt" with lore " &9&l☞ &8Kliknij, aby wylaczyc automatyczne przepominanie o txt" to run [execute player command "txt off"]
  22. else:
  23. format slot 16 of player with 1 of paper named "&9➣ &aWlacz &rautomatyczne przepomnienie o txt" with lore " &9&l☞ &8Kliknij, aby wlacz automatyczne przypominanie o txt" to run [execute player command "txt on"]
  24. if arg 1 is "wersja":
  25. if arg 2 is "1.7.2-1.7.10":
  26. send "&f&lMC&c&lPL &9» &8Wersja nie jest wspierana. Wybierz nowsze wersje!"
  27. if arg 2 is "1.8-1.9.4":
  28. send "&f&lMC&c&lPL &9» &8Trwa ladowanie pliku z txt.."
  29. wait 2 seconds
  30. execute console command "frp send %player% stara"
  31. if arg 2 is "1.9.5-1.10.2":
  32. send "&f&lMC&c&lPL &9» &8Trwa ladowanie pliku z txt.."
  33. wait 2 seconds
  34. execute console command "frp send %player% nowa"
  35. if arg 1 is "linki":
  36. send " "
  37. send "&6» &bWersja &a1.7-1.7.10"
  38. send " &eâ–ş Ta wersja nie jest wspierana."
  39. send "&6» &bWersja &a1.8-1.9.4"
  40. send " &eâ–ş wpisac.."
  41. send "&6» &bWersja &61.9.4-1.10.2"
  42. send " &eâ–ş wpisac.."
  43. if arg 1 is "on":
  44. set yaml value "txt.przypomnienie" from file "zmienne/%uuid of player%.yml" to true
  45. send "&f&lMC&c&lPL &9» &aWlaczyles &8automatyczne przypominanie o txt"
  46. if arg 1 is "off":
  47. set yaml value "txt.przypomnienie" from file "zmienne/%uuid of player%.yml" to true
  48. send "&f&lMC&c&lPL &9» &cWylaczyles &8automatyczne przypominanie o txt"
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