Guest User


a guest
Jul 26th, 2016
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  1. Settings:
  2. votes_needed: 50
  3. party_commands:
  4. - crate key {player} VoteParty 1
  5. use_no_luck: false
  6. no_luck_command: fe grant {player} 5;100;5 $;true
  7. max_rewards: 1
  8. show_particles_to_every_player: true
  9. start_delay: 5
  10. command_delay: 5
  11. use_mvdwplaceholderapi: true
  12. external_plugins:
  13. actionbar:
  14. countdown_enabled: false
  15. countdown: vp_countdown
  16. party_start_enabled: false
  17. party_start: vp_party
  18. onvote_enabled: false
  19. onvote: vp_onvote
  20. featherboard:
  21. countdown_enabled: true
  22. countdown: vp_countdown
  23. party_start_enabled: true
  24. party_start: vp_party
  25. onvote_enabled: true
  26. onvote: vp_onvote
  27. titleadvanced:
  28. countdown_enabled: false
  29. countdown: vp_countdown
  30. party_start_enabled: false
  31. party_start: vp_party
  32. onvote_enabled: false
  33. onvote: vp_onvote
  34. animatedtitle:
  35. countdown_enabled: false
  36. countdown: vp_countdown
  37. party_start_enabled: false
  38. party_start: vp_party
  39. onvote_enabled: false
  40. onvote: vp_onvote
  41. sql:
  42. enabled: false
  43. driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  44. url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/VoteParty
  45. username: root
  46. password: '123'
  47. enable_stats_sync: false
  48. enable_votes_sync: false
  49. onvote:
  50. enabled: false
  51. commands:
  52. - minecraft:give {player} redstone 30;50;Redstone;{money}>=10
  53. actions_on_countdown:
  54. - '{broadcast:&6The party will start soon!}'
  55. actions_on_party_start:
  56. - '{broadcast:&aThe party will start now!}'
  57. actions_on_vote:
  58. - '{note_block_api_add_player:voted}'
  59. actions_on_party_end:
  60. - '{broadcast:&cParty ended!}'
  61. Messages:
  62. no_luck: '&cYou have no luck'
  63. on_reward_got: '&aYou got {voteparty_free_command_description}'
  64. countdown_broadcast: '&7The VoteParty will start in {voteparty_free_countdown}'
  65. on_vote: '&7Thanks for your vote!'
  66. on_vote_broadcast: '&7{player} has voted for the server'
  67. on_party_start_broadcast: '&aThe party will start now!'
  68. config_reload: '&7Config reloaded!'
  69. force_start: You have force started the party
  70. no_permission: '&cYou are not allowed to do that'
  71. voteparty_command: '&7There are {voteparty_free_votes_until_party} Votes left'
  72. unknown_argument: '&cUnknown argument'
  73. prefix: ''
  74. Database:
  75. total_votes: 165
  76. Effect:
  77. onvote:
  78. enabled: false
  79. effect: PORTAL
  80. y_offset: 0
  81. particleCount: 100
  82. speed: 0
  83. radius: 4
  84. onparty_start:
  85. enabled: false
  86. effect: PORTAL
  87. y_offset: 0
  88. particleCount: 100
  89. speed: 0
  90. radius: 4
  91. onparty_end:
  92. enabled: false
  93. effect: PORTAL
  94. y_offset: 0
  95. particleCount: 100
  96. speed: 0
  97. radius: 4
  98. onreward:
  99. enabled: false
  100. effect: PORTAL
  101. y_offset: 0
  102. particleCount: 100
  103. speed: 0
  104. radius: 4
  105. Firework:
  106. onvote:
  107. enabled: true
  108. detonate_color:
  109. ==: Color
  110. RED: 0
  111. BLUE: 255
  112. GREEN: 255
  113. fade_color:
  114. ==: Color
  115. RED: 0
  116. BLUE: 0
  117. GREEN: 128
  118. type: BALL_LARGE
  119. onparty_start:
  120. enabled: false
  121. detonate_color:
  122. ==: Color
  123. RED: 0
  124. BLUE: 255
  125. GREEN: 255
  126. fade_color:
  127. ==: Color
  128. RED: 0
  129. BLUE: 0
  130. GREEN: 128
  131. type: BALL_LARGE
  132. onparty_end:
  133. enabled: false
  134. detonate_color:
  135. ==: Color
  136. RED: 0
  137. BLUE: 255
  138. GREEN: 255
  139. fade_color:
  140. ==: Color
  141. RED: 0
  142. BLUE: 0
  143. GREEN: 128
  144. type: BALL_LARGE
  145. onreward:
  146. enabled: true
  147. detonate_color:
  148. ==: Color
  149. RED: 0
  150. BLUE: 255
  151. GREEN: 255
  152. fade_color:
  153. ==: Color
  154. RED: 0
  155. BLUE: 0
  156. GREEN: 128
  157. type: BALL_LARGE
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