

Feb 10th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. ## Classes
  2. Dreadfighter - Sword/Black - Apotrope
  3. -Antimages
  4. -Fast, but physically frail
  5. Apotrope: Reduces magic damage taken by 50%. Adds 25% of Res to physical attacks.
  6. Gold Bonus: Adds 50% of Res to physical attacks and reduces physical damage taken by 25% of Res.
  8. Paravir - Sword - Penetrate
  9. -Can get through enemy lines with relative ease
  10. Penetrate: Adds 20% of target's defense to attacks. Active: Attacks through an enemy in a line
  11. Gold Bonus: Adds 30% of target's defense to attacks.
  13. Hero - Sword/Axe - Adaptable
  14. -Ready for any situation
  15. -Able to take on most enemies well
  16. Adaptable: Crit +5. Unit changes weapons reflexively when attacked.
  17. Gold Bonus: Crit +10 when attacked.
  19. Horseman - Sword/Crossbow - Disarray
  20. -Highly mobile
  21. -Masters of hit and run
  22. -Disrupters
  23. Disarray: When full HP, move +1. Dex% chance to disarm target if they cannot counter. Doubles the effects of Canter.
  24. Gold Bonus: When full HP, Spd +3.
  26. Halberdier - Lance - Paraselene
  27. -Well balanced
  28. -Dedicated to 1 weapon
  29. Paraselene: Lance might +1, Avo +5. Active: Doubles passive effect and allows user to move 1 tile after combat.
  30. Gold Bonus: Hit +5, Crit +5.
  32. Sentry - Lance/Crossbow - Watchman
  33. -Well rounded
  34. -Mitigate disadvantages
  35. Watchman: When adjacent to an ally, take 20% less damage. If attacked and cannot counter, increases to 50%.
  36. Gold Bonus: Always take 15% less damage by default. Increases to 30% with an ally adjacent and 75% if unable to counter.
  38. General - Lance/Bow/Sword - Aegis
  39. -Defensive wall
  40. -Poor res, high damage
  41. -slow
  42. Aegis: Dex% chance to reduce ranged damage by 50%. Doubles effects of shields.
  43. Gold Bonus: Reduces all ranged damage by 20%,
  45. Baron - Lance/Axe/White/Staff - Bulwark
  46. -Mixed defensive unit
  47. -Supportive
  48. Bulwark: Converts 30% of Pow to user's defensive stat in combat. Grants Def +4 when healing.
  49. Gold Bonus: 70% of Pow added to hit rate as well.
  51. Warrior - Axe/Crossbow - Collision
  52. -High HP
  53. -High damage ceiling
  54. Collision: Reduced movement cost over rough terrain. Atk +4 when moving 2 or more spaces.
  55. Gold Bonus: Atk +6 when moving 1 or more spaces.
  57. Berserker - Axe - Fury
  58. -One-shot-shop
  59. -High risk, high reward units
  60. Fury: +1 Crit for every 3 HP missing, half of bonus crit added to hit at the start of battle
  61. Gold Bonus: All bonus crit added to hit at start of battle.
  63. Raider - Axe/Knife - Twister
  64. -Opportunistic
  65. -Push advantages
  66. Twister: Adjacent enemies suffer avo -5. Doubles the effects of enemy debuffs when in combat.
  67. Gold Bonus: Enemies within 2 tiles suffer avo -15.
  69. Viking - Axe/Black - Druid
  70. -High magic and physical damage
  71. -Uses the environment
  72. Druid: Res +2. Converts terrain avo to Hit and terrain def/res to Atk (combined).
  73. Gold Bonus: Res +5
  75. Paladin - Sword/Lance - Savior*
  76. -High Mobility
  77. -Supportive Cavalier
  78. Savior: Can rescue without penalties and provides cover. When rescuing, Move +1 and on the following turn, buffs all stats by 2.
  79. Gold Bonus: Buffs all stats by 3 instead of 2.
  81. Cataphract - Sword/Lance/Axe - Arms Shield
  82. -Mobile tank
  83. -Thrive on the front lines
  84. Arms Shield - When at WTA, unit takes 3 less damage. Adds 20% of Def to Res.
  85. Gold Bonus: Never at WTD
  87. Sniper - Bow -
  88. -Outranging the targets
  89. -Ballista operation
  90. Longearche: Range +1 to bows. If target cannot counter, +10 crit. Applies to ballista.
  91. Gold Bonus: If target can't counter, additional +10 hit.
  93. Adventurer - Bow/Staff - Acrobat
  94. -Supportive ranged attacker
  95. -Can get most places without issue.
  96. Acrobat: Terrain cost for all standard terrain is 1. When healing, grants Spd +4.
  97. Gold Bonus: Avo +10.
  99. Rogue - Knife - Pass
  100. -Utility out the ass
  101. -Can open any locks without keys
  102. -Best fog vision
  103. Pass: Can cross enemy-occupied tiles. Avoid +15 when attacked. Can move 2 tiles after opening doors/chests.
  104. --
  106. Assassin - Knife/Crossbow - Bane
  107. -Eliminate targets quickly
  108. -Very effective vs Low HP targets.
  109. Bane: Ignores skills that affect attack priority. Adds target's missing HP to bonus hit.
  110. --
  112. Marauder - Knife/Lance - Overrun
  113. -Very high mobility
  114. -Hit and run tactics
  115. -Strafing (full movement after attacking)
  116. Overrun - Bonus AS for every move > target. If AS > target AS +7, follow-up attacks occur immediately.
  117. Gold Bonus: Changes desperation check to target AS +4.
  119. Falcoknight - Lance/Sword - Spiral Dive
  120. -Fast, strong flying unit
  121. -Skilled in hit-and-run
  122. Spiral Dive: Avo/Dodge +8. Active: Might/Crit +8. After combat, can move up to 2 tiles.
  123. Gold Bonus: Heal 5HP at the start of each turn.
  125. Harrier - Lance/Black - Elementalist
  126. -Flying mages
  127. -Can use terrain to their own advantage
  128. Elementalist: Unit gains terrain bonuses. Grants bonus combat stats when using Black magic. Fire - Hit. Thunder - Atk. Wind - Crit.
  129. Gold Bonus: Grants combat bonus stats with lances as well, equal to weapon level for Black magic.
  131. Dragonmaster - Lance/Axe
  132. -Armored fliers
  133. -Strong vs grounded units
  134. -Can strike from a distance
  135. Air Raid: +3 Atk/Def if attacking non-fliers. Can initiate melee attacks at 3 range if moving 2 or more tiles.
  136. Gold Bonus: +5 Hit/Crit when attacking
  138. Wyvern Knight - Lance/Bow
  139. -Antiflier
  140. -Faster than expected
  141. -Pierce defenses
  142. Shatter: Ignores 25% of target's defenses when initiating combat after moving 2 or more tiles.
  143. Gold Bonus: Ignores 25% of target's defenses in both phases and increases to 50% after moving 2 or more tiles.
  145. Sage - Black/White - Scholarly
  146. -Offensive black mage
  147. -Well rounded, poor defense
  148. Scholarly: Weapon weight modifier +2. Gain weapon triangle advantage against same types of magic.
  149. --
  151. Geomancer - Black/Staff - Entropy
  152. -Mobile black mage
  153. -More supportive but not a support
  154. Entropy: Hit -15 to enemies within 2 tiles. Grants Res +4 when healing.
  155. --
  157. Warlock - Dark/Black
  158. -Offensive dark mage
  159. -Well rounded, poor speed
  160. Siphon: Gain might +4 vs magic when not at WTD. Res% to heal 50% of damage dealt.
  161. --
  163. Arcanist - Dark/Staff
  164. -Armored dark mage
  165. -Supportive but not a support
  166. Dark Aura: Turns enemy buffs into debuffs if within 2 tiles. Increases range of status staves by 1.
  167. --
  169. Priestess - White/Sword
  170. -Mixed fast white mage
  171. Valiant: If HP is below 50%, heals 25% of max HP at the start of the turn. Lck% chance to reduce enemy's luck to 0 in battle.
  172. Gold Bonus: Adds 25% of Luck to Atk
  174. Saint - White/Staff
  175. -Dedicated healing support unit
  176. -Frail
  177. Recovery: Heals user 5 HP per turn. Increases range of healing staves by 1. Increases healing by 10.
  178. --
  180. Justice - White
  181. -Offensive white mage
  182. -Casts judgement on those they deem unworthy.
  183. Judgement: All attacks heal 25% of damage dealt. When fighting mages, Dex% chance to silence opponent. Odds double vs dark magic.
  184. --
  186. Bishop - Staff/White
  187. -Hands off healing support unit
  188. -Frail
  189. Divinity: Dodge +10. Allies who attack within 3 tiles of user heal 50% of damage dealt. Grants Luck +5 when healing.
  190. --
  192. Valkyrie - Staff/White
  193. -Mobile healer on the front lines
  194. -Supportive
  195. Folkvangr: Avo +10. When healing, grants Pow +4 attack to allies. If HP is below 50%, move +2.
  196. --
  198. Saggitary - Bow/Knife - Rise Above
  199. -Pellinore
  200. Rise Above: Avo +20, Crit -10. If adjacent to an ally, no Crit drop. Luck% to add an additional attack.
  201. Gold Bonus: Always attack first when attacked. No crit drop.
  203. Melusine - Sword/Dark - Soul Blade
  204. -Melehan
  205. Soul Blade: Doubles might of Magic swords. Gain WTA vs Dark magic when using Dark magic.
  206. Gold Bonus: Gain WTA vs magic.
  208. Supply - [None] - Dual Support
  209. -Anglesey
  210. Dual Support: Heals adjacent allies by 5. Allies within 2 tiles take 2 less and deal 2 more damage.
  211. --
  213. Wolfos
  214. Manakete
  216. Gold Knight
  217. -Lansalot
  218. Aurelian: Atk +3 w/ Swords Equipped. Hit +15 w/ Axes equipped. Null follow-up.
  219. Gold Bonus: Atk +5 w/ Swords equipped. Hit +25 w/ Axes equipped.
  221. Silver Knight
  222. -Agravain
  223. Argent: Def +5 w/ Lances Equipped. Dodge +10 w/ bows and can counter attack at 1 range when attacked. Null follow-up.
  224. Gold Bonus: Def +8 w/ Lances equipped. Dodge +20 w/ bows and can counter attack at 1-3 range when attacked.
  226. Reaper
  227. Intimidate: Avoid -10 to all enemies within 3 tiles. If target is lower level, target cannot perform follow-up attacks. Skl% to prevent target counter attack.
  228. Gold Bonus: Avoid -20 to all enemies within 4 tiles.
  230. Empress
  231. Dancer
  233. Princess - Sword/White/Staff - Gentility
  234. -Guinivere
  235. Gentility: Grants all stats +3 when healing. Removes effectiveness from unit and adjacent allies.
  236. Gold Bonus: Grants +3 def/res to adjacent allies.
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