

Jul 21st, 2016
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  1. I do not own Rwby.
  3. Yang woke up to a thunder clap. She quickly sat up in her bed and looked around the empty room.
  5. Yang(mumbling) "Thanks for waking me up guys."
  6. She quickly got dressed and headed out the door into the hall, which was surprisingly quiet. She started walking down the hall stretching her arms. She got to the door that leads to the courtyard and opened it, revealing the torrential downpour outside. Sighing she ran out into the rain.
  8. Qrow sat at a table in the Dining Hall, along with Clover, Onyx, Platina, and Volk. Qrow and Volk both drinking from there flasks while the rest where drinking coffee from thermoses. Another loud Thunder Clap echoed throughout the room.
  10. Clover: "Gotta love that Mistral Weather."
  11. Platina(sipping from her thermos): "An Assassins best friend."
  12. Volk: "But a soldiers worst nightmare."
  13. Platina: "Cest pourquoi vous n'etes pas necessaire."
  14. Clover: "Oi, Cest pas agreable a dire."
  15. Platina: "Pas comme ils savent ce que disent im."
  16. Qrow: "Au Contraire, I know enough Mistraltian to know you called him useless."
  17. *Volk grins and takes a sip from his flask*
  18. *Platinas ear twitches*
  19. Platina: "Xiao Long inbound."
  20. *Yang bursts through the door panting slightly soaked*
  21. Qrow: "Didnt Tai ever tell you not to play in the rain?"
  22. Yang(Wringing out her hair and ignoring Qrow): "Where is everyone the halls are dead?"
  23. Clover: "If not in there towers or rooms there prob in training. Not much to do when Mistral weather comes in."
  24. Platina: "Not too much longer and the blizzards will be here."
  25. Volk: "Lets hope our enemy waits till after those blow by."
  26. *As the others talk Yang sits down next to Qrow*
  27. Yang: "Have you seen Ruby today?"
  28. Qrow(Taking a swig): "Last I saw her she was with the scrawny blond and your new friend."
  29. Yang: "What about Riley?"
  30. Qrow: "Havent seen em."
  31. Clover(from other side of the table): "Training Room."
  32. Yang(back across the table): "Thank you."
  33. *Yang leaves the table and makes her way to the Training room. As she gets close she hears the echo of gunshots*
  34. Yang: "Well this should be good."
  36. Yang walks in, a decent amount of people against the wall some cheering. Punching bags where scattered around the room. Yang quickly walk to the first person she spotted that she knew, Jaune.
  38. Yang(slapping Jaunes shoulder): "Hey Jaune. Whats happening?"
  39. Jaune(jumping slightly): "Oh hey Yang. Riley versus Ruby and Cyan."
  40. Yang: "Why Ruby and Cyan?"
  41. Jaune: "Riley made them a team this morning."
  42. Yang: "Well how come nobody told me?!."
  43. Jaune: "I did and you were like "thats great" and went right back to sleep."
  45. A bright blue right dashes past them weaving through the Punching bags. Gunfire echoes though out the room as Cyan opens fire at Riley, who spins his halberd blocking the bullets. Riley then side jumps behind a nearby bag as Cyan speeds past him. Ruby comes from out of nowhere on his side and aims low swiping at his feet but Riley narrowly jumps over it. Ruby slides by before spinning her scythe implanting it into the ground and firing at Riley. Riley Blocks it with his Halberd but is blow back by the force into another bag. As he looks back up he is greeted by two shot pistols point blank. Riley doesnt have time to move before Cyan blasts him with her pistols knocking him back. He quickly gets back up and jumps behind a nearby bag as a sniper shot speeds past him. Cyan and Ruby stand together a few feet away. Ruby nods at Cyan who grins before speeding towards the bag Riley is behind flipping over it and aiming her guns behind it midair. But Riley wasnt there. A look of puzzlement began to form on Cyans face before she felt something pull her down from her side hard. Cyan attempted to sweep Rileys leg as she got up but Riley placed the staff part of his halberd down blocking it. Ruby suddenly dashed from her earlier spot swinging her scythe. Riley prepares for the strike and deadlocks there weapons together. Ruby struggles slightly in their deadlock before spinning her scythe and pushing forward hard. Riley merely sidesteps and kicks Ruby at her back causing her to go flying into a few punching bags dropping her scythe. She hits one causing it to be pushed back as she starts to get up, but as she gets back to her feet the bag swings back around knocking her forward onto her face. When she looks back up Riley is holding Crescent Rose pointing the bladed part at Ruby slowly walking forward.
  47. Riley(hitting a bag aside): "That was not your brightest move Red."
  48. Ruby(sitting up rubbing the back of her head): "Yeah.. it went a little better in my head."
  49. Riley: "Your a great fighter Red, but your size will more then likely tip the odds against you in most situations. Theres your lesson from defeat today."
  50. Ruby(grinning): Who said WE were defeated?"
  52. Riley grins as the bag he hit aside moments earlier swings back around hitting Cyan in the side knocking her over. He turns slightly and points his halberd at her while still pointing the scythe at Ruby.
  53. Motari: "And thats match."
  55. *Riley hands Ruby back her scythe as both the girls stand*
  56. Riley: "For only being together a few hours, your teamwork was pretty impressive. Congratulations."
  57. Cyan: "What can I say we just sorta clicked ya know?"
  58. *Yang comes up from behind Ruby and bear hugs her*
  59. Yang(bearhugging): "Aw look at my little sister almost a full fledged Huntress."
  60. Riley: "Oh and how kind of you to finally join us Hotshot. *pulls out scroll and checks the time* At a nice and crisp 9:30 when the rest of us where here at 7."
  61. Yang: "Hey if someone would have woken me up like usual I would of been here."
  62. Jaune(from the stands): "I DID."
  63. Riley: "Either or bit to late to get a spar for you. We got a mission in 15. Thats you twos cue to get ready *pointing at Ruby and Cyan* get JNR and be at Vis lab in 15. We got a busy day today."
  64. Cyan and Ruby(doing salutes): "Yes sir!"
  65. Yang: "So im guessing im not part of this "we"?"
  66. Riley: "Nope. You have a different assignment."
  67. Yang: "Which is?"
  68. Riley(walking toward the room exit): "Walk and talk."
  69. *Yang follows Riley out into the halls*
  70. Riley: "Earlier this morning while you were busy getting your beauty rest-"
  71. Yang: "Are you still going on that?"
  72. Riley: "And will til your on time. Now as i was saying, 2 of our lookouts came back to base early. Claiming wind storms pushed them away from the tree."
  73. Yang: "Windstorms?"
  74. Riley: "You know the giant forces of wind that travel like storms?"
  75. Yang(not amused): "I got that part genius. What do you want me to do against wind storms?"
  76. Riley: "You arent going to do anything to the windstorms."
  77. *they continue walking for a few seconds*
  78. Riley: "You are going to be guarding the person whose going to handle the windstorm."
  79. Yang: "And that would be?"
  80. *Riley knocks on a door*
  81. Riley(knocking): "You ready yet?"
  82. Basil(through the door): "One second."
  83. Riley(turning to Yang): "Her."
  84. *Basil opens the door weapon on back*
  85. Riley: "Basil. Hotshot. Hotshot. Basil."
  86. Basil: "Rubys sister, Right?"
  87. Yang: "Yep the one and only. Thats uh quite the big sword you got there Basil."
  88. Basil: "Only 57 and a quarter pounds."
  89. Riley: "You two can chitchat later. Hotshot get ready you both better be out by five.*thunderclap* And id pack a rain coat."
  91. 5 Mins Later..
  93. Riley, Ruby, and Clover stood under the front gate as Basil and Yang approached them in rain coats.
  94. Yang: "Does this really need to be handled today? Cant it wait til its not Raining?"
  95. Clover: "Not Raining? in Mistral? Please."
  96. Riley: "I didnt think a little rain would put out your fire Hotshot."
  97. *Yang growls at Riley as Ruby hugs her*
  98. Ruby: "Be careful out there Yang."
  99. Yang(soft smile): "Dont worry baby sis *pokes her nose* Whens the last time i couldnt handle myself?"
  100. Riley: "But this time its not just yourself your responsible for. Anything happens to Basil and the punishments on you got it."
  101. *Yang nods*
  102. Riley(patting her shoulder): "You two stay alive. Got it?"
  103. Yang: "Got it."
  104. *Everyone turns to see Basil kissing clover on the cheek and hugging them*
  105. Riley(grinning): "If you two are done they best be on there way."
  106. *Clover adjusts his glasses and tries to hide his brush as Basil does the same*
  107. Clover: "Open the gates."
  108. Riley(as the gates are opening): "Better see you two soon."
  110. Riley, Ruby, and Clover watch as Yang and Basil disappear into the rain.
  111. Riley(Ruffling Rubys hair): "Come on Red. We got our own mission to do."
  113. Riley and Ruby arrive at Violets Lab. JNR, Violet and Qrow are standing near a Patrol Ship.
  115. Riley(throwing keys at Violet): "You Drive."
  116. Violet(Catching): "Aw Yeah."
  117. Riley(turning to confront everyone else): "Ren. Brief them."
  118. Ren(Nodding): "Two days ago, Onyx, Platina, and myself, scouted out a small factory near the outskirts of the main city. It appeared uninhabited at the time and Riley believes we could use it as a second base of operations."
  119. Riley: "But before it comes to that we have to make sure this place can function as a hideout."
  120. Jaune: "So were going into it to make sure its safe?"
  121. Riley: "Putting it simply, yes."
  122. Nora: "Oooh itll be just like exploring an ancient ruins!"
  123. Riley: "Glad to see someones excited for this. Everybody on board."
  124. *Everyone besides Qrow gather into the ship with Violet taking driver seat*
  125. Riley(Standing on the entrance ramp): "You coming Qrow?"
  126. Qrow(Drinking from flask): "Leave this shit hole for another? Pass."
  127. Riley: "Yea but at least its new and and you know nothing about it."
  128. *Qrow shrugs and follows Riley on Board. Everyone takes a seat with Vi and Qrow riding in the front and everyone else sits in the bay area*
  129. Violet(Over microphone): "Gooood morning passengers this is your captain speaking. Its a cool rainy day on our departure and im expecting it to take 17 minutes to get to our stop. Please keep all body parts in the ship and remember to buckle up well! Cause I have no idea how to drive this thing." *fire up engine with a small backfire*
  130. Jaune(Gulping): "Shes not serious, is she?"
  131. Riley(Grinning): "We're about to find out."
  132. *The ship suddenly lurches forward as Vi floors it. An unprepared Jaune gets pushed over onto the seats landing into Ren, Nora, and Cyans laps. Vi pulls out of home base and pulls up into the sky before the ship evens out and Jaune rolls onto the floor*
  133. Vi: "Sounds like someone didnt buckle up."
  135. A few minutes later..
  136. Everyone was now seated and buckled. Most people were staring out the window at the rain. Cyan was twirling a pistol on her finger and Riley was flipping a coin. A bright flash followed by a loud thunderclap rang through out the ship.
  138. Ruby: "Im not a pilot buuttt isnt it not safe to fly a small ship during a thunderstorm?"
  139. Vi(From driving spot): "Not in the slightest."
  140. Jaune: "But what if we get hit by lightning?!"
  141. Riley(coin flipping): "Between me and Nora, we have enough electrical interference to keep lightning away."
  142. Cyan(twirling gun): "Sounds to me you do an awful lot."
  143. Riley: "Versatility's the name of the game."
  144. Ruby: "Is that why you use so many weapons?"
  145. *Riley Grins*
  146. Vi: "Were on target Riley."
  147. Riley(Standing up putting the coin into his pocket): "Hover it 25 feet."
  148. Ruby: "We're Jumping?"
  149. Riley: "Dont slip off the roof anyone."
  150. *The bay door opens downward as rain fall fills there view*
  151. Riley(putting his hood up): "Any Volunteers?"
  152. *Jaune looks down and gulps*
  153. Nora(Moving to the front): "Dont forget your landing strategy guuyysss."
  154. Riley: "When you land head towards that roof access door. Bust it down if you have to."
  155. Nora(nodding): "You got it chief."
  156. Riley: "Go."
  157. Nora(jumping): "Wooohooooooo."
  158. *Everyone looks down as she lands*
  159. Riley: "Next?"
  160. *Cyan, Ren, and Qrow jump down after her and quickly running into the building after they land*
  161. Ruby: "Come on Jaune ill race you down."
  162. Jaune(looking down again): "Easy for you to say you know a *Riley hits him in the back and he falls off* Landiiinggggg *small thud*"
  163. *Riley and Ruby look down*
  164. Riley: "Im sure hes fine."
  165. Ruby: "Yeahh." *Ruby Jumps*
  166. Riley(Turning to Violet giving a quick salute falling backwards): "See you in an hour."
  168. *Riley lands on the building and rolls towards the roof access door* as he enters he pulls his hood back down and closes the door behind them leaving the stairway pitch black*
  170. Jaune: "Anyone bring a flashlight?"
  171. *a small snap echos in the air and a yellow light fills the room from Rileys glow stick. He proceeds to throw one to everyone as the stairway eventually fills with greenish-yellow lights*
  173. Riley: "These will last for 2 hours. Should me more then enough time to find a source of power."
  174. Ruby: "So where to then?"
  175. Riley: "All the way down, to the lobby. We'll start our search there. Keep your weapons ready, we may not be alone here."
  177. A few floors below...
  178. The room was dark, very dark, only illuminated by the light of a single computer monitor. Standing in front of the monitor, was a man dress in dark clothes, a ragged torn, black cloak over his back and a grim mask covering his face. He stared at the monitor watching the little green bar ever so slowly fill. His scroll on the table vibrated.
  180. Cinder(over phone): "Report."
  181. Man: "34%."
  182. Cinder: "Good. Make sure the download is, uninterrupted, Mercer,"
  183. Mercer: "Expecting interruptions?"
  184. Cinder: "The White Fang spotted a small ship flying towards the building."
  185. Mercer: "If there are any, Interruptions, can i deal with them?"
  186. Cinder: "The Data is the top priority, But if its a silver eyed girl, then yes."
  187. Mercer(walking away from the computer): "Consider her gone."
  188. *Mercer walks through a nearby wall and disappears*
  190. Back in the lobby...
  191. The group was spread out over the main lobby, looking at whatever they found, mainly for a source of power. Jaune wipes some dust off of a main desk and notices a symbol
  192. Jaune: "Schnee Dust Company?"
  193. Riley: "Was a paperwork place for them. Decided which placements got which shipments and what not."
  194. Nora: "Found something!"
  195. *Nora brings over a rolled up piece of paper and lays it on a table as everyone gathers around."
  196. Nora: "Im not sure on what its mapping but power is on it!"
  197. Qrow: "Its a map of the electrical grid for this place."
  198. Riley: "Where did you find this Nora?"
  199. Nora: "On one of the desks over there."
  200. Jaune: "So someone had it out before they abandoned the place?"
  201. Riley: "Or someone did after."
  202. *Qrow spreads over a table as everyone gathers around*
  203. Riley: "Looks like there are two generators in the basement. Circuitory switch is in the Executive Overlook." *points to some windows above*
  204. Jaune: "Why does the basement split down the middle of the building?"
  205. Riley: "Not just the basement, its as if the whole building is split down the middle."
  206. Cyan: "But why?"
  207. *Ruby takes her glowstick and walks towards the dividing wall. She approaches the door and brushes dust of the sign*
  208. Ruby: "Administration Only."
  209. Riley(walking over to join her): "Keycard access. Cant do a thing to it until the power is on. *turns back to the group* JNR, take the western generator. Probably gonna need Nora to jump start it. Red, Cyan, you two get to the overlook and get ready to flp the switch when me and Nora are ready. Qrow, with me. Everyone stay alert."
  210. *Everyone nods and goes off to there assigned areas. Jaune opens the door to the basements stairway with a grunt. a few small Nevermores fly out startling him before they descend. Riley pulls out one of his Gunblades and slashes the lock before kicking his door open. Cyan and Ruby both take the stairs to find a way to the overlook*
  212. Ruby and Cyan Open every door they come across checking for the overlook. They eventually find a door with a keycard access.
  213. Cyan(groaning and pulling out one of her pistols and shooting the handle): "Heres you bloody keycard."
  214. *Cyan pushes the door open*
  215. Cyan(bowing to Ruby): "Ladies first."
  217. Ruby enters the dark room first followed by Cyan. the light from there glowsticks reflect off the glass overlook,
  219. Ruby(to scroll): "Were in."
  220. Riley(Scroll): "Roughly 2 mins for me. how about you Jaune?"
  221. Jaune(Scroll): "Same time. I think."
  222. Riley: "Find a switch that says Central circuitry Unit and wait for my signal to pull it."
  223. Ruby: "Rodger."
  225. Riley and Qrow arrive at a generator room.
  227. Riley: "Look at this dinosaur. It might even be older then you Qrow."
  228. Qrow: "Yeah? and it probably works better then you still."
  229. Riley: (to scroll while Ignoring Qrow with a small grin and): "Were in position. Jaune where are you?"
  230. Jaune(Scroll): "Almost there. Were just having problems with this do-"
  231. *a small quake shakes the building*
  232. Jaune(scroll): "Uh Never mind. Were here."
  233. Riley(scroll): "Put Nora on."
  234. Nora(scroll): "Yes chief?"
  235. Riley(scroll): "See the top part of the generator with the coil around it?"
  236. Nora(scroll): "Yes sir?"
  237. Riley(scroll): "On my signal zap it with whatever you can muster. Red find that switch?"
  238. Ruby(scroll): "Waiting on your signal."
  239. *Riley tosses his scroll to Qrow and nods to him putting his hand on the coil*
  240. Qrow(scroll): "Start it Nora."
  241. *both Nora and Riley start channeling electricity into the generators*
  242. Qrow(scroll): "Hit it Ruby."
  244. Ruby pulls the switch, small lights shine over Riley, Qrow, and JNR as the overlook becomes flooded with light. Main lobby lights start flickering on.
  245. Cyan(scroll): "Everythings nice and shining up here Ri-"
  246. Ruby quickly jerks Cyan down as the glass in front of them shatters as a shotgun shell blasts it. Ruby and Cyan quickly turn around to see a masked man holding two shotguns at them.
  248. Riley(from scroll): "What was that?"
  249. Mercer: "Pretty quick for a small fry."
  250. *Ruby and Cyan quickly draw there weapons*
  251. Mercer: "Make my day."
  253. Mercer opens fire at both of them, Ruby and Cyan tap there sembalance speeding in separate paths around the shots. Ruby dashes next to Mercer and slashes at him with her scythe, but it goes straight through him. Mercer laughs as he hits ruby across the face with the side of his shot gun. Cyan opens fire at Mercer but he just turns his attention to her as the bullets fly through him. Mercer aims both shotguns at her and fires. Cyan dashes out of the way jumping onto a table in the room. Mercer continues firing at Cyan as she dashes around him. Cyan switches her pistols to shot gun mode and turns sharply dashing straight for Mercer. She shoves the guns as far into his chest as she can, but goes straight through him entirely. Mercer turns around and kicks at Cyans shin causing her to drop to One knee. He lines up his shotgun with her face as Ruby dashes into him pushing him into the wall. Grunting Mercer stands back up and starts firing at Ruby, who spins her scythe to block the shotgun pellets before digging her scythe into the ground and firing around herself. Mercer runs forward and lets the bullet go straight through him and swings his guns at Ruby who ducks sideways and pulls her scythe out the ground and spins it knocking his shot gun to the side before spinning it around her body slashing at Mercer, but he jumps over the slash and lands on her scythe pinning it down. Cyan opens fire on Mercer but he goes intangible again causing Rubys scythe to come free. Cyan rushes Mercer as he aims one shotgun at each of them and fires, Cyan sliding under the shot and aiming both of her pistols at Mercer from below him as Ruby blocks the shot. Mercer fires 2 shots at the ceiling causing tiles to fall on top of Ruby while swiping both of Cyans pistols away with his other gun. Mercer digs his shot gun into her chest as a scythe swings at him from the side knocking him off her. Qrow stands in front of Cyan Weapon raised at Mercer as Ruby starts to move out from under the ceiling tiles. A beeping sound comes off of Mercers belt as he sighs.
  255. Mercer(Walking backwards): "Looks like this will have to wait, Bird of Prey."
  256. *Mercer fades through the wall*
  257. Cyan: "What the goddy hell was that?"
  258. Qrow: "Im not sure."
  259. Ruby: "Wheres Riley and Jaune and the others?"
  260. *Jaune, Nora, and Ren burst through the door*
  261. Jaune: "What happened?"
  262. Ruby: "Some masked guy attacked us."
  263. Cyan: "Guy? That thing had to be a goddy ghost almost all of our attacks went right through him."
  264. Ren: "Wheres Riley?"
  265. Qrow: "Ran into a few Grimm on the way back. Riley told me to go on ahead."
  266. Jaune: "Is he okay?"
  267. Riley(at the doorway): "Peachy. Now what happened up here?"
  268. Nora: "Cyan and Ruby where attacked by a ghost!"
  269. Riley(unamused): "I dont believe in those kinds of ghosts."
  270. Ruby: "Everything we threw at him went straight through him."
  271. Riley: "Qrow?"
  272. Qrow: "The guy walked through a solid wall Riley."
  273. Riley: "Alright. Why?"
  274. Cyan: "Something beeped on his belt."
  275. Jaune: "So he must of been on a schedule."
  276. Ruby: "Which brings the question. Why was he here?"
  277. Riley: "Vi will be back for us in 20 minutes, everyone search the building. Be topside in 15."
  278. *Everyone nods and splits up*
  280. Cyan made a beeline straight for the Admin. Room, Ruby following.
  282. Ruby: "Cyan wait we dont even have a keycard to open the door."
  283. *Cyan takes out one of her pistols and shoots the lock*
  284. Cyan: "Sometimes i wonder if Im the only one around Here with brains ya know?"
  285. *Cyan and Ruby walk through the door into a dark room, tripping over some knocked over chairs and each other*
  286. Ruby: "Ow. Watch it Cyan."
  287. Cyan: "Hehe sorry there love."
  288. *They continue walking through the room before Cyan trips on another chair onto Ruby, who knocks stuff off a nearby desk.*
  289. Ruby: "Cyan!!"
  290. Cyan(rubbing her head with an embarrassed laugh): "My apologies."
  291. *the lights come on*
  292. Riley(at the door): "If you two needed some.. Alone time. Im sure it could of waited til we got back."
  293. Cyan: "Aye didnt you and Yang shag in a utility closet or was that my imagination?"
  294. *Riley raises an eyebrow at her*
  295. Ruby: "wait what."
  296. Riley: "Moving on. lets see what the admins where hiding in here."
  298. Not long after looking they found a broken computer.
  299. Riley: "Definitely a shotguns handy work."
  300. Cyan: "Got the monitor and the Module."
  301. Riley: "Something was on this comp that someone didnt want anyone to see."
  302. Ruby: "Download?"
  303. Cyan: "Or upload."
  304. Ruby: "But what can you upload into Schnee Dust Company?"
  305. Riley: "The issue with that is, *turns computer around showing an Atlas symbol* Not a Schnee computer."
  306. Cyan: :So Atlas may be in trouble."
  307. Riley: "Yep."
  308. Ruby: "We have to warn them."
  309. Riley: "Already working on it, now come on we got 4 minutes til Vi shows up."
  311. Later..
  312. Violet lands the patrol ship in her work bay and everyone gets out. Everyone but Riley goes to the cafeteria for lunch.
  314. Arslan: "Hey Ruby. Howd the mission go?"
  315. Ruby: "It went well enough i guess."
  316. Arslan(serving food): "Something happen?"
  317. Cyan: "Ill say. Some spooky ghost attacked us."
  318. Arslan: "A ghost?"
  319. Cyan: "Mhm went through walls and everything."
  320. Qrow(walking by): "Theres no such thing as ghost."
  321. Cyan: "Yeah? Explain why we couldn't touch him."
  322. Qrow: "Im not sure. I could just fine. Maybe you two just weren't good enough."
  323. Cyan(raising her tray): "Why I outta-"
  324. Riley: "Alright you two break it up. Everyone be ready, after chow its back to training."
  325. Nora: "Whaaat dont we get a break?"
  326. Riley: "Do Grimm take a break?"
  327. Ruby: "Well they sleep."
  328. Riley: "And you can sleep during lights out. Now chop chop burning daylight."
  330. Later....
  331. Ruby collapsed on the bed in exhaustion with an oof. Similar sounds coming from the other beds in the room.
  332. Janue: "That..was brutal."
  333. Nora: 'I cant feel."
  334. Ruby: "Atleast theres no training in the morning."
  335. Nora: "You mean atleast were not Cyan. Shes still stuck with that tyrant."
  336. Ren: "I think thats a bit to strong a word Nora."
  337. *few seconds of silence*
  338. Ruby: "Hey, why do you think Riley kept her?"
  339. *silence*
  340. Ruby(closing eyes): "Guess thats my cue to join them"
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