

Aug 2nd, 2017
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  1. 06:08:43 Hazard waves.
  2. 06:08:53 Hazard says, "Haven't seen you around, before. Is the corporal here?"
  3. 06:09:09 Teach approaches the man and replies to his gesture with a nod. "Hey, he's a bit busy, you need something?"
  4. 06:09:37 Hazard shrugs, "No, just seeing if he's alright. I usually help him watch the base when you guys are out doing stuff."
  5. 06:09:54 Teach says, "I see. Things will be much better now so you won't have to do it."
  6. 06:09:54 Hazard says, "I'm interested in Duty, if you couldn't tell."
  7. 06:10:05 Teach says, "Ah, well, in that case we do accept new recruits at this time."
  8. 06:10:08 Hazard nods, "That's good, that's good."
  9. 06:10:10 Hazard asks, "Oh, really?"
  10. 06:10:15 Slip shouts, "HAZARD"
  11. 06:10:17 Hazard says, "Sweet, I've been chatting the Corpo-"
  12. 06:10:20 Slip shouts, "URGENT MESSAGE FOR YA"
  13. 06:10:24 Hazard says, "Uh.."
  14. 06:10:30 Teach whispers, "Is that a gas tank? Spread out."
  15. 06:10:40 Hazard asks, "What are you doing?"
  16. 06:10:49 Hazard asks, "What the hell do you have gas for?"
  17. 06:10:52 Hazard asks, "For me?"
  18. 06:10:58 Hazard asks, "What does she want for me?"
  19. 06:10:59 Slip rummages around in her pack and holds out a folded letter.
  20. 06:11:04 Slip says, "Dunno. Didn't look."
  21. 06:11:06 Hazard says, "..Aw shit."
  22. 06:11:24 Hazard reaches out to grasp the letter, minding the gas can, "What the fuck are you dragging that around for?"
  23. 06:11:57 The letter has a single word written in all caps: KULAK
  24. 06:11:59 Hazard steps back, opening the letter some to read it.
  25. 06:12:04 Hazard asks, "What the fuck is this?"
  26. 06:12:19 Slip asks, "Oh this? Oh I found this, was gonna use it on their shack if they didn't hire me."
  27. 06:12:25 Slip sets down the canister.
  28. 06:12:26 Hazard asks, "Who's shack?"
  29. 06:12:32 Slip says, "Catch's."
  30. 06:12:38 Hazard asks, "What, did you join up with her now?"
  31. 06:12:42 Slip says, "Uh, no."
  32. 06:12:47 Slip says, "I just offered her my service."
  33. 06:12:52 Hazard says, "Alright.. well, I was kinda.. in the middle of something."
  34. 06:12:54 Slip says, "She payed me 100 rubles to give you that message."
  35. 06:13:08 Hazard says, "Well uh, give her one for me to, that Brouma guy too."
  36. 06:13:11 Slip looks over at the man in the armor to her right.
  37. 06:13:25 Slip smiles and waves at him, then turns back to Hazard.
  38. 06:13:29 Slip asks, "Oh yeah?"
  39. 06:13:30 Hazard clears his throat, "Sorry, but I don't want any trouble."
  40. 06:13:37 Teach says, "It's fine. In fact, I can pay you one hundred rubles too... if you tell me about Catch."
  41. 06:13:39 Hazard says, "If they say something bad then be sure to tell me."
  42. 06:13:51 Slip looks over to the other man.
  43. 06:14:02 Hazard says, "Catch and her fucking goons aren't gonna take me down, not without a fight, at least."
  44. 06:14:12 Teach asks, "Take you down, eh? Now I wanna know for sure."
  45. 06:14:12 Slip asks, "Yeah?"
  46. 06:14:18 Slip says, "I charge a bit more for info."
  47. 06:14:25 Slip asks, "What do you want to know?"
  48. 06:14:26 Hazard asks, "Could you fucking tell her?"
  49. 06:14:32 Slip says, "Yes, yes."
  50. 06:14:34 Slip says, "Pay me."
  51. 06:14:37 Hazard says, "Those fucks have it out for me and I'd like for someone to-"
  52. 06:14:43 Teach says, "Just want to know what they do and why they want this guy here."
  53. 06:14:44 Hazard asks, "How much do you want? Christ."
  54. 06:14:48 Slip says, "300."
  55. 06:14:53 Hazard says, "They keep calling me a Kulak."
  56. 06:15:00 Slip says, "Yeah buddy I have that info for you."
  57. 06:15:01 Hazard asks, "How about some Vodka instead?"
  58. 06:15:01 Teach asks, "Like, the guy who robbed peasants?"
  59. 06:15:07 Slip says, "Just a sec, trying to do some business here."
  60. 06:15:12 Slip says, "No."
  61. 06:15:14 Slip says, "I don't drink."
  62. 06:15:16 Slip says, "300."
  63. 06:15:22 Slip holds out her hand.
  64. 06:15:31 Hazard sighs, reaching into his pocket. He retrieves two bills, placing them into her hand.
  65. 06:15:36 Slip says, "Pleasure."
  66. 06:15:41 Slip says, "I'll get this over to her in just a sec."
  67. 06:15:47 Hazard says, "I want that info."
  68. 06:15:55 Hazard says, "What you tell her, you tell me."
  69. 06:16:00 Hazard jerks his head to Teach.
  70. 06:16:06 Slip says, "Oh uh, sure."
  71. 06:16:18 Slip says, "I mean, I took an unsupervised walk around their base."
  72. 06:16:20 Hazard says, "I'm afraid those Goblin fucks are gonna put one in my head or something."
  73. 06:16:25 Hazard asks, "Their base?"
  74. 06:16:25 Slip says, "Listened to a very interesting conversation."
  75. 06:16:32 Peanut idly leaned against the car, listening to their talking. He looked around for any suspicious activities.
  76. 06:16:35 Hazard says, "That ain't Catch's, that's Freedom."
  77. 06:16:39 Slip chuckles.
  78. 06:16:47 Slip says, "I'll tell you more, but you need to pay."
  79. 06:17:01 Hazard grunts, "You keep going and I decide if the info is worth paying more."
  80. 06:17:05 Teach says, "Look, so far you gave us nothing for our cash. Are you a scam artist?"
  81. 06:17:11 Hazard says, "Yeah, so spill it."
  82. 06:17:14 Slip says, "Fine."
  83. 06:17:27 Slip asks, "If you think it's worth it, both of you are gonna give me 800, deal?"
  84. 06:17:52 Teach says, "How about this, you return this man his money if you're not interested in honoring your end of the bargain."
  85. 06:18:13 Slip says, "We never made a deal. You lowballed me for some important info..."
  86. 06:18:21 Hazard asks, "You realize that the type of fucking info you're handing out isn't worth 800?"
  87. 06:18:24 Slip says, "Whatever, I made enough today selling that Jelly."
  88. 06:18:28 Hazard says, "Barman and Oleg pay 800 for maps and shit to stashes."
  89. 06:18:28 Slip says, "Hey hey hey."
  90. 06:18:33 Slip says, "Calm down."
  91. 06:18:35 Hazard says, "Fucking spill it."
  92. 06:18:44 Hazard says, "Fuck off, calm down, you're holding shit crucial to my life over my head."
  93. 06:18:47 Slip says, "I was just about to say I was gonna do you both a solid and give it to you for free."
  94. 06:18:51 Hazard says, "Then do it."
  95. 06:18:54 Slip says, "Right."
  96. 06:18:54 Hazard says, "Enough fucking games."
  97. 06:18:56 Slip says, "So."
  98. 06:19:06 Slip says, "When I said 'their' base I wasn't joking."
  99. 06:19:12 Slip says, "The Goblins are involved with Freedom."
  100. 06:19:17 Slip says, "In fact, Catch has joined up."
  101. 06:19:29 Hazard says, "Oh, great."
  102. 06:19:30 Peanut listened closely.
  103. 06:19:33 Slip says, "Wouldn't be suprised if Geb and the others are joining too."
  104. 06:19:38 Hazard says, "Geb's a smarmy fuck."
  105. 06:19:40 Slip says, "There was this one guy named Monty."
  106. 06:19:46 Teach says, "Bad news."
  107. 06:19:50 Slip says, "He was there, planning on selling them some sort of product."
  108. 06:19:50 Hazard asks, "Monty's with Duty, ain't he?"
  109. 06:19:56 Teach says, "No."
  110. 06:20:01 Hazard says, "I see him escorted around b-"
  111. 06:20:04 Hazard says, "Oh, alright."
  112. 06:20:09 Teach says, "Apparently things have changed."
  113. 06:20:11 Hazard says, "Well, he's gonna make them a super suit."
  114. 06:20:26 Slip says, "As soon as I showed up, Monty scooted out of there real quick."
  115. 06:20:37 Slip says, "Guess he didn't like the eavesdropping."
  116. 06:21:25 Hazard rolls his neck, sighing, "Fuck. Did she say anything about me? Besides calling me a Kulak, whatever that is."
  117. 06:21:43 Peanut says, "Some people here call bandits Kulaks."
  118. 06:22:08 Slip says, "Yeah, she's calling you a thug."
  119. 06:22:24 Slip says, "Way I understand it, they're gonna try to make a push for power."
  120. 06:22:25 Hazard asks, "Geb's the one that threatened me, how the fuck am I the thug?"
  121. 06:22:29 Hazard asks, "In Freedom?"
  122. 06:22:35 Slip says, "No, other way around."
  123. 06:22:38 Hazard asks, "Or the town?"
  124. 06:22:49 Slip says, "Freedom is contracting the Goblins to spread their control."
  125. 06:22:59 Teach (Garry): [ADMIN] we'll know all about it in a jiffy.
  126. 06:22:59 Hazard says, "That's fucking stupid."
  127. 06:23:11 Slip says, "They're gonna march right down this road and take over whatever they can."
  128. 06:23:21 Slip says, "They want to make sure they're the largest faction in this area."
  129. 06:23:33 Teach says, "Bad news, we'll unfuck it."
  130. 06:23:50 Teach says, "That's actually a valuable information now that I heard it. I'll give you eight hundred."
  131. 06:23:59 Teach slips out some banknotes out for the girl.
  132. 06:24:04 Hazard says, "Those three at the Freedom base are the most armed up guys I've seen in Freedom."
  133. 06:24:09 Slip says, "Oh wow. Thanks man."
  134. 06:24:29 Hazard says, "The Goblins aren't too fucking well off, I think. They have a bunch of fucking idiots and Catch. Ruslan is probably the best one armed up in that group besides Catch herself."
  135. 06:24:48 Slip says, "Well, I think they're going to arm up with a little buy in from Freedom."
  136. 06:24:53 Slip asks, "Why do you think Monty was there?"
  137. 06:24:55 Hazard turns his head to Teach, "I'm on your side when push comes to shove. I have no doubt Duty'll kick their teeth in, though."
  138. 06:25:19 Hazard says, "I saw him taking orders from Stalkers, maybe the money got to his mind and he figured he could get a nice job out of Freedom."
  139. 06:25:22 Teach says, "Monty was there to promise them a super suit, you said it."
  140. 06:25:29 Teach says, "We'll investigate this."
  141. 06:25:34 Hazard coughs.
  142. 06:25:54 Slip nods.
  143. 06:26:02 Slip says, "Anyway. I have to run that message over to Catch."
  144. 06:26:03 Hazard sighs, leaning back into the car, "What a heap of shit."
  145. 06:26:12 Teach says, "Don't get shot."
  146. 06:26:14 Slip says, "Haha."
  147. 06:26:17 Hazard says, "Don't get tortured."
  148. 06:26:19 Slip says, "I'm good, thanks."
  149. 06:26:32 Slip says, "If I hear anything more, I'll stop by here again."
  150. 06:26:46 Slip says, "I like you guys. You don't seem like dicks."
  151. 06:27:00 Teach says, "Yeah, we try to make this place better."
  152. 06:27:05 Slip nods.
  153. 06:27:05 Hazard says, "I try not to be a thug like they say."
  154. 06:27:12 Slip says, "I'll seeya around."
  155. 06:27:14 Peanut nodded softly.
  156. 06:27:16 Hazard nods.
  157. 06:27:19 Slip nods to Hazard and Teach.
  158. 06:27:23 Teach says, "See ya around."
  159. 06:27:34 Slip picks up the gasoline can.
  160. 06:27:37 Disco dances right on into camp.
  161. 06:27:39 Slip says, "Hey bud."
  162. 06:27:42 Disco exclaims, "Howdy ho, stalkers!"
  163. 06:27:46 Disco exclaims, "And Hazard!"
  164. 06:27:52 Hazard waves, "Hey, Disco."
  165. 06:27:58 Peanut exclaims, "Hey, man!"
  166. 06:28:12 Disco walks right on up to the car, leaning against it all suave and smooth and stuff and other synoinyms for the same thing. "Wher's that fancy pants suit technician you got here?"
  167. 06:28:25 Teach says, "I wouldn't know."
  168. 06:28:32 Disco says, "I mean, he works here, I know that, man."
  169. 06:28:40 Peanut shrugged a little, looking puzzled.
  170. 06:28:42 Disco asks, "Mind if I go past this car and wait at the forge?"
  171. 06:28:58 Teach says, "Hmm..."
  172. 06:29:31 Disco strokes his chin, looking over. "Hmmm."
  173. 06:30:03 Peanut dug into his pack and slipped out a pack of gum. He stuffed some in his mouth and asked, "Anyone want some?"
  174. 06:30:13 Teach says, "No thanks. Let's go to the forge together."
  175. 06:30:23 Teach says, "You first."
  176. 06:30:25 Disco exclaims, "Okay!"
  177. 06:30:48 Disco wanders right on in then, putzing forward with a bit of swagger in his step. He even does a few twirls for good measure.
  178. 06:31:06 Hazard says, "You want me to-"
  179. 06:31:28 Teach asks, "So, what do you want with him?"
  180. 06:31:43 Teach says, "Entertain our guest for now, I'll deal with this."
  181. 06:31:43 [@XXX] Teach: Entertain our guest for now, I'll deal with this.
  182. 06:31:43 Disco proceeds to stand by the forge, hands on his hips. "Just my suit back, is all! hopefully he hasn't started working on it yet!"
  183. 06:32:01 Teach asks, "Ran out of money, eh?"
  184. 06:32:29 Disco exclaims, "Either way, I'll either be dead, or have enough money after I'm bait for a bloodsucker, so it all works out!"
  185. 06:32:36 Disco does another twirl, clapping his hands on completion.
  186. 06:32:58 Teach just watches him perform the twirl for a moment before she speaks up. "That's how you plan to bait it?"
  187. 06:33:36 Disco exclaims, "I'unno! Probably cut my chest open and let the blood come and attract it! Besides, it's looking specifically for me!"
  188. 06:33:44 Teach asks, "Why would it?"
  189. 06:33:53 Disco exclaims, "Because my friends and I fucked-it-up!"
  190. 06:34:05 Disco pumps his fists toward the ground with every word said in that sentence.
  191. 06:34:19 Disco says, "...And maybe killed some of its brood mates!"
  192. 06:34:22 Disco asks, "Hopefully, right?"
  193. 06:34:33 Teach asks, "Why didn't you kill them all? I heard cokeheads have such strength."
  194. 06:34:56 Disco looks at the woman in clear confusion. "Lady, we both know that coke is terrible. Besides, that thing tossed me clear across a room!"
  195. 06:35:10 Teach says, "Huh, thought you were high."
  196. 06:35:16 Disco exclaims, "Nope!"
  197. 06:35:32 Disco exclaims, "Only reason I survived was because my pals tackled it!"
  198. 06:35:37 Teach says, "Ah, so you're one of those. Alright."
  199. 06:36:11 Disco exclaims, "Heeeey, you're here! Also no, so I'm here to retrieve my suit, if you haven't started workin on it yet! "
  200. 06:36:29 Monty says, "Not yet, no. It's been sitting on the side for now."
  201. 06:36:38 Monty says, "Let me go grab it for you. Anything is better than nothing."
  202. 06:37:02 Disco says, "I mean, I'm not gonna be wearing it, man. I just don't wanna have to owe you money. Money is tight out here, and it seems like everyone is finding artifacts but me, you know?"
  203. 06:37:16 Disco takes the suit, stuffing it into his backpack while also accepting the airtanks and vest.
  204. 06:37:21 Monty comes back out with the folded suit over one of his arms. It isn't fixed, but at least it looks cleaned and all that fun stuff.
  205. 06:37:42 Monty says, "That's just luck sometimes, Disco."
  206. 06:37:53 Disco says, "Anyhow, I'm hoping this... Yaromir guy comes over sometime so we can get a move on."
  207. 06:38:02 Disco exclaims, "I'm /really/ hoping this bloodsucker has a bounty on it!"
  208. 06:38:27 Teach says, "You bring evidence that you killed it, we might just pay you."
  209. 06:38:48 Teach asks, "The hell?"
  210. 06:38:54 Disco asks, "I mean, probably? Unless I blow it up... with... uuhhh..."
  211. 06:38:56 Monty says, "I just stay inside to avoid mutants altogether."
  212. 06:39:03 Disco says, "...Well, we can't... ughh..."
  213. 06:39:09 Disco looks distracted, to say the least.
  214. 06:39:12 Disco says, "...Huh."
  215. 06:39:22 Teach says, "Two explosions."
  216. 06:39:28 Monty says, "And on those fun notes I'll be going back inside."
  217. 06:39:32 Disco says, "One explosion. Two explosions. Ah ah ah."
  218. 06:39:34 Teach asks, "Did you see anything explode?"
  219. 06:39:34 [@XXX] Teach: Did you see anything explode?
  220. 06:39:46 Hazard says, "I saw them all, like all five or six of them wandering together, I figured they were doing something important."
  221. 06:39:53 Hazard asks, "I asked what are you doing?"
  222. 06:40:00 Peanut looked over at Teach and said, "No." Then back to Hazard.
  223. 06:40:01 Hazard says, "Then Geb got into my shit, started mouthing off so I told him to fuck off."
  224. 06:40:12 Disco asks, "Hey man, you know where those boom-booms came from?"
  225. 06:40:21 Hazard says, "Ruslan tried to get behind me and I got freaked out that I was about to get fucking jumped."
  226. 06:40:22 Peanut says, "Anti-social people, I tell you; Karma's gonna catch up to them one day--"
  227. 06:40:35 Teach says, "And now they work for Freedom."
  228. 06:40:50 Teach says, "Guess it's true, they do work with bandits."
  229. 06:41:02 Disco exclaims, "Hey, lady!"
  230. 06:41:05 Hazard asks, "What is it this time?"
  231. 06:41:10 Teach asks, "What's up?"
  232. 06:41:12 Hazard asks, "Christ, you get fucking shot at?"
  233. 06:41:20 Slip says, "I got a message for Duty, and some more info."
  234. 06:41:24 Slip says, "It's urgent."
  235. 06:41:29 Teach asks, "From who?"
  236. 06:41:29 Disco exclaims, "Oooh, well lay it on us!"
  237. 06:41:30 Slip says, "Like right now urgent."
  238. 06:41:32 Hazard asks, "A message FOR Duty?"
  239. 06:41:41 Peanut says, "Come on, let's see it."
  240. 06:41:43 Teach says, "Private, collect the message."
  241. 06:41:56 Disco says, "I hope it's not a collect call."
  242. 06:42:01 Slip digs into her rucksack and grabs the letter.
  243. 06:42:04 Disco says, "I called to Mongolia once. "
  244. 06:42:06 Slip hands the letter to Peanut.
  245. 06:42:06 Disco says, "Super expensive."
  246. 06:42:09 Disco says, "...Still, worth it"
  247. 06:42:22 Peanut took it, nodded and gently squeezed it to determine if someone had put a cheeky bomb in there or something.
  248. 06:42:41 Slip says, "Hazard."
  249. 06:42:46 Slip says, "You gotta lay low for a bit man."
  250. 06:42:48 Peanut says, "It's just paper, boss. You should check it out."
  251. 06:42:49 Hazard asks, "What?"
  252. 06:42:50 Hazard asks, "Why?"
  253. 06:42:54 Peanut gave the letter to Teach.
  254. 06:42:57 Slip asks, "Can we talk in private?"
  255. 06:43:05 Teach extends her hand to take the letter off the guy and then rips it open to withdraw the letter itself.
  256. 06:43:07 Hazard jerks his head.
  257. <<At this point, Peanut messaged me on steam with contents of the letter, a piece of crap with words 'Duty' in it>>
  258. 06:43:12 Teach says, "Advanced."
  259. 06:43:17 Teach hurls it on the ground.
  260. 06:43:31 Peanut asks, "What was it?"
  261. 06:43:42 Teach says, "A childish drawing of a piece of crap."
  262. 06:43:56 Peanut sarcastically said, "I wonder who's behind that?"
  263. 06:44:07 Disco asks, "So, what's the message?"
  264. 06:44:14 Teach says, "An insult."
  265. 06:44:29 Teach says, "Seems like they know this courier came by."
  266. 06:44:46 Peanut asks, "They're sending a courier to deliver that shit?"
  267. 06:44:51 Disco asks, "To deliver what?"
  268. 06:44:57 Teach says, "They know we wouldn't just let them walk away."
  269. 06:44:58 Peanut says, "I suppose they don't care about the safety of the courier."
  270. 06:45:01 Teach says, "Not after the terror act."
  271. 06:45:09 Disco says, "...What terror act?"
  272. 06:45:13 Hazard says, "Great."
  273. 06:45:15 Hazard exclaims, "Great, cool!"
  274. 06:45:17 Hazard exclaims, "Awesome!"
  275. 06:45:22 Hazard coughs.
  276. 06:45:27 Disco says, "Man, it's like talking to a brick wall over here."
  277. 06:45:33 Teach says, "They attacked a UKM patrol, blew them all up."
  278. 06:45:40 Teach says, "UKM was pressuring loners over it for a bit."
  279. 06:45:48 Teach says, "A bomb."
  280. 06:45:54 Disco exclaims, "Oh! Freedom did that again?"
  281. 06:46:05 Disco says, "They blew up a supply truck last week, I think."
  282. 06:46:08 Teach says, "Even once is enough."
  283. 06:46:13 Hazard says, "Great."
  284. 06:46:23 Hazard rolls his neck, clutching his AK a little tighter.
  285. 06:46:34 Slip says, "Look, if I were you, I wouldn't leave this base."
  286. 06:46:41 Hazard says, "Yeah."
  287. 06:46:44 Slip says, "All 7 of them are gonna be heading down this way with rifles."
  288. 06:46:55 Teach asks, "A raid, huh?"
  289. 06:46:59 Hazard says, "Then I'm gonna go fucking blow my brains out in the woods, at this rate they'll fucking kill me."
  290. 06:47:07 Teach says, "No they won't. Follow me."
  291. 06:47:11 Hazard says, "Fuckers said they'll... "take care of me themselves.." Fuck those stupid..."
  292. 06:47:12 Slip asks, "I dunno, but what do you call it when all of them are kitted out with body armor and marksman rifles?"
  293. 06:47:23 Peanut says, "Easy shit, that's what."
  294. 06:48:04 Hazard says, "Hey uh."
  295. 06:48:09 Teach asks, "Yeah?"
  296. 06:48:19 Hazard says, "I'm willing to help you Duty guys out in anyway. "
  297. 06:48:25 Teach says, "We're helping you right now."
  298. 06:48:26 Hazard says, "You guys have done plenty for me."
  299. 06:48:36 Hazard says, "No like.. if they come to fuck with you, I want to help."
  300. 06:48:45 Teapot says, "Hi, hello."
  301. 06:48:50 Peanut nodded.
  302. 06:48:53 Teach brings her weapon into low ready stance.
  303. 06:49:05 Teach says, "Courier, this isn't your fight, leave."
  304. 06:49:10 Teapot says, "Nevermind."
  305. 06:49:12 Slip says, "I want to help."
  306. 06:49:14 Slip says, "If I may."
  307. 06:49:19 Hazard says, "Don't."
  308. 06:49:24 Hazard says, "You have a pistol. "
  309. 06:49:27 Slip exhales sharply.
  310. 06:49:28 Hazard says, "Don't get killed over this."
  311. 06:49:30 Teach says, "We can't trust you too, you work with everyone."
  312. 06:49:31 Disco says, "So.... we shooting at soldiers today?"
  313. 06:49:35 Teach says, "No, we're not doing that."
  314. 06:49:36 Slip says, "Then at least let me serve as a distraction."
  315. 06:50:02 Teach says, "No. Come back when we solved this little dispute."
  316. 06:50:09 Slip says, "Fine."
  317. 06:50:13 Slip says, "Good hunting."
  318. 06:50:18 Teach says, "It's for everyone's safety. Stay alive."
  319. 06:50:28 Teach says, "As for you, Stalker."
  320. 06:50:32 Disco waves.
  321. 06:50:34 Teach says, "You have no reason to be here either."
  322. 06:50:37 Disco exclaims, "Sure I do!"
  323. 06:50:43 Disco exclaims, "UKM are assholes to /everyone/!"
  324. 06:50:49 Teach says, "This isn't about UKM"
  325. 06:50:51 Hazard says, "We're not talking about UKM."
  326. 06:50:59 Disco says, "...oh, then who's trying to kill you guys then?"
  327. 06:51:00 Disco asks, "Freedom?"
  328. 06:51:08 Hazard says, "The Goblins are after me, apparently."
  329. 06:51:11 Teach says, "A bunch of bandits with vendeta want him dead."
  330. 06:51:13 Disco asks, "The whom'st?"
  331. 06:51:13 Hazard says, "Freedom hired them."
  332. 06:51:14 Teach says, "They recently joined Freedom."
  333. 06:51:19 Hazard says, "Catch and crew."
  334. 06:51:22 Disco exclaims, "Hey man, Hazard is a pal of mine!"
  335. 06:51:24 Teach says, "Comms check."
  336. 06:51:24 [@XXXX] Teach: Comms check.
  337. 06:51:31 Peanut says, "Check."
  338. 06:51:31 [@XXX] Peanut: Check.
  339. 06:51:31 Disco claps the man on the shoulder. "Good enough reason for me!"
  340. 06:51:34 Hazard says, "Disco, don't fuck yourself over for my sake. I'm liable to just.."
  341. 06:51:42 [@XXX] Yevhen Aleksandrov: Check, loud and clear.
  342. 06:51:47 Teach says, "If you can trust him, we can use them."
  343. 06:51:50 Disco exclaims, "Heck, man, give me descriptions on them and I'll just shoot them in the back, man, no worries!"
  344. 06:51:56 Teach says, "Come to the tunnel under the bridge, urgent talk."
  345. 06:51:56 [@XXX] Teach: Come to the tunnel under the bridge, urgent talk.
  346. 06:51:59 Disco sounds... oddly cheerful.
  347. 06:52:03 Teach says, "We might have a Freedom raid team coming at us."
  348. 06:52:03 [@XXX] Teach: We might have a Freedom raid team coming at us.
  349. 06:52:10 Hazard says, "Disco.. it's Catch, and Ruslan and shit. The barn people."
  350. 06:52:22 Hazard says, "You'd be digging yourself a deep hole if we screwed this up."
  351. 06:52:25 Disco asks, "What'd you even do to piss them off, man?"
  352. 06:52:41 Hazard says, "I fucking asked them a question, I saw them walking around in a big group and asked what they were doing."
  353. 06:52:50 Teach says, "We see you, look to your left."
  354. 06:52:50 [@XXX] Teach: We see you, look to your left.
  355. 06:52:51 Hazard says, "Geb got mouthy and Ruslan tried to get behind me so I got scared and told them to fuck off."
  356. 06:52:59 Disco says, "They sound like dicks, man. "
  357. 06:53:09 Hazard exclaims, "Yevhen!"
  358. 06:53:10 Teach says, "Sergeant."
  359. 06:53:12 Hazard exclaims, "Fuck!"
  360. 06:53:15 Yevhen Aleksandrov appears.
  361. 06:53:21 Disco exclaims, "Tell you what, dawg! I'll split off, chill out and about! If I see them come this way, I'll get into position!"
  362. 06:53:22 Yevhen Aleksandrov asks, "You-- you said Freedom raid?"
  363. 06:53:32 Yevhen Aleksandrov asks, "Anyone seen Monty?"
  364. 06:53:32 Hazard says, "Sure, Disco."
  365. 06:53:37 Hazard says, "Just uh, be careful, man."
  366. 06:53:37 Teach says, "Forget about Monty."
  367. 06:53:41 Disco shoots the man a friendly look and a thumbs up.
  368. 06:53:41 Hazard says, "Don't get yourself hurt for me."
  369. 06:53:45 Yevhen Aleksandrov asks, "What?"
  370. 06:53:47 Disco exclaims, "Hey man, we gotta stick together!"
  371. 06:53:48 Hazard gives him his own thumbs up.
  372. 06:53:55 Disco exclaims, "Besides, a bunch of those guys are Russians!"
  373. 06:53:59 Teach says, "Freedom just recruited like five bandits"
  374. 06:54:00 Disco exclaims, "No big loss, man!"
  375. 06:54:00 Peanut low-profile saluted Yevhen.
  376. 06:54:04 Teach says, "And they have a vendetta against the man to my left."
  377. 06:54:06 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "He's from Agroprom, was delivered by a Sergeant himself."
  378. 06:54:12 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "..can"
  379. 06:54:19 Teach says, "Ugh... Let's step aside. You three stay here."
  380. 06:54:20 Hazard coughs.
  381. 06:54:21 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "..can't really forget about direct orders."
  382. 06:54:21 Disco slings his rifle, before leaving the group be as he trudges up the hell.
  383. 06:54:42 Teach says, "A loner sold Monty out, she saw him promising Freedom to make them a super suit."
  384. 06:54:50 Teach says, "We're gunning this man down the second we see him."
  385. 06:55:09 Yevhen Aleksandrov shakes his head a few times. "Agroprom is under the assumption he was doing that for us."
  386. 06:55:13 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "I see."
  387. 06:55:22 Teach says, "He's sitting under our ass and while we're away he meets with Freedom."
  388. =06:55:34 Yevhen Aleksandrov nods. "I see."
  389. 06:55:37 Teach says, "Agroprom wouldnt send us a nobody, but a Duty soldier."
  390. 06:55:54 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "Well-- he came with the supply run."
  391. 06:56:08 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "I recieved an official document and everything."
  392. 06:56:09 Teach says, "It doesn't matter at this point."
  393. 06:56:23 Teach asks, "That rookie, with our private, you know him, yeah?"
  394. 06:56:30 Yevhen Aleksandrov asks, "Hazard?"
  395. 06:56:33 Teach says, "Sure."
  396. 06:56:42 Yevhen Aleksandrov asks, "What about him?"
  397. 06:56:53 Teach says, "Well, he's targetted by Freedom and he says he wants into Duty."
  398. 06:57:04 Yevhen Aleksandrov asks, "The one standing up there now?"
  399. 06:57:07 Teach says, "Yeah."
  400. 06:57:21 Teach says, "He claims he helped you defend the base."
  401. 06:57:23 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "Yeah-- he's expressed interest. Along with a stalker named Stork."
  402. 06:57:40 Teach asks, "Right, can you vouch for him? I plan to not let Freedom kill him, but it's easier if he'd be in Duty."
  403. 06:57:53 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "He kept watch while I recieved the supplies from Agroprom, I was ten feet away."
  404. 06:57:59 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "I wouldn't say much of a defense, but.."
  405. 06:58:03 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "He's trustable."
  406. 06:58:20 Teach says, "Then let's put him into uniform and execute an ambush."
  407. 06:58:49 Teach says, "Actually... that girl, she said they were coming here right away."
  408. 06:58:55 Teach says, "So let's deal with ambush first."
  409. 06:59:00 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "W--.. okay."
  410. 06:59:01 Teach says, "On the bridge."
  411. 06:59:13 Teach says, "On the bridge, defensive positions, we're ambushing the raid."
  412. 07:00:28 Teach says, "Look, Hazard"
  413. 07:00:33 Teach says, "You'll be our eyes and ears."
  414. 07:00:42 Teach says, "You see those bastards, you tell us now. We're gunning them down."
  415. 07:00:44 Hazard says, "Right."
  416. 07:00:54 Hazard says, "Look for uh."
  417. 07:00:57 Hazard says, "Red patches on their shoulders."
  418. 07:01:08 Teach says, "We're gonna ambush them from this bridge."
  419. 07:01:11 Hazard says, "They're fucking big, the courier told me they have them even on their uniform."
  420. 07:01:12 Teach says, "There's no time to look for patches."
  421. 07:01:15 Hazard says, "Alright."
  422. 07:01:15 Teach says, "Okay."
  423. 07:01:24 Teach says, "Hazard."
  424. 07:01:35 Teach says, "Private, take position here, watch loner town."
  425. 07:02:06 Teach says, "Let's take position here, watch Freedom direction."
  426. 07:02:14 Teach exclaims, "Hazard!"
  427. 07:02:44 Teach asks, "Is your friend deaf?"
  428. 007:03:21 Teach exclaims, "Hazard, for fuck sake!"
  429. 07:03:36 Teach says, "Keep patroling along the bridge, watch for them, we're focusing on Freedom direction."
  430. 07:03:41 Teach says, "But if you see them from loner town, screma"
  431. 07:03:49 [@XXX] Peanut: Man, common clothes. Walking around the trees near the bridge. Possible scout?
  432. 07:04:04 Teach says, "Stay hidden"
  433. 07:04:04 [@XXX] Teach: Stay hidden
  434. 07:04:14 Teach (Garry): [ADMIN] Can anyone supply a duty recruit with starting kit? my console broke
  435. 07:04:25 [@XXX] Peanut: He's gone now.
  436. 07:04:43 Disco (Detective Chmilewsky): [ADMIN] if no one else can be assed, i will
  437. 07:05:00 Monty (Malanth): [ADMIN] go for it
  438. 07:05:02 [@XXX] Peanut: Man, approaching rapidly.
  439. 07:05:12 Teach exclaims, "Hazard, ID!"
  440. 07:05:16 Teach exclaims, "Hazard!"
  441. 07:05:17 [@XXX] Peanut: He's coming under the bridge in two seconds.
  442. 07:05:32 Hazard says, "I don't see anyone, looking both directions."
  443. 07:05:34 Teach asks, "Do you have a radio?"
  444. 07:05:35 Teach says, "Stick close."
  445. 07:05:37 Hazard says, "No ma'am."
  446. 07:06:02 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "Teach, that stalker I mentioned is here."
  447. 07:06:03 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "Stork."
  448. 07:06:13 [@XXX] Peanut: There's a guy a few yards away trying to jump the fence.
  449. 07:06:17 Teach says, "Stalker sneaking to our base."
  450. 07:06:17 [@XXX] Teach: Stalker sneaking to our base.
  451. 07:06:41 Teach says, "Hazard"
  452. 07:06:45 Teach says, "I told you to stick CLOSE"
  453. 07:07:06 Teach says, "There's a man infront of Duty base."
  454. 07:07:08 Teach says, "Merc suit."
  455. 07:07:16 Teach shoulders her rifle.
  456. 07:07:17 Hazard asks, "Want me to go see what he's doing?"
  457. 07:07:22 Teach says, "Watch the road for now."
  458. 07:07:45 Teach says, "This way."
  459. 07:08:00 Slip says, "Catch"
  460. 07:08:05 Slip exclaims, "She's at the town!"
  461. 07:08:08 Teach says, "Shit."
  462. 07:08:09 Slip says, "She's asking for Hazard"
  463. 07:08:18 Teach shouts, "Gather up!"
  464. 07:08:20 Slip says, "I can stall her."
  465. 07:08:24 Slip sprints off.
  466. 07:08:27 [@XXX] Peanut: Someone's in the mill.
  467. 07:08:30 Teach shouts, "We're heading to the mill!"
  468. 07:09:07 Teach asks, "That's them?"
  469. 07:09:12 Hazard says, "No."
  470. 07:09:14 Teach says, "Fuck."
  471. 07:09:17 Hazard says, "That's Athena, I think."
  472. 07:09:23 Hazard says, "Ecologist."
  473. 07:09:25 Teach says, "Hazard, stick close to me."
  474. 07:09:26 Teach says, "ALWAYS."
  475. 07:09:31 Teach says, "You see someone, you tell me."
  476. 07:09:31 Hazard says, "Alright."
  477. 07:09:44 Teach says, "Everyone, find defensive positions with loner town or road overwatch."
  478. 07:09:44 [@XXX] Teach: Everyone, find defensive positions with loner town or road overwatch.
  479. 07:09:52 Teach says, "Stalker named Catch is in town looking for Hazard. She has to go."
  480. 07:09:52 [@XXX] Teach: Stalker named Catch is in town looking for Hazard. She has to go.
  481. 07:10:22 [@XXX] Yevhen Aleksandrov: Has to go?
  482. 07:10:25 Teach whispers, "Look towards the road."
  483. 07:10:25 Hazard exclaims, "Athena!"
  484. 07:10:27 Teach says, "We're gunning her down."
  485. 07:10:27 [@XXX] Teach: We're gunning her down.
  486. 07:10:32 Hazard says, "aLRIGHT."
  487. 07:10:35 [@XXX] Yevhen Aleksandrov: I see.
  488. 07:10:37 Teach says, "Hazard, description on Catch."
  489. 07:10:44 Muscles (DyMare): [ADMIN] i got it disco
  490. 07:10:53 Disco (Detective Chmilewsky): [ADMIN] thought it was mine at first
  491. 07:11:05 Hazard says, "Female, wearing Freedom. Big red patch on her shoulder, kinda thin. Think she has an SKS."
  492. 07:11:16 Teach says, "Female, armed with SKS, big red patch on sholdier, Freedom outfit."
  493. 07:11:16 [@XXX] Teach: Female, armed with SKS, big red patch on sholdier, Freedom outfit.
  494. 07:11:20 Teach says, "Shoot when possible."
  495. 07:11:20 [@XXX] Teach: Shoot when possible.
  496. 07:11:23 [@XXX] Yevhen Aleksandrov: Where?
  497. 07:11:24 [@XXX] Peanut: Where?
  498. 07:11:25 Teach says, "Anyone travelling with her is hostile."
  499. 07:11:25 [@XXX] Teach: Anyone travelling with her is hostile.
  500. 07:11:30 Teach says, "They will be coming from loner town."
  501. 07:11:30 [@XXX] Teach: They will be coming from loner town.
  502. 07:11:37 Athena reaches down, grabbing the backpack and carefully climbing down the building until shes off.
  503. 07:11:40 Teach says, "No visual yet."
  504. 07:11:40 [@XXX] Teach: No visual yet.
  505. 07:12:02 Teach shifts her AK over the into the window, resting it on the side as she herself gets on her toes.
  506. 07:12:24 Hazard says, "Ruslan is with her - he's got a plate carrier if he hasn't taken it off. Usually wears a gasmask, also has a big ass red patch."
  507. 07:12:31 Teach says, "Me and Hazard are watching the road, try to watch wilderness or the road too."
  508. 07:12:31 [@XXX] Teach: Me and Hazard are watching the road, try to watch wilderness or the road too.
  509. 07:12:47 Hazard says, "FUCK."
  510. 07:12:51 Teach says, "CONTACT"
  511. 07:12:51 [@XXX] Teach: CONTACT
  512. 07:12:54 Teach says, "ROAD"
  513. 07:12:54 [@XXX] Teach: ROAD
  514. 07:13:21 Teach: [OOC] The bunch walking towards the mill come under INTENSE AUTOMATIC FIRE from the front.
  515. 07:14:13 The group that arrives to the mill start receiving automatic fire from direction of the mill itself
  516. 07:14:16 The group walking towards the mill come under intense automatic fire from the front.
  517. 07:15:50 Teach singles out Ruslan specifically, putting sights over the man and giving him a nice accurate burst.
  518. 07:16:20 To Ruslan: ** Teach singles out Ruslan specifically, giving the man a nice accurate burst from her elevated area.
  519. 07:17:14 Slip (Kekistani Immigrant): [ADMIN] ! I need an admin
  520. 07:17:22 [@XXX] Yevhen Aleksandrov: Where is the contact?
  521. 07:17:38 Teach says, "Entrance to the mill house, by the bricks."
  522. 07:17:38 [@XXX] Teach: Entrance to the mill house, by the bricks.
  523. 07:17:41 Teach says, "Lasing it."
  524. 07:17:41 [@XXX] Teach: Lasing it.
  525. 07:17:54 [@XXX] Yevhen Aleksandrov: How many?
  526. 07:17:56 Teach flicks her laser device on.
  527. 07:17:59 Hazard shouts, "WHAT THE FUCK!"
  528. 07:18:00 Teach exclaims, "Three, start shooting!"
  529. 07:18:00 [@XXX] Teach: Three, start shooting!
  530. 07:18:05 [@XXX] Peanut: I saw persons on the mill. How respond?
  531. 07:18:07 Hazard shouts, "Is that person in the fucking warehouse on our side?!"
  532. 07:18:13 Hazard shouts, "He's wearing an Eagle!"
  533. 07:18:13 Teach exclaims, "Execute, we're fucking shooting them!"
  534. 07:18:13 [@XXX] Teach: Execute, we're fucking shooting them!
  535. 07:18:19 [@XXX] Peanut: Roger!
  536. 07:18:33 Peanut: [OOC] The dutier peered out and shot a few shots towards the men at the top of the mill.
  537. 07:18:41 Teach says, "That's us retard."
  538. 07:18:41 [@XXX] Teach: That's us retard.
  539. 07:18:48 Static: [OOC] how do I equip my gun
  540. 07:18:48 Hazard shouts, "What the fuck?!"
  541. 07:18:54 [@XXX] Peanut: I asked! Fuck!
  542. 07:18:55 Teach exclaims, "Other side, on the ground!"
  543. 07:18:55 [@XXX] Teach: Other side, on the ground!
  544. 07:19:06 Teach exclaims, "Peanut you retard, you're literally next to the bad guys!"
  545. 07:19:06 [@XXX] Teach: Peanut you retard, you're literally next to the bad guys!
  546. 07:19:15 Teach takes cover as the shots ring out near her.
  547. 07:19:22 [@XXX] Peanut: There's nobody here but a rookie!
  548. 07:19:34 Teach says, "Scan surroundings properly"
  549. 07:19:34 [@XXX] Teach: Scan surroundings properly
  550. 07:19:36 Hazard nearly tumbles down the steps he's on, grunting, "Fuck!"
  551. 07:19:58 [@XXX] Peanut: Ruslan is down!
  552. 07:20:05 Teach says, "Execute him dead."
  553. 07:20:05 [@XXX] Teach: Execute him dead.
  554. 07:20:57 Teach says, "Secure the bricks."
  555. 07:20:57 [@XXX] Teach: Secure the bricks.
  556. 07:20:58 Hazard exclaims, "That's one of em!"
  557. 07:21:02 Hazard exclaims, "That's fucking one of em!"
  558. 07:21:06 Teach says, "Execute them. Hazard."
  559. 07:21:11 Hazard grunts.
  560. 07:21:18 Puck asks, "What the fuck?! I'm not a Goblin, asshole!"
  561. 07:21:28 Hazard places a boot on his back, "You called me a Kulak and ran off with Catch."
  562. 07:21:32 Hazard says, "Eat shit, commie."
  563. 07:21:41 Teach carefully maneuvers around the bricks and towards the crounched man.
  564. 07:21:57 Peanut shouts, "Woah!"
  565. 07:22:12 Teach aligns her sights with the man, sighing.
  566. 07:22:16 Teach says, "Incoming at the road."
  567. 07:22:16 [@XXX] Teach: Incoming at the road.
  568. 07:22:37 Teapot shouts, "Hello?!"
  569. 07:22:46 If there's nothing Ruslan does, Teach presses on the trigger, ending his pathetic life with another burst.
  570. 07:23:02 A man is slumped against the stack of bricks. It doesn't look good for him.
  571. 07:23:19 Teach shouts, "// TImescale, fellas!"
  572. 07:23:23 Teapot shouts, "// ok."
  573. 07:23:25 Hazard shouts, "CONTACT!"
  574. 07:23:25 Peanut shouts, "// ok."
  575. 07:23:34 Ruslan is dead
  576. 07:23:39 Hazard exclaims, "IN THE WAREHOUSE!"
  577. 07:23:47 Peanut: [OOC] hey if anyone ever rps at me i want u to know im always timescaling
  578. 07:23:48 Teach shouts, "Get inside! Get inside!"
  579. 07:23:54 Peanut exclaims, "Shit!"
  580. 07:24:02 Teach bounds towards the warehouse after finishing her deed, using the bricks as cover.
  581. 07:24:13 Teach shouts, "Secure the building!"
  582. 07:24:15 Yevhen Aleksandrov: [L-OOC] puck got shot in head btw
  583. 07:24:31 Teach: [L-OOC] same with Ruslan
  584. 07:24:54 Teach takes the time off to withdraw a fresh magazine and, using the Russian technique, pushes a spent mag out to replace it with a new one.
  585. 07:25:24 Teach says, "Hold position, their friends must've been alerted."
  586. 07:25:24 [@XXX] Teach: Hold position, their friends must've been alerted.
  587. 07:25:36 Teach says, "If they come here wearing Freedom colors, or Hazard says it's the bad guys, shoot without regrets."
  588. 07:25:36 [@XXX] Teach: If they come here wearing Freedom colors, or Hazard says it's the bad guys, shoot without regrets.
  589. 07:25:46 [@XXX] Peanut: We'll-- We'll uh, discuss the BOB later? Right.
  590. 07:25:54 Teach says, "Yeah, just fight to survive."
  591. 07:25:54 [@XXX] Teach: Yeah, just fight to survive.
  592. 07:26:24 Teach: [L-OOC] I see your light, sup
  593. 07:26:39 Jarmo (McShaggy): [ADMIN] I'd like to know why Duty is firing on loners, Fix.
  594. 07:26:42 Teapot: [OOC] duty are we allowed to roleplay yet
  595. 07:26:49 Teach (Garry): [ADMIN] These loners are hunting Hazard down
  596. 07:26:57 Disco (Detective Chmilewsky): [ADMIN] They were firing on them due - yeah, that. It's not just spur of the moment.
  597. 07:26:58 Teach (Garry): [ADMIN] He's our new recruit, we want them dead.
  598. 07:26:59 Catch: [OOC] arpee?
  599. 07:27:00 Ruslan: [OOC] Duty! Epically Owned!
  600. 07:27:11 Disco (Detective Chmilewsky): [ADMIN] Ruslan is not taking it well.
  601. 07:27:18 Teach: [OOC] You're allowed to RP
  602. 07:27:23 Teach (Garry): [ADMIN] Well, he's with the bandits, that's expected.
  603. 07:27:24 Monty (Malanth): [ADMIN] what happened
  604. 07:27:29 Teapot: [OOC] thanks im glad i have your explicit permission teach
  605. 07:27:30 Yevhen Aleksandrov: [L-OOC] is ruslan dead
  606. 07:27:33 Teach (Garry): [ADMIN] hazard is haunted by Catch's crew.
  607. 07:27:37 Teach: [L-OOC] he emoted dying
  608. 07:27:39 Teach: [L-OOC] I shot him
  609. 07:27:42 Yevhen Aleksandrov: [L-OOC] ok
  610. 07:27:51 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "Hazard has one of them, other side of the building."
  611. 07:27:52 Teach (Garry): [ADMIN] We agreed to help Hazard deal with them
  612. 07:27:57 Teach shouts, "Go!"
  613. 07:28:22 [@XXX] Yevhen Aleksandrov: Other side.
  614. 07:28:38 As the brouman reveals himself to peek inside, Duty trooper attacks him from the cover.
  615. 07:29:04 Catch (Avain): [ADMIN] ! is ruslan dead?
  616. 07:29:04 Disco (Detective Chmilewsky): [ADMIN] Shit, we're gonna be pking like.... 6 people tonight.
  617. 07:29:35 Teach says, "Private, watch the other entrance."
  618. 07:29:52 Teach says, "Where I laser."
  619. 07:29:53 Peanut says, "All right. Cover!"
  620. 07:30:36 Teach assumes overwatch over the barn entrance and prepares for contacts.
  621. 07:30:48 Peanut shouts, "THERE'S SOMEONE HERE!"
  622. 07:30:53 Teach shouts, "Engage engage!"
  623. 07:31:10 Catch shouts, "Who the fuck are you, and why did you kill Ruslan!"
  624. 07:31:35 Peanut shouts, "Fuck you!"
  625. 07:31:41 Teach asks, "Yevhen, you with us? Try to run a flank."
  626. 07:31:41 [@XXX] Teach: Yevhen, you with us? Try to run a flank.
  627. 07:31:51 Yevhen Aleksandrov shimmies.
  628. 07:31:54 [@XXX] Peanut: Watch out, boss! Bad spot!
  629. 07:31:59 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "I-- We don't know how many there are."
  630. 07:32:12 Teach says, "Then hold your corners."
  631. 07:32:12 [@XXX] Teach: Then hold your corners.
  632. 07:32:35 Peanut shouts, "You wanna discuss this over tea?!"
  633. 07:33:01 Catch shouts, "I'll be discussing it over your dead body if I have to, tell me who you are."
  634. 07:33:10 Peanut shouts, "It's good tea!"
  635. 07:33:22 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "Teach00"
  636. 07:33:23 [@XXX] Peanut: Where the fuck is she?!
  637. 07:33:31 Yevhen Aleksandrov asks, "Who the fuck are we fighting here, loners?!"
  638. 07:33:39 Teach exclaims, "BANDITS, they got recruited by Freedom!"
  639. 07:33:43 Teach says, "They want our man DEAD"
  640. 07:33:57 Teach shouts, "Attention bandits, this is Duty patrol, surrender your arms or we'll gun you down!"
  641. 07:34:06 Catch shouts, "Bandits!?"
  642. 07:34:19 Teach shouts, "No discussion will happen unless you surrender your arms!"
  643. 07:34:34 Catch shouts, "Listen, Duty, we don't want shit, you've been fucking lied to. I am not surrendering my arms."
  644. 07:34:56 Teach shouts, "So be it!"
  645. 07:35:06 Catch shouts, "So be it, you are about to whip up a storm."
  646. 07:35:16 Teach says, "Team, gather on me, we're flanking."
  647. 07:35:16 [@XXX] Teach: Team, gather on me, we're flanking.
  648. 07:35:53 Teach says, "I am exiting the building."
  649. 07:35:53 [@XXX] Teach: I am exiting the building.
  650. 07:36:24 Teach bounds around the corner, her weapon checking angles of fire. She exits.
  651. 07:36:27 [@XXX] Yevhen Aleksandrov: Teach-- where are you exiting?
  652. 07:36:33 Teach says, "Towards the big mill"
  653. 07:36:33 [@XXX] Teach: Towards the big mill
  654. 07:37:53 Teach says, "Watch the bridge."
  655. 07:37:53 [@XXX] Teach: Watch the bridge.
  656. 07:37:56 Disco (Detective Chmilewsky): [ADMIN] yep, Ruslan is mad.
  657. 07:38:20 Teach (Garry): [ADMIN] he was a bandit, what can you do
  658. 07:39:11 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "I-- I'm not even sure who the fuck we're shooting at."
  659. 07:39:22 Teach says, "Just focus, we're gonna attack soon."
  660. 07:39:30 Teach says, "Anyone in Freedom kit, anyone in Merc kit, gun them down"
  661. 07:39:42 Yevhen Aleksandrov asks, "What the fuck is a Merc kit?"
  662. 07:39:49 Teach says, "IO7a"
  663. 07:39:50 Yevhen Aleksandrov exclaims, "They look like loners to me!"
  664. 07:40:02 Teach exclaims, "This is no time for this, they're bandits!"
  665. 07:40:14 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "I--. Right!"
  666. 07:40:43 Teach says, "Yehven, help me with this angle."
  667. 07:40:43 [@XXX] Teach: Yehven, help me with this angle.
  668. 07:40:50 Peanut shouts, "Yeouch!"
  669. 07:40:56 Yevhen Aleksandrov inches.
  670. 07:41:08 Hazard shouts, "SHE'S INSIDE FOR REAL!"
  671. 07:41:16 Teach dashes across towards the brick wall
  672. 07:41:19 Brouma lets out a burst of fire from his AKS-74u as the man peeks from the doorway.
  673. 07:41:21 Peanut: [OOC] okay thank you
  674. 07:41:35 Peanut shouts, "Wowee mama! Holy shit!"
  675. 07:41:37 Brouma: [OOC] sorry
  676. 07:41:50 Yevhen Aleksandrov slams into the brick wall, firing off a burst lazily in the direction he was fired at.
  677. 07:41:53 The bullets whizz past her, clipping on the west as she assumes different cover.
  678. 07:42:05 Vest*
  679. 07:42:08 Brouma unleashes a hail of bullets towards the Dutiers as they try to peek through the doorway.
  680. 07:42:11 Brouma: [OOC] /lme pls
  681. 07:42:26 Teach: [OOC] right, I forgot the range si terrible. Teach dashed to other cover as Yevhen was covering her
  682. 07:42:58 Peanut fired at the wall next to Stork, trying to pierce the wall with bullets. He had seen it in the movies.
  683. 07:43:22 Teach shifts her hands over the cover, firing blindly at Brouma
  684. 07:43:28 Brouma doubles backwards, away from the two Dutiers and into the cover of the ridge. He lets out a small burst of fire as he moves.
  685. 07:43:34 Ruslan: [OOC] that feel when you'll never break slip's vertebrea and watch as she lives her life out as a vegetable who shits herself constantly until she expires
  686. 07:43:46 Teach says, "Take my spot, i'll bound."
  687. 07:43:46 [@XXX] Teach: Take my spot, i'll bound.
  688. 07:43:57 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "W-.."
  689. 07:44:03 Yevhen Aleksandrov exclaims, "Catch is inside!"
  690. 07:44:07 Yevhen Aleksandrov exclaims, "Our guys are getting shot!"
  691. 07:44:11 Ruslan: [OOC] that feel when you'll never just fucking CRUSH hazard's pathetic skull and use his brain as a pocket pussy
  692. 07:44:16 Teach peeks out from behind cover and steadies her aim over where the enemy was.
  693. 07:44:19 Yevhen Aleksandrov: [OOC] wtf?
  694. 07:44:22 Hazard: [OOC] we got a hothead here
  695. 07:44:23 Teach exclaims, "Execute the order!"
  696. 07:44:23 [@XXX] Teach: Execute the order!
  697. 07:44:41 Yevhen Aleksandrov exclaims, "To the right!"
  698. 07:44:48 [@XXX] Peanut: Who the fuck just walked in through the wilderness?!
  699. 07:44:52 Teach as Brouma bounds, moving through the grass, the two dutiers cut away at him with automatic weapons.
  700. 07:45:00 Teach begins her own maneuver
  701. 07:45:01 Ruslan: [OOC] that feel when you'll never just eat hazard's face
  702. 07:45:12 Hazard: [OOC] wats ur deal man
  703. 07:45:25 Puck: [OOC] pk'd
  704. 07:45:49 6240: [OOC] i think the server needs a restart in the next couple hours cus this choppy lag is getting annoying lol
  705. 07:45:59 Ruslan: [OOC] that feel when you'll never just pull off hazard's flesh and just pure turn it into a human goulash
  706. 07:46:00 [@XXX] Yevhen Aleksandrov: He tossed something!
  707. 07:46:06 Teach rouma's exposed side comes under fire, he was flanked and is being gunned down!
  708. 07:46:31 Brouma's exposed side comes under fire, he was flanked and is being gunned down!
  709. 07:46:44 Athena: [OOC] hard restart required
  710. 07:46:45 Ruslan: [OOC] that feel when you'll never just fucking remodel slip's shithole
  711. 07:46:50 Brouma catches a bullet to his side, wind knocked out of him. He lets out a breathy grunt as he's impacted in the bullet, shouting out. He rolls along the grass, moving further down the hill.
  712. 07:47:01 Teach bounds back to the safety of the brick box.
  713. 07:47:14 Teach exclaims, "I clipped him, finish the job Yevhen!"
  714. 07:47:14 [@XXX] Teach: I clipped him, finish the job Yevhen!
  715. 07:47:30 [@XXX] Yevhen Aleksandrov: I had to move back-- he tossed a 'nade. Where is he?
  716. 07:47:35 Teach says, "Down the hill."
  717. 07:47:35 [@XXX] Teach: Down the hill.
  718. 07:47:42 Teach says, "Push from two sides."
  719. 07:47:42 [@XXX] Teach: Push from two sides.
  720. 07:47:49 Yevhen Aleksandrov dives for the brick cover.
  722. 07:48:07 [@XXX] Yevhen Aleksandrov: Let's push together!
  724. 07:48:58 Teach asks, "Ready? On your go."
  725. 07:48:58 [@XXX] Teach: Ready? On your go.
  726. 07:49:05 Peanut: [OOC] catch did you run over yet or are you still hiding behind that pillar
  727. 07:49:12 [@XXX] Yevhen Aleksandrov: Go!
  728. 07:49:29 The two dutiers begin advancing on Brouma's position, one of them keeps him down with suppressive fire.
  729. 07:49:47 Teach exclaims, "Tree infront of me!"
  730. 07:49:47 [@XXX] Teach: Tree infront of me!
  731. 07:50:10 Yevhen Aleksandrov was moving down the hill and firing at the tree Brouma was at, suppressing as Teach moved up.
  732. 07:50:10 The tree is peppered by gunfire, it's probably not very good of a cover under so much punishment.
  733. 07:50:35 Teach focuses her gunfire on Brouma's exposed back, slowly maneuvering to expose more and more of him as she fires.
  734. 07:51:21 Teach: [OOC] ** Teach focuses her gunfire on Brouma's exposed back as he tries to hide from Yevhen's onslaught.
  735. 07:51:41 Teach: [OOC] you saw that emote?
  736. 07:51:46 Brouma: [OOC] no i didn't. were you behind me?
  737. 07:51:58 Teach: [OOC] I saw your back peaking out when I flanked you from the left.
  738. 07:52:05 Yevhen Aleksandrov begins to lower the rifle. "Do you want me to unload it?"
  739. 07:52:16 Teach says, "Keep fighting, the area isnt clear."
  740. 07:52:16 [@XXX] Teach: Keep fighting, the area isnt clear.
  741. 07:52:52 Yevhen Aleksandrov squats, lowering the rifle to the ground.
  742. 07:54:28 Yevhen Aleksandrov raises his hands after dropping the rifle, moving to stand once more.
  743. 07:55:01 Brouma: [OOC] Brouma is hit squarely in the back by Teach's fire, slumping forward from his cover and onto the ground. He tries to crawl.
  744. 07:55:24 Teach pushes herself against a tree and peaks over at Yevhen as his weapon stopped firing.
  745. 07:56:24 [@XXX] Peanut: We got her bagged. Not body-bagged. Just bagged. How proceed?
  746. 07:56:34 Teach says, "They're flanking us, get back here."
  747. 07:56:34 [@XXX] Teach: They're flanking us, get back here.
  748. 07:56:46 [@XXX] Peanut: Where?!
  749. 07:56:53 Teach exclaims, "Big entrance in the rear!"
  750. 07:56:53 [@XXX] Teach: Big entrance in the rear!
  751. 07:56:58 Teach exclaims, "By the abandoned car!"
  752. 07:56:58 [@XXX] Teach: By the abandoned car!
  753. 07:57:06 Yevhen Aleksandrov is slammed by several bullets as he dives, the motion is slow because of his gear. A cry escapes him as he collides with the ground.
  754. 07:57:21 She dives back into cover as she realizes the flankers have a gun on her too.
  755. 07:57:34 From Brouma: r u shooting at me, i can't see ur emotes again
  756. 07:57:41 To Brouma: No, just keep crawling
  757. 07:57:44 From Brouma: alright
  758. 07:57:46 To Brouma: your chance to survive this
  759. 07:57:55 From Brouma: thank you benevolent banditlord
  760. 07:59:02 Yevhen Aleksandrov places his back against the wall, trembling as he reaches out and regains his rifle.
  761. 07:59:03 Teach uses the moment to swap out the magazines of her AK
  762. 07:59:45 Peanut exclaims, "Five yards away!"
  763. 07:59:47 Peanut exclaims, "One second!"
  764. 07:59:47 Hazard exclaims, "Help him out! I gotta go make sure we're all secure inside!"
  765. 07:59:54 Teach exclaims, "Covering!"
  766. 07:59:56 Hazard exclaims, "Yevhen, hang on!"
  767. 08:00:07 Hazard exclaims, "Oh shit!"
  768. 08:00:11 Hazard exclaims, "Yevhen's hit!"
  769. 08:00:16 Hazard exclaims, "A fucking bandit was here!"
  770. 08:00:18 Teach exclaims, "Yeah! We gotta get him in!"
  771. 08:00:25 Teach says, "Pull, I'll cover."
  772. 08:00:29 Hazard nods.
  773. 08:00:55 Hazard reaches down, gripping Yevhen by the neckguard and dragging him back so that he has range o fmotion with his hands and shit if need be.
  774. 08:01:07 Teach keeps overwatch over the rescue effort.
  775. 08:01:10 Ruslan: [OOC] all fucking duty must fucking hang
  776. 08:01:21 Yevhen Aleksandrov is helplessly dragged along.
  777. 08:01:24 Stork: [OOC] Don't get between a man and his meat.
  778. 08:01:45 Ruslan: [OOC] /me slaps stork's hand off of his boom boom poontang zone girl
  779. 08:01:55 Peanut picked up the 'grenade' he had thrown before.
  780. 08:01:56 Hazard drags him back behind the steel pipes.
  781. 08:02:04 Slip says, "Alright."
  782. 08:02:07 Teach asks, "This is her?"
  783. 08:02:08 Slip says, "Your helmet, run it."
  784. 08:02:09 Hazard shouts, "WHAT'S THE FUCKING SITUATION?!"
  785. 08:02:13 Catch says, "No."
  786. 08:02:14 Slip says, "Your uni, run that too."
  787. 08:02:20 Slip says, "I want your helmet."
  788. 08:02:26 Teach walks around Catch slowly, keeping her aim on her.
  789. 08:02:30 Catch says, "You-- you're just going to shoot me."
  790. 08:02:36 Catch shouts, "If you're going to shoot, fucking do it!"
  791. 08:02:37 Slip says, "Not if you co-operate."
  792. 08:02:38 Catch shouts, "Coward!"
  793. 08:02:42 Slip says, "Stop stalling."
  794. 08:02:47 "Yes." And so, Teach blasts her into her beautiful helmet.
  795. 08:02:58 Slip jumps at the shot.
  796. 08:03:18 Slip exclaims, "Well fuck!"
  797. 08:03:21 Peanut exclaims, "Shit! Woah, woah."
  798. 08:03:44 Catch falls limp against the pillar, completely silent.
  799. 08:03:50 Slip says, "Fuck me."
  800. 08:03:58 Teach says, "Fucking a'..."
  801. 08:04:02 Slip says, "I'm gonna search her body, grab her radio."
  802. 08:04:11 Slip walks up to the limp body to do so.
  803. 08:04:14 Teach shouts, "Hazard, confirm the kills, did we get the bad guys?!"
  804. 08:04:29 Hazard grunts, staring at the now lifeless corpse of Catch, "Christ..."
  805. 08:04:39 Slip pats the body down.
  806. 08:04:40 Teach gives the body a quick glance, just to make sure there's no movement, and swaps her attention to the entrance.
  807. 08:04:50 Hazard reaches for her arm, shining his light on the patch, "Yeah.. fuck me.. you couldn't have interrogated her?"
  808. 08:04:52 Jarmo: [L-OOC] I'm not allowing this to happen.
  809. 08:04:52 Slip pulls the uniform off the dead woman and scavenges her ammo.
  810. 08:05:02 Teach says, "We have no time or manpower to hold her hostage."
  811. 08:05:11 Jarmo: [L-OOC] I'm not allowing this to happen, you flaming retards.
  812. 08:05:13 Hazard exclaims, "We got injured, man!"
  813. 08:05:14 Teach says, "We'll need to fuck outta here right quick."
  814. 08:05:16 Slip dons the bloody uniform.
  815. 08:05:17 Hazard says, "We have to go back to fucking-"
  816. 08:05:18 Hazard exclaims, "Yeah!"
  817. 08:05:20 Peanut: [L-OOC] you're looking a bit red today
  818. 08:05:21 Slip says, "Alright, let's roll."
  819. 08:05:22 Teach: [L-OOC] eh?
  820. 08:05:23 Hazard exclaims, "I'll carry Yevhen!"
  821. 08:05:33 Peanut shouts, "Go! Go!"
  822. 08:05:51 Slip grabs her rubles and runs.
  823. 08:05:58 Teach shouts, "Let's move!"
  824. 08:06:14 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "O-.."
  825. 08:06:18 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "Only two of them got through.."
  826. 08:06:24 Yevhen Aleksandrov says, "My-- My.. vest."
  827. 08:06:27 Teach exclaims, "Stay with us, Sergeant!"
  828. 08:06:34 Hazard exclaims, "That's two too many! Stay awake man!"
  829. 08:06:44 Hazard tugs him along, "Let's get some fucking pep in our step! Let's go go go!"
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