
Blue-Blooded Rivals Pt. 3

Sep 17th, 2013
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  1. >"Anon, you never told me your friend was Prince Blueblood!" Twilight says in a whispery yell.
  2. >You shake your head as you take a sip of punch.
  3. "Well... is it really that big of a deal?"
  4. >"Yes!" she cries. "He's royalty! And a snob! How did you meet him!?"
  5. "Whoa, hey, an Average Joe can't be friends with royalty?"
  6. >You look over to your friend, who is awkwardly standing in the middle of the room, looking over periodically to Rarity.
  7. >Seems like he desperately wants to make amends with her.
  8. "Plus, he isn't a snob. Not anymore, anyway."
  9. >You take one more sip of punch.
  10. >It's damn good.
  11. >Twilight looks over to Blueblood as well.
  12. >"...Well, the Blueblood I know wouldn't be caught dead at a commoner's party, that's for sure..."
  13. >You nod.
  14. >"You still never answered my question... how did you meet him?"
  15. >With a scrunched face, you wave her off.
  16. "It's a long story, not worth telling, really."
  17. >"Oh Anon, I'm certain it would be."
  18. >You laugh.
  19. "Maybe another time, Twi. Now, if you'll excuse me..."
  20. >You pat Twilight on the back once or twice before stepping out further into the room.
  21. >Approaching a nervous Blueblood, whose eyes are still locked to Rarity, you kneel down.
  22. "Gimme the scoop, bud."
  23. >He turns to you, just a tad surprised.
  24. >"Oh, hello Anon," he greets, before looking back to Rarity. "The 'scoop'? Well, I'm not sure... I'm nervous..."
  25. >You rub your chin, also looking over to the white p0ny.
  26. >She's conversing with Pinkie Pie across the room.
  27. "You have a thing for her?"
  28. >He recoils a little bit, giving you a look.
  29. >"For Rarity? Good heavens, no Anon." He refocuses his attention to her once more. "She's attractive, this is certain... but she isn't my type. I'm merely nervous to apologize. This conversation can't be anything but awkward."
  30. >You nod your head to the beat of the background music.
  31. "Well, like my old man used to say, 'It's only awkward if you make it awkward.'"
  32. >You stand back up and push him with your leg.
  33. "Go. Do it. Get it over with. You got this, man."
  34. >He lurches forward a bit from your pushing, then gets the hint, picking up his hooves and traveling over to the mare.
  35. "'Atta boy."
  36. >You step off to the side, spotting Applejack and joining her off in the corner of the room.
  37. >She notices you and greets with a smile and a tip of her hat.
  38. >"Well howdy there, Anon," she says as you lean up against the wall with her. "Havin' a good time?"
  39. >You finish off your punch.
  40. "Sure am, AJ."
  41. >You lean over to her, pointing and showing her the nervous stallion approaching Rarity.
  42. "Just in time for the show."
  44. >All of your nerves rattle against each other.
  45. >Oh... how could you possibly make amends with this mare?
  46. >She'll never forgive you for what you did... why are you even trying?
  47. >Maybe you should just--
  48. >"Hiya princey!" Pinkie Pie chirps.
  49. >It shocks you, and you shake yourself out of your mild daze.
  50. >You're already here.
  51. >...No turning back now.
  52. "Greetings, Pinkie."
  53. >You say with a small bow.
  54. "A lovely gathering you've made, thank you for having me."
  55. >"Oooooo," she says with a rounded mouth, followed by a cheerful smile. "I'm glad it's snazzy enough for you! So you're the friend Anon's been talking about?"
  56. >You smile, noticing Rarity pretending not to notice.
  57. >It looks like something in your behavior has caught her attention though.
  58. "Um, yes, that is correct. He and I are rather close."
  59. >You bite your tongue a bit.
  60. "Listen, Pinkie..."
  61. >It's hard to deal with this awkward tension.
  62. "...Would it be alright if this lovely mare here and I had a conversation alone?"
  63. >Rarity's eyebrows rise, knocking her expression from the passive aggressive state they seemed cemented in. Although, she still isn't looking at you.
  64. >Pinkie simply giggles.
  65. >"You're much more charming than I remember!" She begins trotting off. "Bye!"
  66. >You wave goodbye with a smile, then turn to the white mare, still not meeting your eyes.
  67. >You clear your throat.
  68. >She casually moves her eyes to you, then back away.
  69. >She shoots a breath out of her nose.
  70. >"...Well... you seem a bit different from when I last met you..."
  71. >It catches you a little off guard.
  72. "Oh! Um, yes. A tad..."
  73. >"That's nice."
  74. >...
  75. >She stands there, staring off toward the rest of the party.
  76. >You scavenge your mind for things to say.
  77. "Rarity, allow me to say..."
  78. >For the first time, she fully looks over at you.
  79. >Oh boy, here we go...
  80. "About what happened at last year's Gala... I just want to say that..."
  81. >She glances away again.
  82. "...I'm sorry."
  83. >Her eyes shoot open.
  84. >"Pardon?" she asks, almost instantly.
  85. "I'm sorry."
  86. >You scrape the ground with a hoof.
  87. "How I acted was completely unacceptable... and completely unchivalrous. Not a way at all for someone such as myself to behave."
  88. >Rarity faces you once again. Her face gives the impression that she's near speechless.
  89. >She tries to cover her new expression up.
  90. >"...You did a lot of terrible things that night."
  91. >You sigh.
  92. "I'm aware. The insults, the belittlement... the cake... making you do all those tasks for me."
  93. >Her heavy breath slows a bit.
  94. "I don't fully expect you to accept my apology... just know that I acknowledge how horrid I acted, and that if I could change all of that, I would in a heartbeat."
  95. >She simply stares at you. She seems completely shocked.
  96. >Floored, even.
  97. >You can't help but laugh a little.
  98. "Did I... say something wrong?"
  99. >She looks into your eyes a little bit longer, then slowly shakes her head.
  100. >"No, you didn't... it's just that I..." She trails off.
  101. "...Rarity?"
  102. >She tilts her head a little. "What happened, Blueblood? Why this change?"
  103. >You smile, then look to the ground.
  104. "...I'm not sure myself, really. I've been... humbled, I suppose."
  105. >"Humbled..." she repeats. She too begins to smile just a little. "How did something such as that happen? Who or what could have changed the pampered prince?"
  106. >The pampered prince...
  107. >You look over to your companion, Anon.
  108. >He stands over against a wall with the orange mare.
  109. >He notices your eye, then gives a quick wave, followed by a wink and what he calls a 'Thumbs-Up.'
  110. "It's quite the long tale... I don't truly believe it appropriate for--"
  111. >Something passes you, catching your peripheral vision.
  112. "For..."
  113. >You're made speechless by somep0ny walking past.
  114. >Your eye is pulled from Anon to this yellow figure.
  115. >Rarity's smile fades, and she tilts her head in a confused manner.
  116. >This p0ny... she has a mane and tail of beautiful pink, and a coat of velvety yellow.
  117. >Her wings, signifying a pegasus, are folded gracefully by her side.
  118. >Her eyes are a deep teal, and are formed in such a way that convey a quaint, shy nature.
  119. >She looks to her left, then right, and takes a deep breath.
  120. >She tanks back her punch, which gives off a stronger scent than you've previously noticed, shakes her head, takes a deep breath, and continues walking.
  121. >Your eyes follow her as she moves.
  122. >She's heading toward your friend.
  123. >"...Prince Blueblood?"
  124. >You can barely hear her.
  125. >"Prince Blueblood?" Rarity repeats. It snaps you back to reality for a quick moment.
  126. >You fire off the only thing on your mind.
  127. "Rarity, who is that yellow mare over there?"
  128. >"...Pardon?"
  129. "The pegasus, over by Anon."
  130. >She looks over to the one you're referring to, then back to you.
  131. >She sighs in a somewhat disappointed manner.
  132. >"That's my friend Fluttershy. She was at the Gala with us last year."
  133. >Fluttershy...
  134. >...What a beautiful name.
  135. >A smile crosses your face.
  136. >"But... you don't have any interest in pegasi, do you Prince Blueblood?"
  137. >You turn back to Rarity.
  138. "For pegasi? Dear Rarity, a stallion should know better than to be selective based on a mare's race."
  139. >She stares into your eyes and sighs once more.
  140. >"I suppose you are quite different after all, aren't you?"
  141. >You don't say anything, only exhale and smile.
  142. >"Would you like me to introduce you? Or-- actually, maybe you could ask your friend Anon," she points you over in their direction, "they seem to be well acquainted already."
  143. >What?
  144. >You glance back over to Fluttershy, and your heart sinks just a little.
  145. >Oh...
  146. >Her and Anon are now on the dance floor, sharing a dance together.
  148. >You give your buddy a wink and a thumbs up.
  149. "He's got this..."
  150. >You mutter over to Applejack.
  151. >She laughs a bit.
  152. >"Ah hope he does... he's gunna need it if he wants to git on Rarity's good side."
  153. "She hold a grudge?"
  154. >"She sure does."
  155. "Ah... He's got it. Trust me. Guy's got a way with words."
  156. >"Ah recall Rarity tellin' me the opposite when-- well howdy there, Fluttershy."
  157. >Indeed, the timid yellow pegasus walks bashfully up to you two.
  158. "Hey Flutterbutter. Having a good time?"
  159. >She looks up to you with her big teal eyes.
  160. >"Y-Yes, I'm having a wonderful time... and you?"
  161. >You nod and smile.
  162. "Yeah, definitely. Just relaxing and having a chat with Applejack here."
  163. >She looks over to the orange mare next to you and smiles sheepishly.
  164. "What have you been up to?"
  165. >"Oh, not much... I've..."
  166. >She glances away quickly, then swipes the ground with her hoof bashfully.
  167. >"I've noticed that the music has b-been playing for a while though, a-and you haven't d-d-danced any yet..."
  168. >You lean back a little into the wall, and your smile grows across your face.
  169. >You know where this is going.
  170. >She's adorable.
  171. >"And I was wondering if... if... if maybe y-you wanted... if maybe... um..."
  172. >Her face turns beet red.
  173. >You laugh a little and shake your head, pushing yourself up off the wall.
  174. "Fluttershy, are you asking me to dance?"
  175. >She jumps up in surprise.
  176. >"Oh! Well, um... yes..." she confirms, in the smallest voice possible.
  177. >It warms your heart.
  178. "I'd love to."
  179. >In one swift motion, you scoop her up with an "eep" and let her go in mid air as you walk toward the dance floor.
  180. >Like before, he catches herself in the air with her wings, and you take hold of her front two hooves.
  181. >Her face turns a deep red once again and she glances away with a smile.
  182. >You get to the middle of the floor and stop.
  183. >This is a good spot.
  184. >Then, like high school dances all over again, you sway to the beat with her hooves in hand.
  185. >She starts to bob up and down as well, and even looks back at you.
  186. >She's finally starting to come out of her shell a bit.
  187. >It really seems to make her happy.
  188. >For the next fifteen minutes or so, you and Fluttershy dance together. Nothing too snazzy, risquΓ©, or impressive, just swaying back and forth with each other.
  189. >All the other p0nies think it's adorable.
  190. >But after a while, you grow a little weary and tired.
  191. >You release her hooves, which stay suspended for a moment where you left them.
  192. >You give her a deep, gentlemanly bow, mostly for jokes.
  193. "Thank you for this wonderful dance, Fluttershy."
  194. >She brings her hooves to her face, completely bashful again.
  195. >"Oh, um... um... y-you're welcome..."
  196. >You give her once last smile, then take your leave.
  197. >All that dancing has made you rather thirsty again.
  198. >You pass several p0nies on your way to the punch bowl, exchanging greetings, extremely mild conversation, and comments on how cute your dance was.
  199. >With a few more waves, you make it to the beverage area and pour yourself another glass.
  200. >Its fruity goodness is heaven.
  201. >You sigh happily, then look out to the party.
  202. >Seems lively, and everyone seems to be having a good time.
  203. >From the corner of your eye, you spy a white and blonde blur come your way.
  204. >It makes you smile.
  205. "Buddy,"
  206. >You announce when you see him enter your peripherals,
  207. "how went the talk?"
  208. >Blueblood sighs.
  209. >"It went well, my friend. It went well. I do believe she forgives me."
  210. >You take a sip of your punch and nod happily.
  211. "Damn straight, I knew she would. See? Wasn't so hard."
  212. >He laughs a little. "I dare say, it wasn't. I think she was rather shocked by my... change in personality."
  213. "Psh. Well, I think EVERYONE here is shocked by your change in personality."
  214. >"Yes... yes..."
  215. >He looks out to the dance floor.
  216. >"Say, Anon?"
  217. "Hmm?"
  218. >You give your friend your attention.
  219. >"That friend of yours... Fluttershy, I believe her name is..."
  220. "Ol' Buttershy? What about her?"
  221. >"Yes, her... I saw you two dancing, and... are you and her... "
  222. >He furls his brow, trying to find his wording.
  223. >"Do you two have a thing going on...?"
  224. >You exhale a short laugh and smile.
  225. "C'mon man... what have I always said?"
  226. >"...Yes, but... you were dancing, and--"
  227. "What have I always said?"
  228. >You love pressing him about this. He never seems to get it.
  229. >He sighs a bit with a little laugh.
  230. >"...'Momma didn't raise no horsefucker'... I must say, Anon, that phrase IS rather crude and offensive."
  231. >You wave him off.
  232. "It's just a joke, man. But in all honesty..."
  233. >You look to the mares in the room.
  234. "I just can't do it. No attraction."
  235. >You shake your head once more and take another sip.
  236. "I mean, I know you guys are sapient, and people just as much as me, but... human culture back on Earth dictates, and has trained me, that I can only be with another human girl. I just can't do it another way."
  237. >Blueblood shakes his head.
  238. >"...Every heart seeks and desires a companion, Anon..."
  239. "Yeah, well... I got five fingers, a palm, and vivid memories of my ex-girlfriend."
  240. >You pat Blueblood on the back.
  241. "That's all I'll ever need."
  242. >He shakes his head and laughs.
  243. >"So, that dance was...?"
  244. "Only for fun. Why do you care?"
  245. >You raise your eyebrows, then crack a shit-eating grin.
  246. "Does Prince Blueblood have a crush?"
  247. >He looks at you shocked for a moment, then gives a breathy laugh and turns away.
  248. >He steals a few glances toward Fluttershy, opening his mouth as if ready to speak, but says nothing.
  249. >You simply laugh.
  250. "I'll take that as a yes."
  251. >You pat him on the back once more and crouch down to his level. You both glance over to Fluttershy, located across the room, still with a big smile on her face.
  252. "Want me to introduce you to her?"
  253. >Blueblood turns to you, a small grin breaking out on his face.
  254. >"...Would you do that for me?"
  255. "Of course, buddy."
  256. >You stand to your feet and lightly grab his collar, pulling him along.
  257. >"H-Hey, right now?!"
  258. "Yes, right now! Come on!"
  259. >You let go of your grip with a laugh. Blueblood fixes his attire and nervously walks along with you.
  260. >As you pass through the crowd, the distance between you and your target lessens.
  261. >Fluttershy spots you two coming, and the smile across her face grows a little wider.
  262. "Heya Flutters,"
  263. >You greet, Blueblood still by your side.
  264. >He still looks a little shaken up.
  265. >...Man, this is the talking horse that walked all over p0nies when you first met him, and now he's all nervous about Fluttershy?
  266. >An odd thing attraction is.
  267. >"H-Hi Anon..." she says meekly, but happily, "back already?"
  268. "What can I say? You're irresistible."
  269. >She blushes deeply with a tiny squeak.
  270. >You glance over to your buddy with a grin.
  271. >His eyes reflect worry, but he looks up to you with a quick nod.
  272. "I wanted to introduce you to my friend I told you and Twi about: Prince Blueblood."
  273. >The mare looks to the nervous stallion, who gives her a formal bow.
  274. >"Oh, hello there..." she says, her smile fading just a tad. "I remember seeing you at the Gala."
  275. >Blueblood stops for a moment, then, it's as if something clicks in his head.
  276. >"Ah, yes... were you the lady with the animals? I do recall you too, actually."
  277. >She blushes, then turns to the side.
  278. >"Oh, yes, well... I was a little upset that night..."
  279. >Prince Blueblood laughs just a bit, seeming to loosen up. "Oh, you needn't worry... as Aunt Celestia said, it did liven up the night."
  280. >Fluttershy nods with a soft smile.
  281. >Fuck yeah, this seems to be going well.
  282. >Time to split.
  283. "Anyway..."
  284. >You begin,
  285. "I need to go talk to Twilight about something real quick."
  286. >You start taking your steps away. Fluttershy's eyes lock to you, and her mouth opens for a bit, as if she wants to say something.
  287. "Talk to you guys later!"
  288. >You see Blueblood wave to you before you turn your back and walk out into the party.
  289. >You quickly spot the purple mare talking to the weatherp0ny, Rainbow Dash, and make your way over.
  290. >They spot you coming and wave.
  291. "What's up, guys?"
  292. >You say, propping yourself up onto the wall next to them.
  293. >"Nothing too fancy, Anon, just hanging," Dash answers. "What are you up to?"
  294. "Not much, Rainbro."
  295. >You look over to where you just were, sneaking a few peeks at Blueblood and Fluttershy.
  296. >It's still looking fairly smooth. They're still talking, anyway.
  297. >"Something got your attention?" Twilight asks.
  298. >You wave it off.
  299. "Nah, just zoning out."
  300. >You give the mare a smile, then pretend to look off elsewhere.
  301. >Rainbow nods, then departs for a moment to grab some punch and socialize with other p0nies, leaving just you and Twilight.
  302. >"So Anon," she starts, "I was talking to Applejack, and she says you'll be working part-time at the farm."
  303. >You nod.
  304. "Yup, gotta earn those bits somehow."
  305. >Your eyes move to her.
  306. "Why, what's up?"
  307. >She smiles.
  308. >"Well, I was just wondering... I saw you write that letter by yourself pretty skillfully with your hand and... Spike can only do so much. I was wondering if you wanted to help me around the library with some research and note taking when you aren't helping Applejack."
  309. >You raise your eyebrows and smile.
  310. >"You'll be paid, of course!" she quickly throws in afterward.
  311. >You turn away, the smile on your face growing bigger.
  312. >Your hand pats her head a few times, and she cutely weasels her way out from under it with a laugh.
  313. "You just made life so much easier, you know that?"
  314. >Twilight giggles. "So... is that a yes?"
  315. "That's a yes."
  316. >You take a nice, deep breath and exhale happily.
  317. >Shit, things turned out so goddamn well here in P0nyville.
  318. >Hate to jinx it, but... fuck, what could go wrong?
  319. >You hang out with Twilight for a bit more, maybe half an hour, before things start to wind down.
  320. >P0nies have work in the morning, and many of them are starting to head out.
  321. >Prince Blueblood approaches you when you're discussing work matters with Twilight.
  322. >"Hello friend," he starts. You give him a wave, as does Twilight. "I'm afraid I must be going now... I have further work I must continue first thing tomorrow morning."
  323. >You get up off the wall.
  324. "No shit, huh? Well hey, I'll walk you out."
  325. >He bows his head a bit. "That would be swell, Anon."
  326. >You wave a quick goodbye to Twilight as you and Blueblood head toward the door.
  327. >You'll probably pop back in for a little bit once the prince here leaves, then head out yourself.
  328. >The cool night air greets you once again as you both begin walking into the square.
  329. "So... c'mon, gimme the deets."
  330. >Blueblood looks to you with a smile.
  331. "How'd it go?"
  332. >He laughs, then focuses ahead. A golden chariot with two pegasus guards awaits him.
  333. >"It went... well. The conversation was mostly one sided..."
  334. >You shrug.
  335. "She's just a shy p0ny."
  336. >"I figured that," he says with a chuckle. "Despite that, I very much enjoyed talking with her, and I think she did as well."
  337. >You nod with a smile.
  338. "I knew you could do it. I'll even wingman you when you're gone."
  339. >He approaches the chariot and climbs in.
  340. >"You'd do that for me? Truly you are the best of friends."
  341. "You know me!"
  342. >You say with a thumbs up and a wink.
  343. >He laughs and shakes his head. "Until next time, Anon! Farewell!"
  344. >You wave goodbye as the pegasus guards take to the air, carrying the chariot up deep into the black sky.
  345. >You watch for a moment, then exhale.
  346. >Rubbing your arms a bit for a little warmth, you decide to head back inside for just a tick more.
  347. >Maybe even do a little more wingmanning.
  349. >It's near the middle of the night when you finally decide to head home.
  350. >Anon had already left an hour or two prior, anyway...
  351. >You flutter quietly above the ground, making your way to the edge of P0nyville and to the path to your cottage.
  352. >Your hooves still tingle from his touch.
  353. >It was so... magical...
  354. >You swoon even thinking about it.
  355. >Seeing him for the first time, you never thought he would be so... attractive...
  356. >You're not even sure how... he's a totally different species!
  357. >But there's something about him that's just so...
  358. >...You shudder with happiness just thinking about him.
  359. >Soon, you can hear the soft running water of the stream by your cottage.
  360. >If only Prince Blueblood hadn't stolen you away from him for most of the night...
  361. >...He's nice, at least. Much nicer than when you saw him last, that's for sure.
  362. >But he's no Anon.
  363. >No one is Anon but Anon.
  364. >Anon Anon Anon.
  365. >You can feel the smile stretch your face as you unlock your door.
  366. >You'll have to think of ways you can get his attention.
  367. >So he can be all yours.
  369. End of Part 3
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