
Evemek: Mental Identity Swap || Failed Attempt

Apr 6th, 2016
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  1. Grinning, the elemental zeus gazed at the Maid of sorts. Ignoring how the human waved the bunny around like a lofty warding it's presence away. Dread surged as occultism surged. A malefic presence that flowed with vile intent. Ignoring the screeching the human gave off. The Zeus snarled raising one of it's portruded looking limbs, elbow bending lightly, as white. Pure polished white gleamed ever so sharply.
  3. Mana surged inwards, churning through it's entire frame. Enhancement of movement doth given. Snarling it's voice flowed forth. "Worthless scum. Non entitty lacking magic potential. Feeling fear at my presence are thy. How unsightly, nay how irrelevent thy being is. Face terror. Face dread at knowing that your helpless state is because you lack the culpability to utilize magical might." It grinned even more at what it stated. Cruelty shining within it's gaze.
  5. Swiftly darting for the human female, it's arm was raised, bone likened mass slicing instantly through her neck. Decapitation of Mem occuring. Head sailing through the air. To land upon the grass with a plop of sorts. Blood sprayed forth, flowing upwards likened to a gyser of sorts.
  7. Aerial spray of thickened red flowed forth. The body tumbled back, blood fastidiously surging to drench the clearing ground in red. Striking atop neaby flowers.The rabbit the woman wielded dropping from lifeless fingers. It made a keening noise, before stilling. Dying perhaps of fright. or just paralyzed in terror.It mattered little.
  9. The yokai swiftly kicked the human's head away from it, with in the direction of Sharindlar. Disgusting foolish being, hunger still gnawed from within. Gazing at the carcass, it hissed before stomping on it in frustration. The sound of bone breaking discernable. With the way it was, it lacked any true hands to feast upon the body.! It's voice spoke into what it perceived as an empty location still unaware of the child's presence. "Weak..worthless beings. Those who lack magic truly are irrelevent, afraid of what they cannot understand. Further envious of those whom hold no magic potential. Well this is one, that those who pursue power have to not be wary of." It stated lightly. Turning away from the carcass of the maid.
  11. Leaves rustled at the edge of the clearing. A new arrival perhaps?
  12. (Eglencenin)
  13. It hardly took much digression from the former matter to find one of the many he was going to hunt down. Fortunately enough, it was his very own master, one he had grown quite familar with over the years. He had bonded with this yokai, having been transformed into the very character he was today, courtesy of their teachings and workings. Thus, it would only make sense to see to it that they'd be the first to experience his endeavor in motion.
  15. "I see, you're still just as tenacious as I recall at your plot to eradicate the lives of the lesser ilk... Perhaps beneficial to your own evolution should you have taken to consuming them instead." He started, "... Though, I must admit, I require your aid, Eglencenin." The identity of this persona was evident as he wandered out into a clearing: Evemek, the very same Occultist that he had molded into a god complexed individual, bending the darkness to such potency he wouldn't have originally been capable of fathoming...
  17. Unfortunately, it still wasn't enough granted what he had seen thus far of his abilities in tested combat.
  18. " I am confident, granted your mannerism that you would have no problems complying to such. In the end, we'd ultimately achieve a greater purpose... I consider it, a step, of many up a metaphorical staircase... And so, before I take to such deed deemed dastardly, I apologize in advance."
  19. (Evemek)
  20. What had possibly brought Uzavok out West? Uzavok usually clung to the Eastern side of Valmasia, finding home within either the Deadland Marshes or Byronegrove. Having traveled out west this time, he was rather focused on finding some of his kin. Many of them had went missing in action over the course of the past months, and he thought that he should seek them out, perhaps engage in a conversation.
  22. Arrivingf promptly in the Wychwood Forest, it had been a while since he had ventured here. Many memories flooding his mind as he took in some of the fresh air, this being quite a stretch from the muggy hot air from the Sarab Deserts. Looking around, he saw the many beings that had inhabited the forests ranging from rabbits, to lessers and what not. It wasn't to often that a Kaor such as himself would visit such an area. As he wandered through the vast forests, it was not long until he was able to sense some familiar auras, one that he was easily able to distinguish as Eglencenin. A smirk growing on uzavok's face, he would set off, following the trail of the occultic mana.
  24. They were directly south of him. Continueing off south, it wasn't long until he was able to make there figures out. One being the Zeus elemental Eglencenin, and the other a human. As he made it to an approrpriate distance, he would make this human out to be Evemek. It had appeared as though that they were already engaged in a situation. Not really wanting to interrupt, he would simply sit back to get a general idea of what was going on here before butting in.
  26. Taking a few steps forward, Uzavok left a trail of sparks in his wake, dancing off the blades of grass as he had made himself comfortable next to tree. "Do not mind me." Uzavok stated simply.
  27. (Uzavok)
  28. Occultism which had died down, surged forth. A rolling miasmic of dread that radiated coldness. Not brought by frigid waters, or the dark deprths of one sinking to the bottom of an ocean. Did dread permeate. It's horrid frame took a slight step. Bloodied hoof trodding upon grass and stepping upon mildew. Under it's abdomin does not invasive flickering blue light radiate. Relational to lightning, however faint. The light flickered forth, a light filled with malice. A seering light that would fill upon Evemek's vision should he stare upon it for to long. A reviled tone slithered forth. Directly assaulting the mind of Evemek, a calm quality to the voice, oddly different from it's earlier angered actions.
  30. "You would as I for a boon. Aid..would be given. However let us dispense with your apologetic nature for but a moment. Shall there be truth between us, as two pursuers of power then? Not as master or apprentice as it seems we've been, but as equals? There is an offer you will get rarely, Evemek. Only equals speak the truth, that's my thought. Those who hold sway over another lie endlessly, caught in the web of regard."
  32. It's voice fell silent. For but a moment before speaking further. "If you've come for a lesson, or a desire to enforce that you are stronger than I. Remember it was I who opened thy eyes to the truth. I who freed thee from the shackles binding you. Know this then. Evemek, you are a monster. One who shall forevermore be tainted. The sun, it will not ever fill you with warmth again. This world, it will hate you. It will break you further. Your sanity shall be shredded into nothingness, you will face horror unliketh which cannot be spoken of. Dead fingers talk. Dead fingers whisper. Dead fingers claw at one million eyes. The fingers you will bring. They are waiting to rip thine own eyes from thy sockets. You have done terrible things... Did you think that I wouldn't know? Did you think that I would... Allow it?"
  34. It fell silent, simply gazing upon him. With a quiet solemnity. "Despair..knowing that this is thy final lesson. It is strip thee of thy worldy attachments. Feel everything you still cling to slipping away." Hissing lesser kin darted from nearby undergrowth. Gazing at Evemek, clearly enthralled by the Elemental's power. Drawn to it, like moths to a flame. Stepping toward's his frame. Darkness surged as the Elemental grew ready to begin fighting the teen. Form wary. Though it held of on outright attacking just yet.
  35. (Eglencenin)
  36. As one awaited the Elemental's reply, they came to the knowledge of another... The upsetting upheaval in occultic displacement was more than enough to turn his attention: A Kaor had arrived, one of the same ilk of Dravus' own. This may've made things easier... Or far more difficult. Such was difficult to discern as of the immediate moment, but Evemek was determined to make something work. He had studied these creatures via text books during his time imprisoned and enslaved... So, perhaps he could his efforts played out experimentally.
  38. These creatures worked in means similar to hierarchy... So, a greater yokai would reign over the mind of an inferior yokai with naught more than the reaping of one's transmundanic influence. Such, was not something alien to that of an occultist's control over the lesser, Megai and Terra class yokai in their path... But could the same be enacted upon a Gigai? Or, even further beyond? Was it incomprehensible to enthrall or even manipulate an elemental class beast? Certainly a powerful Kaor could do it, but perhaps... Granted the effort, he too could commit to the act. It would fall in line with his efforts seemlessly, and perhaps, move the situation towards a progressive matter against the Republic.
  40. Uzavok comfortably idled nigh, announcing their lack of affiliation for the moment... But for how long? Even if such was never destined to carry out, one couldn't risk things transcending for the worse, could he? "Very well." Evemek answered, focusing all of his attention unto Eglencenin.
  41. "Then, this shall be strictly between an old master and the former student... Eglencenin, you will thank me for this... But for now, you shall see me solely as an aggressor.
  42. The Occultist's determined gaze wrought its magical cast upon the mind of the Elemental, perhaps troubling in the endeavor to successfully uphold a spell upon one's perception... But it was a means to bring the battle to the mind, rather than out on the terrain.
  44. Such, was where Evemek flourished... And granted such advantage of stealth in terms of conflict, should he so choose it, he wielded the darkness only to assail the Zeus-class monstrosity's mind. "I've finally learned how I'll change the world, old master... And I'll see to it that it is done, via any means necessary."
  45. He knew fair and well that this was the very persona that had crafted him into what he had become... And thus, it'd make the perfect initial step.
  47. "Worldly attachment is perhaps, one of the few things I can't see myself give up... For I will always bear the carnal urge of humanity... It is something I can not escape... My wrath... My greed... My lust... My envy... My pride... They'll never fade nor cripple, and that is what differs me from yokai... Because I am human, I will harbinge the ultimate of the shadows... But in the end, you'll see this... And you'll come to admire it, just as I do... And so, I ask of you to prepare yourself for the battle I bring you. For, it will decide my worthiness to bring upon revolution against the Republic."
  48. (Evemek)
  49. The yokai grinned. "Oh indeed? Change the world! Your urging that you feel, believing it to be of your lingering humanity are thee. The things you've listed..well they aren't a result of your human nature. They are becoming like me. A monster. A reviled being. So fall! FALL FURTHER INTO DARKNESS! You have no humanity left to cling to. You and I know that continuing as you are will strip what remains of thy human nature. You my keep the traits however." Pausing the elemental's voice spoke in a more sly manner.
  51. "However soon, your being will begin to change. To adapt. To grow..attaing transcendence. This is something..that we will pursue, once I defeat you foolish apprentice. I will help you strip away thy human nature. No longer will you be able to be considered such. will be more."
  53. Finished speaking the yokai revealed it's plan for Evemek somewhat. Lesser yokai darted forth. Tearing through the undergrowth, and uprooting grass. Dark power swirled as the elemental rose it's white limbs. A sense of wrongness. Utter wrongness seemed to be apparant. The libs it's rose ended in a sharp tip. Snarling it darted forth. Dashing for Evemek's form. Spear likened limbs lashing out to strike towards his frame. Intent on piercing into his entity. Stabbing through fabric to do so.
  55. Under it'shoof likened feet, doth a small wave of darkness eminate. As it sought to strike Evemek slicing into his flesh without mercy. To watch as blood flowed from inflicted wounds. Hungrily it's eyes, a malevolent crimson doth glimmer in wanton savagery and excitement. Blood pumping as andrenaline and bloodlust began to embolden the yokai to attack more furiously.
  56. (Eglencenin)
  68. A monster? Was that what he had become? Perhaps, Eglencenin was right-- So many before him claimed the same, as one could've sworn and he did nothing to deny them. Infact, he took to such claim with an odd sense of pride. He was to ascend to stature beyond that of Human... He didn't need to be a yokai to master, and surpass them at the very element they were design to wield. He could ascend beyond that of his own race's known members, become a dominant and superior force in the league of Occultists.
  70. To become, one of the greats... No, the best... Names like Ro'tro and Eline Sakete would soon be usurped in history's spotlight by he, himself... He was certain of such.
  71. Lesser yokai that lunged out to strike upon Evemek found their claws kneading into his flesh to become-- Consumed by the image of the Occultist, their claws sinking effortlessly past flesh and armor-- But appendages trapped into the very body they striked into.
  73. The eye-lock prior, had activated an occular spell, leaving the monsters that'd dogpile their advarsary ensnared to this illusionary dummy. The facade took to a mauve gleam, soon swelling up to violently combust into a spheroid cackling at the amassed crater in the soil. The blinding emanation of aroused fulmination had outright vaporized the lessers taken an assault on Evemek. One's powers had dramatically increased since last time, allowing him to not only contort reality as they saw it, but transform simplistic copies of himself into unique fabrications of both the occult and surrealisic.
  75. The crater that'd remain would radiate of an ebonic miasma, still pungent with Evemek's essence, but he himself? He seemingly vanished, likely hiding somewhere on the scene.
  76. "You're stronger than you were before, but I admire to being even greater in raw capability. Such... Is not my point to be proven, however... For even individually, we pale in comparison to the true threats to our ilk."
  77. Evemek was... Standing beside Eglen the entire time?
  79. He was waiting, quite patiently too. It was all to bait the pending hostilities which was to skewer him at the end of one's sharpened appendage. He did not badger himself to flee nor digress from his strike, which defined his presence as it was already: Another illusion. Nonetheless, blood would spill-- It's warm fluid soon to seep at Eglencenin's fingertips; The body of a disproven Evemek falling limp at one's volition.
  81. Yet, even in this state, this... bested Evemek spoke casually...
  82. "Did you notice it?" He asked of the Zeus-class, "--When this started, when I gazed upon you... Did you feel it?" He was referring to something, a subtle shift in one's perception having started before the battle could even take place.
  83. "I wasn't sure if it'd work at first... But now, I'm certain."
  85. Suddenly, as though clockwork itself had winded backwards to correct a former mistake, the battle seemed to play out in reverse, undoing its damages all the way back to its beginning-- Where Evemek had initially finished his speech. However, everything was already said and done... There was no chronomancy at works...
  88. The entire fight, played out in Eglencenin's mind...
  89. They had never moved, for the technique had successfully worked out as he had intended it. "Now that I'm certain that will work, it is time to test something else in hopes that I can turn this, for the better..." He stated, pivoting his stance some bit to beckon the elemental with a neutral hand gesture challenging their approach. "Come..."
  90. (Evemek)
  91. The yokai blinked, a hiss of frustration slipping past it's lips. Shaking it's head. Darkness cascaded forth, ambibalent power awashing it's frame. Disorientation doth occur. It seemed the battle had taken place from within, ones own gripping mentality. Darkness continued to surge garnering upon it's frame. Illusatory magicxk having caused the elemental to believe the fight had played out. When it had not.
  93. "Notice it..?" The elemental questioned. Watching as the scene was reversed. Perception altered. Frayed forth to vanish. As if it hath split at the seams. Blinking the yokai gazed upon the carcasses of it's slain kin. Blood pooling forth, a rivulet of acrid purple that stained the grassy grounds of the dark forest floor. The yokai watched as the illusionary frame doth vanish.
  95. As the yokai shook it's head. Voice slithering forth. "I did notice it, once it was pointed out. Whatever you did, it made this one believe thy had been struck down. How..mesmerizing an aspiration and gainment of furthered ability you have displayed." Malignant power ebbed forth.
  97. Slithering to encroach it's being in sheer malevolence. "How horrific this ability, if utilized upon ones foes. Perhaps furthered cultivation could lead to a deeper heightened enthrallment of ones being. Or oft different ways it could be utilized. Grunting, it's head throbbed a little. Disorientation clear, as it slumped upon the grass. Eyes slipping unconcious as tiredness gripped the yokai's frame suddenly.
  98. (Eglencenin)
  110. Eglencenin: <*Assaulted frame awakens!*>
  111. Eglencenin: <*Attacks!*>
  112. Eyes followed every muscle's twitch, their every cringe and motion. He was taking note of it all, all whilst never badgering to digress his gaze from one's person, and eventual gander. Their eyes were their focus, and whilst maintaining that eye contact, it seemed as though they were coming through this unscathed!
  114. But no, this time-- Things were real. They were actually partaking in combat that ravaged the scape. From volleys of midnight stroking across the forestry to tear foliage and trees asunder in their malefic path, to the clash of sharpened appendages versus the metallic glaive utilized to one's person.
  115. "As much as it pains me to do this... I must." Pupils shrunken somewhat, intensifying the illusionary spell on Eglencenin's mind-- Furthering the mental strain, but there was more beyond it.
  117. It was moreoff akin to the touch of the occult, addling the mind with the skewering of the senses, from phantasmal blows that mercilessly beaten at the various portions of the Zeus and beyond... The electric element seemingly bent, not even to Eglencenin's will, but of Evemek's! To control someone else's magic? And even, enforce its malignant embrace upon the wielder?! Electrified from the inside, stunned in place... Only through a gaze.
  119. "This, Eglencenin..." He claimed, shoving the monster back from their weapon-lock, to enforce distance.
  120. "--Is divine power..." A hand was risen for the heavens, and summoned from parting clouds, javelins of the purest black rained down, impaling at spare hands, feet and so on to leave them incapacitated and gazing to the sun in anguish for the dealt blows. Finally, a final spear manifested from oblivion had been fabricated the skies up above, dropped down to pierce Eglencenin through the chest-- Where the heart was predicted to be.
  122. It was a five-speared prism of sorts, akin to a sealing to the untrained eye-- Though, this was simply an illusion, one that was persistant unlike the rest... One, that dared to step up to the claim of Divinity. The yokai was grounded with these creations keeping them pinned, if not simply tricking the mind into stalling all movement under the thought of being trapped. "--And now, to bring upon the start of a new age... Starting with you..." He took to his approach, soon wandering up to the yokai's side to look down upon his face with an expression of stoicism...
  124. Heartless as to his suffering... For emotion, was ultimately a weakness. He couldn't show such to that of his own tutor; He knew better. An extended hand reached out for the Elemental's visage, open palm soon to rest on the centre of their forehead, frothing of the ebonic element on contact. The touch along would singe, but it was only to prelude for what was yet to come, should no interuption come immediately.
  126. Much like another before him, a collage of animated images concerning Evemek's past fluttered past Eglencenin's perception, only to be narrated by a school of expressionless voices speaking simultaneously as to make their individual iterations incoherent: A beautiful cacophony to one as reviled as the yokai, only a masterpiece one of its ilk would understand. Hone their prowess as they would, they strove to invest as much of the occult element into the mind of Eglencenin as possible, even contorting perception of himself in their mind, if he could. It wa difficult, for not only was this stepping into the cognitive domain, but into the mind of a creature that outclassed his very own intellect.
  128. The overwhelming endeavor left him to wince, yet not once did he consider giving up. Maybe he couldn't alter memories of one so potent... But could he enthrall that of his own compatriot? Wouldn't such be, counterproductive? No, there was a better way... Perception of reality... It could be altered; One could percieve him, not as Evemek... Or -just- Evemek... Perhaps with added worth? With greatened value? But just as one could do so, couldn't they re-illustrate the images of those unlike himself in the eyes of one such as Eglen? Then... It hit him... The Kaor! He was still nearby, watching, wasn't he?
  130. If he intended to do the same thing to them, he'd need help. He wasn't certain he could take something of such potency alone... And so, he sought out a proper sub-goal; He knew what to do...
  131. For a brief number of seconds prior, Eglencenin would feel the sensation of having lost consciousness-- Recollecting themselves from such at their own volition. However, there was a spell in-works, for the illusions played on the Elemental were not mean't to physically wear him down, but addle the mind enough to have Evemek alter its contents.
  133. The Kaor was the next target, and thus... Almost comedically, he reforged the image of Uzavok into that of Mathuyas... An enlarged image of such persona... But it'd hardly last... Just as soon as the casting began to cripple... He could feel it withering away. Thus, he could only sigh; "Hrmmm... It seems as though my endeavor hasn't played out as I had hoped... I can feel you breaking from it already.... I need more practice."
  135. (Evemek)
  136. Still - the child sat in terror, blankly looking at the head that had once belonged to her personal maid, Mem. The head had been kicked towards her about twenty minutes prior to everything that began to unravel in front of her, somehow she had yet to be noticed, more yokai and people entered the area, she was beginning to freak out. Not knowing what was happening.
  138. Looks like she had nothing else to lose now, if she stood, then she would likely die, falling to the same fate as her maid. But if she continued to sit, then they would likely sniff her out, eventually. Deciding that she may as well balls up, and take a chance, the child would cautiously stand and begin to move around a bit, just enough to.. Well - step on a branch.
  140. Seemingly, at that exact moment, the child would then begin to run, tears forming in her eyes, she had to get out of these woods, she had to warn everyone! But she knew that she wasn't going to get far - she was a Dwarf, her tiny little legs couldn't carry her forever. Even without trying the yokai could simply walk up and catch her, if they wanted! But, she would still try to get away, she had to attempt to be the hero and tell someone of these.. Things.
  141. (Sharindlar Stoneborn)
  142. He stared down at his works, inspecting what he saw to be a failure to his endeavors... Until, something caught his ear. The sound of a twig snapping? He knew fair and well what it'd imply: There was someone else nearby, having seen the whole thing here. When did they arrive? Were they already here and he simply missed them? Whatever the case, Evemek's following gander attempted to immediately encapsulate the fleeing child in an illusion of his craft.
  144. He couldn't leave any witnesses... Or at least, any opportunities nigh escape his person. Thus, he took full advantage-- It didn't matter if they were naught but a child that didn't belong in the woods or a full grown and aged warrior, prey and test subjects were all the same in the eyes of himself and the daemonic counterparts he called upon so frequently.
  146. In interception to one's flight, a long slender javelin having manifested from oblivion itself had lunge from the skies, as though an aerial-based wielder launched it to smite the unfortunate child, missing only by inches.
  147. "--I'm not certain I want you to leave this setting, having seen what you have..." He admitted outright, leading to realization on the girl's part that she had been noticed.
  149. "So, I will simply take to dealing with you... Immediately..."
  150. (Evemek)
  151. The child continued to run, she realized that she had been caught after what looked like some kind of weird spear shot passed her, missing by but an inch! At that moment, she stopped. There was no point in running anymore. She would face what was coming to her, she may as well go out with some dignity!
  153. Teary eyed and red to the face, the child would turn around. Facing the older boy which had thrown the spear-thing. "... I-I.." the child stuttered for a moment, looking at who would be the one to do her in. She wanted a good look at his face, so in the next life she could possibly smite him.. That was likely not going to happen though.
  155. "I-I.. I'm.. Shari'dlar Sto'ebor'! Pureblood of Frostvale!" she exclaimed with confidence, pulling her sleave over her face, whipping the tears from her face. She didn't wish to die, not yet. She was still young! There was so much more to do in life!
  157. "..I. D-Do't wa't to die.." she said to the older boy, maybe he wouldn't kill her if she sucked up? That was worth a try, right? So many thoughts were going through her head, she wanted to fight, run, and cry all at the same time, but she couldn't do any..
  159. She had heard that the yokai that killed her maid, didn't like non-magi, so the child would do something stupid, she raised a hand, and snapped her fingers, causing a flame to errupt, it seemed to float in her hand.. "I-.. Magi?" She was so confused.
  160. (Sharindlar Stoneborn)
  161. Perhaps, if the target was Eglencenin, this trick would've omitted one of any interest of the persona eying her down-- Unfortunately, this was not that same persona. "I've never heard of that name before, surname nor your own." He started, "Nor do I care for your fear of death... Your value is insignificant to me." It was clear and honest, they were total strangers-- Anything of value to be waged would have to be universal or bearing weight to it on a level those unbound to the others' culture would find interest in.
  163. "You're stature as a magi only makes what I intend to do, slightly more of an inconvienence. Albeit, it won't matter... In due time, I'll have this mistake erased with minimal effort. Simply relax... And stand still..." With that said, he started with his advance; One step after the other closed the distance, which provided one with an accurate summation of the raw powers at work here.
  165. Though he was not flashing that of his latent potential, simply being present in his current stature siphoned the greenery of its vitality contact with his boots.
  166. "If you run, this will be painful... If you fight back, child... I will make it especially so... Do you understand?"
  167. (Evemek)
  168. Having left the area for a while, Uzavok had returned only to see that Eglencenin still gone. Wings flapping heavily, they would cause quite the stir within the wings, the sounds of streams of winds colliding being able to fill the area as Uzavok had skipped the stairs, flying to the peak of the fairly tall cliff. Lowering his body now, Uzavok would land promptly on the grass, the grass flattening under the Kaor's massive weight.
  170. Looking around to the situation, he had no idea what had happened to the Zeus elemental, only seeing that of the human, along with .. A child? He had made sure to return, as Uzavok had still had a few words for the human Evemek. As he looked to observe the scenario before him, the child could not have been older then nine. Through his beady red eyes, Uzavok had looked down on the teary eyed child, he was obviously petrified of Kasha. It had appeared as though the human of the occult was having some good fun with the boy.
  172. The rather dark tone that Evemek held to him had interested Uzavok, and this whole scene was pretty entertaining for Uzavok overall. What was Evemek intending on doing? Was he going to kill the boy? Many thoughts had ran through Uzavok's mind at the time being, but only time would tell. Deciding to put his words into this situation, Uzavok had spoke out towards him. "Having fun, Evemek?" Uzavok said slyly.
  174. As he waited, Uzavok enjoyed a bit of a chuckle amongst himself as he had watched the whole scenario unfold, Uzavok of course would not intervene between the twos affairs, this was simply serving as entertainment for the Kaor.
  175. (Uzavok)
  176. The flame continued to flicker in the child's hand, she listened to the older mans words, listening closely, seeing that they were her only chances of survival - but, it didn't seem like he had any intentions of letting her survive. She didn't want to fight, she didn't want to die, what she wanted didn't seem to matter in this case though. So, she simply closed her hand, ending the fire's tiny life - she crushed it out, like she what was about to happen to her.
  178. Seeing the man getting closer, one step at a time, the child would simply bow her head, she was about to have her life stomped out, just like so many others that have fought against the occultists. There was literally no point in fighting - like she really had the capability of doing so. She had hardly been trained at all, everything that she had knew was self-taught, and that wasn't good enough to fight this kind of opponent.
  180. So in the end, she simply stood, as she was ordered to do. Her life began to flash before her eyes, five full years in a matter of seconds. Friends, family, even the beauty of her mother, which she had never been able to actually see, all seemed to flash. There was no point in anything, she could run, but she already tried that, and this is exactly how it ended up. At least he promised that it would be - not so painful.
  182. The flapping of wings took her attention, another yokai had entered the area, this one was larger, more evolved than the others that she had seen. He spoke to the older man, she now had a name - Evemek this is who she would fall to it seemed.
  184. Throughout this time, she realized one thing, there really was no such thing as Gods, if there was, they wouldn't allow things like this to happen on Eternia. Maybe things would be different if she would have just stayed at home, and did nothing.
  185. (Sharindlar Stoneborn)
  186. There was no urge to run, nor catch up with explicit urge to close the distance, in fact, he was rather tame about the entire endeavor-- Calm as though the act was simply scribed into the tomes of fate. There was nothing he could percieve as of the moment intervening with his endeavor and soon enough he'd be upon the child. Assuming they did not take to flight as their options still were at their volition, Evemek stopped to kneal before the child as to level off with them.
  188. "Fun... It's been a long while since I've had fun, to tell you the truth, Kaor... A social life probably would've proven to be far more entertaining than chores such as this. However, if we ever hope to live in a better world, one must work, just as hard as they play."
  189. There was a pause, as though to ponder his next words whilst delivering a piercing gaze through Sharindlar's frightful own...
  190. He knew fair and well what she was feeling, for he was in her hoes at one point of his life.
  192. The empathy filled him thoroughly, and although he needed to do something about a witness, he could understand what he would've felt as a child in that ver same position: Hopeless, terrified-- Staring into the face of death. Though, almost instantly the girl seemed to sputter off seemingly needless information; These things were irrelevant to him as far as he was concerned, lacking the necessity of their name, origin nor title... But, it did tell him something...
  194. He now knew of means of dealing with this issue...
  195. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh... " He hushed, fingers doubled up to be held out to the girl's lips; "... I'm not going to hurt you... Just don't do anything to get hurt. Understand?" He inquired of her, waiting for a swift response before continuing unless interjected, "You're having a dream..." He claimed, "This is all not real..."
  197. "Can't you see? Things are strange... Stranger than real life."
  198. But then, how would one explain the dead body just over yonder? A glance over in the direction of a beheaded maid cadaver left one... Wondering... Where the... body went?
  199. When was it moved?
  200. ... Or was it even there to begin with... Clearly mind-games were in play, but they were hardly absolute. It'd only take her resistance, her knowledge-- Or simply, her will to fight back with whatever will she had in her body to dispell the casted lie.
  202. Though, this was all to happen only if it was without disruption, without that of her own or a third party.
  203. "You're having a bad dream... And any moment, you're going to wake up..."
  204. (Evemek)
  205. The flame continued to flicker in the child's hand, she listened to the older mans words, listening closely, seeing that they were her only chances of survival - but, it didn't seem like he had any intentions of letting her survive. She didn't want to fight, she didn't want to die, what she wanted didn't seem to matter in this case though. So, she simply closed her hand, ending the fire's tiny life - she crushed it out, like she what was about to happen to her.
  207. Seeing the man getting closer, one step at a time, the child would simply bow her head, she was about to have her life stomped out, just like so many others that have fought against the occultists. There was literally no point in fighting - like she really had the capability of doing so. She had hardly been trained at all, everything that she had knew was self-taught, and that wasn't good enough to fight this kind of opponent.
  209. So in the end, she simply stood, as she was ordered to do. Her life began to flash before her eyes, five full years in a matter of seconds. Friends, family, even the beauty of her mother, which she had never been able to actually see, all seemed to flash. There was no point in anything, she could run, but she already tried that, and this is exactly how it ended up. At least he promised that it would be - not so painful.
  211. The flapping of wings took her attention, another yokai had entered the area, this one was larger, more evolved than the others that she had seen. He spoke to the older man, she now had a name - Evemek this is who she would fall to it seemed.
  213. Throughout this time, she realized one thing, there really was no such thing as Gods, if there was, they wouldn't allow things like this to happen on Eternia. Maybe things would be different if she would have just stayed at home, and did nothing.
  214. (Sharindlar Stoneborn)
  215. (Posted 12 minutes ago)
  216. Illusatory manifestations grasped upon the yokai's being. Mental strain arisen to a furthered prominence, akin to a pounding ache that ebbed from within it's skull and did not abate. What was reality?
  218. What was the veiled influence of the illusions that doth assault it's mind? Volleying attacks of darkness splurged forth against it's frame. Dth limbs akimbed to bone and finely sharpened to a malignant edge clash upon the glaive utilized by Evemek's countenance.
  220. Occcultic might assailed the elemental zeus furthering the aching throb that struck it's mind. Akin however more to the sensation of phantasmal blows that struck upon it's frame unmercifully. A sensation of paralytic embraced it's being. Perhaps brought forth by yet a single glance.
  222. However does the sensation of a shove assail it. Voice of EVemek lingering within. A telepathic tone that bespoke of divine power. Arrongance riddled the voice of Evemek, as it's frame was seemingly pierced with black javelines. Finalized to pin it unto the grass of the forest. Grounded. Trapped. A five pronged prismal conflageration that assailed it. Struggling was useless.
  224. A casation of thought grasped it. surged, afeeling of weightlessness. Visions assailed forth. Introspective, and intermittently flashing by. A sensation likened to a flowing cascadence of imagery that asssaulted it's taxed state. Thought being smothered, akin to enthrallment oft a more illusionary nature.
  226. Addling it's mind, illusion further beseiged it. Assaulting illusory sensations grasped and grappled. As the faded imagery of the Kaor known as Uzavox doth flicker and stretch. Changinginto a frame, an entity the yokai had come to revile. Darkly snarling in hate does it gaze upon Mathayus. However the image began to wither away. Weakness at last, it felt. Breinging it's own mana forth. It raged against the illusatory embracement that defiled upon it. One illusion doth shatter. Then more. The hold Evemek sougfht to retain over it through illusionary means was slipping and breaking.
  227. (Eglencenin)
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