
Murlocs more

Dec 8th, 2015
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  1. Tree of Light – From the Ancient Kragas working with the elders of your village, an ambitious project is suggested. The Wisps which have served you so well are but seeds in a way towards the creation of ancients, elemental beings of life itself. Kragas, an elemental of Life at war, would guide the process, showing the young wisp the way. In the end what they hope is to create an ancient of Light, a producer of wisps for your people, life and light intermingled as one. The newly returned Druidic students of Furbolgs buzz with excitement at the prospect. Though most of the difficulty would lay in convincing a wisp it was time to settle down first.
  2. [18:51] <@Xale> Roll 1d100+4 Convincing the Wisp...
  3. [18:51] <+qqbot> Xale rolled 1d100: 50 = [46] + 4
  7. This... was a bit more difficult than you’d anticipated.
  9. The wisps which you’d gained were happy for the most part to work and gather for you all day, the creatures were nothing if not playful and lively. Infact several of your people, you found, actually spend a fair portion of their days checking up on and playing with them, seeing to any needs which they might have beyond their cheerful, playful work. Strange though it might be, your people had begun to think of these quite alien helpers as part of the tribe.
  11. You can't help but feel a small surge of pride, the programs which you'd engendered had really taken root, and now your people were finding it easier to find connection with creatures which weren't strictly 'murloc'. Useful for the future, and useful for the now with the advent of the Ascended Harpies and Makrura who'd become an entrenched part of your people.
  13. And now you needed to convince the wisps of this as well.
  15. It had taken several days before the shy creatures would allow themselves close enough to you in order to be handled, as you tried in low tones to convince one of them of the necessity to try what the ancient had spoken to you of.
  17. An ancient, essentially an elemental of nature and wisdom, stored and grown. The wisps were the seeds of nature itself, spiritual children which could tap into the earth and nature to grow and become far more. The ancient power which you wished for them to tap would be unlike any other Ancient made before.
  19. You wished for them to tap into the connective power of the Light.
  21. And thus far your arguments towards this had been utterly ignored.
  23. You’d tried and reasoned with them over the promise of power, the power of the light which they’d already begun to invigorate themselves with at the dawnwells, but this was to no avail. These were not creature driven by any such desire, power meaningless to them beyond the refreshment of spirit which the wells offered, the play which they engaged with your people and the help which they gave.
  25. In many ways these were children, and their motives were children’s motivations.
  27. You’d racked your brain trying to figure out just what to say, or do in order to get them to make this vital step towards the enrichment of your people...
  29. Only for a youth to triumph where reason was beginning to falter.
  31. “I wish there were more of you with us…” A pure and innocent notion from one of the many children who came to play with the wisps, dancing in the groves to their tinkling tunes.
  33. A plea which would set one of the creatures to come to you instead with the desire to as expressed.
  35. You could not but accept with glee.
  37. Results
  38. Rewards: The ancient has begun to grow. (Locked in for 1 more season)
  42. Harpy Scouting - Going to war without knowing the defenses is folly. Let's scout out their forces and defenses to prepare to slaughter each and every one of them.
  43. [10:36] <@Xi|Wrk> roll 1d100+9 Harpy Scouting DC:55
  44. [10:36] <+qqbot> Xi|Wrk rolled 1d100: 96 = [87] + 9
  46. The hunt was on, and while you knew your people were not yet prepared for the confrontation, you could hardly allow the enemy the jump on you in this war which was brewing. No, you understood the dire necessity inherent in understanding the movements, defenses, and capabilities of those who prepared themselves to array against you.
  48. “I don’t really get why you haven’t just had us storm them as yet.” Mythril-Rain-Green spoke in whispers, the lean effeminate Murloc clinging to your waist from behind even as you both rode in upon Whisker-Stream-Coal’s back. The stealthy silence of the giant cat an almost supernatural thing.
  50. “Too many unknowns. They’ve had time to breed, time to regroup, and time to choose a location to nest from which would be hellishly difficult for our own people to assault. Before this demon matter I’d have been hesitant about an attack on them... with those things as an issue, I can’t risk our people without some strategy for overcoming their defensive efforts.” You sighed. Frankly you wished that you could have just stormed them and burnt away the taint which seemed to have taken root with the already unclean bird-women.
  52. The younger Murloc squeezed about your waist in a gesture of solidarity.
  54. Honestly you’d taken him along as the best and most complimentary combatant for this cause, someone who could back you up as you snuck into the enemy stronghold, but in truth, you’d come to like and trust the odd warrior even as he made clear his interest in you as often as he could. Mythril-Rain-Green flirted with you more often than most of the females of the village, and with the cold shoulder which Ocean-Tide-Red was still giving you over the demon shrine incident, a bit of Murloc companionship was nice to have.
  56. You were pretty sure that he was currently taking the chance afforded by this ride to familiarize himself with your abdominals.
  58. It made you think of how much you missed Ocean’s rough touch.
  60. It took a few days, but you’d managed to travel to the interior of the island, aided by good strong summer rains.
  62. What you found however was both extensive... and in a little bit nightmarish.
  64. The birds had managed to erect heavy defensive structures, using something more than their own usual flimsy structures, in fact it was downright uncanny how the mountainside home of the demon-tainted fliers now resembled something more akin to a village than the hovels of thrown together nesting structures which they normally would have used, many of which had been there in your last visit during winter.
  66. They were accelerating their works.
  68. Worse were the large variety of demonic creatures which lingered about, both near ground level, and circling around the area. Strange winged creatures much like the harpies had been flew in the skies, with grand curling horns, and a truly strange combination of cloven feet and bird like claws, each foot having four bird-like toes ending in a strangely sharp hoof structure which straightened out at front, they could run and walk on them almost as easily as they flew on their massive batlike feather-lined wings. Clearly the product of the mating frenzy which you’d seen from the harpies before, all of these creatures seemed to carve their own bodies up with fel runes, sickening green leaking from every carved surface.
  70. They seemed particularly capable when it came to any magical tasks which needed to be done.
  72. “This... I’m not sure how much of this they did last season, but if we’d run into this…” Mythril’s voice wavered beside you as all you could do is nod in agreement.
  74. “Better we know now then.” You spoke, eyes still glued to the scenes which they were absorbing. “Our path from here is clear. We find the weaknesses in these new defenses, and these new defenders.”
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