
4/17/16 partial movie night log

Apr 17th, 2016
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  1. cuteskeleton07: (FUCK NO)
  2. AskDogi: !
  3. cuteskeleton07: (abooboo)
  4. sanstheskell: * there he go
  5. Coldsoul: * (Winter notices and jumps up. She walks to Wander, trying to get her scarf back.)
  6. ExpressiveEndogeny: *!!!!
  7. AskDogi *Amy pets Doggo's wings.
  8. sanstheskell: * goodbye prince abubu
  9. fallenasriel: FallenFlowey: MRFMF!
  10. Frisk: * Now, you can wing the flying thing.
  11. sinxxthegod: <purged message>
  12. Diggles: <purged message>
  13. PattiMayonnaise: <purged message>
  14. AskDogi: ((ffffffffing mousepad gestures))
  15. theJositerran: <purged message>
  16. wanderandward: *Backs away from her* -Nope! mine now.-
  17. AskDogi: ((Just lost the WHOLE log))
  18. undauntedgunner: Oh man, being drowned like this sucks.
  19. Diggles: <purged message>
  20. PattiMayonnaise: <purged message>
  21. <purged message>
  22. sinxxthegod: <purged message>
  23. AskDogi: Oh no....
  24. Diggles: <purged message>
  25. ModDoggo attempts to move the wings around. It's difficult, to say the least.
  26. fallenasriel: [ugh trolls...]
  27. Diggles: <purged message>
  28. AskDogi: (Another freebie, huh...?)
  29. undauntedgunner: (( shit yo we bein raided
  30. Cersei_Lannister: <purged message>
  31. <purged message>
  32. <purged message>
  33. Diggles: <purged message>
  34. PattiMayonnaise: <purged message>
  35. Frisk: [[ i hope you guys enjoy aladdin
  36. friskybusiness: (( wtf?
  37. asgore: ((suddenly consciousness also bye eggies))
  38. theJositerran: <purged message>
  39. Cersei_Lannister: <purged message>
  40. sinxxthegod: <purged message>
  41. Cersei_Lannister: <purged message>
  42. Diggles: <purged message>
  43. PattiMayonnaise: <purged message>
  44. sanstheskell: ((oh boy))
  45. Coldsoul: * G-gimme! G-g-gimme it back! (Winter tries to grab her scarf back.)
  46. AskDogi *Amy rubs Doggo's wings. They're really soft..
  47. PattiMayonnaise: <purged message>
  48. theJositerran: <purged message>
  49. Diggles: <purged message>
  50. fallenasriel: [ugh]
  51. ExpressiveEndogeny: ((Rip jafar))
  52. Frisk: [[ jeez randoms.
  53. benladen: <purged message>
  54. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((It's a roleplay chat for a group))
  55. sanstheskell: ((nah, there's too many of them, they can't be randoms))
  56. undauntedgunner: (( this seems like a planned raid tho not randos
  57. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((lmfao))
  58. sinxxthegod: <purged message>
  59. sinxxthegod: <purged message>
  60. sinxxthegod: <purged message>
  61. GoddessToriel banned benladen
  62. sinxxthegod: <purged message>
  63. sanstheskell: ((just ban them all))
  64. friskybusiness: (( the hell is going on
  65. GoddessToriel banned sinxxthegod
  66. PattiMayonnaise: <purged message>
  67. Doggo banned pattimayonnaise
  68. GoddessToriel banned benladen
  69. Frisk: [[ fuckin raiders.
  70. GoddessToriel banned hdr015
  71. Doggo banned cersei_lannister
  72. cuteskeleton07: (What are raiders?)
  73. GoddessToriel banned thejositerran
  74. GoddessToriel banned stonedloner
  75. StreamerGoddessToriel: i think that's all of 'em.
  76. AskDogi: ((not seein' anything on /b/ right away so probably not that idk))
  77. Frisk: [[ people who raid streams. some people plan these and theyre on purpose too
  78. fallenasriel: [thank you]
  79. Coldsoul: (( thanks ))
  80. Frisk: [[ raid threads are banned on /b/ tho
  81. Frisk: [[ they do it on raidforums
  82. friskybusiness: (( people that like to do this on forums too
  83. cuteskeleton07: (oh)
  84. ModDoggo: ((I'll keep on it if more pop up then))
  85. AskDogi: ((ah alright, i've seen a few anyway))
  86. wanderandward: -And why should I? Think it looks better on me heheh-
  87. Frisk: * Aladdin, please.
  88. cuteskeleton07: (dasjdjas nooooooo)
  89. ModDoggo: ((So where were we?))
  90. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((thanks))
  91. Diggles: <purged message>
  92. AskDogi: (Aladdin. Stahp.)
  93. lucida: (We were being raided?)
  94. BangARang: What the
  95. AskDogi: Yeah, tell her the TRUTH.
  96. AskDogi: Finally.
  97. Diggles: <purged message>
  98. wanderandward: ((just a reminder, you can ignore people, just click on their names. In case that happens again))
  99. ExpressiveEndogeny: *...
  100. lucida: (OOC)
  101. sanstheskell: ((welp, there's still more people))
  102. Diggles: <purged message>
  103. AskDogi: ((This is a roleplay chat, primarily.))
  104. lucida: (Out of character)
  105. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((yeah))
  106. Diggles: <purged message>
  107. BangARang: NO
  108. smatchimo: <purged message>
  109. Diggles: <purged message>
  110. GoddessToriel banned diggles
  111. Doggo banned smatchimo
  112. Frisk: [[ i can dig wizards
  113. AskDogi: ((As long as you don't put on your robe and wizard cap))
  114. Frisk: [[ if theyre code wizards
  115. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((sorry i'm not in the mood to deal with this.))
  116. lucida: (I can dig them a GRAVE in GRAVESTONE >: [ )
  117. Lady_Divine: "Oh dear, he has really got himself into a mess..."
  118. AskDogi: Yeah...
  119. AskDogi: Oh, jeez.
  120. Frisk: * Savage.
  121. AskDogi: (OH, JEEZ.)
  122. Coldsoul: * (She still tries to swipe her scarf off of Wander's face.) G-g-g-give it back!
  123. Frisk: * Wander, give her scarf back!
  124. fallenasriel: FallenFlowey: cooooool
  125. ModDoggo: * Holy crap!
  126. friskybusiness: (( THE WILHEML SCREAM
  127. AskDogi: Genies are REALLY strong...
  128. Bud316: <purged message>
  129. wanderandward: -Nah. That last punch kind hurt. Dont feel like it now.-
  130. Bud316: <purged message>
  131. Doggo banned bud316
  132. AskDogi: ((??))
  133. AskDogi: aww...
  134. friskybusiness: KITTY!
  135. fallenasriel: FallenFlowey: awww man... This makes me want my resetting powers back
  136. Coldsoul: * (Winter shrinks a little, and stops swiping at Wander's face.) ... I'm s-s-sorry...
  137. AskDogi: (!!!!)
  138. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"Humans do not handle power well."
  139. ModDoggo: * WELP
  140. wanderandward: *Takes off the scarf and wraps it around Winter* -Thats better. Here you go.-
  141. ModDogga: *"What a jerk."
  142. ModDogga: *"Also. Doggo."
  143. ModDogga: *" look rad with wings."
  144. ModDogga: *"They're even better than that hair you had."
  145. fallenasriel FallenFlowey cowers after the laugh
  146. ModDoggo: * ...What if
  147. AskDogi *Ressa and Amy hug Doggo a bit more tightly.
  148. ModDoggo: * What if I had BOTH
  149. undauntedgunner: That human didn't handle anything well, though.
  150. fierypegs:
  151. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"I am sorry, but I cannot do THAT Doggo."
  152. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"The world cannot handle that much at once."
  153. AskDogi *Amy keeps massaging Doggo's feathers.
  154. ModDoggo: * Awwwww!
  155. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"Tis a shame, but how it must be."
  156. Coldsoul: * (Winter sits back down, looking away. She feels bad for her impulsive reaction before.)
  157. sanstheskell: * run to the side you idiot
  158. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"Everyone in my garden would simply die from overexposure to the heat."
  159. sanstheskell: * whateve,r that works
  160. fallenasriel: Fallen: wow
  161. AskDogi: (Daring..)
  162. Frisk: * That's... oh.
  163. sanstheskell: * oh
  164. Frisk: * Seriously, Jafar?
  165. ModDoggo: * ...I honestly dont know how to feel about how you're pretty much calling me hot, ma'am.
  166. fallenasriel: Flowey: EUGH!
  167. friskybusiness shivers at Jafar
  168. sanstheskell: * he can't do that
  169. AskDogi: Well, hey, everyone thinks it, Doggo~
  170. fallenasriel: FallenFlowey: He's like 20 years older!
  171. AskDogi: Shouldn't be that much of a surprise by now...
  172. wanderandward: -Ah, hey kid you didnt hit me that hard.-
  173. ModDoggo: * Well, I mean, yeah but, its kinda different coming from Toriel.
  174. Coldsoul: * (She watches, shrinking a little more. She's starting to feel remorseful, so she stays quiet.)
  175. AskDogi: (Yeah, she IS the queen..)
  176. lucwagon: *[Azzy bleats quietly as he sits next to Wander]
  177. ModDoggo: * And a goddess with this version but, uh, thats not the only reason...
  178. sanstheskell: * gross
  179. fallenasriel: Fallen: EUUUUGH!
  180. AskDogi: !!
  181. Frisk: * OH SHIT
  182. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"I just call it as I see it~"
  183. sanstheskell: * no... no.....
  184. sanstheskell: * the carpet... my favorite character....
  185. friskybusiness: Is this what being god of hyperdeath is like?!
  186. AskDogi: (!!!)
  187. ModDoggo: * Th-thanks, ma'am...I think.
  188. fallenasriel FallenFlowey twitshes and giggles
  189. Coldsoul: * ... hhhn. (She watches, tugging at the end of her scarf quite hard.)
  190. AskDogi: THAT'S shapeshifting...
  191. wanderandward: *Leaps over the back of the couch to sit by Winter.*
  192. Frisk: * Oh my gosh.
  193. sanstheskell: * okay but, what power does a snake really have
  194. Frisk: * He's more of a worm than anything.
  195. wanderandward: -Ah, hey there Azzy.-
  196. lovinggoat975: Wow!!
  197. sanstheskell: * good. i love you genie
  198. lucwagon: *Howdy~!
  199. AskDogi: (Gotta admit you look pretty good yourself, Toriel~)
  200. Frisk: * SLAYED.
  201. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"Aww, thank you Ressa!"
  202. cuteskeleton07: (if he can't do it... GREAT!)
  203. fallenasriel: FallenFlowey cackles: GET HIM GET HIM! KILL HIM! SQUEEZE TILL HIS BONES POP OUT!
  204. Lady_Divine: (PFFFT GENIE)
  205. AskDogi: (Anytime, heheheh...)
  206. ModDoggo: ((Toriel better go see a slightly different version of Doggo if she wants a reaction that isnt so awkward.))
  207. Coldsoul: * Hnn... (She shrinks a little when Wander arrives. She tugs on her scarf more, fingers digging into it.)
  208. sanstheskell: * oh boy.
  209. sanstheskell: * hahaha.
  210. lovinggoat975: Clever.
  211. undauntedgunner: Very clever...
  212. AskDogi: (SO clever..)
  213. sanstheskell: * don't you have to be like, really specific with your wishes
  214. sanstheskell: * welp. there we go
  215. fallenasriel: FallenFlowey: Awwww...what?
  216. Frisk shakes their head.
  217. sanstheskell: * there he goes
  218. AskDogi: He's bound to his lamp, now..
  219. sanstheskell: * yes. the carpet lives
  220. wanderandward: *Snatches up Winter and holds her close* -Alright, enough of that kid. Its alright, just playing around right?-
  221. fallenasriel: FallenFlowey goes back to mopeing: ... It's like taking your powers away
  222. wanderandward: -Still my pal, right?-
  223. lucwagon: *Things alright there, Wander?
  224. Frisk: * Break the law, then.
  225. wanderandward: -Dunno, up to the kid.-
  226. fallenasriel tears up
  227. lucwagon: *[he awaits an answer]
  228. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"How lovely."
  229. fallenasriel: Fallen: Hehe... I freed everyone... And I never got t-to say bye.... *ries*
  230. ModDoggo: * And now he gets legs
  231. undauntedgunner: So... Why doesn't she wish him to be a prince? Like, that wouldn't take up his wish, right? Then he could just use his to wish the genie free...
  232. friskybusiness nuzzles FallenAsriel
  233. AskDogi *Amy and Ressa whimper a bit.
  234. StreamerGoddessToriel: ...
  235. StreamerGoddessToriel shakes
  236. StreamerGoddessToriel resists
  237. Coldsoul: * Mmmnn... (She tugs on her scarf a little more.) ... r-right.
  238. StreamerGoddessToriel won't do it
  239. StreamerGoddessToriel can't do it.
  240. ExpressiveEndogeny: *...
  241. AskDogi *They nuzzle Doggo affectionately.
  242. StreamerGoddessToriel no.
  243. StreamerGoddessToriel NO
  244. StreamerGoddessToriel: ...
  245. lovinggoat975: Myself?
  246. StreamerGoddessToriel LIFTS HER LEGS.
  247. StreamerGoddessToriel both of them
  248. lovinggoat975: Oh?
  249. fallenasriel cries and hugs Frisk
  250. cuteskeleton07: ..0|
  251. StreamerGoddessToriel she's a goddess she can do what she wants
  252. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"His new legs are nothing on mine!!!"
  253. ModDoggo nuzzles back, the wings on his back seem to furl around them on their own
  254. Frisk: * There he goes, off to Disneyland.
  255. ModDoggo: * Goddessdammit, ma'am.
  256. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"I gave you those wings I can take them away."
  257. friskybusiness hugs FallenAsriel back
  258. ModDoggo: * /Please dont.../
  259. AskDogi: (That was a good movie...)
  260. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"Then say NOTHING."
  261. AskDogi *Amy keeps rubbing himself into Doggo's wings. They're REALLY soft..
  262. fallenasriel: Fallen: I don't wanna be alone! Don't leave me! *cries*
  263. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"I may be a goddess but I WAS mortal."
  264. Lady_Divine: "What a wonderful movie..."
  265. friskybusiness: I"ll never leave you Azzy
  266. cuteskeleton07: (So how are you feeling robyn? another movie?)
  267. sanstheskell: 15 minutes until the next movie))
  268. wanderandward: -Then everything is fine, Winter. No reason to be so down-
  269. Lady_Divine: (What's the next movie?)
  270. Coldsoul: * (She curls up in Wander's grasp. She got colder and she shivers.) S-s-sorry...
  271. lucwagon: *How about some pie? Nothing warms a day like a slice
  272. ModDoggo: ((BRB then))
  273. friskybusiness kisses FallenAsriel's nose
  274. friskybusiness: We'll be together forever!
  275. lovinggoat975: Myself, you're certainly more brazen than I.
  276. fallenasriel: Fallen hugs Frisky tight// FallenFlowey: Dude get over it, you'll never see them again....
  277. lovinggoat975: Do you think you could crush a watermelon between your legs?
  278. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"Indeed!"
  279. friskybusiness stares at Flowey
  280. AskDogi *Ressa yawns.
  281. StreamerGoddessToriel snaps her fingers, and a watermelon just...grows out of the ground in front of her.
  282. ExpressiveEndogeny: ((what's the movie after this? Or is there no movie?))
  283. AskDogi: (We should really be getting to sleep..)
  284. friskybusiness: ...You want me to get Gaster over here?
  285. fallenasriel: [crush manshead between thighs like sparrows egg!]
  286. ModDogga: *"Gnight Ressa."
  287. AskDogi: Probably not gonna stay around for the next movie.
  288. AskDogi: (Night, Dogga~)
  289. StreamerGoddessToriel squeezes the watermelon between her legs. It pops in no time flat.
  290. lovinggoat975: Oh my!
  291. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"As Undyne would say..."
  292. AskDogi: !!!
  293. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"I am RIPPED!"
  294. Coldsoul: * (She looks at the Dogi and waves bye.) G-goodnight...!?
  295. fallenasriel: FallenFlowey: DON'T YOU EVEN...
  296. ExpressiveEndogeny: *!!!!
  297. AskDogi *Amy gasps and flushes at Toriel.
  298. Frisk: * Night!
  299. AskDogi: ....mmmph....
  300. wanderandward: -See you two laeer-
  301. lovinggoat975: How often do you lift?
  302. friskybusiness: Well then don't be mean to Azzy and I won't call Gaster
  303. AskDogi: ....w-wow..heh..
  304. fallenasriel: Fallen looks over: ...what is the toriel doing...?
  305. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"As often as I want~"
  306. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"Whatever I want to."
  307. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"I do whatever I wish."
  308. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"Within reason, of course."
  309. fallenasriel: FallenFlowey snarls: I MUCH RATHER YOU NOT CALL HIM! HE'LL CAUSE TROUBLE HERE!
  310. Lady_Divine: (Guys, if it's okay with Goddess mun, I need to show you something amazing that happened to me a long time ago.)
  311. friskybusiness: nicer to Azzy
  312. AskDogi: A-alright, we gotta go...
  313. Coldsoul: * (She curls up a little more in Wander's hold to keep warm.)
  314. fallenasriel: FallenFlowey: Hey that creeping trashbag won't be nice to him either!
  315. AskDogi: But we should TOTALLY have a flex-off tomorrow, Toriel.
  316. AskDogi: (totally.)
  317. friskybusiness: Doesn't mean you gotta be mean to Azzy and pick on him!
  318. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((go ahead i guess))
  319. Frisk: * Wait, wait, hold on. I've been thinking of this for a while, but, Toriel. I want a pet bird.
  320. sanstheskell: ((im. dead))
  321. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"You KNOW I would win, yes?"
  322. wanderandward: *Gently pats her*
  323. Lady_Divine: ( )
  324. sanstheskell: ((isnt this from that one game. sonic rush))
  325. AskDogi: Doesn't mean it wouldn't still be fun!!
  326. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"Hmm? A pet bird?"
  327. fallenasriel: ((JETSETRADIO!))
  328. Lady_Divine: (This has to do with Aladdin.)
  329. cuteskeleton07: (...WHO WANTS AN OWL TO FLY ONTO THEIR HEAD)
  330. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"Well, you are not my child so... I cannot stop you."
  331. sanstheskell: ((i swear to fucking christ i've heard this in a sonic game))
  332. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((it's jet-set-sonic))
  333. AskDogi: (Everyone wins in flex-offs, ESPECIALLY those who love muscles.)
  334. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((get memed))
  335. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"True."
  336. cuteskeleton07: *... i'm a bird.
  337. sanstheskell: ((fkuck))
  338. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((and yes it's sonic rush))
  339. cuteskeleton07: *I'M A OWL~!! and i'm fluffy....
  340. Lady_Divine: (
  341. Lady_Divine: (I regret nothing by making this.)
  342. Coldsoul: * (Winter sees Ressa and suddenly wants down.)
  343. lovinggoat975: ((WRAPPED IN BLACK OR WE RIOT))
  344. cuteskeleton07: (i have no idea what to name my oc)
  345. undauntedgunner: (( aight back what did i miss
  346. fallenasriel: FallenFlowey looks around, thankful no one is paying attention: Yeah but I'm also telling it to myself, brining him here won't cause any good!
  347. AskDogi: (Alright.. Night, everyone.)
  348. Frisk: * Yeees! Make it a sparrow, like me!
  349. wanderandward: *Releases Winter* -go on-
  350. fallenasriel: ((night))
  351. ModDoggo: ((Oh, bye Cro))
  352. Frisk: * Although, I don't mind owls. They're pretty cute.
  353. AskDogi: (I guess Wander and Winter will catch up with us at the cabin?)
  354. undauntedgunner: (( ah, seeya around
  355. Frisk: [[ nini cro!
  356. Coldsoul: * (Winter quickly runs to Ressa and tacklehugs her. Why not?)
  357. undauntedgunner: (( o shiiiiiiit wrapped in black
  358. Lady_Divine: (I'm sorry if I scared anyone with the weird Aladdin Undertale take.)
  359. StreamerGoddessToriel: (( :3c ))
  360. AskDogi: ((ye it's 2 am here and I don't really want to be up till 4 again ;v)
  361. lovinggoat975: ((YES.))
  362. ModDoggo: * Alright, see you later Ressa, Amy.
  363. AskDogi: (( ;v; ))
  364. wanderandward: -Yeah, we will. Bye you two-
  365. AskDogi: Later, Doggo..
  366. undauntedgunner: (( seeya around cro
  367. AskDogi: (!)
  368. undauntedgunner: (( wrapped in black is my fuckin jam tho
  369. cuteskeleton07: [...The owl just starts flying around)
  370. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((right?))
  371. AskDogi *Ressa flinches at the tacklehug.
  372. fallenasriel: FallenFlowey: SCAN!
  373. cuteskeleton07: [the owl just starts flying around.]
  374. undauntedgunner: FLOWEY!
  375. undauntedgunner: What's up?
  376. AskDogi: (Oh, hi again, Winter..
  377. StreamerGoddessToriel offers her arm as a perch to the owl
  378. AskDogi: (Want another doggy-back ride?)
  379. Coldsoul: * ... t-thanks f-for letting m-me stay.
  380. cuteskeleton07: [The owl graciously lands smiling.]
  381. fallenasriel: FallenFlowey: Frisky is threatening to call our timeline's Gaster, make her stop!
  382. ModDoggo: ((Anyway im boiling some water for something so I gotta get up in a few minutes to check it))
  383. lucida: I don't know what Owl do withOwlt Skella...
  384. undauntedgunner: Friiisk...
  385. cuteskeleton07: (the owl is my new oc)
  386. cuteskeleton07: (it's not skela)
  387. Coldsoul: * N-no, I j-just w-wanted to t-thank you... (She lets go.)
  388. undauntedgunner: Don't do it, yo.
  389. cuteskeleton07: [smol 7 inch tol owl~]
  390. friskybusiness: But Flowey was being mean to azzy!
  391. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"Hello little one~"
  392. cuteskeleton07: * h-hello...
  393. undauntedgunner: Flowey, you have?
  394. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"I hope you've enjoyed yourself~"
  395. undauntedgunner: You BOTH need to maybe chill a lil bit.
  396. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((how about maybe YOU CHILL))
  397. cuteskeleton07: *yes i have been enjoying the movie~
  398. undauntedgunner: (( gdi
  399. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"Good! I am sure you will enjoy this next one too~"
  400. cuteskeleton07: *Oh.. what is it?
  401. ModDoggo: ((You should have expected that really))
  402. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((Hey who likes having their heart ripped out))
  403. fallenasriel: FallenFlowey: Well yeah but it's me telling myself aswell! DON'T CALL HIM! HE'S WORSE THAN ME!
  404. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"You will see~"
  405. fallenasriel: ((uhm))
  406. ModDoggo: ((You ARE in the meme queen's domain.))
  407. cuteskeleton07: * oh.. ..... may i have scritches?
  408. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((indeed))
  409. undauntedgunner: Okay, Frisk, don't call Gaster. Gaster can be sort of a jerk sometimes.
  410. StreamerGoddessToriel lightly scritches the back of the owl's head.
  411. friskybusiness: ....I know
  412. undauntedgunner: (( i know but i thought i would be safe in movie night
  413. AskDogi: (ah, alright...)
  414. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((never))
  415. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((never safe in movie night))
  416. undauntedgunner: (( dam....
  417. AskDogi: (You're welcome, Winter.)
  418. cuteskeleton07: [their fur fluffles up and they rub into the scritches happily..]
  419. fallenasriel: ((wait whats going on?))
  420. undauntedgunner: (( also yo holy shit what remix is this
  421. friskybusiness snickers
  422. AskDogi *Ressa smiles and gives Winter some pats on the head.
  423. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((cement city))
  424. cuteskeleton07: [closing their eyes happily.]
  425. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((but it's kinda eh and loud))
  426. friskybusiness: Maybe Mom can ground Flowey then~
  427. undauntedgunner: (( i got meme'd on, fallen
  428. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((it might wake up the parents))
  429. wanderandward: ((brb))
  430. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((also the bass drop was disappointing))
  431. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((So i'm salty))
  432. fallenasriel: FallenFlowey: don'tcallhimdon'tcallhim
  433. undauntedgunner: Also, Flowey. Please don't be rude to Azzy.
  434. Coldsoul: * T-thanks for b-being n-nice. (She accepts the headpats, shrinking under them a little.)
  435. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"I am not your mom, unfortunately.
  436. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"I am a different version of myself. A goddess who watches over all~"
  437. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"And occasionally hosts a movie night."
  438. cuteskeleton07: (..who'd be up for a nonbinary owl called Hoolia?)
  439. friskybusiness: Awww...
  440. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"Phenominal cosmic power..."
  441. friskybusiness: So you can't make Flowey go to his room then?
  442. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"Itty bitty social interaction."
  443. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"No, I cannot.
  444. undauntedgunner: (( hoolia's a good name
  445. fallenasriel curls up and hugs his legs
  446. fallenasriel: FallenFlowey: GOOD!
  447. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((also scan next song is dedicated to you))
  448. StreamerGoddessToriel: (( :3c))
  449. undauntedgunner: (( is it a KH/knuckles mashup
  450. AskDogi: (Always to those I care about, Winter.)
  451. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((...))
  452. StreamerGoddessToriel: ()
  453. fallenasriel: FallenFlowey: I rather not be bossed around....AGAIN!
  454. undauntedgunner: (( dam...........
  455. AskDogi: Yeah.
  456. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((I fucking wish))
  457. AskDogi: We'll see you back at the cabin, alright?
  458. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((that'd be dedicated to ME))
  459. undauntedgunner walks up and pats Azzy. There, there.
  460. friskybusiness sighs and holds out a spider doughnut for FallenFlowey
  461. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((god this song made me fuckin sob when i played the game))
  462. friskybusiness: ....Here
  463. cuteskeleton07: (hoolia~!!)
  464. Coldsoul: * (Winter nods and heads back to Wander's spot, waving.)
  465. undauntedgunner: (( same tbh
  466. StreamerGoddessToriel: *"What a pretty name, dear!"
  467. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((I REALLY LOVED 358 OKAY))
  468. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((I KNOW EVERYONE ELSE HATED IT))
  469. undauntedgunner: (( SAME
  470. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((BUT I LOVED THAT GAME TO DEATH))
  471. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((FUCKING XION IS MY FAV))
  472. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((MY BABY))
  473. undauntedgunner: (( I LOVED IT TOO SHIT YO
  474. fallenasriel FallenFlowey glares and eats it// FalleN; thanks
  475. cuteskeleton07: * thank you.. I quite like it also.
  477. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((I WILL FITE ANYONE WHO TALKS SHIT ON MY BABY))
  479. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((MY CHILD))
  480. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((bruh))
  481. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((bruh))
  482. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((i used axel and larxene))
  483. cuteskeleton07: [they try to hide behind one of their wings..their blushing a bit.]
  484. StreamerGoddessToriel: ((and xion))
  485. undauntedgunner: (( axel was rad too
  486. friskybusiness hugs FallenAsriel
  487. AskDogi: Bye, everyone!
  488. undauntedgunner: Seeya around!
  489. AskDogi *The Dogi take their leave.
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