
pussy pains LOL

Oct 22nd, 2020
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  1. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (tell that to Koemi. She mad cause she cant follow turn order lmao)
  2. Koemi OOCs: (i can pm u sakuretsy
  3. Koemi OOCs: (sakuretsu
  4. Koemi OOCs: (i have the turn order
  5. The red eyed child OOCs: (Sakuretsu, can I just RP being KO'd & go home
  6. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (wow it gets to the point the owner himself showed up.
  7. The red eyed child OOCs: (It's been 5 hours we on round 4
  8. Koemi OOCs: (trueeee
  9. Sarugetsu OOCs: (save me,,,,
  10. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (if you want to rp defeat u can but u will screw ur teammates over)
  11. Taymin OOCs: (no, u must learn to finish ur fights without being soy)
  12. Sarugetsu OOCs: (in cqc u cant do jutsu unless its handsealless
  13. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (she's trying to bypass me. My rps were before hers. But she kept rping before i did. Now she claims she got to me before i moved.)
  14. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (in higher ranks this will lead to someone dieing)
  15. Koemi OOCs: (im not
  16. Sarugetsu OOCs: (i just want to get this c rank mission over with
  17. The red eyed child OOCs: (my team is new & having issues with the rules
  18. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( cheat
  19. The red eyed child OOCs: (So it's making everything 10x harder
  20. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (sorry, I'm not new.)
  21. Koemi OOCs: (u see he rped throwing stuff at me
  22. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (But these mist guys are. And it's not the first time I face them in a mission, and it's the exact. same. story.)
  23. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (this not an us issue, but. We sure do have problems with the rules and so do they. But rn she is just plain skipping my turn and trying to force her way through turn order to get to me_)
  24. Koemi OOCs: (no it's a one-sided thing
  25. Sarugetsu OOCs: (my brain hurty
  26. Koemi OOCs: (i do not have a problem with the rules
  27. Taymin OOCs: (its better they learn thu experience than die later.. tho it is super late im assuming so its up to yall)
  28. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (u all realize that turns are team by team right)
  29. Sarugetsu OOCs: (i do not wish to point figners and call names
  30. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (mate this is the second mission these guys screw for me.)
  31. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (everyone on Team A rps then everyone on Team B rps)
  32. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( definitely one-sided. i know how to click through the handbook and use the discord
  33. Koemi OOCs: (ok
  34. Sarugetsu OOCs: (yes
  35. Koemi OOCs: (im retarded then
  36. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (yes. I know, they sure don't.)
  37. Sarugetsu OOCs: (we've been doing tht
  38. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (exactly Saku, but this one is rping before me when i am after Yami. So she is rping after Yami and should wait after my rp)
  39. The red eyed child OOCs: (The issue is that turn order got slightly borked
  40. Sarugetsu OOCs: (soembody went out of turn
  41. Sarugetsu OOCs: (and therefore, he got 2 rps
  42. Sarugetsu OOCs: (before she could rp
  43. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (slightly is an understantement.)
  44. The red eyed child OOCs: (Due to me & Kaguya being off alone
  45. Sarugetsu OOCs: (in his mind
  46. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (can someone pastebin the last round of RPs of both teams for me)
  47. Koemi OOCs: (turn order got slightly borked because fin and i decided to 1v1, but then he dragged me in
  48. Sarugetsu OOCs: (sure
  49. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (i kept track of turn order the whole time. I'm after Yami. End of discussion)
  50. Koemi OOCs: (by throwing stuff at me
  51. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (Koemi pay attention that is all)
  52. Koemi OOCs: (stop being passive aggressive
  53. Koemi OOCs: (you threw shuriken at me
  54. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( just do as say
  55. Koemi OOCs: (i went last
  56. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: 9stop complaining at every post and stalling this shit. follow turn order)
  57. Sarugetsu OOCs: (sum1 else can
  58. Koemi OOCs: (im not
  59. Koemi OOCs: (IT WAS YOU
  61. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (stop screeching guys)
  62. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (I just want to sleep. It was 2am when we started it's 8am now.)
  63. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (you mean your partner? not me. Yami and Excited are the ones who started the arguments)
  64. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (I am here stuck for hours for the second time because of this mist team.)
  65. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (i will read the rps and tell u what to correct)
  66. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (then u can continue)
  67. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (now just stop being butt hurt. And follow turn order)
  68. Sarugetsu OOCs: (no we weren't
  69. Sarugetsu OOCs: (but uh
  70. Sarugetsu OOCs: (turns went out of order
  71. Koemi OOCs: (it's like really amazing how u guys can call us names
  72. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: ( i kept track of it.)
  73. Koemi OOCs: (and then we do it once and u go berserk
  74. The red eyed child OOCs: (I made the pastebin
  75. Koemi OOCs: (u do not like a taste of ur own medicine huh?
  76. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (Kaguya is advancing towards me after i sent reppushou)
  77. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (post pastebin link)
  78. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (aight)
  79. Koemi OOCs: (i sent it to ur dms
  80. Koemi OOCs: (sakuretsu XD
  81. The red eyed child OOCs: (
  82. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (
  83. Sarugetsu OOCs: (
  84. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (mine includes where the turn skipping started)
  85. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (up untill now)
  86. The red eyed child OOCs: (I thought this was gonna be
  87. Sarugetsu OOCs: (do ya;l rename ppls' stranger names
  88. Sarugetsu OOCs: (to things u define them as
  89. Sarugetsu OOCs: (or is that just me
  90. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (i rename people too. )
  91. The red eyed child OOCs: (A simple n quick mission
  92. The red eyed child OOCs: (I'm weak af, I imagined I'd be laundry
  93. The red eyed child OOCs: (Firmly pressed & folded
  94. The red eyed child OOCs: (And asleep by now
  95. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( i miss body perk
  96. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (can you see where you failed now?)
  97. Sarugetsu OOCs: (tht u 2 going out of order to fight gorked it
  98. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (how im supposed to rp after Yami, but you kept posting before i did.
  99. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (it's just her. Not the two of us.)
  100. The red eyed child OOCs: (It was bc earlier
  101. The red eyed child OOCs: (She said we can just RP a draw
  102. The red eyed child OOCs: (And both leave
  103. The red eyed child OOCs: (So we got all outta wack
  104. The red eyed child OOCs: (So it's me & her
  105. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (aint how it works. not because we aint targetting you that you arent part of the fight.)
  106. Sarugetsu OOCs: (so u jsut go twice and she goes after
  107. The red eyed child OOCs: (it's both our faults, not just hers is what I'm saying
  108. Sarugetsu OOCs: (v well
  109. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (read the pastebin)
  110. Sarugetsu OOCs: (they both went out of turn tho iirc
  111. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (i followed mine. She went out of turn out of impatience maybe?)
  112. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (her rps dont make sense considering that each time my rps were supposed to be layed before hers.
  113. Sarugetsu OOCs: (red-eyed did 2
  114. Sarugetsu OOCs: (they both agreed 2
  115. Sarugetsu OOCs: (if u read
  116. Sarugetsu OOCs: (idrc
  117. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (she reacted late to my shurikens)
  118. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (the order isn't that messed up. Put her rps after those of mine and it is fixed)
  119. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (finzorama)
  120. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (simple as that)
  121. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (you and koemi both appeared to seperate from the main battle into your own 1v1)
  122. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (and u both were posting out of order)
  123. The red eyed child OOCs: (yeah, we had agreed to doing a draw bc our teammates were both arguing on turn 1.
  124. The red eyed child OOCs: (bc Koemi was going to bed
  125. The red eyed child OOCs: (So it got all borked
  126. Koemi OOCs: (i just didn't go to sleep because i wanted to keep going if he was
  127. Koemi OOCs: (i will admit my own bad on that one but we kept going
  128. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (if you want, you guys can just continue your 1v1 off screen or rp double ko and let the others 2v2)
  129. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (best to keep it real guys. Argument or not we still have to go through this BS.)
  130. Koemi OOCs: (well the thing is that they were ok with it until
  131. Koemi OOCs: ( i attacked him
  132. Koemi OOCs: (they said i was involved
  133. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (do u guys mind just 2v2ing)
  134. Sarugetsu OOCs: (they said my partner ko
  135. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (we were not okay with it. We were busy taking down ur team mates.)
  136. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (well... one of them)
  137. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (ok, just let my friend over here redo his turn.)
  138. Sarugetsu OOCs: (duo to speed not negating 2nd kage shuriken
  139. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (since he operated under the assumptio she was still in the fight.)
  140. Sarugetsu OOCs: (or do u mean me and the kaguya ?
  141. Koemi OOCs: (i am in the fight i rped
  142. Sarugetsu OOCs: (due*
  143. The red eyed child OOCs: (if 2 v 2 resolves this faster, that's fine wit me
  144. The red eyed child OOCs: (I was the only 1 numbering their turns n was tryna stay in sync
  145. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (if she's staying he's staying as well.)
  146. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (yes u said u wanted to leave anyway and koemi is trying to sleep apparently)
  147. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (kaguya is rushing at me. as i am using Reppushou rn. Unless u can reach me u cannot attack)
  148. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (so we can just continue this as a 2v2)
  149. Sarugetsu OOCs: (i can only 2v2 with the kaguya
  150. Koemi OOCs: (no im not sleeping anymore
  151. Sarugetsu OOCs: (taymin ruled hao ko'd
  152. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (ok)
  153. Koemi OOCs: (aby this has been going on
  154. Koemi OOCs: (for hours i am awake now
  155. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (your partner was K.O that's his problem.)
  156. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (i am on work call atm semi distract)
  157. Koemi OOCs: (it's cool
  158. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (give me 1 minute)
  159. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (if the kaguya stays so does Fin.)
  160. Koemi OOCs: (they are just being toxic
  161. Koemi OOCs: (i can reach toy
  162. Sarugetsu OOCs: (v well
  163. Koemi OOCs: (reach you
  164. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( yo, calm down there. delete those weapons before you add some bass
  165. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (make the tile movement and flash it and all.
  166. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( im chillin
  167. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (u are 1 tile away)
  168. Sarugetsu OOCs: (u are in cqc
  169. Koemi OOCs: (no you backed up
  170. Sarugetsu OOCs: (u cant use jutsu nor can u target her
  171. Sarugetsu OOCs: (there is a clone on u attacking
  172. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (i backed up before you came towards me according to turn order)
  173. Koemi OOCs: (sigh
  174. Sarugetsu OOCs: (ignoring her rp
  175. Sarugetsu OOCs: (u cant use jutsu
  176. Sarugetsu OOCs: (or target her
  177. Sarugetsu OOCs: (with clone engaging u in cqc
  178. Sarugetsu OOCs: (u dodged
  179. Sarugetsu OOCs: (ur in cqc, u cant use jutus unless its handsealless
  180. Sarugetsu OOCs: (nor can u target ppl outside of the thing that engaged u
  181. Sarugetsu OOCs: (thts why i told u, ur rp wouldnt work
  182. Sarugetsu OOCs: (before all of this
  183. The red eyed child OOCs: (So am I forced to stay or naw
  184. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (we went over this before. The clone attacked me prior of me moving and then using handseals. You guys proved that it was possible at the very begining of this fight. now you're going to argue that i cannot? Bitch please. Gtfo)
  185. Sarugetsu OOCs: (if u r right here
  186. The red eyed child OOCs: (Can u not insult them
  187. Sarugetsu OOCs: (and clone is right here
  188. Sarugetsu OOCs: (and it attacks u
  189. Sarugetsu OOCs: (u are in cqc
  190. Sarugetsu OOCs: (ok?
  191. Koemi OOCs: (can someone
  192. Koemi OOCs: (please seal him
  193. Sarugetsu OOCs: (taymin said last warning
  194. Sarugetsu OOCs: (and he did it again
  195. Sarugetsu OOCs: (they can do w/e
  196. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (I just want to sleep, and never play with you again. This is the second mission I bump into yoou and the second mission everything gets to this point.)
  197. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (i defended myself and moved 1 tiles cause i got -2 tiles. then using jutsu. Cause i can)
  198. Sarugetsu OOCs: (when engaged in cqc
  199. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (i am not in cqc. Kaguya is one tile away and so is the clone I have moved.)
  200. Sarugetsu OOCs: (i wait till admin back
  201. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (it was said at the very begining of this fight. Idk why u are arguing rn. you're hopeless.)
  202. Sarugetsu OOCs: (:smile
  203. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (Why smile? you're just being toxic as fuck dude. I see how it goes for you. You piss and bore people off to death to gain victories. But your ooc bs wont work with me)
  204. Koemi OOCs: (says the man who called us cockroaches and bitches
  205. Yuki, Hao OOCs: (chill out
  206. The red eyed child OOCs: I had solid feet this whole time)
  207. Koemi OOCs: (same
  208. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: 9cause you are look at you. Arguing a point that you even defended at the start and that was ruled too)
  209. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (i still have the logs)
  210. Koemi OOCs: (i am a cockroach
  211. Sarugetsu OOCs: (:smile
  212. Koemi OOCs: (so u just admitted
  213. Koemi OOCs: (to being toxic
  214. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (lemme pull the log for you.)
  215. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: 9cause your brain aren't functioning rn)
  216. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( man if i take this tab imma be up till like six pm
  217. Sarugetsu OOCs: (ok.
  218. Sarugetsu OOCs: (:smile
  219. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (#1 koemi will have to RP after satori, he is technically right but her and the senju did have gentlemens agreement going)
  220. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (#2 sight perks and keen eye do not work in kirigakure)
  221. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( wait
  222. Sarugetsu OOCs: (:smile
  223. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( so my damage
  224. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( is what?
  225. The red eyed child OOCs: (He hit them twice wit it already
  226. The red eyed child OOCs: (Do we rewind
  227. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (you can't preemptively interrupt seals. If they're agi dodging in CQC they have to be doing HSS-less or 1 handed seals.)
  228. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (Said by shenron himself)
  229. The red eyed child OOCs: (Or are we just using it going forward
  230. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (No rewind. I'm sick of having to deal with these people.)_
  231. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (In the time I played this game...)
  232. Sarugetsu OOCs: (im not stopping ur handseal, its a rule if ur in cqc
  233. Sarugetsu OOCs: (u cant do jutsu
  234. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( i am totally fine with taking damage just not two. i'll keep a heavy
  235. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (I never met such unpleasant people to play with.)
  236. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( and just rp nursing wounds
  237. Sarugetsu OOCs: (i have
  238. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( well, i've had the misfortune of having to rp with concealed here, so i don't believe oyu when you say that.
  239. Sarugetsu OOCs: (If the attack succeeds in closing the distance, it is impossible to perform handseals in close quarters, unless able to perform one handed seals or techniques that do not require seals.
  240. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (i can cause the slash of the blade was the turn before the one i formed handseals. That is enough for you to understand. If you cannot. May god please help you.)
  241. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (I have 4 C missions done and only 2 of those were a pain in my ass, this one adn the last one, and the thing they have in common is the THREE OF YOU!)
  242. Koemi OOCs: (can we follow the ruling
  243. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (if you dodged cqc with agi on the previous turn and were hit, and the person has the tile movement to attack u again the next turn)
  244. Taymin OOCs: (ah ok. i couldn't find a ruling on it so i didnt wanna nerf the class without being sure)
  245. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (thats an easy way to indicate if ur 'cqc locked')
  246. Koemi OOCs: (he is
  247. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (u cant do hss while cqc locked)
  248. Sarugetsu OOCs: (i have 6 tiles movement
  249. Koemi OOCs: (i also have 6 tile movement
  250. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( hooray for sakur
  251. Koemi OOCs: ( tupac sakur
  252. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( tbh, since you cheat mr yami. i don't care. you probably knew your perks didn't work, but okay. i will rp now or whenever i can
  253. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( i am totally fine having turns skipped until now or something
  254. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (so we can perform handseals when it's shurikens, but in CQC we cannot? Despite being close. I am still moving away to avoid contact while doing my move.)
  255. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (Cheat? We came into an agreement after a world of bitching from you two.)
  256. Sarugetsu OOCs: (just move on
  257. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (if you were able to avoid the shuriken then just correct/omit the damage and continue)
  258. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( got it
  259. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( i will do tht
  260. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (He was not.)
  261. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( i was
  262. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (no you were not.)
  263. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (was he able to avoid the windmill with speed?)
  264. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (When it is said everywhere that CQC and projectile agi is the same shit...)
  265. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( so it's fine i will do as directed
  266. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (no.)
  267. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (he was not.)
  268. Sarugetsu OOCs: (with no keen eye
  269. Sarugetsu OOCs: (yes
  270. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (what is the speed of the windmill without keen eye)
  271. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (He tried to evade it with speed after revealing himself with a jutsu.)
  272. Sarugetsu OOCs: (B
  273. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (and your speed yuki?)
  274. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( B
  275. Sarugetsu OOCs: (no no its B-
  276. Sarugetsu OOCs: (he has c- agi base
  277. Sarugetsu OOCs: (iirc
  278. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (equal speed is not enough to dodge but that mitigates damage)
  279. Sarugetsu OOCs: (just flash @ redhead
  280. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( very well, what is it
  281. Sarugetsu OOCs: (
  282. Sarugetsu OOCs: (it was b- my b
  283. Sarugetsu OOCs: (b- vs B
  284. Sarugetsu OOCs: (so he was 1 above
  285. Sarugetsu OOCs: (he can just flash agi to confirm
  286. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: ( )
  287. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (Sakuretsu. I have been here for 7 hours. I honestly have no time nor patience to deal with this.)
  288. Sarugetsu OOCs: (ya he has c- base, my b i was thinking of the other person
  289. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( like you told me to flash my end
  290. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( you can flash agi. you can also do it step by step
  291. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( come on, come on
  292. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( smiles
  293. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (well u can leave if u want that is up to u, its just a c rank mission)
  294. Sarugetsu OOCs: (i just want 2 sleep
  295. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (these missions are meant to be for practice and learning rules)
  296. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (it doesnt really matter if u win or lose)
  297. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( that's ryo son, i need that
  298. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (deosn't seem to be the case. here.)
  299. Sarugetsu OOCs: (i just want to know how 2 fight correctly
  300. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( they were just super certain though. and got pussy bleed
  301. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (ok)
  302. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( taymin was confused too so yeah...
  303. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (so what is the speed of the windmill without keen eye buffs?)
  304. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( not his fault
  305. Sarugetsu OOCs: (B-
  306. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (b-?)
  307. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (Hao what speed are u dodging at)
  308. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( B
  309. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (B?)
  310. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (u are able to evade)
  311. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( okay i will rejoin
  312. Koemi OOCs: ( lets gooooooooo
  313. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (flash speed then.)
  314. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (flash speed)
  315. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (and how are u gaining C, shunshin?)
  316. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (B*)
  317. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( yes
  318. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( that is wha ti did to evade, i drained already too
  319. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( for it
  320. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( can you flash agi for me now?
  321. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (shunshin jump?)
  322. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( i'd like to see, just to confirm
  323. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (Actually
  324. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (wasnt those windmill sent after you shunshin though?
  325. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (since we are redoing it.)
  326. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (you were stuck mid air)
  327. Sarugetsu OOCs: (no it was before
  328. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( no.
  329. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (I will flash 2 things ok?)
  330. Sarugetsu OOCs: (he shunshin;d to avoid
  331. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: 9oh that one)
  332. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (Ok.)
  333. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (you shushined to avoid?)
  334. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (ok, go ahead and rp accordingly then)
  335. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (Crystal.)
  336. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( no. he said to just : Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (if you were able to avoid the shuriken then just correct/omit the damage and continue)
  337. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (then let me show you two things.)
  338. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (lemme go see rq. Cause i dont remember the windmill before the shunshin)
  339. Sarugetsu OOCs: (here we go again
  340. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( no rerps.
  341. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (been to much ooc)
  342. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (redhead boy)
  343. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (if you want to evade that damage you better be ready to eat upp soushiruiken.)
  344. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (or go back to the ground.)
  345. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (u can rp that on ur turn if u want)
  346. Sarugetsu OOCs: (n that turn u got hit by a water jutsu
  347. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (doesnt change the fact he is able to avoid the windmill in the first place)
  348. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (or mean u can retroactively add that to ur rp)
  349. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( ( i've since then moved and the mist is active
  350. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( whatever you're spitefully trying to do. i do not care
  351. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( i will do what sakuretsu said
  352. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (then quit for all I care.)
  353. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (oh, are you going to bitch some more?)
  354. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( pussy pain
  355. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( okay, whose turn is it? i do not want to ruin turn order
  356. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (hao is not injured, he is able to avoid the shuriken due to +1 step of speed. shadow shuriken clause procs only when dodged with agility
  357. The red eyed child OOCs: (Hello darkness my old friend
  358. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (wasn't the windmills B+ and B-?)
  359. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (koemi has to wait 1 turn to join due to not following round rules)
  360. Koemi OOCs: (im here to talk with you again
  361. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (there was 2 not just 1)
  362. Koemi OOCs: (ok im good with that
  363. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (keen eye/sight perks do not work inside of hidden mist)
  364. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (oh right so minus-1 i think?0
  365. Koemi OOCs: (im gonna take a shower
  366. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (geez that phrase)
  367. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (u can smell bad for another hour)
  368. The red eyed child OOCs: (LMAO
  369. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (plz lets finish this fight)
  370. Sarugetsu OOCs: (its his base agi +1 grade , so B-, Hao moved at B speed, 1 step over, avoiding it, the clause only works when he agi avoids,
  372. Koemi OOCs: (it will take 5 mins
  373. Sarugetsu OOCs: (so let us continue
  374. The red eyed child OOCs: (So she hit me & proc'd my kawa
  375. The red eyed child OOCs: (is my kawa in like
  376. The red eyed child OOCs: (Stasis then
  377. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (yup i got it.)
  378. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (if u had a kawa properly set then thats fine)
  379. The red eyed child OOCs: (She is waiting 1 turn tho
  380. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (u are both in stasis for not following round rules)
  381. Koemi OOCs: (kk
  382. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( he didn't. sinc ehe re rpd to shunshin my first round jutsu
  383. The red eyed child OOCs: (Ah ok so 1 turn later it goes off
  384. Sarugetsu OOCs: (where r we picking up off from
  385. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( and then from there, has dealt with excited boy's attack
  386. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (in the future if u want to have shounen 1v1, still follow ur teams rounds, unless u both oocly agree before hand to stay seperate until death/ko)
  387. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( unless it was done after
  388. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (to avoid this kind of situation)
  389. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (This whole mission was just a mistake.)
  390. Koemi OOCs: (kk got it
  391. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (having to deal with these wastes again.)
  392. Koemi OOCs: (ty aby
  393. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( pussy pain
  394. The red eyed child OOCs: (pls refrain from insults
  395. Koemi OOCs: ( he will not refrain
  396. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (this is my first mission and it's a complete disaster.)
  397. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (Well to be fair you're lucky to grab the worst squad of crybabys in this game.)
  398. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (Fin are you ina bubble wrap or something. Let people speak their mind.)
  399. Koemi OOCs: (it's in the rules to not be toxic
  400. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( i will refrain. sorry. I apologize.
  401. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( EU niggas just different i guess
  402. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (you're toxic. Getting insulted is a result of that.)
  403. The red eyed child OOCs: (Dog It just ain't worth it
  404. The red eyed child OOCs: (To insult ppl
  405. Koemi OOCs: ( you know the first thing we did was try to rp and u said
  406. The red eyed child OOCs: (Especially on this kind of mission
  407. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (I have been up for 7 hours.)
  408. Koemi OOCs: (same
  409. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (for no reason.)
  410. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( that's understood. refraining has been my thing
  411. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: ( i said lets get an admin cause u children can't rp according to what's being posted.)
  412. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (then you wonder why people get mad when a simple C rank mission is stalled for legit five fucking hours)
  413. Koemi OOCs: (can we rp
  414. Koemi OOCs: (can we rp
  415. Koemi OOCs: (the rulings have been posted
  416. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( i asked what was the turn order now
  417. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( i would like to know
  418. Koemi OOCs: (who goes next
  419. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( just to make sense of it all
  420. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (it's your dumb ass team's turn. so do it.)
  421. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( oh wow. okay. sure
  422. Sarugetsu OOCs: (where r we picking up from
  423. Sarugetsu OOCs: (before ur last rp?
  424. Koemi OOCs: (we are trying to be nice asking you where you wanna pick up ^^
  425. Sarugetsu OOCs: (im just wondering cause u used jutsu in cqc locked
  426. Sarugetsu OOCs: (if u want me 2 continue i can just act like u didnt or something
  427. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (We are picking up from me just moving backwards. You are attacking me in Cqc unless u cannot reach that last tile miss kaguya. I am not sending my jutsu. Therefore it is excited guy's turn)
  428. Sarugetsu OOCs: (v well, shes in stasis
  429. Sarugetsu OOCs: (so no jutsu used just back stepping adn dodge
  430. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (now now Kaguya. Do not step back. come back here)
  431. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (there is no re-do)
  432. Koemi OOCs: (sure)
  433. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (lets keep it clean from here shall we?)
  434. The red eyed child OOCs: (They said she has to wait a turn
  435. The red eyed child OOCs: (Me & her
  436. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (oh? i didn't see... )
  437. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (go ahead then.)
  438. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( amazing
  439. The red eyed child OOCs: (that's why they're asking you where you want to start
  440. The red eyed child OOCs: (Bc both of us have to RP next round
  441. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (Amazing? Stfu cunt. Keep your bs outta here and maybe i,ll keep track of every single thing being said,)
  442. The red eyed child OOCs: (Bro chill
  443. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( LOL
  444. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( you got it
  445. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: ("Bro chill!" How about you chill? If he wants to provoke me he,ll get me.)
  446. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (we are still wasting time?)
  447. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (Know what?)
  448. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (A long time ago I told to a rpg dungeon master he could not order my sleep schedule.
  449. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (And neither can you.)
  450. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (fuck off I'm sick of this shit and if somebody here does not like it. You can suck a fat one for all I care.)
  451. br who cheats(Yami) OOCs: (peace)
  452. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( avoid???
  453. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( huh
  454. Sarugetsu OOCs: (dont matter
  455. Sarugetsu OOCs: (keep going, 3v2
  456. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (well he is considered ko unless he logs back in)
  457. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( can i have his headband
  458. The red eyed child OOCs: (I only stayed to be polite to my squad
  459. The red eyed child OOCs: (Imma just say I'm KO'd
  460. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( can i have your headband?
  461. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (he wont log back in. He is gone to bed i think)
  462. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (if u want u can just concede at this point, as i said losing a D rank mission isnt the end of the world)
  463. Sakuretsu [ping] OOCs: (u still get mission completeion and ryo)
  464. Sarugetsu OOCs: ( v well i only wish to grip headband from 1
  465. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (this has been during to long)
  466. Sarugetsu OOCs: (it has indeed
  467. Sarugetsu OOCs: (the choice is urs
  468. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( nice, thank you
  469. Sarugetsu OOCs: (u can give up i will only take headband, and we will b on our way
  470. The red eyed child OOCs: (Pick up stuff
  471. Sarugetsu OOCs: (if not ur turn
  472. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (it's fin's turn. Not mine)
  473. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( he left.
  474. Sarugetsu OOCs: (he said he is just ko'd so its 3v1 now
  475. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( or well, that
  476. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (he right there)
  477. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( yeah he said he'd just be ko
  478. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (oh)
  479. Yuki, Hao OOCs: ( so, we take headband yes?
  480. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (then dont need to rp. Consider me Ko too.
  481. Sarugetsu OOCs: (v well hand over headband and we can all sleep
  482. Sarugetsu OOCs: (thts all we will do take headband and let u go
  483. kill on sight, mega br OOCs: (take fin's. I'm out)
  484. Sarugetsu OOCs: (his is already taken
  485. Sarugetsu OOCs: (dmn
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