

Jun 19th, 2016
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  1. Name: Linmiri Lathe
  3. Title: The Arcane Prodigy, Wardmaster, Spellweaver, Arcane Engineer
  5. Visual Age: ~20
  7. Actual Age: 57
  9. Race: 2nd generation Half-elf
  11. Alignment: Tries to be Neutral, but leans toward Good
  13. Gender: Female
  15. Class: Support spellcaster, warder
  17. Physiology
  19. Hair: Almost white, in a ponytail.
  21. Eyes: Steel blue
  23. Height:  ~1.85m
  25. Weight: ~66kgs
  27. Voice: Silky smooth and melodic. Pleasant to listen to. Good for reading bedtime stories.
  29. Build: Average
  31. Special features: Has pointy, long ears, despite being a half-elf. Has a tattoo of a snake, starting at her sternum, coiling around her right arm and it's head being on the top of her palm. Between the coils various glyphs are inscribed.
  33. Clothing
  35. Wears a loose adataption of the civara robes, with her chest bound by a long silken strip of cloth. Has her feet wrapped with a similar silken cloth, but of slightly rougher quality.
  37. All her clothing is enchanted with glyphs, granting various bonuses. Usually her robes are a dim blue, with aquamarine tint, and crimson accents, but on special occasions she wears a similar robe colored white and silver, with cherrybloom pink accents.
  39. Skills
  41. Linmiri can inscribe glyphs on armor, clothing and other objects. She has knowledge of weapon-specific glyphs as well, but prefers to not inscribe weapons due to degradation rate. (No one is satisfied with a '5% sharper edge', everyone wants powerful, flashy glyphs, but those have to be reapplied often.)
  44. Feather - lightens the object inscribed. Can be of various magnitudes, but the best balance between the glyphs wearing out and their longterm effect is at 15% lighter. It can be inscribed on anything, and can be merged with almost any other glyph.
  46. Respite - a glyph that helps with long treks and also slightly in combat. It heightens the users stamina and helps with stamina recovery. Can only be inscribed on chest armor, and cannot be merged with any other glyphs.
  48.  Warmth, Breeze, Water repulsion, etc. - minor elemental glyphs, that help the wearer feel more comfortable in their armor/clothing and to endure harsher conditions better. Can be merged with most other glyphs and can be inscribed anywhere.
  50. Bogwalker - a specialised glyph for footwear to help traverse swamps, marshlands and any other difficult terrain. Can not be merged.
  52. Eagle eye - a glyph for helms or amulets. Gives visual clarity over long distances. Can be merged.
  54. Barrier - adds a thin layer of magical energy over the surface of the inscribed object, that can withstand two or three blows, minimising the impact and dispersing the kinetic energy. This translates to greatly reduced staggering and knockbacks upon heavy hits. Best used on large objects. Can be merged with a select few glyphs.
  56. Shadow Form - a camouflage glyph, letting the inscribed armor or clothing meld with the shadows better. For best results use on each seperate clothing article or armor piece without adding additional glyphs
  58. Forrest Sprite - a camouflage glyph, making the wearer appear to be tree like (bark skin, leaves for hair etc.). Usually inscribed directly onto the skin.
  62. Linmiri can also create wards and set ward nets. These cover an area, and are good for setting encampments.
  65. Obscure - masks anything inside the wardnet, but bright lights and loud sounds can be perceived through it.
  67. Obfuscate- projects an area of effect outwards of the wardnet in which anyones thoughts are clouded and they lose focus on what they were doing. Causes a slight sense of discomfort, urging the affected creatures to move away. The downside is that if a large group moves towards the wardnet, it will be noticable that the front lines suddenly become shaky and unwilling to move forward, giving away the position. Affects animals as well.
  69. Shelter - creates a dome over the wardnet that stops rain, hail, snow and forceful winds from affecting the inside of the wardnet. Again - during heavy rain or a snowstorm it will stand out as an invisible dome.
  71. Forcewall - creates a physical barrier around the wardnet. Unlike the 'Shelter' ward, this barrier affects everything coming into contact with it, not just weather. This ward makes the wardnet solid, so it is no longer possible to walk in and out of it without special gate wards. Is theoretically impenetrable, but massive amounts of force applied could break the ward, disabling the whole wardnet. But unless our opponents have kineti bombardment at their disposal, it shouldn't be too much of a worry.
  73. Gateway - a pair of gate wards, that can be placed upon any of the wardnet's vectors, to create a passageway. Can be safely removed from the wardnet, and really are useful only if 'Forcewall' wards are used.
  75. Sentry - minor wards placed outside the wardnet, with one located inside it. If something crosses the Sentry wardnet, the central one will start glowing and emit a low buzzing sound.
  77. Fire, Ice, Shock, Dirt, Water etc. - minor elemental enhancement wards, that can be added to others wards in the wardnet, for an additional effect.
  81. Just as well, Linmiri is knowlegable in crafting and using spells and hexes, setting runic patterns, creating pocket dimensions and their respective keys, etching summoning stones, optimising portals, anchoring dimensions, and creating golem and homunculi thought patterns.
  83. She is decent at alchemy, being able to make potions, philters and salves, as well as transform some simple elements.
  87. With this array of magical knowledge, there are drawbacks - she can't retain knowledge of spells for long, that's why she must write them down. She can't cast the same spell more than 2-3 times, without a significant period of time before she is able to learn it again. Linmiri can't use the strongest spells without hours of prior meditation. Inscribing glyphs is a taxing task for her. Her magical reserves tend to dry out pretty fast, despite her having more magical constitution than her peers.
  89. Inventory
  91. A key to her personal pocket dimension, that is the size of a moderate store room. This pocket dimension contains mostly books, ranging from scientific research, to cheesy romance novels. Besides the books she stores her crafting equipment in one corner, and a chest of awfully similar clothing next to it.
  93. While traveling, she keeps only her grimoire with her.
  95. Personality
  97. She is a massive book worm. But she can't focus on one book at a time. She reads a chunk of one book, then switches to the next, and so on and so on.
  99. If she is not absorbed in the pages of yet another obscure literary work, she is quite friendly and open.  She won't mind talking to anyone about anything, as long as they're not too inquisitive about her specifically.
  101. Background:
  103. Born to a pair of half-elves, she was believed to be a pure Elf throughout her childhood (due to her having long ears), but soon it was apparent that she was a half-elf too, because she reached her maturity at 21.
  105. Upon maturing, she set out into the world encouraged by her parents, and soon found out about her incredible knack to tap into the deepest recesses of Arcana, and draw upon the very basis of magic itself. Upon learning this, she set out to learn from the best spellcasters and enchanters, to widen her understanding of the invisible landscapes, hidden behind the veil of magic.
  107. Likes: Food, books, magic, interesting people, legends, myths and stories, books, learning something new, books and reading.
  109. Dislikes: Dull, boring people, illiterate people, beligerent drunks, alcochol, loud noises, people who abuse magic without respecting it's amazingly destructive and constructive capabilities, physically straining work.
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