
Info On Nyssira's Order

Jul 26th, 2017
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  1. 1) Named: Order Of The Platinum Scale (Bahamut is a Lawful Good platinum dragon god, get it, get it)
  3. 2) The order wasn't originally a religious one, more a philosophical one; the original motivation for the founding of the order was that they found his ideals, mannerisms, and concepts honorable and worthy of emulating, and over time this began leaning more and more towards religious behaviors and worship
  5. 2.5)
  7. 3) It's been around for roughly 5ish generations?? timelines aren't real
  9. 4) Situated relatively near a dwarven city (names are also not real), so while the split between Dragonborns and Non-Dragonborns is almost but not quite 50/50, most of those are dwarves
  11. 5) It's fairly well known and word has spread beyond the like state-sized area around it thanks to some of the people there or in the dwarven city spreading the word beyond it when they travel and talk about it
  13. 6) Not everybody there is part of the order per-say, because part of how they keep around with the help of the dorf city and they have a kind of economy-sized version of a barter system with them to be included/mentioned on trade routes, they trade goods and services, they can be like an optional training school for people, they help keep the area's roads and lands safe, etc
  15. 7) Everyone who is taken into the order itself and stays within it (rather than say dropping out or breaking the ethics code or something, you're allowed to physically leave) is given an amulet, ring, or bracelet with a small container that contains some ashes of the founder and other heroes of the order. The amulet is like a locket, the ring is like one of those poisoner's rings, etc, but sealed shut, and there's an engraved symbol of bahamut on the surface.
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