
Emptiness Pt. 3

Feb 12th, 2013
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  1. >You shine your lantern down the dark hall once more
  2. >…yeah, there’s no way you imagined that
  3. >They’re all there
  4. >All open
  5. >Every single door
  6. How did this…?
  7. >You step further into the hall
  8. >And think for a moment…
  9. >…The doors locking with no locks…
  10. >The disembodied giggling…
  11. >The… suits of p0ny armor
  12. >And now… these doors
  13. >…
  14. >…something definitely isn’t right here
  15. >Is this place…?
  16. >You mean, could it really be…?
  17. …haunted?
  18. >You whisper to yourself
  19. >You glance over at all the doors
  20. >Each one hosts a wall of thick black darkness
  21. >Just like the halls do
  22. >Just like every area in this mansion does
  23. >When will you get out…?
  24. >You sigh
  25. >Slowly, you bring yourself over to the first door
  26. >You hold your lantern inside
  27. >The room illuminates slightly, revealing its secrets previously kept to you
  28. >…it’s a standard room
  29. >No different than the one you hid from Fluttershy in
  30. >You retreat your hand and continue to the next
  31. >It’s the same thing
  32. >How many bedrooms or guest beds does a place need?
  33. >You continue this down the hall for what seems like hours
  34. >Only the repetitious, yet soothing, pitterpatter of the pouring rain keeps you company
  35. >Until finally…
  36. Well… this is a little different…
  37. >You sink your hand into the room a little further
  38. >Revealed to you is not a bed and dresser, but a desk
  39. >An old, rotting wooden desk
  40. >Surrounding it are several different bookcases
  41. >Stuffed to capacity with ancient, dusty books
  42. >Several of them look leatherbound
  43. >You advance into this new area
  44. >You place your lantern down at the desk, which envelopes the small study in a manageable amount of light
  45. >You pace over to one of the bookshelves
  46. >You place your hand on one of the dust-coated spines, and run your fingers across a row of these age-old harbingers of information
  47. >You look to your fingers and dust them off
  48. >Now…
  49. >You pull out a random book, carry it over to the light, and open it
  50. >…
  51. >It’s written in p0ny scribble
  52. >You sigh
  53. >Twilight Sparkle had been slowly teaching you to read their written language
  54. >But…
  55. >This was way too advanced for your level
  56. >You can only make out a few conjunctions and nouns
  57. >Maybe a verb or two
  58. >But their conjugations are those of which you’ve yet to learn
  59. >You sigh
  60. >You place the book down on the table
  61. >And just…
  62. >Listen to the rain for a bit
  63. >It’s… soothing
  64. >You turn to put the book away
  65. >But...
  66. >Something catches your eye
  67. >You glance back over to the door
  68. >…
  69. >Is that…?
  70. >You reach over and grab your lantern
  71. Just to be sure…
  72. >You blow out the flame
  73. >The study is once again engulfed in thick darkness
  74. >But through the door
  75. >You can still make out a faint light
  76. >Very faint
  77. >It’s not a dull yellow like your flame or lantern emit
  78. >It’s brighter
  79. >Bluer
  80. >…
  81. >What is it?
  82. >It gets brighter
  83. >You instinctively back up further into the darkness of the study
  84. >As it gets brighter, you begin to hear something slowly rise over the white noise of the rain
  85. >It’s…
  86. >Charging magic
  87. What?
  88. >You sink even further back
  89. >Who could possibly be roaming these halls other than you or Fluttershy?
  90. >The light gets very bright
  91. >The clopping of hooves becomes noticeable
  92. >”…Anon?” you hear called
  93. >Your heart skips a beat
  94. >That voice is familiar…
  95. >The light reaches its peak brightness
  96. >The clopping hooves are immediately among you
  97. >And a mint green unicorn passes by the door
  98. >Her horn emitting a soft blue light
  99. >Your eyes widen
  100. >”Anon?” she calls again, passing by the door
  101. >She continues making her way
  102. >…
  103. >That’s… Lyra
  104. >The unicorn that you occasionally exchange conversation with at the market
  105. >You don’t know her particularly well, but…
  106. >Well, more than Fluttershy, anyway
  107. >What’s she doing here?
  108. >How did she find this place?
  109. >And why is she looking for you?
  110. >The light begins to dim more
  111. >Her hooves resonate further down the hall
  112. >Shit…
  113. >What do you do?
  114. >Do you give away your position?
  115. >Could you trust this p0ny?
  116. >Is she trying to help?
  117. >The hooves are out of earshot now
  118. >The light is almost out of visibility
  119. >You play tug of war in your mind
  120. >Think, man… think!
  121. >…
  122. >…
  123. Lyra!
  124. >You call out
  125. >The quick verbal lash echoes slightly in the room and throughout the halls
  126. >The light stops
  127. >You silently step toward the door and poke your head out
  128. Lyra!
  129. >You call again, in a whispery yell
  130. Over here!
  131. >You dip back into the room
  132. >”Anon?”
  133. >You hear
  134. >The light gets brighter and brighter
  135. >You can hear galloping
  136. In here!
  137. >You call from the room
  138. >The soft light rounds the corner, attached to the green p0ny
  139. >”Anon!” she cheers, as her eyes meet yours
  140. >She leaps into your arms
  141. >You almost fall over, having been caught off-guard
  142. >But you catch her, and return her hug
  143. >You place her on the ground
  144. Lyra, what are you doing here?
  145. >You ask, crouched down to her level to try and be as quiet as possible
  146. >”Looking for you, silly!” she says with a smile. “Twilight was worried sick! She said you might be around here.”
  147. >Twilight!
  148. Is she okay?!
  149. >You ask
  150. >You slap your hand over your mouth
  151. >That might have been a little loud
  152. >”Of course she’s okay! Why wouldn’t she be? She just wanted me to look for you.”
  153. >You look at her slightly puzzled
  154. >She just smiles up at you
  155. A-Are you sure? No one hurt her? No one like…
  156. >You glance over to the door once more
  157. …Fluttershy?
  158. >She raises her eyebrow at you
  159. >”The quiet one?”
  160. >She giggles
  161. >”Of course not! Why would she hurt Twilight?”
  162. >You glance down at her solemnly
  163. Well…
  164. >You explain the situation back at Twilight’s library
  165. >Continuing to your teleportation to this mansion
  166. >And how Fluttershy has been stalking you inside the mansion
  167. >…hunting, even
  168. >…you leave out anything unexplainable
  169. >She gasps
  170. >”You mean Fluttershy is in here too?”
  171. >You nod
  172. Yeah, and she wants me dead. At least, I think she does.
  173. >Lyra nods
  174. >”Okay. Then we’ll just have to be extra quiet.”
  175. >You nod as well
  176. >”So… do you know any way out?”
  177. >You look at her confused for a bit
  178. >Wait…
  179. Couldn’t you just… teleport us or something?
  180. >She looks up to you
  181. >Her eyes fold back sadly
  182. >And she glances to the ground
  183. >”No…”
  184. >Wait… no?
  185. Why not…?
  186. >She looks back up to you
  187. >”I’m not sure! I teleported in here from the OUTSIDE, but high magic like that doesn’t seem to work on the INSIDE!”
  188. >You slap your face and groan
  189. >So much for that…
  190. >”Any other ideas…?”
  191. >You peek at her from between your fingers
  192. Well, sort of…
  193. >You turn around and head toward a bookcase
  194. I was hoping one of these books could give me some sort of clue, but…
  195. >You twiddle your fingers a bit
  196. I can’t really read…
  197. >Lyra doesn’t say anything
  198. …anyway,
  199. >You grab a book and flip it open
  200. You can read, right? Maybe we can study a few of these and get some kind of hint.
  201. >You turn back to her
  202. >She’s just staring at you
  203. Does that sound like a plan?
  204. >She continues staring at you, then glances away, nodding
  205. >”Yeah, yeah, that could work…”
  206. >She looks back up to you
  207. >”Or…”
  208. >Suddenly, you begin to feel tingly all over
  209. >A light green mist surrounds you, and you’re flung up into the air
  210. Wha—?
  211. >You look over to Lyra
  212. >She has a devious smile on her face
  213. >She slams you up against one of the bookcases
  214. >”Or…”
  215. >She repeats, walking up to you
  216. >”We could have a little fun…”
  217. >She flashes a sinister smile
  218. What? But… but Lyra—
  219. >”Don’t worry your pretty little head about it…”
  220. >She grins even wider
  221. >”HEY! FLUTTERSLUT!” she calls at the top of her lungs
  223. >Shock resonates throughout your body
  224. >But…
  225. >You thought she…
  226. >…
  227. >That bitch…
  228. >You wriggle around, being able to move your forearms at best
  229. >Lyra scoffs and laughs
  230. >”Don’t even try…” she says menacingly
  231. >She walks over and begins nuzzling your crotch
  232. >What the…
  233. >…fuck?
  234. W-What are you doing?
  235. >You manage to get out
  236. >She looks up to you
  237. >”I figure we have a little bit until Flutterbitch shows up… why not have a little fun between just us?”
  238. >Is she serious?
  239. You’re… you’re crazy!
  240. >She laughs again
  241. >”Maybe a little…”
  242. >She starts gnawing at the button on your pants
  243. >Fuck!
  244. >You have to do something, Anon!
  245. >You begin moving your forearms again
  246. >But it’s no use
  247. >She’s too low
  248. >So instead, you grip a book from behind you
  249. >And lightly toss it at her
  250. >But, with only your forearms, it does nothing more than bump off her back
  251. >She takes a second off from your pants, looks up to you to acknowledge your attempt, and laughs
  252. >Very hard
  253. >Then goes back to your pants
  254. >She manages to get the button undone
  255. >She begins attacking the zipper
  256. >You’re not sure what to do
  257. >So you continue grabbing books and throwing them
  258. >Book after book, novel after novel, bump off from her
  259. >But to no avail
  260. >Eventually, you grab what you think to be your final book
  261. >You pull
  262. >But… it doesn’t release
  263. >You pull again
  264. >It slides out a little bit
  265. >You pull one more time!
  266. >Then…
  267. >Well, it all happens so fast
  268. >You hear a clunk
  269. >And the faint sound of turning, wooden cogs
  270. >And suddenly, you’re flipping completely around
  271. >Lyra darts back in surprise
  272. >The light from her horn disappears into a new darkness
  273. >And you’re flung blindly into a new area
  274. >The loud sound of the bookcase setting is the last thing you hear
  275. >Before absolute silence
  276. >Dead silence
  277. >…
  278. >Not even the rain makes it into wherever you’ve gone
  279. >You sit on the ground for a moment
  280. >Catching your breath
  281. >…
  282. >Lyra…
  283. >How could she…?
  284. >You continue sitting
  285. >Then…
  286. >You reach into your pants and pull out your zippo once more
  287. >You flick it on
  288. >You see the bookcase, still facing you
  289. >…
  290. >The old rotating bookcase, huh…?
  291. >You turn around and look behind you
  292. >…
  293. >A staircase
  294. >A stone staircase descends down
  295. >You sit at the top, in a very thin hall
  296. >Nowhere to go…
  297. >But down…
  298. >You stand to your feet
  299. >You keep your lighter close
  300. >And you plant your foot down on the first stair
  301. >The footstep echoes deep down
  302. >You take another deep breath
  303. Here we go…
  305. >You descended the stairs for at least ten minutes
  306. >But finally, you seem to be at some end
  307. >The stairs stop, and open up into a large room
  308. >Or… area
  309. >It seems natural, not p0ny made
  310. >Like a deep dungeon, or cavern
  311. >Water drips from the high, invisible ceiling
  312. >The damp rock walls reflect what little light you offer it
  313. >Your lighter does a poor job of illuminating anything
  314. >This deep darkness is even thicker than up in the mansion
  315. >And so…
  316. >You move forward
  317. >Each step reverberating throughout the room
  318. >Bouncing off the wet walls to meet you once more
  319. >As you continue though, you begin to see various metal contraptions
  320. >Tables… chains… clamps…
  321. >All rusted over completely
  322. >Decades, or centuries, of neglect has claimed this chamber
  323. >You stop for a moment, and take in what surrounds you
  324. >What kind of place was this?
  325. >You gently tap one of the chains
  326. >It rattles slightly
  327. >Raising above any other noise in the dungeon
  328. >…
  329. >Except…
  330. >You bring your lighter out further, in an attempt to see clearer
  331. >…no, you have to be hearing things
  332. >You step further into the darkness
  333. >…
  334. >No, you aren’t
  335. >It’s becoming louder
  336. >You pass by several more rusty tables, or upright bindings
  337. >That sound
  338. >That… sobbing
  339. >It’s clear
  340. >Your heart races inside your chest
  341. >Do you dare…?
  342. >…
  343. >…
  344. Hello?
  345. >You call out
  346. >Your stomach turns over
  347. >You instantly regret doing so
  348. >The sobbing halts
  349. >…
  350. >…
  351. >”H-Hello…?” you hear
  352. >A voice…
  353. >That of a small child
  354. >A filly, perhaps
  355. Hello? Where are you?
  356. >You hear soft scuffling
  357. >”Over here, mister…”
  358. >You listen closely
  359. >And follow her voice
  360. >You round several stalagmites and gnarled metal contraptions
  361. >The area starts to look more p0ny-made
  362. >Walls begin to look more carved than natural, to fit a type of room
  363. >You pass by several gates and bars
  364. >Most have been torn open or destroyed
  365. >”S-Sir…?”
  366. >You’ve finally arrived
  367. >From the darkness that your flame has vanquished, a small child sits
  368. >A yellow filly with green hair
  369. >She’s wet, and shivering
  370. >Her mane looks twisted and neglected
  371. Oh, you poor thing…
  372. >You crouch down to her
  373. What are you doing down here all alone?
  374. >She sits up from the ground and sniffles
  375. >”I’m… I’m waiting for my mommy…”
  376. >Her mother?
  377. >Another adult p0ny in this structure?
  378. >You look over to her
  379. >She’s looking to the ground
  380. Hey…
  381. >She looks up to you
  382. >Her eyes are large, swollen, drenched with tears
  383. >They embody misery
  384. What are you and your mother doing in a place like this?
  385. >She looks to the ground again
  386. >”Mommy got in trouble…” she says solemnly
  387. Trouble?
  388. >”Yeah, trouble…”
  389. >She scrapes the ground with her hoof
  390. >”She said some mean things about Princess Celestia…”
  391. What kind of things?
  392. >She looks up to you again
  393. >”Bad things. Mommy wasn’t happy about having to move here.”
  394. >Move?
  395. Move…? To this… castle?
  396. >”No… to the new town not far away.”
  397. >She sniffles again
  398. >”Princess Celestia made a bunch of her subjects move to this new town to help populate it. Anyone who said no or tried to get away…”
  399. >She pauses
  400. >”Got punished…”
  401. >You place your hand to your chin
  402. And your mom…?
  403. >”Yeah, me and her had to go. But mommy wasn’t happy about it. She said bad things to and about Princess Celestia, and now…”
  404. >She sighs
  405. >”Now she’s in trouble…”
  406. >You place your hand behind your head
  407. >The poor thing…
  408. >Maybe you can cheer her up…
  409. >You place your hand under her belly and lift her up
  410. >You tuck your hand under her, holding her like an infant, your other hand occupied by your lighter
  411. >She looks slightly surprised, but accepting of the gesture
  412. >…
  413. >Oh my…
  414. >This child…
  415. >She’s so…
  416. >…cold
  417. >She looks to you
  418. >And snuggles into you
  419. >”Thanks mister…”
  420. >Your eyes widen a bit
  421. >Then you smile
  422. No problem, kiddo.
  423. >She hugs for a bit
  424. >…
  425. >But…
  426. >Something’s not right…
  427. Hey…
  428. >You say
  429. >She pulls away from you and acknowledges your inquiry
  430. This new town… there’s a town being founded around here? In the Everfree Forest?
  431. >She looks at you puzzled
  432. >”No, not in the forest.”
  433. >You look to her
  434. Then… where?
  435. >She smiles
  436. >”Just outside of it!”
  437. >Just outside of…
  438. >Wait…
  439. >…
  440. >Your heart begins racing
  441. Hey…
  442. >She acknowledges you once more
  443. What’s the name of this new town…?
  444. >She smiles again
  445. >”P0nyville!”
  446. >…
  447. >Your heart almost stops
  448. >You look at her in total awe and surprise
  449. >She looks back
  450. >And grins
  451. >She turns to your lighter
  452. >Inhales
  453. >And blows out the flame
  454. H-Hey!
  455. >The weight of the child dissipates from your arms
  456. >A cool sensation swirls around your whole body
  457. >Giggling echoes throughout the entire room
  458. >You flick your lighter over and over again
  459. >Until the flame finally returns
  460. >You whip it around you, trying to locate this child
  461. >But…
  462. >She’s nowhere in sight
  463. >There’s nothing around you
  464. >The giggling has stopped
  465. >But its ghostly echo still bounces off the walls
  466. >Your heart is going a mile a minute
  467. >You stand still for ages
  468. >Then walk over to a large stalagmite
  469. >And sit down, leaning your back against it
  470. >…
  471. >This mansion…
  472. >…
  473. >You get the feeling it’s of more significance than you thought…
  475. End of Part 3
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