

Jul 8th, 2013
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  1. Session Start: Mon Jul 08 21:10:26 2013
  2. Session Ident: #Test_1032
  3. 03[21:10] * Now talking in #Test_1032
  4. 03[21:10] * Carissa ( has joined #Test_1032
  5. 03[21:11] * Josephine sets mode: +o Carissa
  6. 06[21:13] * @Carissa comes across the house, wary of her location... She had a few bags, and it was interesting to note how much stuff she really had stuffed in just a few bags. "Well... this is better than nothing." Quite better than nothing, actually, it was a beautiful home... in contrast to her clothes. She was wearing a short-sleeved New York Giants hoodie and a pair of
  7. [21:13] <@Carissa> long jeans, as she went up to the door and knocked.
  8. 06[21:19] * @Josephine looked up from her cooking and smiled a little as she heard the knock upon the door. "Coming." She called out as she turned the pasta sauce down on low before skipping toward the front door. Once she reached the front door she turned the handle and pulled it open. Her eyes quickly fell upon the young women. "Hello there, you must be Carissa."
  9. [21:20] <@Carissa> She looked up and waved. "You must be right! It's nice to meet you, miss...?"
  10. 06[21:23] * @Josephine could not help but smirk a little. "I'm Josephine." She said offering the young women her hand. "It a pleasure to meet you." She quickly followed up as she turned toward the social worker.
  11. [21:24] <@Carissa> She took that hand and shook it hard. Carissa loved to shake hands, looking around... "This is a lovely home, miss, the owners must be... um, loaded." Just from the look into the walkway, she could tell it was great. "May I come in?"
  12. 06[21:32] * @Josephine shook the girls hand and then ushered her into the room. "Yes please do come in," Once Carissa was in the house she walked over and picked up her bags. "I'll have one of the boys take these up to your room once they come back from doing there boy things." She said with a small smile. "Now lets go to the kitchen to have a girls talk."
  13. [21:34] <@Carissa> Ugh, one of these people... 'Girl talks', 'relating', they just tried so hard. She had lots of those at the carnival. "Alright, then, I suppose we can do that." She flashed a fake smile and waltzed in. "I suppose you don't get many girls in this home, from the way you're talking about boys." She was playing a hunch... but from the state of some of the rooms
  14. [21:34] <@Carissa> they walked by, possibly a good hunch.
  15. 06[21:42] * @Josephine looked over at Carissa and gave her a small smile. "We have a small population of girls. But the boys get paided a little extra for helping us out. Also the boys here are your bothers the girls are your sisters." She said in a firm but loving tone of voice. "Thing are different here than there are at other houses. People here come from all walks of life, some don't have alot, other have more than others. All are rich in love." She said once they crossed over into the kitchen.
  16. [21:46] <@Carissa> The smell of the tomato sauce was absolutely intoxicating. She loved it when there were good cooks in a home, it made it feel more like the carnival. "Where I come from, this smell is common-place... this smells great!" She smiles as she scans the kitchen for things. This place was absolutely amazing for now. "Only a small population? Kind of worries me, but
  17. [21:46] <@Carissa> okay." Carissa takes a seat. "I hope that's almost done."
  18. [21:52] <@Carissa> (have to switch soon)
  19. 06[21:53] * @Josephine looked over at the sauce. "Give it a minute or too." She said reaching into the kitchen cabint and pulling down a earth jar. "Now there a few thing where going to cover and then, where going to give you something to eat and give you a chance to settle down. First thing, sometimes your going to notice children making a crinkling sound or dressed in babyish dress." She said opening up the earthen jar and pulling out a hand full of egg noodles.
  20. [21:53] <@Carissa> Come to think of it... "Um, why?" Easy to ask, hopefully, easy to answer. "Is this like a nursery home too?"
  21. [21:56] <@Carissa> (okay hold onto your post, I'm switching)
  22. 02[21:58] * @Carissa ( Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by LaMago))
  23. 03[21:59] * Carissa ( has joined #Test_1032
  24. 06[22:04] * @Josephine shook her head, "No I'm afraid. Its a type of punshiment here in the house. If you break a major rule you end up with a sore and crinkly bottom." She said in a clear matter of fact tone of voice.
  25. 06[22:05] * Carissa is confused... or, rather, she'd rather not understand. "I... um, I don't catch your drift, the sore part, yes, but crinkly?" Carissa just wanted to make sure... and also, she wanted to know what to avoid doing... herself.
  26. 06[22:13] * @Josephine looked over and flashed Carissa a little grin. "We have a thing called diaper punshiment. If your bad your put into pampers for maybe a day or two, if your really bad you get put into something called full baby treatment. Once you reach that level your looking at a least a week if not more of being nothing but a baby, think baby food, baby clothing and baby books and programs."
  27. [22:15] <Carissa> Oh, dear lord. "But I like my books..." Enough to scare her into... well, not getting caught doing what she could possibly even think of doing. "Miss, do you think there's anything I should know about the people here? Anyone in particular that's... a little out there? Loopy, even?"
  28. 06[22:18] * @Josephine watched the noodles boil. "There all sane, I can only tell you to mind your manners, respected your elder and read your rule book. Be kind and kindess will be returned to you." She knew a little bit about Carissa back ground so she added this little comment. "Also, if several weeks of full baby treatment fail. A child is sent to a private boarding school for a unknown amoutn of time." She commented as she fished the noddles up from the boiling water.
  29. [22:20] <Carissa> "Let's not get that far, I think I understand just how high the stakes are." Leaving the boat open for a little mischief, but she knew that there was just a little too much to lose to do anything really big. "So tell me a little bit about you... why do you like dealing with us snot-nosed brats?" She giggles.
  30. 06[22:37] * @Josephine took a deep breath as she looked up from fixing Carissa dish. "First of all, there not 'snot-nosed brats' there children. Like you, I would suggest dropping that frame of mind or else you might just find yourself wearing a thick diaper and a cute onesie." She said adding said topping the pasta with a nice helping of sauces. Little round meat balls could be seen settling in among the egg noddles. "Also I'm Josephine. I hope we can be friends." She added as she placed the plate down in front of her.
  31. [22:40] <Carissa> Squeaking, she nods and just digs in... ooh, this stuff WAS good though as she put her open hand in between her legs. She had a feeling that her hand would be there very often from here on in.
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