
Client - Sly[EM] Server - Sage[TG]

May 3rd, 2015
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  1. There's a ping from each of your computers as a new chat window pops up automatically. On Sage's screen, there's a window with a house and a boy in it, along with a few different menus that she can click on. Sage puts down the blue celery she was previously holding. She flips her head over to the machine with a countdown timer in the corner of her room, and sees that the timer is over. Guess... she lived? She looks back at the computer. She sees a boy sitting at a desk. The celery disappears moments later, leaving no trace behind.
  3. [TG] Uhhh... hello?
  5. Sage starts fiddling with some of the controls. She pans through the menus and sees machines similar to the ones in her room. This must be what Alex saw when she was playing the game.
  7. [TG] Hi?
  8. [TG] Are you there?
  10. Sly hears a ping on his computer and notices a new message from his chat window.
  12. [EM] Oh, hey sorry.
  13. [EM] I didn't see the message notification pop up.
  14. [TG] No problem!
  15. [TG] But we have to get a move on I think.
  16. [TG] Do you know what is going on?
  17. [TG] I can see you right now on my screen.
  18. [EM] Oh right, so it's my turn to run around doing confusing shit?
  19. [TG] Eeeeeexactly.
  20. [TG] But idk if you need to be confused.
  21. [TG] I think I get what's going on.
  22. [TG] I have to place these machines...
  23. [EM] Well, great. I guess we know what we are doing yeah. The guy I was doing stuff with barely finished whatever it is we are doing with 5 seconds on the timer.
  25. Sage picks the cruxtruder icon on the menu and moves it into his room. There is a loud THUMP as it hits the floor, appearing out of nowhere. Sly backs away moving away from the machine.
  27. [TG] Oh sorry I didn't really think it would just place itself!
  28. [TG] Are you okay?
  29. [EM] Yeah, uh
  30. [EM] You missed me. Just.
  31. [EM] My bed seems to be flat now though, so I guess I wont be sleeping in that any time soon.
  32. [TG] Uhh...
  33. [TG] Sorry.
  34. [TG] Do you have any suggestions for the other machines?
  35. [TG] On where to put them?
  36. [TG] Your house is huuuuuuuge.
  37. [EM] I guess one could go in the landing outside my room and the other could go in my brothers room, the room to the left of my one.
  38. [TG] Uhh ok. Let me just...
  40. Sage scrolls in the program slightly outside of EM's room. There is a large hallway. Sage thinks that this will be big enough for that last large platform machine. The one that the giant celery came out of. Man, nothing makes sense today. This must be a dream of some sort, she thinks, like the one she had about the owls.
  42. [EM] Okay, you get on with that then. I'll see about opening this thing up.
  43. [TG] OK!
  45. The alchemiter lands with a loud thump, blocking off the path into the main part of the house.
  47. [TG] Oh geez loise that was the doorway.
  48. [TG] Man Alex made this look so easy.
  49. [TG] Do you know Alex?
  50. [TG] Oh wait you can't read this.
  52. Meanwhile Sly climbs up on to the cruxtruder to get a good grip and tries pulling the lid off. Nothing happens, the top staying stubbornly in place. Sage goes to try and move the machine blocking the doorway. Maybe she can just... push... it a bit. The screen flashes, Not enough Grist! Sly thinks about what to do and moves back to his computer.
  54. [EM] Yo, would you be able to knock the lid off this thing?
  56. Sage tries clicking on the machine in EM's room. Nothing really happens, the game just telling you you don't have enough Grist to move the machine again. Sage tries clicking harder. Same result, nothing happens
  58. [TG] When I did it I just hit it really hard with a scythe.
  59. [TG] Do you have anything you can hit it with?
  60. [EM] I have a shotgun and I'm fairly scared to hit that against something. I guess I could use my desk chair?
  61. [TG] Wait let me just...
  63. Sage tries and picks up his chair. She is able to pick the chair up with ease, the game not seeming to mind that. Sly just sees a floating chair. Sage pushes the chair towards the machine with her cursor.
  65. [EM] Oh, okay, you can try it too, that's cool.
  67. d20 DICE roll of 3
  69. The chair bounces off the top of the cruxtruder harmlessly, doing nothing.
  71. [TG] Huh.
  72. [TG] Do you have anything heavier?
  73. [EM] I mean, there was the bed but yeah. I guess my cupboard?
  74. [TG] OK staaaaand back.
  76. Sly backs up against his window. Sage picks up the cupboard and attempts to really ram it against the machine.
  78. d20 DICE roll of 16
  80. Success! The cupboard splinters when it hits the top of the machine, but the top pops off with a flash. Out comes a light green glowing orb.
  82. [TG] Yes!!!
  83. [EM] Oh sweet, awesome.
  84. [EM] Can you just place that back down so you don't kill me though, if that is alright?
  86. Sage attempts to gently place the cupboard down.
  88. d20 DICE roll of 1
  90. The cupboard falls to the floor with a loud thump, pretty much exploding the rest of the way.
  92. [EM] ...
  93. [TG] ...
  94. [EM] Smooth, dude.
  95. [TG] I don't really, uh, play many games.
  97. On the cruxtruder, the time has appeared. It says 4 minutes.
  99. [TG] 4 minutes.
  100. [EM] Oh, right, okay lets get on with this.
  101. [EM] What should we do next?
  102. [TG] You have to put something in that light ball...
  103. [EM] Oh right, yeah.
  104. [TG] And you need that... oh right!
  105. [TG] I'm supposed to do that.
  107. Sage places the pre-punched card into Sly's room.
  109. [EM] Oh right, thanks
  110. [EM] Now, what do I place in the orb?
  111. [EM] The orb thing turns in to whatever I place in there right?
  112. [TG] Yeah mine turned into a scythe after I attacked it with a scythe.
  113. [TG] Thinking about ittttt.
  114. [TG] In the moment I was really freaked out about the light thing.
  115. [TG] But from this screen it looks pretty harmless.
  116. [TG] Anyways...
  118. Sage goes back to looking at the hallway. The plaform machine is still blocking the doorway. Sage looks at the controls again. She tries clicking around the machine in hopes something will happen, but nothing does. Sage again fiddles with the controls, and somehow makes a wall appear that blocks off the hallway entrance.
  120. [EM] What was that?
  121. [TG] Uhh... you wouldn't happen to know how to delete walls in this game would you?
  122. [TG] Cause I think I may have sort of trapped you in your room.
  123. [EM] Oh my god.
  124. [EM] Can you like smash the wall?
  125. [TG] Oh hey now THERE's a plan.
  126. [EM] But first let me sort this out
  127. [EM] I don't want this orb to turn in to a chunk of wall.
  129. Sage looks around for a heavy object. In Sly's brother's room she spies a bed. She tries to pick it up. She picks up the bed easily.
  131. [EM] How about I use this stormtrooper cosplay helmet?
  132. [TG] Like from Star Wars? Wow how nerdy.
  133. [TG] Yeah just toss it in I guess.
  134. [EM] Well, with half my room destroyed I don't have much to work with.
  135. [TG] Heh yeah...
  137. Sly picks up the helmet and throws it at the orb.
  139. d20 DICE roll of 8
  141. The throw falls short, the helmet bouncing harmlessly of the floor.
  143. [EM] Uh, oops. Hang on.
  144. [EM] I've never been good with throwing.
  146. The timer reads 3 minutes.
  148. [TG] Haha ok. Hey don't be alarmed by any noises I'm going to try and fix this.
  150. Sly picks up the helmet from the floor and tries placing it in the orb. The orb is just slightly out of EM's reach, floating somewhere near the ceiling. Sage picks up the bed again and throws the bed against Sly's brother's door. She doesn't want to mess with Sly's room for the time being so she is careful to avoid his room.
  152. d20 DICE roll of 1
  154. The bed bounces ineffectively off the door, doing nothing but messing up the sheets. Sage pulls the bed to the back of the room and then slings it forward. Sly tries jumping up to reach the orb, waving the helmet in the air.
  156. d20 DICE roll of 8
  157. d20 DICE roll of 16
  159. The bed hits the door harder, leaving a dent, but still just bounces off. Meanwhile EM makes an impressive leap upwards, finally touching the orb with the helmet and it flashes brightly before suddenly being a floating helmet.
  161. The timer reads 2:15.
  163. [EM] Okay, I got it. Heh, it looks fucking rad.
  164. [EM] Now please get me out of here!
  166. SAGE REALLY PUSHES THE BED AT THAT DOOR. She does so wildly, getting frustrated.
  168. [EM] I'm just gonna... lie down.
  169. [TG] On the ground?
  171. Sly lies under the desk, hoping Sage wont end up getting him killed.
  173. [TG] Looks pretty comfy under there.
  175. d20 DICE roll of 15
  177. The bed flies through the wall beside the door, landing basically on top of the desk and trapping EM underneath it. There is now a large hole in the wall
  179. [TG] OMG ARE YOU OK???
  181. Sage quickly goes to pick up the bed.
  183. d20 DICE roll of 1
  185. Sage grabs the bed and it gets flung wildly to the side, embedding it into the other wall. Sly climbs out from underneath his desk and goes to his computer.
  187. [EM] ...
  188. [EM] I hope you aren't doing this on purpose.
  189. [TG] No no I am really trying!
  190. [TG] Why is this so hard?
  191. [EM] I have no idea. At least you got a hole in the wall, well, both walls.
  193. The timer reads 1:30.
  195. Sage goes to deploy the other lathe machine in Sly's brother's room. Luckily there is a bed-shaped space available... The totem lathe lands with a thump. However, the cruxite dowels seem to have not popped out and are stuck inside the machine
  197. [TG] OK machines all set!
  198. [TG] Now you just need to put that cylinder...
  199. [TG] What where's the cylinder?
  200. [EM] Okay, the card is here.
  201. [EM] Wait, what?
  202. [EM] Holy fuck.
  203. [TG] The... you know, the thing you put on the lathe?
  204. [EM] Yeah, I know. Ugh, you try and find it I'm going to place the card in the card holder.
  205. [TG] Okay...
  207. Sly walks over to the lathe and places the card in the card holder. Sage can just see the bit of color past the lip of the opening in the cruxtruder. She also notices the wheel on the side of the machine. Sage tries to click on the wheel and spin it. You don't have enough grist to do that! Sly walks back over to his computer.
  209. [EM] Did you find anything?
  210. [TG] Well it looks like the cylinder is stuck. Can you try and twist the wheel on the side of the machine on your bed?
  211. [EM] Uh, yeah sure.
  213. Sly walks over to the cruxtruder and tries turning the wheel clockwise.
  215. d20 DICE roll of 14
  217. The wheel slowly turns with some difficulty before a dowel finally pops out
  219. [TG] Yeah!!!
  220. [TG] You the man!
  221. [TG] Now go put it on the lathe!
  223. Sly gives a thumbs up and grabs the dowel. He then runs over to the lathe. For a second he forgets about what to do but then places the lathe in the machine and turns the wheel on the side.The lathe starts up, turning the dowel into some sort of modern art looking thing
  225. 1 minute.
  227. [TG] Hey one minute hurry up!!
  228. [TG] I don't even know what happens at the countdown but I've heard it's not good.
  230. In the distance, Sly hears an explosion and crashing as something hits the earth. He grabs the dowel. Swearing to himself, he heads out of his brother's room and places the dowel on the alchemiter pad. A light green tree pops up on the pad, with many different types of fruits hanging from the branches. There's an apple, a banana, a pear, and a pineapple. Sly thinks for a second then tries picking the fruit off the tree. They all come off easily enough but nothing really happens.
  232. Sage ignores what Sly is doing, but watches as her screen shakes a bit. She zooms out in order to see what could have done that. She zooms out pretty far and is given a view of his whole house. She can see smoke in the sky above the house, obscuring her view of what's happening some.
  234. 30 seconds
  236. Through the smoke she sees a huge crater next to his house. That's what the countdown was for? Meteors?! Sage zooms back in.
  238. [TG] Hey Sly you have to hurry up!!!
  240. Sly throws them on the floor and tries stepping on them. He is really agitated. All that happens is EM hurts his feet from the hard fruit.
  242. [TG] What's with the fruit?
  243. [TG] Why are you stepping on them? You should eat them that's what I had to do.
  245. 20 seconds
  247. Sly with caution picks up the apple and cautiously tries biting in to it. There's a flash of white as the smell of smoke goes away and the world gets quiet.
  249. END OF DAY 1D
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