
Revolução Purpura

Oct 23rd, 2017
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  1. This thread is for information sharing and discussion regarding the Purple Revolution planned by Soros, Deepstate, leftists, and similar ilk.
  3. Previous Threads:
  5. Days after the election, the Clintons met with Soros to discuss new their new plans going forward in a Trump Presidency. As we all know, Soros' goal is to create instability in the Unites States. He's known to finance color revolutions across the globe, such as the recent revolutions of the Arab Spring and Ukraine. This will happen next in the USA. It's the plan. THE PURPLE REVOLUTION. The PR friendly Clinton explanation is that it symbolizes red America uniting with blue America. But we should be aware it's just another color banner operation for Soros.
  7. >Clintons are pictured at her concession speech wearing purple, a color-coded message that this revolution was just beginning.
  9. Enter the #MeToo & Hollywood sexual harassment scandals. Elite pedophilia rings and other trafficking networks related to Hollywood could have been more exposed, but the story was unfortunately hijacked by other grousp. Instead, women's rights groups took control of the narrative when they created #MeToo, taking the intense focus off of Hollywood and placing a broad focus on everyone.
  11. >What the fuck does this have to do with the Purple Revolution?
  13. We should know by now that many women's groups are fronts for Soros style infiltration. Now that they have control of the narrative, Soros is injecting his Purple Revolution into the idea of preventing sexual assault.
  15. Trending on Twitter, there is #SpiritDay and #PurpleThursday. A harmless hash tag, or is it? If you look further you can see a lot of women's organizations suddenly with purple t-shirts, all coordinated with one another for "Purple Thursday." It's to stand in solidarity with domestic violence survivors, and of course they throw in LGBTQ support for good measure. This can easily sweep the normie-sphere and quickly become an EVERY Thursday is Purple Thursday kind of event. Think about all of those pink "Pussy" hats from the Women's Marches, which was a test run for this sort of thing. Purple and pink go hand in hand. These are signs of a growing color revolution movement.
  18. Using purple and pink for vague "pro-women" and "anti-harassment" causes is to sucker in the vast majority of the population. Of COURSE no one WANTS people sexually assaulted, it's hard to say you're against that, which is why it's being used. It's a stage for more Soros-funded networks to weave their way through the country and psyches of normal Americans. Keep your eye out for any celebrities donning purple, advertisements for marches that are in purple, and movements that are attributed to attaching a philosophy to color. In Europe and America, purple is the color most associated with vanity, extravagance, and individualism. Among the seven major sins, it represents vanity. It is a color which is used to attract attention.
  21. Here's a ZH article if you want to read more:
  22. >
  24. Recently, George Soros gave 18 billion dollars to the Open Society (pro-open borders, pro-globalism, etc.) which is NGO of his creation. This will not end well for us if we let the infiltration continue. Be weary of all NGO groups and activist groups popping up.
  25. >
  27. >
  29. George Soros and Open Society connections:
  30. >
  32. This pdf may have some valuable information on how color revolutions are started, and the signs of one.
  36. >
  38. Here's another that short and sweet and it has flow charts:
  39. >
  41. -------------------------------------------------------------
  42. Every statement/speech Richard Spencer has ever made comes across as a turn-off. This includes his mannerisms/optics/delivery/personality/diplomacy between different right wing col groups.
  44. Alt-Jewish CNN was promoting and glamorizing Antifa who very obviously have high level professional help with their optics.
  46. This doesn't stop. The relentless onslaught of false flags against us will continue unabated. There will be a false flag of all Right wing and a false flag of Republicans again and again and again until there are no opposing Color groups left.
  48. Reliable battery of lie detector tests (not fake tests by CIA or others - a fake biased lie detector test is worse than no test) must be done on Richard Spencer, Cantwell, Kessler, and Nazi flag holder to determine that they are LARPers/sabotage artists. If for any reason this cannot be done, it must be assumed they are patsies and LARPers, and any reputation restored and future false flags are watched out for by the public. Charlottesville was a mass hysteria mindrape event taking people further from the truth, and it needs to be undone. 1984 censorship cannot take place because of false flag events.
  50. Another powerful Color group are Christians, and the Alt-Jews have tried to demonize them for years and succeeded. Reflecting on all this, the Westboro Baptist church sticks out as another obvious example. The children may really be indoctrinated, but Fred Phelps + Shirley Phelps were LARPERS. All these 4 LARPs fit a very obvious trend/optics and effect on the public spread out over many years - and are lone individuals that act as hyper-turn offs for entire color groups in ways that are ridiculous and unlikely on their own.
  52. This is also why they hate and demonize Trump so much. He has created his own anti Establishment Color rev/group (we need more of those one for each big corrupt chunk of the establishment), red Maga Hats + MAGA, this is why the Alt-Jewish media is ensuring MAGA hat wearers get shamed and beaten to neutralize it.
  54. We have to have morale boost of all our Color groups (including the Confederate south/White Nationalists/NatSocs).
  56. Russia became a kind of Color group, because the globalists fear in a Color war, Russia would assist the right wing and counter the UN. They wanted to block Russia - they also wanted to undermine all the Right wing groups and Trump's election/group by painting it as secretly just Russia, undermining its power.
  58. Pepe the frog became an online cultural Green Color revolution/group. That's why they hate it so much. It's also why they chose purple, being the opposite on the color spectrum of green.
  60. Alt-Jewish groups propped up the LGBT (rainbow flag) as a large color group despite being such a small percentage of the population. ISIS most likely is also a Color group that will fight on the Alt-Jewish side. Mass illegal immigration/Sanctuary cities all fit into this to boost numbers and get ISIS-types in the country. BLM and Antifa are color groups as well.
  62. The UN is a Color group that will fight for the Alt-Jews/Alt-Left unless they are called out/demonized. Heavy UN weaponry and APCs have been built up to be given to Alt-Left/Alt-Jews, and they'll attempt to get rest of world involved.
  64. Climate Freakout (fake science) is a counter-religious Color group who fervently believe they are saving the world by fighting for the Alt-Jews/Alt-Left. Climate Freakout must be decisively destroyed by dismantling their fake science within the next year.
  66. Communism is the most Alt-Jew ideology in the world because they invariably end up being the secret owners and rulers owning all property. The Talmud explicitly states that Alt-Jews must own all property in the world. This is why they want worldwide Communism, among many other reasons.
  68. This is also the hidden real reason why 9/11 happened.
  72. //The Purple Revolution has been planned for years. I'm not any of the original OP's of these threads or posts. I'm just spreading the info around. If a post holds no merit then I will remove it for future threads. Also this Purple Revolution thing is a pretty big deal. Why do you think ANTIFA is making a fuss about that Nov 4th date?
  74. A Soros / Deep State / Alt-Jewish (anti-West Jews) Alliance Purple Color revolution has been planned for over a decade and was going to be initiated this year regardless of Trump.
  76. The Orange Color revolution in Ukraine was easy. America not so much without preparation.
  78. In America all groups on either side can be seen as Color teams fighting together in two alliances. Think ancient armies dressing/identifying with the same color or sports teams to a degree. There has been a secret plot to bolster Alt-Jewish Alt-Left Color teams and create new ones while taking out any Right wing Color teams of strength.
  79. This is primarily done through false flags/LARPers. Dylan Roof and Charlottesville are obvious examples - they wanted to take the Confederate Flag out of action permanently and demonize an entire faction in the coming Color revolution (Confederate/south). This was to take the Far right/NatSoc faction flag/Color group out of the right wing
  80. coalition while also imposing 1984 censorship that shuts down Right wing media institutions and to demonize Trump.
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