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Mar 15th, 2013
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  2. [02:37PM] <~Glun> I'm a little distracted though.
  3. [02:37PM] <Professor> ok
  4. [02:37PM] <Professor> 'sup?
  5. [02:37PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I AM DWERF MAIG!
  6. [02:37PM] <Professor> brb pizza
  7. [02:37PM] <@Talon> :/
  8. [02:38PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20 impressive flashy lights display of self-introduction
  9. [02:38PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, impressive flashy lights display of self-introduction: 12 [1d20=12]
  10. [02:38PM] <@Talon> 1d20 Talon is impressed
  11. [02:38PM] <Bones> Talon, Talon is impressed: 12 [1d20=12]
  12. [02:38PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> :D
  13. [02:38PM] <@Talon> mesmer!
  14. [02:39PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Mesmer! What client are you using that you have such trouble with the nickserv? o:
  15. [02:39PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Or was it a net cut-out that kicked you and are you still currently not present?
  16. [02:40PM] <Professor> back
  17. [02:40PM] <@Talon> what is DC?
  18. [02:41PM] <@Talon> oh, nvm
  19. [02:41PM] <Professor> DC is the target number to hit when performing a feat of some kind
  20. [02:41PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson wonders what spells he has
  21. [02:42PM] <Professor> any feat in combat immediately gets a +5 to difficulty
  22. [02:42PM] * @Talon wonders what any of Glundor's stats are
  23. [02:42PM] <Professor> like getting on a horse
  24. [02:42PM] <@Talon> what about commanding my companion?
  25. [02:42PM] <Professor> 6 8 8 18 18 16
  26. [02:43PM] <Professor> your companion is a free action
  27. [02:43PM] <@Talon> so I can move him and me on the same turn?
  28. [02:44PM] <Professor> in one round of combat you can get two free actions, one move action and a second move action or a combat action
  29. [02:44PM] <Professor> yes
  30. [02:44PM] <Professor> but he won't move till you do
  31. [02:44PM] <@Talon> ah so I can attack with him or attack myself
  32. [02:44PM] <Professor> no you can both attack
  33. [02:44PM] <Professor> but he's a 1d4
  34. [02:44PM] <@Talon> ?
  35. [02:44PM] <@Talon> why?
  36. [02:44PM] <Professor> damage
  37. [02:45PM] <Professor> bird
  38. [02:45PM] <Professor> 1d4
  39. [02:45PM] <Bones> Professor, 1d4: 2 [1d4=2]
  40. [02:45PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson eyes Talon mistrustfully
  41. [02:45PM] <@Talon> ah, ok hit chance is 1d8
  42. [02:45PM] <Professor> good luck with that
  43. [02:45PM] <Professor> anyways
  44. [02:46PM] <Professor> glodson can have whatever spells he wants appropriate for a level four mage
  45. [02:46PM] <@Talon> 4?!
  46. [02:46PM] <Professor> personally I like the prismatic stuff
  47. [02:46PM] * @Talon gulps
  48. [02:46PM] <Professor> dude he's a DWARF
  49. [02:46PM] <Professor> let it go
  50. [02:47PM] * @Talon mumbles "an overleveled dwarf"
  51. [02:47PM] <Professor> but he ain't gonna be easy to beat
  52. [02:47PM] <Professor> look at his stats
  53. [02:47PM] <Professor> if you can reach him or keep him from casting you might just win
  54. [02:48PM] <Professor> Glun
  55. [02:48PM] <Professor> you up?
  56. [02:48PM] <Professor> I'm really just a ref here
  57. [02:48PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson snorts awake
  58. [02:49PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I'm here!
  59. [02:49PM] <Professor> ok, you two had a minor altercation in the bar
  60. [02:49PM] <Professor> the bartender kicked ya both out
  61. [02:49PM] <Professor> on yer rears
  62. [02:49PM] <Professor> dwarf is partially inebriated, but that doesn't mean much
  63. [02:49PM] <Professor> talon got his first drink taken away, and that's made him pissed
  64. [02:49PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> In good dwarf tradition, I attempt to plonk Talon in the face with my tankard which I would undoubtably kept a firm hold of throughout the ordeal!
  65. [02:50PM] <Professor> I'm assuming cloth armor
  66. [02:50PM] <Professor> because a druid wouldn't wear leather
  67. [02:50PM] <@Talon> ?
  68. [02:50PM] <Professor> so both of you roll initiative
  69. [02:51PM] <Professor> glun at a -1 penalty
  70. [02:51PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> With a 1d20-1 then?
  71. [02:51PM] <Professor> yep
  72. [02:51PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20-1 In yer *hic* face!
  73. [02:51PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, In yer *hic* face!: 5 [1d20=6]
  74. [02:51PM] <@Talon> 1d20 initive
  75. [02:51PM] <Bones> Talon, initive: 20 [1d20=20]
  76. [02:51PM] <@Talon> lol!
  77. [02:51PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson wobbles
  78. [02:51PM] <Professor> talon has first move
  79. [02:51PM] <Professor> you two are next to each other on the ground
  80. [02:52PM] <Professor> bird is a little way off in the trees
  81. [02:52PM] <Professor> go
  82. [02:52PM] * @Talon stands up
  83. [02:52PM] <Professor> that's a move action
  84. [02:52PM] <Professor> now what
  85. [02:52PM] <Professor> you can move again or fight
  86. [02:53PM] <@Talon> is bringing Skraw over an action?
  87. [02:53PM] <Professor> no, but he's too far away to be immediately useful
  88. [02:53PM] <Professor> won't be here for two rounds
  89. [02:53PM] <Professor> at least
  90. [02:53PM] <Guest45874> back
  91. [02:53PM] <Professor> ?
  92. [02:54PM] <Professor> ah
  93. [02:54PM] <@Talon> fine, I'll just bonk Glundor on the head
  94. [02:54PM] <@Talon> wb Mesmer
  95. [02:54PM] <&DungeonMesmer> hello
  96. [02:54PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson waves drunkenly at Mesmer
  97. [02:54PM] <Professor> with what
  98. [02:54PM] <@Talon> my quaterstaff
  99. [02:54PM] <Professor> you don't have a staff in hand
  100. [02:54PM] <@Talon> ...
  101. [02:54PM] <Professor> you were tossed out on yer rear
  102. [02:54PM] <Professor> it's five feet away, just out of reach
  103. [02:54PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> If I could have a little list of spell options in a PM that would be great yes please
  104. [02:54PM] <&DungeonMesmer> Had a 1one1 DnD session with a gnome rogue trying to sabotage a dwarven fstival
  105. [02:55PM] <Professor> mesmer?
  106. [02:55PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> A oneoneone DnD session?
  107. [02:55PM] <Professor> can you give glun a quick list of spells for a level 4 dwarven mage
  108. [02:55PM] <Professor> at least two have to involve booze
  109. [02:56PM] <&DungeonMesmer> ehm
  110. [02:56PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson leans back with the tankard upended over his mouth in that hopeful way
  111. [02:56PM] <&DungeonMesmer> ...
  112. [02:56PM] <Professor> talon, you done?
  113. [02:56PM] * @Talon kicks Glundor
  114. [02:57PM] <Professor> roll a d20
  115. [02:57PM] * @Talon hopes to knock him down long enough to get his staff XD
  116. [02:57PM] <@Talon> 1d20
  117. [02:57PM] <Bones> Talon, 1d20: 9 [1d20=9]
  118. [02:57PM] <Professor> vs armor class 12 at a -2 for being on the ground
  119. [02:57PM] <Professor> you fail
  120. [02:57PM] <Professor> by one
  121. [02:57PM] <&DungeonMesmer> level 4?
  122. [02:57PM] <Professor> yeah
  123. [02:57PM] <&DungeonMesmer> what's your int?
  124. [02:57PM] <Professor> 18
  125. [02:57PM] <Professor> 6 8 8 18 18 16
  126. [02:58PM] <Professor> his stats
  127. [02:58PM] <&DungeonMesmer> you can use the 0st 1st and 2nd spell list
  128. [02:58PM] <Professor> ok talon, you're standing next to a dwarf on the ground
  129. [02:59PM] <&DungeonMesmer> 2nd 3 times a day, 1st 4 times, 0th 6 times a day
  130. [02:59PM] <&DungeonMesmer> I'm quite content with you guys experimenting.
  131. [03:00PM] <Professor> this is just for fun
  132. [03:00PM] <Professor> drunk fight
  133. [03:00PM] <@Talon> ...
  134. [03:00PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> *hic*
  135. [03:00PM] * @Talon taunts Glundor
  136. [03:00PM] <Professor> ok Glundor_Glodson, yer up!
  137. [03:01PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Am I still on the ground?
  138. [03:01PM] <Professor> taon, what do you DO to taunt him
  139. [03:01PM] <Professor> yes
  140. [03:01PM] <Professor> and talon just barely missed kicking yer nibblets
  141. [03:01PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Then I roll to my dwarfy feet. *hic*
  142. [03:01PM] <@Talon> nothing, was just waiting for his turn :P
  143. [03:01PM] <Professor> roleplay man
  144. [03:01PM] <Professor> insult his heritage
  145. [03:02PM] <Professor> or his profession
  146. [03:02PM] <Professor> or his beard
  147. [03:02PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Inspiration!
  148. [03:02PM] <Kooz> or his axe, that would really get his goat
  149. [03:02PM] <Professor> hmmm
  150. [03:02PM] <Professor> he doesn't have an axe right now
  151. [03:02PM] <Professor> come on talon
  152. [03:02PM] <Professor> what do you say to him
  153. [03:02PM] <@Talon> I've seen mudcrabs that can hold their beer better than you!
  154. [03:02PM] <Professor> while he's getting off the ground
  155. [03:02PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> "Your mother's beard is lesser 'n yours, shaven-faced *hic* oaf!'
  156. [03:03PM] <Professor> ooh ouch
  157. [03:03PM] <Professor> ok glun got a move, now he can move or fight
  158. [03:03PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I punch at him with my tankard!
  159. [03:03PM] <Professor> roll it
  160. [03:03PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20-1
  161. [03:03PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, 1d20-1: 14 [1d20=15]
  162. [03:03PM] <Professor> ac 12
  163. [03:03PM] <Professor> ya hit
  164. [03:03PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Wassadamageroll?
  165. [03:03PM] <Professor> roll 1d4 damage
  166. [03:03PM] <Professor> yer weak for a dwarf
  167. [03:03PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d4 Beer-gut punch!
  168. [03:03PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, Beer-gut punch!: 3 [1d4=3]
  169. [03:04PM] <Professor> oof
  170. [03:04PM] <Professor> you bruised his arm
  171. [03:04PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> My aim's a little off, I note.
  172. [03:04PM] <Professor> ok talon's turn
  173. [03:05PM] * @Talon casts flare
  174. [03:05PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I still don't know my spells, actually x3
  175. [03:05PM] <@Talon> (Link:
  176. [03:06PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I meant mine
  177. [03:06PM] <@Talon> I know but that's what I;m casting
  178. [03:06PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Yeah, that's also nice to know, thanks
  179. [03:06PM] <Professor> roll your fort save
  180. [03:06PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> You mean he doesn't roll for Flare?
  181. [03:07PM] <Professor> it's a cast
  182. [03:07PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Well what's my modifier then? -1? 0?
  183. [03:07PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Alright
  184. [03:07PM] <Professor> -1
  185. [03:07PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20-1 Augh my eyes!
  186. [03:07PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, Augh my eyes!: 9 [1d20=10]
  187. [03:08PM] <Professor> ok roll vs talon's wisdom
  188. [03:08PM] <Professor> talon roll
  189. [03:08PM] <@Talon> is it 1d20+4 ?
  190. [03:08PM] <Professor> yep
  191. [03:08PM] <@Talon> ok
  192. [03:08PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> What?
  193. [03:08PM] <@Talon> 1d20+4
  194. [03:08PM] <Bones> Talon, 1d20+4: 12 [1d20=8]
  195. [03:08PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> What's going on?
  196. [03:09PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> *hic*
  197. [03:09PM] <Professor> ok you get lights in yer eyes for a round
  198. [03:09PM] <Professor> talon, you did combat first
  199. [03:09PM] <Professor> nothing for ya
  200. [03:09PM] <@Talon> is a round a minute?
  201. [03:09PM] <Professor> so glun's attack rolls are now at a -1
  202. [03:09PM] <Professor> and it's the dwarf's turn
  203. [03:09PM] <Professor> insults, anyone?
  204. [03:09PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> That makes it -2? Neat.
  205. [03:10PM] <Professor> no
  206. [03:10PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> No?
  207. [03:10PM] <Professor> your initiative is at a -1 for drunk
  208. [03:10PM] <Professor> you attack is fine
  209. [03:10PM] <Professor> *your attack is fine
  210. [03:10PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Oh. Huh. I'm a little confus. But that's okay, I've got ale in me.
  211. [03:11PM] <Professor> a kid stops and watches the slightly humorous altercation going on outside the local pub
  212. [03:11PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Ach, yer chin's shinier than a sheared goat's buttock, fairy boy!
  213. [03:11PM] * Kooz busts up laughing all of a sudden
  214. [03:12PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I would like to cast an attack spell now, but I don't know which I can use. Do I have a fireball? Magic missile? Something to that effect?
  215. [03:12PM] * @Talon swears back in druidic
  216. [03:12PM] <Professor> one second please
  217. [03:12PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> "Yer lingo's less carryin' than troll-speak, bird-herder! Speak oop!"
  218. [03:13PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson fumbles to cast ray of frost!
  219. [03:14PM] <@Talon> Having a little trouble down there?
  220. [03:14PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> (Do I roll for this?)
  221. [03:15PM] <Professor> yes
  222. [03:15PM] <Professor> but there is no save throw
  223. [03:15PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20-1 You look red, pal!
  224. [03:15PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, You look red, pal!: 6 [1d20=7]
  225. [03:15PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson hiccups and wobbles
  226. [03:15PM] <Professor> failed
  227. [03:16PM] <Professor> you hit the muddy ground between the two of ya
  228. [03:16PM] <Professor> turning it into dirty ice
  229. [03:16PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson curses in dwarfish under his breath
  230. [03:16PM] <Professor> talon's turn
  231. [03:16PM] <Professor> and your bird shows up NEXT round
  232. [03:16PM] <@Talon> nah, I'd say that mud was quite brown actually
  233. [03:16PM] <Professor> you need to insult him first
  234. [03:16PM] <@Talon> way ahead of ya ;D
  235. [03:17PM] <@Talon> can I reach my staff?
  236. [03:18PM] <Professor> you have to move to grab it
  237. [03:18PM] <Professor> you haven't moved since you first got up
  238. [03:18PM] <@Talon> ok I'll move to it
  239. [03:18PM] <Professor> ok now I want you both to roll initiative again
  240. [03:19PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> "Hah! Wished you were closer to the ground now don't yer!"
  241. [03:19PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20-1
  242. [03:19PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, 1d20-1: 19 [1d20=20]
  243. [03:19PM] <Professor> ok
  244. [03:19PM] <Professor> talon roll
  245. [03:19PM] <@Talon> 1d20
  246. [03:19PM] <Bones> Talon, 1d20: 7 [1d20=7]
  247. [03:19PM] <Professor> ok Glun
  248. [03:19PM] <Professor> you get one attack of opportunity
  249. [03:19PM] <Professor> you can kick at him while he's bending over to pick up the stick
  250. [03:20PM] <Professor> 11 or higher is a hit
  251. [03:20PM] <Professor> 1d4 damage with your boot
  252. [03:20PM] <Bones> Professor, damage with your boot: 2 [1d4=2]
  253. [03:20PM] <Professor> roll it
  254. [03:20PM] <Professor> bu tyou don't have to if ya want
  255. [03:20PM] <&DungeonMesmer> posted again
  256. [03:20PM] <Professor> you can just admire his backside for a minute
  257. [03:21PM] * @Talon waggles said backside
  258. [03:21PM] <&DungeonMesmer> windlord, mishael1, posted.
  259. [03:22PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I try to cast ray of frost at his arse!
  260. [03:22PM] <&DungeonMesmer> hahahaha
  261. [03:22PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20-1 In heat are yer? I can fix that!
  262. [03:22PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, In heat are yer? I can fix that!: 8 [1d20=9]
  263. [03:22PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Gwah!
  264. [03:22PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson wobbles again
  265. [03:22PM] <Professor> Bird is here
  266. [03:23PM] <Professor> talon your turn
  267. [03:23PM] <@Talon> how far away is the dwarf?
  268. [03:23PM] <Professor> 10 feet
  269. [03:24PM] * @Talon orders Skraw to attack
  270. [03:24PM] <@Talon> 1d8
  271. [03:24PM] <Bones> Talon, 1d8: 6 [1d8=6]
  272. [03:25PM] <Professor> failed to hit
  273. [03:25PM] <Professor> dove at the dwarf and missed
  274. [03:25PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson flinches anyhow
  275. [03:25PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson hiccups
  276. [03:25PM] * @Talon casts obscuring cloud
  277. [03:26PM] <@Talon> (Link:
  278. [03:26PM] <Professor> ok so there's now thick clouds everywhere
  279. [03:27PM] <Professor> sight is useless for finding talong
  280. [03:27PM] <Professor> *talon
  281. [03:27PM] <Professor> Glun your turn
  282. [03:27PM] <Professor> and dangit talon, shout an insult
  283. [03:28PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Hide an' seek is it, fairy boy?
  284. [03:28PM] * BarWench stands behind her counter, looking utterly disgruntled and sighs, knowing the mess she's going to have to clean up *
  285. [03:28PM] <@Talon> gonna need to work on your aim, oh wait...
  286. [03:28PM] <Professor> er this is outside
  287. [03:28PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I'll be sure to find your sparkles!
  288. [03:28PM] <Professor> they already got booted
  289. [03:28PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson casts him up a fireball at where he heard Talon speak from
  290. [03:28PM] <Professor> ooh nice
  291. [03:28PM] <Professor> flip a d2
  292. [03:29PM] <BarWench> well good, means I kicked them out already...
  293. [03:29PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d2
  294. [03:29PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, 1d2: 2 [1d2=2]
  295. [03:29PM] <Professor> miss
  296. [03:29PM] * Kooz goes back to her boring job
  297. [03:29PM] <Passerby> The fire ball hits the passerby
  298. [03:29PM] <Passerby> :(
  299. [03:29PM] <Professor> er
  300. [03:29PM] <Professor> no
  301. [03:29PM] <Passerby> jk
  302. [03:29PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> ..wat
  303. [03:29PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I rolled 2 out of 2 o:
  304. [03:29PM] <Professor> it's flipping a coin
  305. [03:30PM] <Professor> heads and tails
  306. [03:30PM] <Professor> 1= heads and 2 = tails
  307. [03:30PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> So why was the low number the good one all of a sudden? Aw. Alright then, DM's DM.
  308. [03:30PM] <Professor> sorry
  309. [03:30PM] <Professor> 's just how I've always done it
  310. [03:30PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> But I burn away the cloud at least, right?
  311. [03:30PM] <Professor> yes
  312. [03:30PM] <Professor> cloud is gone
  313. [03:30PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Woosh!
  314. [03:31PM] <Professor> talon, GO
  315. [03:31PM] <@Talon> is it possible for Skraw to hit?
  316. [03:31PM] <Professor> oh, and glun, the light spell wears off
  317. [03:31PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I can see ya now, ya overgrown faerie!
  318. [03:32PM] <Professor> skraw will hit if he rolls an 8 or if you manage to drop the dwarf's AC low enough
  319. [03:32PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson thumps his chest
  320. [03:32PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> No hidin' form the might sons of Glodson, eh?
  321. [03:32PM] <@Talon> ok 1 in 8 chance then!
  322. [03:32PM] <Professor> yep
  323. [03:32PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson peers at the bottom of his tankard for a moment
  324. [03:32PM] <@Talon> 1d8 Skraw attacks
  325. [03:32PM] <Bones> Talon, Skraw attacks: 3 [1d8=3]
  326. [03:33PM] <Professor> ok and now your turn
  327. [03:33PM] <Professor> you're 10 feet away
  328. [03:33PM] <Professor> can't hit with the stick till ya move
  329. [03:33PM] <@Talon> can I reach him in one action?
  330. [03:33PM] <Professor> ye
  331. [03:33PM] <Professor> *es
  332. [03:33PM] <@Talon> ok
  333. [03:33PM] <Professor> so you move and then move to hit?
  334. [03:33PM] * @Talon charges forward and swings the staff
  335. [03:34PM] <Professor> roll it
  336. [03:34PM] <@Talon> do I have a modifier for this?
  337. [03:34PM] <Professor> glun do you stand and take it or do you dodge?
  338. [03:34PM] <Professor> strength modifier
  339. [03:34PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I fail to react in my drunken stupour
  340. [03:34PM] <Professor> ok
  341. [03:34PM] <Professor> you have to hit above a 12
  342. [03:35PM] <Professor> talon
  343. [03:35PM] <@Talon> 1d20
  344. [03:35PM] <Bones> Talon, 1d20: 15 [1d20=15]
  345. [03:35PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Ugwah!
  346. [03:35PM] <Professor> roll 2d6
  347. [03:35PM] <@Talon> 2d6
  348. [03:35PM] <Bones> Talon, 2d6: 9 [2d6=4,5]
  349. [03:35PM] <Professor> you give him a good whack around the ears
  350. [03:36PM] <Professor> his vision blurs a little more than usual and then he shakes it off
  351. [03:36PM] <Professor> (im going at 24 submission damage to KO)
  352. [03:36PM] <Professor> (for each)
  353. [03:37PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Don't move so fast, sparky!
  354. [03:37PM] <Flavor> Added my character ready for approval
  355. [03:37PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I cast Hold Person!
  356. [03:38PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> (Link:
  357. [03:38PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> On Talon, forgetting the bird completely
  358. [03:38PM] <Professor> ok
  359. [03:38PM] <Professor> roll intelligence vs will
  360. [03:38PM] <Professor> Glun gets 1d20+4 and so does talon
  361. [03:39PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20+4 Not so fast, sparky!
  362. [03:39PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, Not so fast, sparky!: 22 [1d20=18]
  363. [03:39PM] <@Talon> oh, good I get the will
  364. [03:39PM] <@Talon> I''d be screwed with the int :P
  365. [03:39PM] <@Talon> 1d20+4 so fast lard bucket
  366. [03:39PM] <Bones> Talon, so fast lard bucket: 17 [1d20=13]
  367. [03:39PM] <Professor> talon is frozen in place
  368. [03:39PM] <Professor> does the bird go again?
  369. [03:40PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> "Good! Now let me think for a moment"
  370. [03:40PM] <@Talon> 1d8 I guess
  371. [03:40PM] <Bones> Talon, I guess: 6 [1d8=6]
  372. [03:40PM] <Professor> FAIL
  373. [03:40PM] <Professor> ok
  374. [03:40PM] <@Talon> no thinking for you!
  375. [03:40PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson stands there thinking for a while
  376. [03:40PM] <Professor> bird flaps in his face
  377. [03:40PM] <@Talon> is what Talon would say if he could talk
  378. [03:40PM] <@Talon> that Glundor's turn?
  379. [03:41PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson snaps his fingers
  380. [03:41PM] <Professor> ah here we go
  381. [03:41PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> That's it! Sparky!
  382. [03:41PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson casts Lightning Bolt
  383. [03:41PM] <Professor> ohboy
  384. [03:41PM] <Professor> roll a d20
  385. [03:41PM] <@Talon> dodg- oh wait
  386. [03:41PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> (Link:
  387. [03:41PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Just one?
  388. [03:41PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20
  389. [03:41PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, 1d20: 9 [1d20=9]
  390. [03:41PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Awww
  391. [03:42PM] <Professor> ok, the bolt hits the mud
  392. [03:42PM] <Professor> uhhh
  393. [03:42PM] <@Talon> you really hate that mud
  394. [03:42PM] <Professor> roll 2d6
  395. [03:42PM] <Professor> both of you
  396. [03:42PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Hah, take that, ya git!
  397. [03:42PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 2d6
  398. [03:42PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, 2d6: 5 [2d6=3,2]
  399. [03:42PM] <@Talon> 2d6
  400. [03:42PM] <Bones> Talon, 2d6: 3 [2d6=1,2]
  401. [03:42PM] <@Talon> what's this for?
  402. [03:42PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Do we get mudzap'd?
  403. [03:42PM] <Professor> talon takes 3 damage and glun takes 5
  404. [03:42PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Augh!
  405. [03:42PM] <@Talon> lol!
  406. [03:43PM] <@Talon> my go?
  407. [03:43PM] <Professor> roll a will save
  408. [03:43PM] <Professor> vs glun
  409. [03:43PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson stands there shuddering
  410. [03:43PM] <@Talon> 1d20+4
  411. [03:43PM] <Bones> Talon, 1d20+4: 23 [1d20=19]
  412. [03:43PM] <Professor> glun?
  413. [03:43PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Oh right
  414. [03:43PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20+4
  415. [03:43PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, 1d20+4: 17 [1d20=13]
  416. [03:43PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Ugwah!
  417. [03:43PM] <Professor> talon breaks the old
  418. [03:43PM] <Professor> *hold
  419. [03:43PM] * @Talon flexes
  420. [03:44PM] <@Talon> 1d8 you know the drill
  421. [03:44PM] <Bones> Talon, you know the drill: 8 [1d8=8]
  422. [03:44PM] <@Talon> :o
  423. [03:44PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> o:
  424. [03:44PM] <Professor> roll 1d4 for the bird
  425. [03:44PM] <@Talon> 1d4
  426. [03:44PM] <Bones> Talon, 1d4: 1 [1d4=1]
  427. [03:44PM] <Professor> sorry 2d
  428. [03:44PM] <Professor> sorry 2d4
  429. [03:44PM] <Professor> 2 claws
  430. [03:44PM] <@Talon> 2d4
  431. [03:44PM] <Bones> Talon, 2d4: 4 [2d4=1,3]
  432. [03:45PM] <Professor> glun's pate was good and well scratched
  433. [03:45PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Not my foie gras! o:
  434. [03:45PM] <Professor> with dwarven propensity to temper, I grant him a +1 to melee
  435. [03:45PM] <Professor> damage and hit
  436. [03:45PM] * @Talon swings again
  437. [03:46PM] <Professor> roll it vs 12
  438. [03:46PM] <@Talon> 1d20
  439. [03:46PM] <Bones> Talon, 1d20: 2 [1d20=2]
  440. [03:46PM] <@Talon> :/
  441. [03:46PM] <Professor> unless the dwarf wants to dodge
  442. [03:46PM] <@Talon> no need
  443. [03:46PM] <@Talon> :P
  444. [03:46PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I'll give drunken dodging a try
  445. [03:46PM] <Professor> dwarf's turn
  446. [03:46PM] <Professor> ok
  447. [03:46PM] <Professor> dodge it
  448. [03:46PM] <Professor> at a -1.
  449. [03:46PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> HURRR
  450. [03:46PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20-1
  451. [03:46PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, 1d20-1: 8 [1d20=9]
  452. [03:47PM] <Professor> welp glun's turn
  453. [03:47PM] <@Talon> what does that do?
  454. [03:47PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I get annoyed at the damn bird and toss a lightning bolt at it
  455. [03:47PM] <@Talon> add to AC?
  456. [03:47PM] <Professor> bird gets a +6 dex to AC
  457. [03:47PM] <@Talon> so would I have had to beat 20?
  458. [03:47PM] <Professor> no you would have had to beat 8
  459. [03:48PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20 Zzzap!
  460. [03:48PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, Zzzap!: 8 [1d20=8]
  461. [03:48PM] <@Talon> so the dodge gave me an advantage? XD
  462. [03:48PM] <Professor> lol no
  463. [03:48PM] <Professor> you would have had to beat his dodge and then his AC
  464. [03:48PM] <Professor> drunk fight rules are a bit different
  465. [03:49PM] <Professor> you fail to hit the bird
  466. [03:49PM] <Professor> talon's turn
  467. [03:49PM] <@Talon> 1d8 revenge
  468. [03:49PM] <Bones> Talon, revenge: 8 [1d8=8]
  469. [03:49PM] <@Talon> 2d4
  470. [03:49PM] <Bones> Talon, 2d4: 3 [2d4=2,1]
  471. [03:49PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Ugwagh!
  472. [03:51PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I flail at the bird, trying to grab it
  473. [03:51PM] <Professor> roll dex
  474. [03:51PM] <Professor> bird gets +6
  475. [03:51PM] <Professor> glun gets -1
  476. [03:51PM] <@Talon> 1d20+6
  477. [03:51PM] <Bones> Talon, 1d20+6: 17 [1d20=11]
  478. [03:51PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20-1, is it?
  479. [03:51PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, is it?: 9 [1d20=10]
  480. [03:51PM] <Professor> grab misses
  481. [03:51PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Not surprising
  482. [03:52PM] <Professor> nope
  483. [03:52PM] <Professor> but worth a shot
  484. [03:52PM] <Professor> talon, what's next
  485. [03:52PM] <@Talon> uh, clubbing him seems to be going well
  486. [03:52PM] <@Talon> 1d20
  487. [03:52PM] <Bones> Talon, 1d20: 11 [1d20=11]
  488. [03:53PM] <@Talon> damn
  489. [03:53PM] <Professor> glun, you're up
  490. [03:53PM] <&DungeonMesmer> how do you like the centaur class?
  491. [03:53PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Hm
  492. [03:53PM] <Professor> I like glun's troll
  493. [03:53PM] <Professor> something very pratchett about it
  494. [03:53PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Yes, exactly, exactly!
  495. [03:54PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Anyway, uh… hold person again!
  496. [03:54PM] <Professor> roll int vs will
  497. [03:54PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Stop moving, ya barbarian lug!
  498. [03:54PM] <@Talon> 1d20+4 nope
  499. [03:54PM] <Bones> Talon, nope: 13 [1d20=9]
  500. [03:54PM] <Psi> DungeonMesmer: Around?
  501. [03:54PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20+4
  502. [03:54PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, 1d20+4: 17 [1d20=13]
  503. [03:54PM] <Professor> oh nicely done
  504. [03:55PM] <Professor> talon is frozen again, and within easy reach
  505. [03:55PM] <Professor> talon, all you got this round is your bird
  506. [03:55PM] <Psi> Where is the DM when you need him D:
  507. [03:55PM] <Professor> glun, gonna go for the grab again?
  508. [03:55PM] <&DungeonMesmer> ?
  509. [03:55PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Yeah
  510. [03:55PM] <@Talon> 1d8
  511. [03:55PM] <Bones> Talon, 1d8: 8 [1d8=8]
  512. [03:55PM] <Professor> er what's up psi?
  513. [03:55PM] <@Talon> lol!
  514. [03:55PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Agh, stop that, ya feathery varmint!
  515. [03:56PM] <@Talon> 3 in a row
  516. [03:56PM] <&DungeonMesmer> I'm here psi
  517. [03:56PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20-1
  518. [03:56PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, 1d20-1: 7 [1d20=8]
  519. [03:56PM] <Professor> roll damage on the bird
  520. [03:56PM] <Psi> Erm, can my dwarf be in the inn/tavern at start?
  521. [03:56PM] <Psi> Or where is he? :o
  522. [03:56PM] <&DungeonMesmer> of course.
  523. [03:56PM] <Psi> Good
  524. [03:56PM] <Professor> and roll reflex on the grab
  525. [03:56PM] <&DungeonMesmer> You can declare to be anywhere you like
  526. [03:56PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Just did, failed
  527. [03:56PM] <Professor> nono
  528. [03:56PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> No?
  529. [03:56PM] <&DungeonMesmer> even below a barrel of beer, drinking till you explode.
  530. [03:56PM] <Professor> bird has to roll reflex
  531. [03:56PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Ah
  532. [03:56PM] <&DungeonMesmer> Unless you want to be somewhere specific.
  533. [03:56PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Right x3
  534. [03:56PM] <@Talon> what was my dex... thing again
  535. [03:57PM] <Professor> bird rolls at a +6
  536. [03:57PM] <&DungeonMesmer> Like at the smithy, brewery, bank or something?
  537. [03:57PM] <Professor> and damage is 2d
  538. [03:57PM] <@Talon> 1d20+6
  539. [03:57PM] <Bones> Talon, 1d20+6: 9 [1d20=3]
  540. [03:57PM] <@Talon> :o
  541. [03:57PM] <Professor> damage is 2d4
  542. [03:57PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Close!
  543. [03:57PM] <@Talon> just enough XD
  544. [03:57PM] <Professor> very very close
  545. [03:57PM] <@Talon> 2d4
  546. [03:57PM] <Bones> Talon, 2d4: 3 [2d4=1,2]
  547. [03:57PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Do I get hold of a feather? :D
  548. [03:57PM] <&DungeonMesmer> God I love your enthousiasm guys!
  549. [03:57PM] <&DungeonMesmer> This is so awesome.
  550. [03:58PM] <Professor> ok glun's turn
  551. [03:58PM] <@Talon> 'tis Mesmer
  552. [03:58PM] <Professor> :D
  553. [03:58PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Electric zappy time!
  554. [03:58PM] <&DungeonMesmer> You all made a flippin character within a day.
  555. [03:58PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Lightning bolt!
  556. [03:58PM] <Professor> lightning bolt what
  557. [03:58PM] <&DungeonMesmer> Most people take WEEKS to even attempt making one
  558. [03:58PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20 Glitter for me, fairy boy!
  559. [03:58PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, Glitter for me, fairy boy!: 16 [1d20=16]
  560. [03:58PM] <&DungeonMesmer> I'm not kidding here.
  561. [03:58PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Pew pew!
  562. [03:58PM] <Professor> roll a reflex...
  563. [03:58PM] <Professor> oh wait
  564. [03:59PM] <Professor> nope
  565. [03:59PM] * Knucis is so confused with these random numbers and symbols!
  566. [03:59PM] <Professor> !
  567. [03:59PM] <Flavor> Mesmer, am I in?
  568. [03:59PM] <Professor> roll 2d6 for damage
  569. [03:59PM] <Professor> direct hit
  570. [03:59PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Wasn't it 3d6?
  571. [03:59PM] <Professor> and roll a d100 to see if there's splash damage
  572. [03:59PM] <@Windlord> DungeonMesmer: we'll probably get more into it when we've played a round and finally understand what happens and how
  573. [03:59PM] <@Windlord> really nice of you to make the centaur class btw!
  574. [03:59PM] <@Windlord> do appreciate that :)
  575. [03:59PM] <Psi> Centaur seems nice
  576. [03:59PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Wait, what caster level do I have?
  577. [03:59PM] <Professor> nope
  578. [04:00PM] <Professor> caster 2
  579. [04:00PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Fair enough
  580. [04:00PM] <&DungeonMesmer> Flavor, just add your char to the description and write yourself in the story.
  581. [04:00PM] <Professor> roll 2d6
  582. [04:00PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 2d6 Zappy death; 1d100 splash!
  583. [04:00PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, Zappy death: 9 [2d6=4,5]; splash!: 53 [1d100=53]
  584. [04:00PM] <Professor> ok splash no damage
  585. [04:00PM] <Professor> talon takes a jolt to the scrotum though
  586. [04:00PM] <&DungeonMesmer> hahahah what?
  587. [04:00PM] <@Talon> ...
  588. [04:01PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Wait what? No damage?
  589. [04:01PM] <Flavor> What do you mean with "adding the character to the description"?
  590. [04:01PM] <Flavor> i nab pls forgive
  591. [04:01PM] <@Windlord> Flavor: forum!
  592. [04:01PM] <Professor> glun takes no splash damage
  593. [04:01PM] <@Talon> no splash damage
  594. [04:01PM] <Professor> but talon gets it in the nuts
  595. [04:01PM] <@Windlord> one topic for character description, another topic for story
  596. [04:01PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Ah
  597. [04:01PM] <Flavor> Ah, yeah, I added the character to the topic
  598. [04:01PM] <@Windlord> yaaay Psi
  599. [04:01PM] <@Windlord> you're in the game
  600. [04:02PM] <Psi> yep
  601. [04:02PM] <Professor> 30% chance of splash damage at 5 feet
  602. [04:02PM] <Flavor> It's there, just confirming if I'm allowed to start
  603. [04:02PM] <Professor> ok talon's up
  604. [04:02PM] <Professor> roll will vs int
  605. [04:02PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20+4
  606. [04:02PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, 1d20+4: 8 [1d20=4]
  607. [04:02PM] <@Windlord> Flavor: probably, I just... walked into the scene
  608. [04:02PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Oh noes!
  609. [04:02PM] <@Talon> 1d20+4
  610. [04:02PM] <Bones> Talon, 1d20+4: 23 [1d20=19]
  611. [04:03PM] <Professor> talon is free!
  612. [04:03PM] <@Talon> I would be surprised if I lost that
  613. [04:03PM] <Professor> do we bird again?
  614. [04:03PM] <@Talon> 1d8 what do you think?
  615. [04:03PM] <Bones> Talon, what do you think?: 8 [1d8=8]
  616. [04:03PM] <@Talon> OMG!
  617. [04:03PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> AUGH MY FACE
  618. [04:03PM] <@Talon> Skraw is blessed! :D
  619. [04:03PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson flails at the bird
  620. [04:03PM] <Professor> gonna grab?
  621. [04:03PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> GRABBY HANDS GO
  622. [04:03PM] <Professor> roll reflexes guys
  623. [04:03PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20-1
  624. [04:04PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, 1d20-1: 11 [1d20=12]
  625. [04:04PM] <@Windlord> oh wow David's professor
  626. [04:04PM] <@Talon> 1d20+8 ?
  627. [04:04PM] <Bones> Talon, ?: 9 [1d20=1]
  628. [04:04PM] <Professor> er it's 6
  629. [04:04PM] <@Talon> oh
  630. [04:04PM] <Flavor> Edited in an extra piece of equipment, just a simple bottle
  631. [04:04PM] <Professor> bird got good and grabbed
  632. [04:04PM] <@Talon> 1d20+6
  633. [04:04PM] <Bones> Talon, 1d20+6: 18 [1d20=12]
  634. [04:04PM] <Professor> nope sorry
  635. [04:04PM] <Professor> using old roll
  636. [04:05PM] <Professor> bird got good and grabbed
  637. [04:05PM] <Professor> you gonna smack at him
  638. [04:05PM] <Professor> risk hitting the bird?
  639. [04:05PM] <Professor> glun, you got the bird by the claws
  640. [04:05PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson grins maliciously, a glint in his eye
  641. [04:05PM] <Professor> it's flappin it's wings
  642. [04:06PM] <Professor> all in your face
  643. [04:06PM] <Professor> -2 to anything involving vision
  644. [04:06PM] <Professor> talon, what do you do?
  645. [04:06PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I grab it more firmly with my other hand, dropping the tankard (What a feat!)
  646. [04:06PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Or at least, that's what I'm going to do when I can
  647. [04:06PM] <Professor> yeah
  648. [04:07PM] <Professor> it's a check of 5 on a d20 to keep hold of the bird each round
  649. [04:07PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Talon?
  650. [04:08PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Talooooooon!
  651. [04:08PM] <Professor> probably went to take a piss
  652. [04:08PM] * @Talon summons a wolf
  653. [04:08PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> "Agh, keep still ya blighted creature!" (at the bird)
  654. [04:08PM] <Professor> that'll take two rounds, providing you can keep concentrated
  655. [04:09PM] <Professor> glun your turn
  656. [04:09PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Birdgrab!
  657. [04:09PM] <@Talon> I feel a wolf would be better suited at getting Skraw away
  658. [04:09PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I don't suppose I can try to break its little neck in the same turn, eh?
  659. [04:10PM] <Professor> you can
  660. [04:10PM] <Professor> but you have to hold onto it first
  661. [04:10PM] <Professor> roll d20
  662. [04:10PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Then I, drunken angry Glodson, do so.
  663. [04:11PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20 Keep still, ya blighter!
  664. [04:11PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, Keep still, ya blighter!: 11 [1d20=11]
  665. [04:11PM] <Professor> ok you got him good and tight
  666. [04:11PM] <Professor> hold on one sec before you do anything else
  667. [04:12PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson grins maliciously at the panicking critter
  668. [04:13PM] <@Windlord> Flavor: pouch*?
  669. [04:13PM] <Flavor> Uh
  670. [04:13PM] <Flavor> My bad
  671. [04:13PM] <Flavor> Damn it, that was fast, Wind
  672. [04:13PM] <Flavor> I just clicked post and bam
  673. [04:14PM] <Flavor> It's like you have bad grammar sensors
  674. [04:15PM] * ~Glundor_Glodson is frozen in time and space
  675. [04:16PM] <@Windlord> hehe
  676. [04:16PM] <@Windlord> silly Glun, why won't he join in
  677. [04:16PM] <Flavor> I do have a dota stream running in the background but that typo was all me. I dun goofed.
  678. [04:16PM] <@Talon> Stop!
  679. [04:17PM] <@Talon> the bird doesn't have to be involved in this
  680. [04:17PM] <Flavor> And of course that the stream crashes as I say that
  681. [04:17PM] <Knucis> I can be any kind of race?
  682. [04:17PM] <Flavor> What were you thinking?
  683. [04:17PM] <Knucis> I seriously have no idea of what I have to do D:
  684. [04:17PM] <Flavor> Hm
  685. [04:17PM] <Professor> glun, the sparkly boy is talking
  686. [04:18PM] <Flavor> Go to the description topic
  687. [04:18PM] <Flavor> There's a handbook there
  688. [04:18PM] <Knucis> This is too complicateeedd!!!
  689. [04:18PM] <Knucis> I wanted to be some kind of reptilian race D:
  690. [04:19PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I am a drunk and angry dwarf holding a squawking annoyance which has hurt me several times. I continue to try and crush the critter's bones
  691. [04:19PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Knucis: We need more humans! =p
  692. [04:19PM] <Knucis> Buuut humans suck D:!
  693. [04:19PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Yeah, well, so does everything else
  694. [04:19PM] <Knucis> Is there any kind of reptilian humanoids? D:
  695. [04:19PM] <Knucis> That could serve as humans?
  696. [04:20PM] <@Windlord> goblins
  697. [04:20PM] <Flavor> Argonians -shot-
  698. [04:20PM] * @Talon attempts to run and leap over the dwarf
  699. [04:20PM] <Professor> you have a dex check talon vs the dwarf's strength
  700. [04:21PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Vs my strength?! D: Aw maaan
  701. [04:21PM] <Professor> dude
  702. [04:21PM] <Professor> you have a +1
  703. [04:21PM] <@Windlord> is irc rp valid
  704. [04:21PM] <Professor> yes
  705. [04:21PM] <@Talon> 1d20+1
  706. [04:21PM] <Bones> Talon, 1d20+1: 3 [1d20=2]
  707. [04:21PM] * Knucis is sooo confuseeeeeeeeeeed
  708. [04:21PM] <@Talon> :/
  709. [04:21PM] <@Windlord> then what happens with what happens here
  710. [04:21PM] <@Windlord> because I can't keep track of this one!
  711. [04:21PM] <Professor> I don't know
  712. [04:21PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Windlord: The RP will actually be mainly in IRC for ease of happenings
  713. [04:21PM] <Professor> haha
  714. [04:21PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> This current battle is a mock battle, though
  715. [04:22PM] <Professor> glun roll strenght
  716. [04:22PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Glundor_Glodson will… possibly not be seen again
  717. [04:22PM] <@Windlord> Glundor_Glodson: then I'll sadly be unable to join
  718. [04:22PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20+1 then?
  719. [04:22PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, then?: 8 [1d20=7]
  720. [04:22PM] <Professor> *strength at a pluss 1
  721. [04:22PM] * @Talon is thankful
  722. [04:22PM] <Professor> ok now roll a d20
  723. [04:22PM] <Professor> glun
  724. [04:22PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20 Huargh!
  725. [04:22PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, Huargh!: 10 [1d20=10]
  726. [04:22PM] <@Talon> can I trip over the dwarf and knock Skraw out his hands? :D
  727. [04:22PM] <Professor> talon barrels into the dwarf instead of leaping over him
  728. [04:23PM] <Professor> all three, the bird the dwarf and the druid go down into the mud
  729. [04:23PM] <Professor> skraw is NOT going to be happy
  730. [04:23PM] <@Windlord> so david's the Dungeon Master
  731. [04:23PM] <Professor> ... if he lives
  732. [04:23PM] <Kooz> oh that poor bird
  733. [04:23PM] <Professor> ROLL initiative
  734. [04:23PM] <Professor> I will play the bird for the moment
  735. [04:23PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20-1
  736. [04:23PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, 1d20-1: 0 [1d20=1]
  737. [04:23PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> lolfail
  738. [04:23PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> *hic*
  739. [04:23PM] <skraw> 1d20-2
  740. [04:23PM] <Bones> skraw, 1d20-2: 8 [1d20=10]
  741. [04:24PM] <@Talon> I have +1 right?
  742. [04:24PM] <skraw> yes
  743. [04:24PM] <@Talon> 1d20+1
  744. [04:24PM] <Bones> Talon, 1d20+1: 6 [1d20=5]
  745. [04:24PM] <Psi> ISn't mesmer DungeonMaster? :o
  746. [04:24PM] <&DungeonMesmer> yes
  747. [04:24PM] <@Talon> yeah
  748. [04:24PM] <skraw> yes mesmer is
  749. [04:24PM] <&DungeonMesmer> I'm trying to keep all the knots from tying in the forums :P
  750. [04:24PM] <@Talon> but he wasn't here so David took over for this battle
  751. [04:24PM] <skraw> ok so skraw gets first action
  752. [04:25PM] <skraw> attempts to disentangle at a -6 penalty, negating the dex mod
  753. [04:25PM] <skraw> roll needs to be above 10
  754. [04:25PM] <skraw> 1d20 GTFO
  755. [04:25PM] <Bones> skraw, GTFO: 16 [1d20=16]
  756. [04:25PM] <skraw> bird gets away
  757. [04:25PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Even with that -6 penalty, eh? Man.
  758. [04:25PM] <professor> it lands on a branch and will NOT be going back in
  759. [04:25PM] <@Talon> well he has +6 normally
  760. [04:26PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Heh. right.
  761. [04:26PM] <professor> ok so talon's turn
  762. [04:26PM] <professor> you're both in the mud
  763. [04:26PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Delicious mud
  764. [04:26PM] <Kooz> man, this fight lasted a LONG TIME
  765. [04:26PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Yes
  766. [04:26PM] * @Talon get's up
  767. [04:27PM] <professor> keep in mind talon that your bait-and-tackle just got fired
  768. [04:27PM] <professor> *fried
  769. [04:27PM] * @Talon assumes a check is coming
  770. [04:27PM] <@Talon> ?
  771. [04:27PM] <professor> roll a d20 at a -6
  772. [04:27PM] <professor> add your dex mod
  773. [04:27PM] <@Talon> 1d20-6
  774. [04:27PM] <Bones> Talon, 1d20-6: -4 [1d20=2]
  775. [04:27PM] <professor> oof nope
  776. [04:27PM] <@Talon> WHA-?!
  777. [04:28PM] <professor> you bury your head while slipping
  778. [04:28PM] <professor> Glun, go@
  779. [04:28PM] <professor> !
  780. [04:28PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Ouch, man xD
  781. [04:28PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Alright, uh
  782. [04:28PM] <professor> get up man!
  783. [04:29PM] <professor> Kooz, one of the reason this fight lasted awhile is that it's pvp
  784. [04:29PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Can I throw lightning at him without getting up?
  785. [04:29PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I feel the moment calls for this
  786. [04:29PM] <professor> yep
  787. [04:29PM] <Kooz> still
  788. [04:29PM] <professor> roll em
  789. [04:29PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Have at you!
  790. [04:29PM] <professor> 2d6
  791. [04:29PM] <Bones> professor, 2d6: 8 [2d6=4,4]
  792. [04:29PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 1d20
  793. [04:29PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, 1d20: 19 [1d20=19]
  794. [04:30PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> 2d6 Zappy death!
  795. [04:30PM] <Bones> Glundor_Glodson, Zappy death!: 8 [2d6=4,4]
  796. [04:30PM] <~Glundor_Glodson>
  797. [04:30PM] <professor> well
  798. [04:30PM] <professor> count your respective damages
  799. [04:30PM] <professor> glun might have just knocked himself out
  800. [04:31PM] <@Talon> 2d6 ?
  801. [04:31PM] <Bones> Talon, ?: 6 [2d6=5,1]
  802. [04:31PM] <professor> 24 is the threshold
  803. [04:31PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> …I haven't kept track of my damage x3
  804. [04:31PM] <&DungeonMesmer> right
  805. [04:31PM] <&DungeonMesmer> posted
  806. [04:31PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I should've done that, eh?
  807. [04:31PM] <professor> lol
  808. [04:31PM] <@Talon> does the DM not? :P
  809. [04:31PM] * professor wonders if the centaur is observing the fight
  810. [04:31PM] <professor> er
  811. [04:32PM] <professor> nope
  812. [04:32PM] <professor> characters are supposed to keep track of their own
  813. [04:32PM] <&DungeonMesmer> right
  814. [04:32PM] <professor> dm is responsible for NPC's
  815. [04:32PM] <&DungeonMesmer> that is true
  816. [04:32PM] <&DungeonMesmer> but I wasn't here when this fight started :P
  817. [04:32PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Heheh
  818. [04:33PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Did the zappy zappy hit both of us, then? I didn't even roll for splash! But considering we're both in the mud..
  819. [04:33PM] <professor> and near to on top of each other
  820. [04:33PM] <professor> yeah
  821. [04:34PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Right
  822. [04:34PM] <professor> dwarven mages aren't known for intelligence, I guess XD
  823. [04:34PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> A less drunk dwarf might've chosen a different element to attack with, or possibly just gotten up and punched
  824. [04:35PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Maybe I'm not so much a drunk dwarf as I am a smashed, or even Irish dwarf
  825. [04:35PM] <professor> hahahahahaha
  826. [04:35PM] <professor> Glun you're KO'd
  827. [04:35PM] <professor> talon wins
  828. [04:35PM] <professor> but not by his own doing
  829. [04:35PM] * @Talon dances
  830. [04:35PM] <&DungeonMesmer> 8 people on the forums online
  831. [04:35PM] <&DungeonMesmer> hahaha
  832. [04:35PM] * @Talon collapses
  833. [04:35PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> lol
  834. [04:35PM] <professor> he comes away with a mouth of mud, a hurt bird
  835. [04:36PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> There ye have it
  836. [04:36PM] <professor> and a fried scrotum
  837. [04:36PM] <professor> no XP
  838. [04:36PM] <professor> xp
  839. [04:36PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Glundor Glodson can indeed not hold his ale as well as a dwarf should
  840. [04:36PM] <professor> of course
  841. [04:36PM] <professor> look at his constitution
  842. [04:36PM] <professor> that's WITH a racial mod
  843. [04:36PM] <professor> :D
  844. [04:37PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Hehehe
  845. [04:37PM] <professor> oh this was fun
  846. [04:37PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> I suspect he was raised by teetotal humans or something
  847. [04:37PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> Yes, it was
  848. [04:37PM] <~Glundor_Glodson> It's also half past midnight here
  849. [04:37PM] <~Glun> Also, Mesmer, Obsidian's done a thing. Not a very interesting thing, but perhaps something will happen, hmm?
  850. [04:38PM] <&DungeonMesmer> Yes I noticed.
  851. [04:38PM] * Kooz takes a break by working on character ideas more
  852. [04:38PM] <&DungeonMesmer> Thinking of something, but 't is late.
  853. [04:38PM] <~Glun> No hurry
  854. [04:38PM] <~Glun> I'm off to bed meself now anyhoo, methinks
  855. [04:39PM] * @Talon could intervene if nothing else ;)
  856. [04:40PM] <~Glun> No no, no metagaming now
  857. [04:40PM] <~Glun> Let things take its course
  858. [04:40PM] <~Glun> We don't all have to find each other within the first five pages
  859. [04:41PM] <~Glun> Heck, we've got enough people to form seperate parties going on opposite directions!
  860. [04:41PM] <~Glun> In any case
  861. [04:41PM] <~Glun> Thanks for this funstuffs
  862. [04:41PM] <~Glun> And goodnight
  863. [04:41PM] <professor> night glun
  864. [04:42PM] <professor> oh
  865. [04:42PM] <professor> and glundor glodson
  866. [04:42PM] <professor> should be the local brewer
  867. [04:42PM] <professor> ferment beverage and all
  868. [04:42PM] <professor> with the ice spell
  869. [04:42PM] <professor> he can pull a brew and chill it
  870. [04:42PM] <~Glun> Hahaha, could be, could be
  871. [04:42PM] <professor> just hand him to mesmer
  872. [04:42PM] <professor> I like the blighter
  873. [04:43PM] <~Glun> A local brewer mage who can't hold his ale.. what a funny man
  874. [04:43PM] <~Glun> Yeah, have 'im, Mes.
  875. [04:43PM] <professor> mesmer?
  876. [04:44PM] <~Glun> G;night people!
  877. [04:44PM] <professor> NIGHT GLUN!
  878. [04:44PM] <~Glun> g'night*
  879. [04:44PM] <professor> :D
  880. [04:44PM] <Kooz> g'night glun!
  881. [04:44PM] <~Glun> x3
  882. [04:44PM] <~Glun> And G'day Prof and Barmaid miss!
  883. [04:44PM] <Kooz> lol
  884. [04:44PM] <&DungeonMesmer> Gnight!
  885. [04:45PM] <&DungeonMesmer> ...
  886. [04:46PM] <professor> hey mesmer
  887. [04:46PM] <professor> should we move this into offical cannon?
  888. [04:47PM] <@Talon> I'm not even at the tavern
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