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Apr 17th, 2020
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  1. The root of it is capitalism. Wait, let me finish. Reddit is a corporation that continues to exist only because of ad revenue and big business investment. When you allow "problematic" (read: non-progressive) opinions on a website that depends on ads, you lose advertisers.
  3. See YouTube adpocalypse a couple years back because McDonald's got sick of their ads playing on videos about obesity and suicide, etc. This means that to have your video be monetized, you can't touch on controversial topics - controversial not to real human beings, but to advertisers and sponsors, like China by way of Tencent, etc. Which is why videos critical of China often get demonetized for example.
  5. The same thing on reddit. Wrong opinions in the spotlight loses ad revenue, so reddit tells moderators of the big subs what's going to be allowed and what's not if they want to stay "recommended". And jannies being jannies, can't live without their embarrassing power trip. This is why things can be massively upvoted in certain public subs but not reach the front page.
  7. This is how public opinion shifts, you see people only speak one extreme side of a conversation with the opposing viewpoint banned because it risks offending someone, so that opinion becomes normalized and that's the direction things go. It's not Jews, it's not some secret cabal, it's politically correct advertising. Don't risk stepping on anyone's toes because that loses money.
  9. Mass immigration? Can't be against it, it'd offend the migrants and their families. Giving toddlers drugs and hormones because sex change is the latest parenting fad after not vaccinating? Can't be against it, it'd offend the alphabet people. Free speech? That's dangerous, someone might say something to offend Burger King. Grotesque morbid obesity? It's a healthy lifestyle choice, can't risk offending 70% of the US by exposing them to reality.
  11. On the other hand there's people who just want to be heard and not marginalized. But their advertiser-unfriendly opinions get filtered, it pisses them off, and they become more extreme and stop caring about offending anyone or being reasonable. YouTube, Twitter, etc, don't want to lose all-important user numbers they present to advertisers, so they don't outright ban wrong opinions, they just marginalize them. Can't risk people switching to Voat, Gab, 4chan, etc.
  13. So you've got two extremes now, progressive people who aren't filtered (they filter themselves), people in the middle who get downvoted and learn to stay silent, and people who don't give a fuck anymore and act as rudely as possible just to piss the others off. /r/canada vs /r/metacanada, etc. This fuels the circlejerk.
  15. The only sources of unbiased conversation left are self-funded things and/or things too big too ignore. Joe Rogan, etc, which is why hardcore progressive types hate them.
  17. Sorry for the serious post in /r/drama
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