
BossShopPro Tier 1 Menu

Jul 30th, 2018
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  1. ShopName: Tier1_Menu
  2. DisplayName: '&2Tier 1'
  3. signs:
  4. text: '[ExtraShop]'
  5. NeedPermissionToCreateSign: false
  6. #Command: 'tier_1'
  7. Sound:
  8. Shop:
  10. shop:
  11. Carrot_on_a_fire_stick:
  12. RewardType: item
  13. PriceType: money
  14. Price: 15000
  15. Reward:
  16. - - type:398
  17. - amount:1
  18. - enchantment:FIRE_ASPECT#1
  19. - name:&fCarrot on a Pig Roaster
  20. MenuItem:
  21. - '%rewarditem_1%'
  22. - 'lore:#&6$15,000##&aClick to purchase#'
  23. - amount:1
  24. Message: ''
  25. InventoryLocation: 4
  26. HotFishing:
  27. MenuItem:
  28. - mythicitem:HotFishing
  29. - prependlore:#&6$15,000##&aClick to purchase#
  30. RewardType: mythicitem
  31. Reward:
  32. - mythicitem:HotFishing
  33. PriceType: money
  34. Price: 15000
  35. Trophy:
  36. RewardType: item
  37. PriceType: money
  38. Price: 10
  39. Reward:
  40. - - type:GRASS
  41. - amount:1
  42. MenuItem:
  43. - name:&a&lTrophy
  44. - type:GRASS
  45. - 'lore:#&6$10##&aClick to purchase#'
  46. - amount:1
  47. Message: ''
  48. InventoryLocation: 1
  49. bee_mob:
  50. MenuItem:
  51. - name:&aBee Mob Egg
  52. - "lore:&6Price: &a%price% # #&6[Merchant]: &7Ever seen a bee before? It'll just fly away, but if you want a bee to lock in your house, or simply scare your pals, go ahead and purchase a mob egg."
  53. - amount:1
  54. - type:SKULL_ITEM:3
  55. - customskull:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTQ3MzIyZjgzMWUzYzE2OGNmYmQzZTI4ZmU5MjUxNDRiMjYxZTc5ZWIzOWM3NzEzNDlmYWM1NWE4MTI2NDczIn19fQ==
  56. RewardType: OPCOMMAND
  57. Reward:
  58. - mm eggs get Bee 1
  59. PriceType: MONEY
  60. Price: 400
  61. Message: '&aYou have purchased a &bBee &amob egg!'
  62. ExtraPermission: ''
  63. InventoryLocation: 2
  64. turtle_mob:
  65. MenuItem:
  66. - name:&aTurtle Mob Egg
  67. - "lore:&6Price: &a%price% # #&6[Merchant]: &7These turtles are kind of rare. It doesn't do much, but if you want one, go ahead and purchase a mob egg."
  68. - amount:1
  69. - type:SKULL_ITEM:3
  70. - customskull:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjY0Njk4ZmVhNWVjM2YyZmQ3ZGI3YThlM2Y0ZTk4OWExNzE2MDM1YzJiZDM2NjY0MzRiYTFhZjU4MTU3In19fQ
  71. RewardType: OPCOMMAND
  72. Reward:
  73. - mm eggs get Turtle 1
  74. PriceType: MONEY
  75. Price: 400
  76. Message: '&aYou have purchased a &bTurtle &amob egg!'
  77. ExtraPermission: ''
  78. InventoryLocation: 3
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