

Nov 20th, 2020
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  1. [02:32] Nathan Elbi asks, "Hmm, you seem to know my name, but I fear it's been a while since we last met. That, and my memory is hazy. What was your name again?"
  2. [02:33] Nathan directs his attention in Valamir's general direction.
  3. (Nathan Elbi)
  4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. [02:34] Valamir offered a light, brief nod to Nathan.
  8. "Ah. Yes. Of course. It's Val."
  9. (Valamir)
  10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. [02:35] "Val." He parroted, "A pleasure to meet you again." He gave a warm smile.
  13. "Glad we can meet without the need of threats this time around."
  14. The first encounter between the two was certainly not in Nathan's favor, not to say this was much better, but certainly on more equal footing.
  15. (Nathan Elbi)
  16. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. [02:39] A hand was waved for a moment at that. If he had known what that Dragonlord intended to do? He'd likely have abandoned the Coat before his own self-assumed exile.
  20. "Yes. Pleasure to meet you once again, Nathan. And doubly glad it's not freezing cold around here... Though I do have to say, it's a little... Mmh. Green? Yes. Too many normal trees, grass, and other plants for my likings. I personally prefer the Dreadwoods' palates..." he'd remark with a nod.
  21. (Valamir)
  22. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. [02:42] "So it is greener here." He imitated a glance over the encompassing environment. "I figured it was colder where I found myself earlier, but not exactly 'frosty cold'." He claimed, "I can only imagine what the 'Dreadwoods' look like." He chortled,
  26. "Though, with 'Dread' in the name, I can only imagine it's 'dark' as it sounds." He rose a brow and turned back for Val's general vicinity. "What exactly draws you there anyway?"
  27. (Nathan Elbi)
  28. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. [02:48] Val gave a soft sigh. What drew him there? Well, it was the place that Duniya had threw him in the middle of, expecting him to die there. In a way, it was more like a Haven to those who actively practiced Darker forms of magic. And he was no exception, being a Novice within the Occult. So, it was a mix of things. Spite toward the Coat, fear of world outside of it. And of course, one could not ignore the whispers there, that hurt to listen to, but the sweet yet malicious melodic tones they held were all too enticing to listen to, in spite of the relative torture one's brain may endure.
  32. "MMh… It is. Quite so. Majorly consisting of purples, and other strange, yet interestingly lovely colors. As they mentioned with the magic- I do dabble in the Occult myself- So that likely also holds a solid part within my enjoyment of the place." A simply explanation, he thought. But then again, it wasn't as if everyone appreciated it as he did. Some thought of the place as vile, and corrupt beyond any hope of recovery.
  33. (Valamir)
  34. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. [02:53] 'Purples, and other strange, yet interestingly lovely colors.'
  38. "I see." That was all he had to say about that, "Then, perhaps the place itself is tainted by it. I guess that makes sense." Further thought on the matter did lead him to question the matter.
  39. "I don't quite understand though. They're 'Dreadwoods', aren't they?" He inquired, "How could you enjoy it?"
  41. That left room to actually ponder on the matter; to really think of what the root of the question was -- perhaps therein, he'd find the answer.
  42. "If it's a magic you dabble in, then I suppose I'll ask..."
  44. "What is this forbidden power like?"
  46. "Is it any different than using another magic?"
  48. It was something so unknown; stygian, albeit enigmatic. There didn't seem to be a logic to it, yet it was hardly superstitious.
  49. (Nathan Elbi)
  50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. [03:00] Valamir curled all put the index and middle fingers on his right hand, before bringing it up, and propping it against his head.
  54. "When using it just to use it without acclimation occurring beforehand? Imagine a rose bush, entwining about your body, and further yet, creating overgrowth around every single magic circuits in your body, unable to do anything but feel the thorns dig into you, and bleed your mind dry for sustenance, and the reason why you can't help yourself? You're too enthralled by the budding of the rose. It no longer becomes involuntary. You feel the need to continue nurturing it, until it blooms. That is what it is like initially... And I myself? I've yet to see it bloom."
  56. That final sentence was simply to cut off the answer there, since he didn't quite know what any amount of would-be 'control' over the magic felt like. It more of sprung up at random in the current state of things.
  58. "And. For being compared to other magics? It's hard to explain... I guess in some respects, it... Feels... Better over time to use. Like it's meant to be there, in spite of knowing it to be unnatural."
  59. (Valamir)
  60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. [03:08] A magic that didn't bend at the volition of the caster, but rather bent the caster to its whim? Was that what it was? Occultism truly was something greater then. Perhaps, that was why it addled the mind -- or so Nathan would assume.
  64. To speak out on that concept, aloud in a place where loyalty to only The Empire was key, felt suicidal. He heard loud and clear what was to be expected of him, yet being so used to the state of powerlessness, he wanted to learn. He had only recently been given a taste of power, and wanted to sate the craving settling within.
  66. "As far as I'm concerned." He spoke up, "All magics are starting to sound alike." What was false about the subject?
  67. What was it like to experience it first hand though?
  69. To feel that energy coursing through his own system, he wondered...
  70. No, he couldn't just wonder, the opportunity was right in front of him. Seemingly forbidden power, practiced by a manjust feet away from him: He wanted to taste that power.
  72. … No...
  74. He NEEDED it.
  76. "...Though, I suppose I have a strange request." He needed a moment's pause, but not to make out the words... But to...
  77. Restrain himself.
  79. "Can you use it on me?" He asked. "I want to know what that sort of power, feels like."
  80. (Nathan Elbi)
  81. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. [03:12] Val's eyes narrowed. A peculiar request, that was. Even in the consideration, if something were to go wrong? It'd likely leave a parasitic magic within them for the rest of their days. But nonetheless. He'd shrug.
  85. "Mmh. I would... However."
  87. He'd pause, pointing to the collar around his neck. The fact that he had been unfortunately found by Nidaz before coming here of his own will didn't quite make for the most excellent entry conditions.
  89. "One. I currently cannot, thanks to the whole collar thing. Second? I doubt this place appreciates the art as much as some others may."
  90. (Valamir)
  91. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  93. [03:17] A disappointing realization, but at least he got an answer.
  94. "Ah, a pity." He crossed his arms, once so enthusiastic to experience what this unique magic was, now thwarted to his imagination.
  96. "I suppose the thought was entertaining at least. Someday though, I'll pick up some understanding of magic through other means... Maybe." If only he could see the collar. Though, the mention of it certainly drew some curiosity.
  98. "A collar though?" He rose a brow, "I take it's some time of technology? Retraining your magic. That, or, when they mentioned it, it was considered against the law... That part, makes much more sense."
  99. (Nathan Elbi)
  100. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. [03:20] Val simply offered a shrug. There was little else in terms of gestures to make.
  104. "Funny as it may sound. Circumstances lead to this. After the Dragonlord left me for exile, I was headed toward this city... But as my own lack-there-of-any luck would have it... That 'Nidaz' found me along the way here... And well. That's pretty much the story in-between then and now."
  105. (Valamir)
  106. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108. [03:23] Nathan Elbi says, "But I mean... Bah, I guess that's none of my business anyhow. At the end of the day, we're both here now. Alive and well, even if we're not both better off than we started."
  109. [03:24] Nathan Elbi says, "I'm certain things will get better with time."
  110. [03:24] Valamir says, "Well... Given that creepy bastard with living dead wants to apparently experiment with my soul itself... We'll see."
  111. [03:31] Nathan Elbi says, "Well, perhaps you'll come back stronger for it. Who knows... We'll see in the end. <*reaches out to feel for the bench nearby*>"
  112. [03:33] Valamir says, "Eh... For the moment, I'm more concerned about getting this stupid collar off in the near-future... Feels weirder than my first trip to the Dreadwoods. Plus... I might glean something on souls in themselves by helping them with that..."
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