

Apr 14th, 2016
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  1. general:
  2. level: 0
  3. warpLocationX: 0
  4. warpLocationY: 0
  5. warpLocationZ: 0
  6. warpActive: false
  7. regionVersion: 12 en
  8. biome: MUSHROOM
  9. warpYaw: 270.5113
  10. warpPitch: 32.98377
  11. schematicName: normal
  12. blocks:
  13. leafBreaks: 0
  14. version: 1
  15. log:
  16. - 1460679286937;The island has been created.
  17. - 1460679236270;The island has been created.
  18. - 1456085135585;§b{0}§d changed the island warp location.;Kissi
  19. - 1456030869568;§a{0} trusted {1} on the island;Kissi;bushboy1976
  20. - 1456028299324;§b{0}§d changed the island warp location.;Kissi
  21. - 1456026102912;{0} changed the island biome to {1};Kissi;MUSHROOM
  22. - 1456025480950;§a{0} trusted {1} on the island;Kissi;siddey10
  23. - 1456025401987;§b{0}§d changed the island warp location.;Kissi
  24. - 1456025371071;§b{0}§d changed the island warp location.;Kissi
  25. - 1456025367266;§b{0}§d activated the island warp.;Kissi
  26. trust:
  27. list:
  28. - AgeOfPuppy
  29. - ElitePvPer21
  30. - CaelanMiner
  31. - siddey10
  32. - bushboy1976
  33. party:
  34. leader: Kissi
  35. members:
  36. Kissi:
  37. canChangeBiome: true
  38. canToggleLock: true
  39. canChangeWarp: true
  40. canToggleWarp: true
  41. canInviteOthers: true
  42. canKickOthers: true
  43. canBanOthers: true
  44. maxPartySizePermission: 9
  45. maxAnimals: 200
  46. maxMonsters: 200
  47. maxVillagers: 30
  48. maxGolems: 20
  49. currentSize: 1
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