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Sep 26th, 2017
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  1. > list.files("/usr/local/lib/R/site-library")
  2. [1] "backports" "base64enc" "bitops" "caTools" "digest" "docopt"
  3. [7] "evaluate" "highr" "htmltools" "httpuv" "jsonlite" "knitr"
  4. [13] "magrittr" "markdown" "mime" "R6" "Rcpp" "rmarkdown"
  5. [19] "rprojroot" "shiny" "sourcetools" "stringi" "stringr" "xtable"
  6. [25] "yaml"
  7. > list.files("/usr/local/lib/R/library")
  8. [1] "base" "compiler" "datasets" "graphics" "grDevices" "grid"
  9. [7] "methods" "parallel" "splines" "stats" "stats4" "tcltk"
  10. [13] "tools" "translations" "utils"
  12. > list.files("/usr/local/lib/R/site-library")
  13. [1] "acepack" "AnnotationDbi" "AnnotationFilter"
  14. [4] "AnnotationHub" "assertthat" "backports"
  15. [7] "base64enc" "BH" "bindr"
  16. [10] "bindrcpp" "binman" "Biobase"
  17. [13] "BiocGenerics" "BiocInstaller" "BiocParallel"
  18. [16] "biomaRt" "Biostrings" "biovizBase"
  19. [19] "bit" "bit64" "bitops"
  20. [22] "blob" "brew" "BSgenome"
  21. [25] "caTools" "checkmate" "cluster"
  22. [28] "codetools" "colorspace" "commonmark"
  23. [31] "crayon" "curl" "data.table"
  24. [34] "DBI" "DelayedArray" "desc"
  25. [37] "devtools" "dichromat" "digest"
  26. [40] "divosR" "docopt" "doParallel"
  27. [43] "dplyr" "DT" "ensembldb"
  28. [46] "EnsemblRest" "evaluate" "foreach"
  29. [49] "foreign" "formatR" "Formula"
  30. [52] "futile.logger" "futile.options" "GenomeInfoDb"
  31. [55] "GenomeInfoDbData" "GenomicAlignments" "GenomicFeatures"
  32. [58] "GenomicRanges" "getopt" "ggplot2"
  33. [61] "git2r" "GLU" "glue"
  34. [64] "gridBase" "gridExtra" "grImport"
  35. [67] "gtable" "Gviz" "highr"
  36. [70] "Hmisc" "htmlTable" "htmltools"
  37. [73] "htmlwidgets" "httpuv" "httr"
  38. [76] "igis" "igraph" "interactiveDisplayBase"
  39. [79] "IRanges" "irlba" "iterators"
  40. [82] "jsonlite" "knitr" "labeling"
  41. [85] "lambda.r" "lattice" "latticeExtra"
  42. [88] "lazyeval" "lintr" "littler"
  43. [91] "magrittr" "markdown" "MASS"
  44. [94] "Matrix" "matrixStats" "memoise"
  45. [97] "mime" "miniUI" "mongolite"
  46. [100] "munsell" "NMF" "nnet"
  47. [103] "openssl" "pbapply" "pkgconfig"
  48. [106] "pkgmaker" "plogr" "plyr"
  49. [109] "png" "praise" "ProtGenerics"
  50. [112] "R6" "rappdirs" "RColorBrewer"
  51. [115] "Rcpp" "RCurl" "registry"
  52. [118] "reshape2" "rex" "rjson"
  53. [121] "RJSONIO" "rlang" "rmarkdown"
  54. [124] "RMySQL" "rngtools" "roxygen2"
  55. [127] "rpart" "rprojroot" "Rsamtools"
  56. [130] "RSelenium" "RSQLite" "rstudioapi"
  57. [133] "rtracklayer" "S4Vectors" "scales"
  58. [136] "semver" "shiny" "shinyjs"
  59. [139] "snow" "sourcetools" "stringdist"
  60. [142] "stringi" "stringr" "subprocess"
  61. [145] "SummarizedExperiment" "survival" "switchr"
  62. [148] "testthat" "tibble" "trackViewer"
  63. [151] "VariantAnnotation" "viridis" "viridisLite"
  64. [154] "wdman" "whisker" "withr"
  65. [157] "XML" "xml2" "xtable"
  66. [160] "XVector" "yaml" "zlibbioc"
  67. > list.files("/usr/local/lib/R/library")
  68. [1] "base" "compiler" "datasets" "graphics" "grDevices" "grid"
  69. [7] "methods" "parallel" "splines" "stats" "stats4" "tcltk"
  70. [13] "tools" "translations" "utils"
  72. version: "3"
  73. services:
  74. rstudio:
  75. image: ropensci/rstudio
  76. container_name: rstudio
  77. environment:
  78. USER: "rstudio"
  79. PASSWORD: "rstudio"
  80. ROOT: "TRUE"
  81. ports:
  82. - "8787:8787"
  83. volumes:
  84. - .:/src
  85. - ./tmpdata/:/src/dat
  86. - pkgs:/usr/local/lib/R/site-library
  87. - pkgs2:/usr/local/lib/R/library
  88. links:
  89. - mongodb
  90. selenium:
  91. image: selenium/standalone-chrome:3.4.0-einsteinium
  92. container_name: selenium
  93. ports:
  94. - "4445:4444"
  95. links:
  96. - shiny:shiny
  97. volumes:
  98. - pkgs:/usr/local/lib/R/site-library
  99. - pkgs2:/usr/local/lib/R/library
  100. shiny:
  101. image: rocker/shiny
  102. ports:
  103. - "3838:3838"
  104. container_name: shiny
  105. volumes:
  106. # app is available at http://shiny:3838/
  107. - ./glu/inst/shiny/:/srv/shiny-server/
  108. # easy access to shiny server logs
  109. - ./shiny.log/:/var/log/
  110. - ./:/src/
  111. - ./tmpdata:/src/dat/
  112. - ./:/home/shiny/
  113. - pkgs:/usr/local/lib/R/site-library
  114. - pkgs2:/usr/local/lib/R/library
  115. volumes:
  116. # pkgs and pkgs2 are linked between images to share R packages
  117. pkgs: {}
  118. pkgs2: {}
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