
DBA | Bungee Config

Mar 25th, 2019
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  1. # ________ .__ __________ _____ __ .__
  2. # \______ \ ___.__. ____ _____ _____ |__| ____\______ \__ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ / _ \ __ ___/ |_| |__
  3. # | | < | |/ \\__ \ / \| |/ ___\| | _/ | \/ \ / ___\_/ __ \_/ __ \ / /_\ \| | \ __\ | \
  4. # | ` \___ | | \/ __ \| Y Y \ \ \___| | \ | / | \/ /_/ > ___/\ ___// | \ | /| | | Y \
  5. # /_______ / ____|___| (____ /__|_| /__|\___ >______ /____/|___| /\___ / \___ >\___ >____|__ /____/ |__| |___| /
  6. # \/\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \//_____/ \/ \/ \/ \/
  7. #
  8. # Author: UraharaNZ Version: 10.15B
  9. #
  10. #
  12. # MySQL must be configured here, restart the server after saving the config!
  13. MySQL:
  14. ip: 'localhost'
  15. port: '3306'
  16. database: 'DynamicBungeeAuth'
  17. user: 'DynamicBungeeAuth'
  18. password: 'yourpasswordhere'
  19. ssl: false
  20. # Set max connection the pool can have
  21. connections: 10
  22. # Set this timeout to your MySQL server config
  23. # * SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'wait_timeout';
  24. # * SET GLOBAL connect_timeout=28800;
  25. # Those are the SQL command to be executed globally if you want set the time to 28800 "recommended".
  26. timeout: 28800
  28. # 1 = Normal Mode (Premium Accounts are Protected and Cracked User can't use premium names)
  29. # 2 = Mixed Mode (Premium Accounts are required to register, but they can use the /premium command to get auto-logged in and protected just like in Normal Mode)
  30. # 3 = Secure Mode (All accounts are required to use the register/login commands)
  31. WorkMethod:
  32. Value: 1
  34. # Kick the player if he uses the wrong password for the account
  35. Login:
  36. WrongKick: true
  38. # Timer Setup
  39. # CleanRequest = Time to clean cache of the plugin; This is RECOMMENDED to be 30 (MINUTES)
  40. # RegisterMax = Max amount of time the player has to register the account (SECONDS)
  41. # LoginMax = Max amount of time the player to log into the account (SECONDS)
  42. Timers:
  43. # Time in MINUTES
  44. CleanRequest: 30
  45. # Time in SECONDS
  46. RegisterMax: 30
  47. # Time in SECONDS
  48. LoginMax: 30
  50. # Customize the options :D
  51. Options:
  52. # Protect Registered Cracked Accounts (only for mode = 1)
  53. ProtectRegisteredCrackedAccounts: false
  54. # OldVersion is to fix the error generated on SwitchListener when a player connect if you are running Bungee for 1.7 please enable this.
  55. OldVersion: false
  56. # Password Length Requirements
  57. MinPasswordLength: 3
  58. MaxPasswordLength: 12
  59. # Supported Encryption Hashers = SHA256, SHA512, SMD5, OLDDEFAULT (DEFAULT DBA V9.X), SHA512C (SHA512 DBA V9.X) PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YOU WANT TO PASS YOUR DBA 9x SQL TO 10x
  61. PasswordHash: 'SHA512'
  62. # Enable Captcha when registering, EXAMPLE: /register pass pass captchacode
  63. Captcha: true
  64. CaptchaLength: 6
  66. # Reworked 24-04-2020
  67. OfflineUUID: false
  68. # Anti-Bot Feature (Only Block Connections if the server has X join on Y time)
  69. MaxLogin:
  70. Enabled: false
  71. # Modes
  72. # 1 = Normal (After the time set has passed the player will be allowed to join again)
  73. # 2 = ShieldMode(After the time set for ShieldDuration has passed the player will be able to join again)
  74. # How does ShieldMode work? A: After a player joins a certain amount of times(Max) within a set amount of time(Seconds), MaxLogin will trigger and cause the server to be put into the shield mode,
  75. # If this continuously happens more time will be added on to the protection. When the MaxLogin count resets the Shield will continue blocking joins until his time reset.
  77. # Current setup is 30 joins in 10 seconds.
  78. Mode: 1
  79. Max: 30
  80. Seconds: 10
  81. ShieldDuration: 35
  82. # Enable or disable the titles of the plugin
  83. # true = enabled // false = disabled
  84. Titles:
  85. Auto: true
  86. Login: true
  87. Register: true
  88. Successful: true
  89. Sessions:
  90. MaxTimeToApply: 300
  91. NameCheck: true
  92. # IP Limits
  93. IPChecker:
  94. DisableIPRegisterLimit: true
  95. DisableIPPlayingLimit: true
  96. MaxAccountsDefault: 2
  97. MaxPlayingDefault: 2
  98. # True = Enable support to Multiple Proxy's running on "RedisBungee"
  99. RedisBungeeMode: false
  100. # Enable auto-centered messages
  101. UseCenteredMessages: true
  102. # This enable delayed titles and messages the time is on seconds.
  103. EnableDelay: false
  104. DelaySeconds: 1
  105. # This option will connect the user from his last connected server when he's finally verified.
  106. ConnectUserLastServer: true
  107. # Enable /lobby /hub command (This will use the server's configured on this file "Servers Section")
  108. LobbyCommands: true
  109. # This will add the alias "spawn" to the /lobby /hub commands ("This was a personal request from a user")
  110. LobbyCommandsSpawn: false
  112. # Handlers = Enable Server Administration = If this is false The plugin will use default server configured on Bungee.
  113. # If balancer is disabled (false) It will use the Single server "AuthS or LobbyS"
  114. # If balancer has been enabled (true) It will use the Multi Server "AuthM or LobbyM"
  115. Servers:
  116. Lobby:
  117. - 'Lobby01'
  118. - 'Lobby02'
  119. Auth:
  120. - 'Auth01'
  121. - 'Auth02'
  122. # Error Lobby/Auth will be used if one of the server of the list is NULL when we are trying to get the ServerInfo.
  123. LobbyError: 'Lobby01'
  124. AuthError: 'Auth01'
  126. # Enable Commands in case you need it.
  127. Commands:
  128. PremiumCMD: false
  129. # PremiumMode 1 = You can use the command without login and register // 2 = You need to login or registered to use the command
  130. PremiumMode: 1
  131. # This command isn't done at all
  132. CrackedCMD: false
  134. # If you have some issues with an api or if it is down disable it here.
  135. # BauxiteAPI is under development please don't use it.
  136. # Fallback 1 = API Mojang
  137. # Fallback 2 = API Cloudprotected
  138. # Fallback 3 = API MineTools
  139. # Fallback 4 = API BauxiteAPI "STILL UNDER IDEAS DON'T USE IT.".
  140. APIS:
  141. Enable:
  142. Mojang:
  143. Enable: true
  144. Fallback: 2
  145. CloudProtected:
  146. Enable: true
  147. Fallback: 1
  148. MineTools:
  149. Enable: true
  150. Fallback: 5
  151. BauxiteAPI:
  152. Enable: false
  153. Fallback: 1
  155. # SMTP Configuration
  156. SMTP:
  157. host: 'localhost'
  158. port: '25'
  159. user: 'root'
  160. pass: 'password'
  161. from: 'account@dynamicbungeeauth.net'
  162. file: 'Index.html'
  163. subj: 'DynamicBungeeAuth'
  165. # Database Importers
  166. # Currently supported: AUTHME HASH: SHA256
  167. Importers:
  168. Enabled: false
  169. SSL: false
  170. SQL:
  171. ip: 'localhost'
  172. port: '3306'
  173. database: 'authmedatabase'
  174. user: 'authmeuser'
  175. password: 'authmepassword'
  176. table: 'yourtableofauthme'
  177. structure:
  178. name: 'realname'
  179. password: 'password'
  180. ip: 'ip'
  181. regip: 'regip'
  183. # Debug message of APIS
  184. Debug:
  185. apis: true
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