Guest User


a guest
Aug 23rd, 2010
Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
  1. vk_lang={
  2. 'LinksGet':'Get links',
  3. 'Error':'Error',
  4. 'download':'[ Download ]',
  5. 'downloadHD':'[ Download HD ]',
  6. 'delete':'[ Delete ]',
  7. 'DelTag':'Delete tag',
  8. 'DelTagOk':'Tag removed',
  9. 'MyTagsDelete':'Delete tags',
  10. 'removed':'Removed',
  11. 'added':'Added',
  12. 'noWallMessages':'No messages',
  13. 'vblog':'Code for blog',
  14. 'now':'Now',
  15. 'set':'Set',
  16. 'delby':'You\'ve been deleted by:',
  17. 'addby':'You\'ve been added by:',
  18. 'selall':'[ Select all ]',
  19. 'selnon':'Select',
  20. 'selinv':'Invert selected',
  21. 'delsel':'Delete selected',
  22. 'wallClear':'Clear wall',
  23. 'selgrs':'[ Select groups ]',
  24. 'start':'[ Start ]',
  25. 'remall':'[ Delete all ]',
  26. 'favorites':'Favorites',
  27. 'blacklist':'Black list',
  28. 'addblack':'Add to black list',
  29. 'confblack':'Are you sure you want add user to black list ?',
  30. 'fron':'Friends online',
  31. 'fris':'Friends',
  32. 'all':'All',
  33. 'ban':'Fast ban',
  34. 'addf':'[ <b>Add photo</b> ]',
  35. 'delFromFav':'Delete from list',
  36. 'addToFav':'Add in list',
  37. 'wall':'Wall ',
  38. 'comm':' comm.',
  39. 'komm':'Comments',
  40. 'obzor':'Browse',
  41. 'refreshList':'Refresh list',
  42. 'clPhW':'Photos with..',
  43. 'clViW':'Videos with..',
  44. 'clPh':'Photos',
  45. 'clVi':'Videos',
  46. 'clAu':'Audio',
  47. 'clGr':'Groups',
  48. 'clQu':'Questions',
  49. 'clAp':'Apps',
  50. 'clEv':'Events',
  51. 'clNo':'Notes',
  52. 'clWa':'Wall',
  53. 'clRa':'Rating',
  54. 'clMa':'Agree with suggestion',
  55. 'clGi':'Gift',
  56. 'clFav':'To&nbsp;bookmarks',
  57. 'clAddFr':'Add to friend',
  58. 'clAddToFav':'Add to bookmarks',
  59. 'day':' d.',
  60. 'min':' min.',
  61. 'byID':' ',
  62. 'byName':'N.',
  63. 'byFam':'S.',
  64. 'byNone':'None',
  65. 'mIdW':'Wall',
  66. 'mFrA':'All',
  67. 'mFrO':'Online',
  68. 'mFrNew':'Recent',
  69. 'mFrSug':'Suggestions',
  70. 'mPhM':'My albums',
  71. 'mPhW':'Photos with me',
  72. 'mPhN':'Add album',
  73. 'mPhC':'Comments',
  74. 'mPhA':'Browse photos',
  75. 'mViM':'My videos',
  76. 'mViW':'Videos with me',
  77. 'mViN':'Add',
  78. 'mAuM':'My ausio',
  79. 'mAuE':'Edit',
  80. 'mAuN':'Add',
  81. 'mMaI':'Recieved',
  82. 'mMaO':'Sent',
  83. 'mQuickMessages':'Quick Messages',
  84. 'mNoM':'My notes',
  85. 'mNoN':'Add',
  86. 'mNoC':'Comments',
  87. 'mNoF':'Friend notes',
  88. 'mNoI':'Favorite notes',
  89. 'mGrM':'My groups',
  90. 'mGrN':'Group news',
  91. 'mGrS':'Search groups',
  92. 'mEvF':'Future',
  93. 'mEvL':'Passed',
  94. 'mEvC':'Calendar',
  95. 'mEvN':'Create event',
  96. 'mEvS':'Event search',
  97. 'mNeF':'Friends',
  98. 'mNeG':'Groups',
  99. 'mNeB':'Comments',
  100. 'mNeS':'Status',
  101. 'mNeFW':'-- to photos with me',
  102. 'mSeO':'Main',
  103. 'mSeP':'Privacy',
  104. 'mSeN':'Notifications',
  105. 'mSeB':'Black list',
  106. 'mSeU':'Updates',
  107. 'mMaM':'My suggestions',
  108. 'mMaS':'Search',
  109. 'mMaSe':'Accepted',
  110. 'mOpA':'Opinions about me',
  111. 'mOpO':'My opinions',
  112. 'mOpF':'My friends',
  113. 'mApM':'My apps',
  114. 'mApA':'All apps',
  115. 'mQuM':'My questions',
  116. 'mQuN':'Add question',
  117. 'mQuS':'Question search',
  118. 'mQuF':'Friends questions',
  119. 'mQuA':'My answers',
  120. 'mMaA':'All ads',
  121. 'mMaN':'My ads',
  122. 'mMaF':'Friends ads',
  123. "mWishMy": "My wishes",
  124. "mWishDone": "Executed",
  125. "mWishFr":"Friends wishes",
  126. 'mFrR':'Requests',
  127. 'mTags':'Tags',
  128. 'mSlideShow':'[SlideShow]',
  129. //settings
  130. 'seLinkAu':'[ Audio download ]',
  131. 'seLinkVi':'[ Video download ]',
  132. 'seLinkAp':'[ App download ]',
  133. 'seBlCod':'[ Show code of video for blog ]',
  134. 'sePlayer':'[ Download FLV-player ]',
  135. 'seSelEG':'[ Show `Invite all` in events/groups ]',
  136. 'seWallImg':'[ Auto-rotate images at wall ]',
  137. 'seGInCol':'[ Groups in column ]',
  138. 'seNInCol':'[ Names on photo and video in column ]',
  139. 'seLoadOnl':'[ Load list with friends online ]<br>Refresh list every:',
  140. 'seLoadCom':'[ Load list of joint friends ]',
  141. 'seLoadApP':'[ Load links to apps from profile ]',
  142. 'seLoadApL':'[ Load links to apps from list ]',
  143. 'seOnActiv':'Big window for editing status',
  144. 'seOnVid':'[ Load links to video from profile/album ]',
  145. 'seOnSelP':'[ Turn on `Select all` on photo ]',
  146. 'seOnSelV':'[ Turn on `Select all` on video]',
  147. 'seOnAway':'[ Turn on skipping away.php ]',
  148. 'seFavOn':'[ Notify "Favorites" going online ]',
  149. 'seGrCom':'[ Mark joint groups on friend\'s profile ]',
  150. 'seNewSnd':'[ Sound notification ]',
  151. 'seVisible':'[ Control visibility ]',
  152. 'seTestFr':'[ Checking new/deleted friends ]',
  153. 'seRefList':'Refresh list every:',
  154. 'seCreList':'Create list again',
  155. 'seAttent':'[ This settings are stored only on this computer ! ]',
  156. 'seMenu':'[ Advanced menu ]',
  157. 'seNewsAv':'[ Show avatars in news ]',
  158. 'seADRem':'[ Remove ads ]',
  159. 'seQSearch':'[ Fast audio/video search ]',
  160. 'seSortNam':'[ Sort friends list by parameter ]',
  161. 'seUpdate':'[ Notify about updates ]',
  162. 'seLMenuH':'[ Left menu ]',
  163. 'seLMenuO':'0- don\'t change<br> 1- remove "My"<br> 2- "My" replace with icons<br> //3-резервные значки..',
  164. 'seVkBlog':'[ Show vkontakte developers news ]',
  165. 'seClockH':'[ Watches ]',
  166. 'seClockO':'0- No<br> 1- Digital (time)<br> 2- Digital (time+date)<br> 3-Analog',
  167. 'seCalend':'[ Calendar ]',
  168. 'seAdmins':'[ Functions for admins.<br>For others it doesn\'t work anyway.. ]',
  169. 'seQAns':'[ List of unread messages in advances menu ]',
  170. 'seClos':'[ List on closed pages ]',
  171. 'seFave':'[ Buttons on faves page ]',
  172. 'sePVext':'[ Button for photo/video from profile/group ("browse" etc.) ]',
  173. 'seWallH':'[ Walls checking ]',
  174. 'seWallO':'0- No<br> 1- Inscription "Wall Quantity"<br> 2- (1) message<br> 3- Inscription "Wall # Quantity"<br> 4- (3) messages<br> 5- Inscription "Wall # New"<br> 6- (5) messages',
  175. 'sePh100':'[ Show 100 photos on page ]',
  176. 'seQur':'[ Delete email and pass from cookies ]<br>//  Free cookies:  2<br>//  Security:  ',
  177. 'seWhoFaved':'Show, who added me in faves',
  178. 'seRightBar':'Watches and calendar on right',
  179. 'seGS':'[ Get settings ]',
  181. 'seSelApp':'[ Show `Invite all` in apps ]',
  182. 'seStyleBtns':'Advanced text edit',
  183. 'seAudioLyr':'Audio. Link to search lyrics. Necessary turn on ',
  184. 'seCalcAge':'Show age and zodiac in profiles ',
  185. 'seHLMail':'Custom background of unread messages',
  186. 'seSwichTextChr':'Change keyboard layout in current textfield by CTRL+Q or CTRL  ]',
  187. 'seExPlayer':'Advanced player in audio',
  188. 'seHideWIUmsg':'Hide tablets about unreliable information',
  189. 'seRemDuplicate':'Remove dublicates in audio search ',
  190. 'seBigPhotoArrow':'Big arrows to look through photos',
  191. 'seExUserMenu':'Advanced menu for all profiles &#9660;',
  192. 'seExUMClik':'Show advanced profile menu by click on &#9660; (if "Off" - by mouse over)',
  193. 'seMsgSelColor':'Background of unread messages',
  194. 'seLightFriends':'Highlight friends with another color',
  195. 'seFrSelColor':'Friends highlighting color',
  196. 'seICQico':'Show ICQ status check icon in profiles',
  197. 'seQuickWallPost':'Quick answer window after pressing on "Post on user\'s wall"',
  198. 'seDontCutAva':'Don\'t cut users avatars',
  199. 'seAutoUpdMenu':'Auto-refresh left menu',
  200. 'sePopupNewMsg':'Popup unread messages. ( Autopopup new messages if auto-refresh menu is on )',
  201. 'seMsgFavicon':'[ Notify icon about new message ]<br>Work\'s only if two previous options is on.',
  202. 'seMsgFaviconTxt':'0 - off <br>1 - static <br>2 - blinking ',
  203. 'seAjaxMsgForm':'[ Popup answer and new message window ]',
  204. 'seAjMsgCfg':'0 - off<br>1 - everywhere<br>2 - everywhere, except "My messages"',
  205. 'sePlCtrlLMnu':'Control buttons for advanced player under left menu',
  206. 'seExHistoryStatus':'[ Show all status history ]',
  207. 'seAudioDownloadName':'Normal audio names while download with <a href="">Download Master\'ом</a>',
  208. 'seLoadFrCats':'Load friend list in advanced menu',
  209. 'seAltProfile':'Alternative profile',
  210. 'seMasDelPMsg':'Function for deleting all messages',
  211. 'seFavToTopIm':'Favorites in top of contact list in quick messages',
  212. 'seQuoteIM':'Quoting in quick messages by clicking on text',
  213. 'seOnlineStatus':'Box with info about your current online/offline status',
  214. 'seZoomPhoto':'Popup photo/info by mouse over avatar:',
  215. 'seZoomPhHelp':'0 - off <br>1 - only big photo<br>2 - big photo + info',
  216. 'seQuickMsg2Norm':'Button to switch to standart message from quick',
  217. 'seSmiles':'Smiles',
  218. 'seFavOnline':'Online users from faves on my profile',
  219. 'sePhotosOnAlbPage':'Quantity of photos at photo-album page',
  220. 'sePhotosOnPageText':'- 20 (default)<br>- 40<br>- 60<br>- 80<br>- 100<br>- 260<br>- 510',
  221. 'seQPhotos':'Quick album preview',
  222. 'seQPhotosText':'- off<br>- over photo<br>- under photo',
  223. 'seScroolPhoto':'Switching photos by mouse scroll',
  225. 'Media':'Media',
  226. 'Users':'Users',  
  227. 'vkInterface':'Interface',  
  228. 'Messages':'Messages',  
  229. 'Others':'Others',
  230. //
  231. 'delme':'Delete me',
  232. 'on':'On',
  233. 'of':'Off',
  234. 'au':'Auto',
  235. 'ru':'Manual',
  236. 'deleteduser':'Paged deleted by owner',
  237. 'addtop':'[Subscribe]',
  238. 'doMultiNids':'Планируется проверка на нескольких аккаунтах ?',
  239. 'addVkopsSets':'After selecting necessary options, add in file vkops.js this line:',
  240. 'repVkopsSets':'Replace in file vkops.js line 1. with line 2.',
  241. 'SettsNotSaved':'<center><a href=# onclick="return false;">If settings aren\'t saving</a></center>',
  242. 'addtopicerr':'Error. Refresh page and try again.',
  243. 'topicadded':'Added in news',
  244. 'graffiti':'Graffiti',
  245. 'photo':'Photo',
  246. 'video':'Video',
  247. 'audio':'Audio',
  248. 'send2wall':'Post to wall: ',
  249. 'whofavedonline':'Added to faves and online now',
  250. 'whofavedofline':'Added to faves and offline now',
  251. 'rekvizits':'<b><a href="">Ivan Dmitritch [VkOpt]</a>:</b><br>R392598737391 - wmr <br>E303827419590 - wme <br>Z363416290401 - wmz <br>41001323116074 - Яндекс.Деньги<br><a href="">sms</a>',
  252. 'rekvizits2':'<b><a href="">Rayevsky Michael [KiberПсих]</a>:</b><br>R255120081922 - wmr <br>E101435675230 - wme <br>Z498828961904 - wmz <br>41001486412536 - Яндекс.Деньги<br><a href="">sms</a>',
  253. 'ResetApp':'[Reser]',
  254. 'SwichAppDescr':'[Show/hide description]',
  255. 'invite':'[ Invote ]',
  256. 'CheckStatus':'check status',
  257. 'HisStatus':'Status history',
  258. 'rejectallinv':'[ Reject all invites ]',
  259. 'updateLMenu':'Refresh menu',
  260. 'PhotoLinks':'[ Link to photo ]',
  261. 'CheckPageAccess':'Check page access',
  262. 'SearchOnPda': '[ Try open wall here ]',
  263. 'AddMyAudio':'Add',
  264. 'GoSearch':'To search..',
  265. 'DontInNewWindow':'Don\'t open this link in new window',
  266. 'Attach':'Attach',
  267. 'PhotoHD':'Download HD',
  268. //>>
  269. 'LoadFakePhoto':'Upload photo with spoofed preview',
  270. 'UploadPhoto':'Upload photo',
  271. 'UpPhoto':'Photo:',
  272. 'UpPhoto1':'Main:',
  273. 'UpPhoto2':'s_Мелкая (news):',
  274. 'UpPhoto3':'m_Medium (in album):',
  275. 'UpPhoto4':'y_HD1:',
  276. 'UpPhoto5':'z_HD2:',
  277. 'LoadFakePhotoZ':'Upload fake-photo with cutting',
  279. 'LoadGraffiti':'From file',
  280. 'LoadFakeGraffiti':'Upload graffity from file',
  281. 'UpGraffiti':' ',//'Upload graffity:  ',
  282. 'GraffitiSignature':'Image key:',
  283. 'GrafSidCalc':'Calculate',
  284. 'GraffitiFile':'Image:',
  285. 'UploadFraffiti':'Upload',
  286. 'GraffHelp':'<b>Hint:</b><br>To upload graffity:<br><ol><li>Select image in specified field.</li><li>Select same image to calculate key and press "Calculate". If you already have a key, type it near this button</li><li>Press button "Upload"</li></ol>',
  288. 'SaveHistory':'[ Save history ]',
  289. 'SaveToFile':'Saving in file',
  290. 'ClickForSave':'To select place for saving press button: ',
  291. //<<
  293. 'admDelInvP':'Cancel visible',
  296. 'InvAll':'[Invite all]',
  297. 'InvMsg':'Invite friends in group?',
  298. 'InvBtn':'Invite',
  299. 'InvBoxTtl':'Inviting friends',
  300. 'InvStart':'Begin inviting',
  301. 'InvProgr':'Request success progress: ',
  303. 'InvMsgApp':'Invite all friends in app?',
  304. 'InvNormalApp':'Invite selectively',
  305. 'InvAll2App':'Invite all friends',
  307. 'AppInstEmul':'[Заставить приложение думать что оно установлено]',
  308. 'AppAdd2Me':'Add to my page',
  309. 'AppEmulSet':'Кнопка имитации установки приложения',
  310. //styles
  311. 'sm_Select':'Choose style:',
  312. 'sm_SelectSmile':'Choose smile:',
  313. 'sm_Style1':'&#1161;  &#776;&#804;с&#776;&#804;т&#776;&#804;и&#776;&#804;л&#776;&#804;ь&#776;&#804; &#776;&#804;т&#776;&#804;е&#776;&#804;к&#776;&#804;с&#776;&#804;т&#776;&#804;а&#776;&#804;  &#1161;',
  314. 'sm_Style2':'&#824;с&#824;т&#824;и&#824;л&#824;ь&#824; &#824;т&#824;е&#824;к&#824;с&#824;т&#824;а',
  315. 'sm_Style3':'&#800;с&#800;т&#800;и&#800;л&#800;ь&#800; &#800;т&#800;е&#800;к&#800;с&#800;т&#800;а&#800;',
  316. 'sm_Style4':'&#864;с&#864;т&#864;и&#864;л&#864;ь &#864;т&#864;е&#864;к&#864;с&#864;т&#864;а',
  317. 'sm_Style5':'&#804;с&#804;т&#804;и&#804;л&#804;ь&#804; &#804;т&#804;е&#804;к&#804;с&#804;т&#804;а&#804;',
  319. 'AudioLyr':'Text',
  320. 'aDubDel':' Deleted ', 'aDublic':' Dublicate',
  321. //Player
  322. 'Play2Status_on':'<font color="#17A170">Turn on</font><br>now playing in status',
  323. 'Play2Status_off':'<font color="#FF5C5C">Turn off</font><br>now playing in status',
  324. 'On_green':'<font color="#17A170">Turn on</font>',
  325. 'Off_red':'<font color="#FF5C5C">Turn off</font>',
  326. 'PlayerEPC':' player controls are on this page with buttons under left menu',
  327. 'SnufflePls':'Remix playlist',
  329. 'txMessage':'Message',
  330. 'txHide':'Hide',
  331. 'Lock':'Block',
  332. 'Send':'Send',
  333. 'Cancel':'Cancel',
  334. 'Error':'Error',
  335. 'Loading':'Loading...',
  336. 'FailSendMsg':'Unable to send message!',
  337. 'FailMore20':'You are trying to send more then 20 messages to people you have not in your friendlist. Add user to friends, to bypass this restriction.',
  338. 'ClearActivity':'Clear status',
  339. 'MsgFromChat':'Message from chat',
  340. 'msgdel':'Deleting...',
  341. 'msgreq':'Requesting message list...',
  342. 'msgcnt':'Messages remaining:',
  343. 'msgsuc':'Messages deletes.',
  344. 'msgclearchat':'[ Delete history ]',
  345. 'msgdelinbox':'[ Delete all recieved ]',
  346. 'msgdeloutbox':'[ Delete all sent ]',
  347. 'msgdelconfirm':'Do you really want to delete all messages?\nUndo this action is impossible!',
  349. 'FaveOnline':'Faves online',
  350. 'AltInfo':'Alternative information',
  351. 'banit':'Ban',
  353. 'checkAll':'Select all',
  354. 'uncheckAll':'Unselect all',
  355. 'delChecked':'Delete selected',
  356. 'Done':'Done',
  358. 'SkinMan':'Skin manager',
  359. 'Author':'Author',
  360. 'Zoom':'Zoom',
  361. 'Noname':'Noname',
  362. 'Preview':'Preview',
  363. 'Apply':'Apply',
  364. 'Clear':'Clear',
  365. 'Hide':'Hide',
  366. 'SetByLink':'Set by link',
  367. 'SetByCode':'Set CSS-code',
  368. 'EnterCSSLink':'Enter direct link to CSS file',
  369. 'categories':'Categories',
  370. 'theme_num':['','<b>%s</b> skin','<b>%s</b> skins','<b>%s</b> skins'],
  371. 'InsertCSSCode':'Insert CSS-code here:',
  372. 'WrongCSSCode':'Error. In CSS-code there are <style> or <script> tags',//&lt;style&gt; or &lt;script&gt;
  373. 'CSSCode':'User styles',
  375. 'ToggleQuickPreviews':'Show quick album preview',
  376. 'ClearWall':'Wall clearing',
  377. 'ClearBegin':'Begin clearing:',
  378. 'FromFirstPage':'with 1st page',
  379. 'FromSecondPage':'with 2nd page',
  380. 'ClearDone':'Clearing completed',
  381. 'Deleted':'Deleted',
  383. 'Settings':'Settings',
  384. 'SearchText':'[ Find text ]',
  385. 'THFI':'Thanks for installing VkOpt!',
  386. 'YIV':'You have been installed VkOpt v',
  387. 'INCD':'<font color="red"><b>ATTENTION!</b></font><br><br><b>Remember</b>: To avoid fakes, which can stole your password, download script <b>only</b> from official <a href="" target=_blank><b>site</b></a>.<br><br>To turn on/off functions you have to go to <a href="/settings.php?act=vkopt" target=_blank>settings</a>.<br><br>Don\'t turn on all (necessary and unnecessary) functions to avoid lags during page loads.<br><br><b>With questions</b> of using script go to <a href=""  target=_blank>forum</a><br><br>Description of Vkopt\'s functions can be found <a href=""  target=_blank>here</a><br><br>',
  388. 'FIS':'To complete install refresh page.',
  390. //miXOniN
  391. 'ShowHistoryStatuses':'[ Show full status history ]',
  392. 'ErrorStatus3pageClosed':'-3 (Unable to get statuses from closed profile!)',
  393. 'NeizvestajaError': '(Unknown error!)',
  394. 'HistoryError':'Unable to get status history!<br>Err no: ',
  395. 'DellAllHist':'[ Delete all history! ]',
  396. 'GolovDell':'Completed!',
  397. 'TopicNewMess':'',
  398. 'UznatVozrast':'Age?(=',
  399. 'Vozrast':'Age: ',
  400. 'Let':'years',
  401. 'VsegoStatusov':'Statuses at all: ',
  402. 'qDelAllStatus':'Are you sure want to delete all visible statuses from history?',
  403. //
  405. 'vk_year':["","%s year.","%s year.","%s years."]
  406. };
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