
17th May 2018 - Black Ops 4 Battle Royale

May 18th, 2018
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  1. Leonardo Da Sidci - Yesterday at 7:54 PM
  2. Today's Topic - 17th May 2018
  4. submitted by Leonardo Da Sidci
  6. Today, the Black Ops 4 trailers were released and amongst them was the trailer for Blackout, the Battle Royale mode that is replacing the single player campaign in this iteration of Call of Duty.
  10. My question for you today is:
  12. How do you think this will go down? Bear in mind the following:
  14. :bulletpoint: Call of Duty, whether you love it or hate it, has expertly crafted shooting mechanics that have withstood over a decade. The shooting mechanics in this game mode is expected to be pretty good, probably the best in any BR game.
  15. :bulletpoint: Being backed by Activision, one of the (if not the) biggest publishers in the world, this game mode will be a finished product unlike Fortnite Battle Royale and PUBG with the appropriate level of polish expected in a AAA game.
  16. :bulletpoint: Being an Activision product, there is likely to be some form of currency and/or microtransaction system in the game.
  17. :bulletpoint: The trailer mentions that the mode will include land, sea and air vehicles as part of the game.
  19. I'd like to know your thoughts and what your predictions are for this game. Do you think that this could potentially knock down Fornite as the BR King? Do you think it'll fail? Would you buy the game?
  20. :exclamation: Make sure to read the pinned message with the rules for the channel.(edited)
  21. Sentay - Yesterday at 7:57 PM
  22. Not well, PUBG has the current market share for "realistic" battle royale, and Fortnite has all the rest of it. It would have to be excellent beyond description to pry people away from those, that combined with the fact that the multiplayer and this battle royale mode don't share consumers (ie I don't think players of 1 will really play the other with any great enthusiasm) AND even if they do it'll be a split in the playerbase AND AND I'm guessin the engine will be geared for one or the other in terms of graphical ability / technical performance.
  24. Jorgel - Yesterday at 7:57 PM
  25. i think if you're into battle royale types of games, then the fact that one of the biggest publishers on earth put their foot into the market should be a good thing.
  26. if anything, it'll offer some healthy competition for the current top games, making them improve or adapt/modify in one way or another.
  28. !help myself so i don't f myself - Yesterday at 7:57 PM
  29. In my opinon the whole mentality of "let put each and every single egg in this giant ass busket" might be cool on paper.
  30. Like for example you can play as reznov or mason inside a black ops 3 map, this big ass crossover might bring some interesting results(edited)
  32. FreddieShooter - Yesterday at 7:59 PM
  33. I will say that it appears to bring something exciting to the mix that being the gadgets shown in the video. Those might be enough a niche for this to be interesting. I however do not think that will knock pubg or even larger Fortnite out.
  35. Pleasant - Yesterday at 8:01 PM
  36. I feel it will be a bit of a lost cause here. Those that are gonna buy the new CoD were already gonna get it before this BR announcement. Those that played CoD for the campaigns are shit outta luck so they've lost that playerbase (sure a small part of it but the numbers are still there) and those that are interested in BR already have PUBG or Fortnite.
  37. It's like when CoD4 came out and everyone wanted modern military shooters with multiplayer progression. Then everyone was competing with Battlefield and CoD btu nobody was buying the non-battlefeild/coD games because people already had CoD/Battlefield
  39. My bias may be showing here though because I was one of the rare nutters that played the CoD campaigns/zombies over the multiplayer
  40. Not to mention anyone outside of those bracket wanting to dip their toes into BR only really have Fortnite as an option because of the low barrier of entry, with it being free to play
  41. where as you need to pay upfront for CoD/PUBG
  43. Lemon - Yesterday at 8:04 PM
  44. I mean. Its hard to say really without really seeing what it will look like. But, i think it really kind of depends on how long into the future fortnite and pubg, will still be popular. If people are getting bored of fortnite by like, i dont know, august. And take a break from the whole br thing, to then come back and try it again with cod, because they kind of want that experince again, but maybe not in fortnite. I think it could have great success. Although, if fortnite starts to die of by october or later, it will maybe be ignored by most, maybe. Or , or, people will be done with the BR thing for a while after that. This all depends on how high quality it ends up being.
  46. pieecuu - Yesterday at 8:07 PM
  47. I don't think it will surpass or knock down Fortnite, because Fortnite BR has one huge advantage - it's free. As for if it will fail, we will see if they handled it well. Would i buy the game? Not at full price, i don't like buying 60$ games on launch, i prefer to wait it out and see if it's worth it. However, I think it looks interesting and it does have a chance to be successful, seeing as it's not just one gamemode, there is also zombies and multiplayer. Weird to say, but this year I'm looking forward to how this game turns out.
  49. eaglemees - Yesterday at 8:08 PM
  50. I think that a battleroyale gamemode like blackout in blackops 3 will be a massive hit amongst long time fans and new players. As the trailers says you can play in a huge map where parts of your favourite call of duty maps will be lay barren to explore and to kill each other. The fact that you can play on these favourite maps will only attract long time fans of the call of duty saga. The whole battleroyale gamemode is a huge thing right now so it will definitely attract a lot of attention from the media and this will only attract little kids who are currently playing fortnite to buy BO4. I myself have played a lot of Bo3 and I have noticed that the gunplay is really tight which will only attract more people because it isn't a coin flip like in fortnite weather or not you hit the person. Also the fact that you are able to play as people like soape or other call of duty persona's will only make the game more fun and attracting in the eyes of veteran players. I also think that when this blackout mode blows up they will make a ton of money by selling these iconic persona's as skins. Because the publishers are activision i think that the amount of dlc and maps that will be added to this gamemode will be something like fortnite is doing right now but they will also give out huge maps in around a period of a quartar of a year. So considering all of these reasons and the massive player base that call of duty already has I think that BO4 will be a well sold game and the publishers will make a ton of money of it.
  52. Mark my words it will take down at least pubg, perhaps not fortnite but that is because fortnite battleroyale is free unlike call of duty.
  53. Also the added fact of having planes, helicopters, boats and other vehicles added into this mode will only pry away the other battleroyale players from other battleroyale games, because the air and most likely military grade with guns on top vehicles is an original addition to the battleroyale genre.(edited)
  55. Emms - Yesterday at 8:13 PM
  56. I think it's gonna be good, not amazing, considering they have all the resources, and Treyarch themselves, remember the people who made Spider-man 2 on the PS2, which is the best game ever made, I think this'll be great for the series and people to try and differentiate the BR genre whole together, with all these different BR games, everyone can get their pick and style for whatever they want from the BR genre, some people like it and some people don't.
  57. I think it will be fun, but nothing amazing or nothing revolutionary in any kind for the gaming industry to change the BR genre.
  59. Water Malone - Yesterday at 8:24 PM
  60. I think that its way to early to tell what its going to be like before they show any gameplay. It could be quite fantastic, and I hope for a return to form for call of duty as the black ops series is the best cod has to offer imo (black ops 2 was without a shadow of a doubt the best call of duty multiplayer) and it looks like they're taking a leaf out of BO2s book with the focus on competitive play (league play is coming back and they've robbed some mechanics from rainbox six, although the way they're handling health is interesting) In specific to the battle royale, from a pure speculation standpoint, I honestly don't think its going to knock either fortnite or pubg but will definitely have its own audience. Some people prefer fortnite and some prefer pubg but the pubg crowd seems to be exclusively pc, Xbox pubg just is not the same and also doesn't seem to have the same following. Its a very fair guess to say Battlefront V will have a battle royale and its going to be cod vs battlefield again to carve out that niche separate to both pubg and fortnite (althought battlefield is more likely to topple pubg then cod), being for the less casual console player then fortnites players (not saying all fortnite players are casual they're not, the average player is though)
  62. I think the battle royale genre has a lot of twists and a lot of life left in it, its not going away anytime soon. I'm desperate for a better pubg that is technically competent which I kinda hope battlefield v is, but im not confident it'll stick to pubgs formula
  64. DarknessvsDawn - Yesterday at 8:33 PM
  65. It's going to come down to pacing, the speed at which CoD games are usually run at, that twitch shooter style of gameplay, is on the opposite spectrum from a battle royal style. CoD is known for it's tight spaces, not for a sprawling map. It's almost like trying to put two different schools of thought into one game.(edited)
  67. May 18, 2018
  68. GirlRoss(DoF) - Today at 1:01 AM
  69. @DarknessvsDawn In fairness to CoD's history there are exceptions. WaW had excellent open-space maps that had both long range and close quaters gameplay, so the potential is still there, and there's nothing preventing BO4 from borrowing a lot of the lessons learned from Battlefield where wide open maps are concerned. Executing on pacing gameplay as it pretains to the map design seems unimportant to the challenges of breaking in to the market, and easy to iterate upon given how many different lessons from other games can be kept in mind going into development.
  71. The stickier details seem more likely to be grounded in differentiating itself from PUBG than Fortnite. Fortnite's aesthetics and accessibility are hurdles too high to climb given the amount of work that will be put into BO4 making it a quality game. Having a Battle Royale mode that is good enough to keep players playing it because they can freely switch between it and any of CoD's traditional multiplayer formats is the true threat, but one that will still fall short where consumer class differences rear their head. FtP w/ MTr vs. traditional game sales with MTr is a weird bird that is as relevant to the discussion as picking apart how different the Battle Royale modes between the Big Two and this up'n coming challenger are likely to be.
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