
Pinhead- To The Bone

Oct 26th, 2021
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  1. What happened next was a blur. I watched as weapons appeared in the hands of the humanoid figures surrounding Gordon; an array of blades and razors and hooks. They hacked into Gordon all at once, tearing away his flesh as easily as his clothing. The figure behind him slashed down his spine, sending him reeling in agony.
  3. The screams brought odd titters of laughter from the deathly, mutilated shapes, like children giggling at something naughty.
  5. Gordon wailed as he was taken apart layer by layer. Flesh gave way to muscle. Muscle gave way to bone, and while he still stood, they hacked into his organs before they could fall to the floor.
  7. Only the leader paused in the slaughter, to pick up the puzzle box Gordon had dropped. He held it in his hands as he faced me, and I watched as it reconfigured into a box shape right in the palms of his hands.
  9. Then he looked at me one last time. “Are you sure you would not like to play?”
  11. I shook my head and backed away, and the leader began cackling. Behind him his brethren demolished the last of Gordon, even though his head, lanced on a hook but still intact, managed to scream in pain.
  13. -Hellbound Hearts, A Little Piece of Hell
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