
[Mechanics] AA vs. Ability Based Gods

Dec 10th, 2015
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  1. #AA vs. Ability based Gods
  3. ##Introduction
  5. There are multiple factors that decide wether a God is mainly AA or Ability based. And due to the relative nature of the Meta, even if a God is generally deemd to be one or the other, it is never set in stone.
  6. Ao was built AA based for a long time, before people noticed that he was very strong when built ability based. As such, this isn't meant as definite guide
  7. to decide once and for all which God belongs into which category, but rather as a guideline as to which seems more plausible.
  9. ##General
  10. The main factors when deciding wether you'll build a God AA or Ability based are: Attackchain-progression, Ability scaling and effects, Range. It's worth mentioning that it's hardly ever as clear cut as this guide might make it seem, and
  11. many Gods fit multiple or even all of these categories.
  13. ##Progression
  14. ###General
  15. Many physical Gods (mainly Warriors and Assassins) aswel as a few mages have attack progression. This means, that their Autoattacks are not all the same (as they are with someone like Ra or Rama), but vary in both power aswel as speed. The attack progression is described by an indicator (e.g. 1.25 or 0.5) on the Godpage. **Important:** The indicator applies to damage aswel as "cast time" or "execution time" for the Autoattacks. This means that a 0.5 Autoattack multiplicator does half the damage but is also executed in 0.5 the time (read: twice as fast) as one with 1.
  16. ####Example
  17. **Osiris: 1,0.5,1,0.5**
  19. Osiris first and third hit do his normal Autoattack damage and take the normal time to execute (influenced by his Attackspeed both through leveling up aswel as from items). His second and fourth hit only do half that damage but are twice as fast.
  21. ###Practical uses
  22. Progression only really comes into play when you enter items with a passive that applies on each hit. As such, someone with a progression of 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5 with the same attack speed as someone with a 1,1,1,1 progression, would apply the passive twice as much, even if he does the same base damage. That's why Gods with attack progression with small multiplicators (e.g. Osiris, Kali) favor items with a strong passvie that is applied on each hit (e.g. Qin's). They may the do the same damage that someone with the same attack speed and base damage but higher progression would do over a set ammount of time, but they apply the passive much more often and thus do more damage. Obivously other stats also play a factor there (Attackspeed, Base damage, etc.).
  24. ##Abilities
  25. ###Scaling
  26. This one's pretty self explanatory. If a Gods abilities have good scaling, you'll likely want to build them ability based. This is true for many Mages as well as Warriors. With high scaling you'll get loads of extra damage out of
  27. every bit of magical / physical power you've built. Especially in combination with CDR (which can be looked at as the Ability-equivalent of AtkSp) you'll be able to put out good damage.
  28. ###Effects
  29. This one is a little more trick and can be further split into two sub-categories:
  30. ####Abilities that modify your AAs
  31. This is something we see on many Hunters (a class that's built AA based almost always). Many Hunters have some ability (be it active or passive) that affects their AAs, either by increasing their damage (directly or through additional pen), giving them additional effects or through attack speed.
  32. Examples being Rama's 2, Artemis' 2, Apollo's passive or AMC's 1. While Hunters are the class where these abilities are most commonly found, they're not the only one.
  34. There are certain Assassins with skills that have a similar effect, which warrant a (at least partial) AA oriented build. An example of this is Hun Batz
  35. with his passive. While Hun's generally built Ability based, you'll often see people pick up a DB or Malice to get the most out of his passive.
  37. These abilities are also found, although not as numorous, amongst mages. Freya, Ao Kuang and Chronos being examples of just that. All of these Gods were built AA based for quite a while,
  38. although Ao is more effective when built Ability based, and Chronos is often built sort of hybridish.
  40. An example of a Warrior that is often built partially AA based on the basis of abilities that modify her AAs is Bellona. While Bellona is still mainly an ability based Warrior (with the insane power that her 2 provides how could she not be), but you'll often see people run one or even
  41. two AtkSp items on her. This is because of the passive effects her abilities have on her AAs. As she is very commonly seen in the Solo lane, sustain is vital. Her 3 provides her with sustain, however only if she's able to get off AAs. As such, a hybrid AtkSp/Ability based/Def build is
  42. most effective.
  44. ####Abilities that allow you to stick to your enemy
  45. This applies mainly to Assassins and Warriors. A good example is Osiris. Osiris (on top of having great Attackchain-progression) is completely focused around sticking to his enemies and not letting them escape. His passive allows him to pass through obstacles that would block off other Gods, his one allows him to slow his enemy down so as to stay on them,
  46. his two, besides poke, increases that slow, his three lowers his enemies' damage while providing him with a stun, and his ult allows him to chase someone even if they leaped and/or stopp them from healing. His whole kit is perfect for a "hack'n'slash" build where you focus an enemy and don't get off until he's dead.
  48. Amongst Assassins, Bakasura is an example of the same. His passive allows him to stick to enemies and quickly catch up with them by killing a minion, his one is a leap (good for chasing) that also reduces his enemies' protections, his two provides sustain and is a
  49. good way to quickly activate his passive, his three lets him shred even through the most tankiest of enemies and his ult stops enemies from escaping by both slowing and crippeling them and at the same time stopps them from CCing Baka.
  51. ###Range
  52. This only really applies to Hunters and while it is very obvious it's still worth mentioning. Having extra attack range allows you to build more offensively than on someone who has to get into the midst of the fight, as you can just kill enemies without getting hit yourself (ideally), where as someone like Osiris who has to get up close
  53. and personal has to invest at least partially into defensive items to sustain long enough to get AAs off.
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