

Jul 30th, 2014
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text 2.76 KB | None | 0 0
  1. local text = "Please Select the Amount"
  2. local text2 = "You wish to withdraw."
  4. local option1 = ("50")
  5. local option2 = ("25")
  6. local option3 = ("20")
  7. local option4 = ("10")
  8. local option5 = ("5")
  9. --local option6 = ("1")
  10. local test = "Insert Card"
  11. os.loadAPI("bapi")
  12. local function insert()
  13. term.setCursorPos(51 - #test, 19)
  14. write(test)
  15. end
  16. local options = {
  17. [1] = { p = 50, x = 20, y = 7, color = 1 },
  18. [2] = { p = 25, x = 20, y = 8, color = 1 },
  19. [3] = { p = 20, x = 20, y = 9, color = 1 },
  20. [4] = { p = 10, x = 29, y = 7, color = 1 },
  21. [5] = { p = 5, x = 30, y = 8, color = 1 }--,
  22. --[6] = { p = 1, x = 30, y = 9, color = 1 }
  23. }
  26. bapi.connect()
  29. --verify("Test","T")
  32. while true do
  34. term.setCursorPos(6,7)
  36. term.clear()
  37. term.setCursorPos(51/2 - #text/2,1)
  38. write(text)
  39. term.setCursorPos(51/2 - #text2/2,2)
  40. write(text2)
  41. print()
  43. for i = 1, #options do
  44. term.setTextColor(
  45. term.setCursorPos(options[i].x,options[i].y)
  46. print(options[i].p)
  47. print()
  48. end
  50. event, side, x, y = os.pullEventRaw()
  51. if event == "mag_swipe" then
  52. if side == "astaffcard" then
  53. break
  54. end
  55. elseif event == "mouse_click" then
  56. if x > 0 and x < 0 and y == 0 then
  57. sleep(0)
  58. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  59. elseif x > 20 and x < 27 and y == 7 then
  60. -- rednet.send(47,"Option1")
  61. term.setCursorPos(51 - #test, 19)
  62. insert()
  63. local _,data = os.pullEventRaw("mag_swipe")
  64. local suc, err = bapi.transact(data, "void", 50) -- 1 is how much to withdraw
  65. if suc then
  66. rednet.send(47, "10")
  67. end
  68. sleep(1)
  69. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  70. elseif x > 20 and x < 27 and y == 8 then
  71. term.setCursorPos(51 - #test, 19)
  72. insert()
  73. local _,data = os.pullEventRaw("mag_swipe")
  74. local suc, err = bapi.transact(data, "void", 25) -- 1 is how much to withdraw
  75. if suc then
  76. rednet.send(47, "5")
  77. end
  78. sleep(1)
  79. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  80. elseif x > 20 and x < 27 and y == 9 then
  81. term.setCursorPos(51 - #test, 19)
  82. insert()
  83. local _,data = os.pullEventRaw("mag_swipe")
  84. local suc, err = bapi.transact(data, "void", 20) -- 1 is how much to withdraw
  85. if suc then
  86. rednet.send(47, "4")
  87. end
  88. sleep(1)
  89. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  90. elseif x > 29 and x < 36 and y == 7 then
  91. term.setCursorPos(51 - #test, 19)
  92. insert()
  93. local _,data = os.pullEventRaw("mag_swipe")
  94. local suc, err = bapi.transact(data, "void", 10) -- 1 is how much to withdraw
  95. if suc then
  96. rednet.send(47, "2")
  97. end
  98. sleep(1)
  99. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  100. elseif x > 29 and x < 36 and y == 8 then
  101. term.setCursorPos(51 - #test, 19)
  102. insert()
  103. local _,data = os.pullEventRaw("mag_swipe")
  104. local suc, err = bapi.transact(data, "void", 5) -- 1 is how much to withdraw
  105. if suc then
  106. rednet.send(47, "1")
  107. end
  108. sleep(1)
  109. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  110. end
  111. end
  112. end
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