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a guest
Jan 19th, 2018
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  1. print "\tPick a number:\n";
  2. 7 print "\t1 Brute Force Attack.\n";
  3. 8 print "\t2 Dictionary Attack.\n";
  4. 9 print "\t Your choice here: ";
  5. 10 $input=<STDIN>;
  6. 11
  7. 12 if ($input == 1) {
  8. 13 print "\a\t\tYou picked Brute Force Attack.\n";
  9. 14 @bfArray=("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z");
  10. 15 foreach $element (@bfArray) {
  11. 16 #print "This is element 1 " . $bfArray[1] . "\n";
  12. 17 $i++;
  13. 18 print $i . " " . $element . "\n";
  14. 19 }
  15. 20 #$rtn_Bforce = system("unzip");
  16. 21 #print "Heres return type: $rtn_Bforce\n";
  17. 22 #print "Heres password: . $rtn_Bforce\n";
  18. 23
  19. "" 28L, 848C
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