
Eventful day

Jun 14th, 2017
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  1. SleeperStatus: ((hey!))
  2. Tsaaq: ((Heyyy.))
  3. SleeperStatus: ((wanna rp?))
  4. Tsaaq: ((Sure.))
  5. SleeperStatus: ((want me to post first or?))
  6. Tsaaq: ((Sure I'll post.))
  7. SleeperStatus: ((sweet))
  8. Tsaaq: Libi was passed out in the booth she was in. She almost forgot she was even in The Rusty Handle. She looked around, bewildered as she staggered from her booth and went towards the jukebox. She fell to the ground and groaned, laying face first with her ass in the air.
  9. SleeperStatus: -Travis pulled up infront of The Rusty Handle throwing his car into park. he then turned it off and hopped out making his way to the bar.Once inside he nodded his head to a couple people but in the corner of his eye he saw libi laying face first on the floor. He chuckled as he walked over to her-''Ma'am this is the police its time for you to leave''-he said in a deep cop voice the best he could waiting to see her response-
  10. Tsaaq: "Listen you fucking pig." Libi began to get on her hands and knees. She turned her head as she saw it was only Travis she sputtered her lips. "It's just you." Libi said.
  11. SleeperStatus: -Travis bursts out in laughter looking down at libi-''Jesus thats the way you talk to a cop?''-he said as he held his hand out to her to try and help her up-''You need to chillax hun''
  12. Tsaaq: She scoffed angrily as she took his hand a hoistered herself to her feet. "Fuck off. I'm fine." She said, shaking her head. "Quinn's dad is the chief of police. I have the cops in my back pocket." Libi said.
  13. SleeperStatus: ''Ya know you are kinda sexy when you tell me to fuck off''-he joked as he then stepped back a bit-''Come on ill buy ya a drink''-he said as he made his way to the bartender-''Yeah let me get beer and whatever she wants''-he smiled as he then looked back to libi-
  14. Tsaaq: "I'm always telling you to fuck off." Libi said, as she went to sit down on the stool. "Good." She smirked. "I like when other people pay for shit." She said before hitting her hand on the table. "Jack Daniel's over ice." She told the bartender.
  15. SleeperStatus: ''So wheres the boyfriend tonight?''-he said as he took a sip of his beer, he then reached into his pocket pulling out a cig and then giving her one. Travis lit his and then slid the lighter to her-
  16. Tsaaq: Libi played with the ice in her glass and sucked on it a moment before looking to Tavis. She took a cig then lit it. "He's... He's busy." She replied apprehensively and squirmed in her spot on the stool. "He gets busy with work and shit."
  17. SleeperStatus: ''Yeah i guess that understandable''-he said taking a long drag from his cig then returning his eyes to Libi-''He treat ya good?''-he asked before taking another sip of his beer-
  18. Tsaaq: She took a drag as well and exhaled the smoke through her nostrils. "I don't know... Yeah he does." Libi replied. "He don't hit me or act like an asshole or anything. He's actually pretty sweet." Libi nodded her head. "Fucks me whenever I want. That's always good. He just has to do other shit sometimes too."
  19. SleeperStatus: ''Thats good''-travis said taking a bigger sip of his beer setting it down gently as he played with his bracelete-''Im almost out of my shit i gotta get more''-he said as he then took his phone out to text his guy about the next shipment-
  20. Tsaaq: She shrugged her shoulders and continued to smoke. "You go to a guy in Columbia or he lives around here? Cause I'll go with you or whatever. They're nicer to chicks with cleavage right?"
  21. SleeperStatus: ''No he lives in CA but he makes trips to Boliva and i meet him halfway''-he smiled at her and then his face got serious-''Nah they wouldnt take to kindly to that and they would probably end up raping and killing you''-he said taking another drag of his cig-
  22. Tsaaq: "I like to walk on the wild side." She smirked at him, she put out the cigarette on the bar then went back to sipping her drink. "I'm a pretty crazy chick." Libi said as she giggled. "Nah, I get what you mean."
  23. SleeperStatus: ''Yeah i wouldnt want anything bad happening to you''-He said as he took a sip of his beer-''Those guys dont fuck around at all, it took a while for them to be cool with me but i guess them knowing my father had alot to do with it''-Travis chuckled as he finished his cig ashing it out silently-
  24. whaIing: [im ready im prepared lets go]
  25. SleeperStatus: ((haha not tired?))
  26. whaIing: [nope i woke up like two hours ago]
  27. SleeperStatus: ((lmfao!))
  28. SleeperStatus: ((oh its a party now!))
  29. Alexithymiaa: (Bitch where are your pants)
  30. Tsaaq: She rolled her eyes. "Awww, you don't want anything bad to happen to me? What? You care about me or something?" Libi teased, sticking her tongue out at him. She put an ice cube in her mouth and sucked on it while he spoke. "What? Your dad is like a drug lord or something?"
  31. Tsaaq: ((Don't ask questions you already know the answer to))
  32. Alexithymiaa: (Fair enough.)
  33. Tsaaq: ((Also hi people.))
  34. Alexithymiaa: (Im still aggressively arguing over Willy Wonka.)
  35. whaIing: Anastasia was on break from her job at H&M, a store that you'd think wouldn't be in a town like this, and she decided to make a stop at the good ol' Rusty Handle. She placed her hands in her jean short pockets, walking down a few blocks. She looked across the street and set her eyes on the door, jogging to it and opening the door. She saw some familiar faces, and now just assummed it was more of a place to get drugs than a place to get drunk. She remembered the guy who offered her some, and the rowdy girl who was the spitting image of PDA. She saw an empty booth and slid into it, immediately going on her phone. She still didn't have many friends except old highschool "friends".
  36. SleeperStatus: -Travis smiled at at libi as took the last sip of his beer-
  37. SleeperStatus: '
  38. SleeperStatus: '((fuck!))
  39. Tsaaq: ((Great job.))
  40. SleeperStatus: -Travis smiled at libi before he took the last sip of his beer-''Well lets just say my father is a family man if you catch my drift''-Travis would look over his shoulder and around them to make sure no one was listening to them-''He has alot of friends in high places that owe him alot of favors''-he said as he signaled for another beer to the bartender-
  41. whaIing: [Lmao]
  42. Tsaaq: "I uh... I don't catch it." Libi whispered awkwardly before looking around too then glanced over to him. "Oh, yeah?" She asked with her eyebrow raised. "So he's a mobster or some shit. Like the move with the Italian guys." Libi said, looking at the girl from the other night then turned back to Travis.
  43. SleeperStatus: -Travis' eyes followed libi that led to the girl he sent her a warm smile before returning his gaze to libi-''Yes and no...he was really active in the 60's and 70
  44. SleeperStatus: 's((FUCK))
  45. SleeperStatus: -Travis' eyes followed libi that led to the girl he sent her a warm smile before returning his gaze to libi-''Yes and no...he was really active in the 60's and 70's but as of right now he just makes business deals with other families''-he said grabbing his beer and taking a gulp of it-''Yeah my parents are in their late 60's...they had me by accident''-he chuckled to himself-
  46. whaIing: She was about to go up and get a drink before her phone started ringing. It was Lia. She reluctantly raised her phone to her ear after pressing accept. "Ya?" Lia went on and on about how she needed a place to stay because of some issue with their dad or something like that. She caught the male's smile and the girl's gaze, smiling back at the both of them before looking back down at her lap. "Yea, uh, no." She wasn't very fond of her. She placed her phone back down with a thump, thinking it almost shattered hence the table shaking.
  47. Tsaaq: Libi nodded her head. "Oh okay..." Libi said, attempting to look like she understood. "I wish I was an accident. Cause if I were they wouldn't give a shit about any of the things I do." Libi grumbled. "That's kinda cool. My family is boring and stupid. Like life."
  48. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn pulled her SUV into the parking lot of the Rusty Handle. Again. Killing the engine, she glanced at her reflection in the rearview mirror, puckering her glossed lips and checking her make-up. She'd had dark circles under her eyes and was incredibly hungover this morning, which is why she spent most of the warm day in the pool. Climbing out of the car, she bumped the door closed with her hip, hooking her thumb into the back pocket of her shorts as she made her way up and inside the bar. Stopping just inside the door, she took in the surroundings and occupants, her eyes falling on the familiar head of dark hair seated at the bar. Making her way over to her, she leaned around her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Hey Lib. Oh, hey Travis. How is everything?"-
  49. SleeperStatus: ''See thats the thing just cause im a mistake doesnt mean they dont care. For christ sake my dad wanted me to go to law school...not happening''-Travis said with a short laugh at the end-''Oh dont me like me dont do the things i did when i was your age''-he said as he mimicked his father-''Give me a break''-Travis said as he took another swig of his beer before looking over his shoulder at Quinn-''Hey you!''-he said with a big smile-
  50. whaIing: She bit her nails, deciding she was done worrying about her family and how she was gonna pay her rent and her fill of drugs. She pushed herself out of her seat and grabbed a stool, sliding into it and then crossing her legs over one another. She put both of her elbows onto the counter, placing her palms under her jaw and leaning on them. "Excuse me, can I have a diet coke?" She asked the bartender. "Thanks." She replied with a smile after the bartender nodded.
  51. Tsaaq: "Aren't parents completely retarded?" Libi asked him. She tossed back the liquid in her glass into her mouth then slammed the glass down. "Tough break man." She patted his shoulder, glancing back at the girl as she began to talk on the phone. She turned in her spot and smiled at Quinn. "Heyyy Q, what's up?" She asked before raising her eyebrow at her. "Yo look a little fucking tired." Libi said as the girl sitting alone approached. "Guess who just bought this shitshow?" She turned to Quinn and whispered.
  52. Alexithymiaa: "Tired, hungover... what's the difference?" She asked, waving her hand through the air and dismissing the subject quickly. Her eyes narrowed on Libi's face, leaning over to get a bit closer to the female so she could drop her voice down to match her tone. "As in this place? Who?" She asked, glancing in the direction Libi's eyes had gone to the girl at the bar, sending her a warm smile.-
  53. SleeperStatus: -Travis could hear the girls talking low so he moved a bit closer so he could hear what they were saying. He chuckled a bit because he loved being nosey-
  54. whaIing: Before wrapping her tiny hand around the can of diet coke, she saw the blonde next to her smile. She felt warm inside and looked at her beginning to open her mouth to say something, but no words escaped her mouth. She turned back forward and sipped her diet coke. Then putting it down, fizzing as it hit the countertop. "Hey." She turned to the girl next to her and smiled. "My names Anastasia, but I prefer Stas."
  55. Tsaaq: "Yeah hey chick." Libi greeted Stas before turning to Quinn again. "Kam." Libi said hurriedly before going to pat Travis shoulder, holding her hand out for another cigarette. "I stumbled in earlier. Charles was in here being all cheery as fucking usual..." She said sarcastically then rolled her eyes. "And Kam was putting ice on her face and shit. No doubt she just got punched in the fucking face before I came in. Then she says, she bought this place. Or bribed the owner into giving it to her. Some shit."
  56. Alexithymiaa: "But... why would she want it?" She asked in an equally low tone, furrowing her brows. "This place kind of sucks..." She gave a quick shrug, her attention turning to the brunette on the opposite side of her. "Hi Stas. I'm Quinn. It's nice to meet you. I think I've seen you around a couple of times before."-
  57. SleeperStatus: -Travis chuckled as he reached into his pocket pulling out his pack setting it infront of her along with the lighter-''What do you mean got punched in the face? He hits her?''-he said as he began to start laughing-''Its crazy how these guys treat their women!''
  58. whaIing: Anastasia nodded. "Yea.. I work at LF down the street. Retail sucks so I try to come back to work a little bit buzzed." She laughed, placing both hands around the can. She leaned in a bit, listening to their conversation while looking into the tiny hole of her coke.
  59. SleeperStatus: ((what whos turn is it?))
  60. Tsaaq: ((Oh oops sorry.))
  61. Alexithymiaa: (Way to go.)
  62. SleeperStatus: ((nah all good i was just confused))
  63. Tsaaq: Libi shrugged her shoulders. "Your guess is as good as mine." She said with a sputter of her lips. "But she said it won't be a shithole when she's done with it. Which is kind of lame. Cause I like shitholes. I like anal so of course I'd like shitholes." She took a cigarette and lit it. "Yeah Charles fucks that bitch up." Libi said with a raise of her eyebrow. "Whatever, she acts like it's cool. So I can't really act like I care or something."
  64. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn leaned forward on the bar, looking beyond Libi and straight at Travis with her brows raised. "Their women?" She asked, blinking at him as she repeated the words with more emphasis, completely edged with attitude. "THEIR women? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"-
  65. SleeperStatus: ''You know like their significant other....Jesus what are you a feminist''-he chuckled looking at how mad Quinn got-''You need to chill girl i didnt even mean it in that kind of a way at all''-he shook his head taking another big gulp from his beer-
  66. whaIing: Anastasia almost spit out her drink when Quinn reacted to his comment. She giggled to herself quietly, then sipping on it quietly. "You know," She finished gulping her soda. "I'm a feminist too, but feminist or not, you should watch the way you word things dude." She folded her hands in her lap, swinging her legs like a child back and forth under the stool.
  67. Tsaaq: She took a drag from her cigarette. She turned to glance at Travis then back at Quinn, her eyebrows raising. "Shit." Libi used and empty glass to tap the ash off. "Shit." She screwed up her face as she looked over to Travis. She opened her mouth to say something before smirking and biting her lip, excited to see the exchange. She snickered. "Yeah, Trav, watch your fucking mouth." She giggled.
  68. SleeperStatus: ((oooh i like that nickname! Trav))
  69. Tsaaq: ((Thanks lmao >.> <.<))
  70. Alexithymiaa: "Jesus, what are you, an idiot?" She shot back, her nose wrinkling as she looked at him. When Stas chimed in, she nodded her head, shifting on her stool. "Exactly. And there's nothing wrong with being a feminist. If you think there is, then you can consider my previous question rhetorical." She swiveled around on her stool, hopping off and onto her feet. "I don't understand why so many men are so put off by a woman wanting to be an equal human. What, is it intimidating and emasculating to be considered equivalent to a female? What's really so wrong with being a feminist? Oh right because you liken feminism to politically driven activists with strong intellectual properties and that are far superior to the average man who deems women to still be at the beckoning call of a man." She rolled her eyes, spinning on her heel and marching her way over to the jukebox to angrily jab her finger into the buttons, sifting through the material in search of a song.-
  71. SleeperStatus: ''What?''-he said with a dazed look trying to figure what the hell she was talking about-''I literally said one thing that had nothing to do with ''disrespecting women''-he shook his head finishing his beer-''I dont know what happened to you today but your definitely pissed off about something. And another thing i can fucking say anything i fucking a grown ass man!''-he said as he took a cig from his pack and lighting it taking a long drag from it-''Fuck this''-travis would get up from the stool kicking it against the wall as he walked out of the bar. Once outside he leaned against his car as he continued to smoke his cig-
  72. whaIing: She raised her brows, leaning back in her seat being careful not to fall of. Her arms crossed just under her chest, as she exhaled a sigh. "I don't know whether to applaud or start a protest." She was about to order another soda, but was interrupted by the guy she presumed was named Trav or Travis whatever, began his tirade. "Oh wow..." She hopped off her stool and followed right behind him, except only to pick up the stool he kicked and placing it back upright. She dusted off her palms and went back to her seat, moving back next to the bar and signaling over the bartender.
  73. Alexithymiaa: (I think it goes without saying.... but strictly IC... I'm not actually mad. I'm sitting and throwing ping pong balls at the cat. Totally cool. All IC. That is all.)
  74. SleeperStatus: ((Lmao i'd hope you werent but you definitely had this arguement before haha))
  75. Alexithymiaa: (Nah I was mostly just like FUCK IT, I'LL DO IT LIVE.)
  76. SleeperStatus: ((lmfao good arguement tho))
  77. whaIing: ["throwing ping pong balls at the cat" that's a mood]
  78. Tsaaq: Libi began to snicker under her breath as they ranted at each other. She bursted out in laughter once Travis stormed out, talking about how he was a grown ass man and such. She was cackling so hard she toppled off her bar stool and onto the floor. "Oh my fucking god I'm fucking crying." Libi said, dabbing the corners of her eyes that were coated in black, checking to see if it was dripping. "Travis wait, wait come back!" She laughed, glancing at Quinn who was by the jukebox. "Hang on I'll bring him back in here." She called out, getting up and peeking out the door at him. "The fuck you ran for you little bitch?" Libi snickered before taking a drag.
  79. Alexithymiaa: (Im awesome at pulling shit out of my ass. And you know what? She likes it so I will keep throwing them until she stops playing with them!)
  80. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I'm definitely pissed off that you're totally the type to wear a meninist shirt as a fucking joke!" She shot back at him as he walked out. She didn't bother to turn around, just keeping her eyes down on the jukebox as she selected a Blondie song because Debbie Harry is a beast female icon and that's her mood now I guess.-
  81. Tsaaq: ((Yaaas Debbie Harry.))
  82. SleeperStatus: ''No fuck that she wants to be a bitch for no fucking reason!''-He took another drag from his cig looking at libi-''Yeah i am gonna be a little bitch because i can''-he said with a smirk giving libi the finger-''Fuck it ill come in and i just wont talk to her''-he said as he walked to the door and into the bar taking the same seat that he was in when he left ordering another beer-
  83. whaIing: "I feel like a fucking kindergarten teacher," Stas chuckled to herself, before wrapping her lips around her refill. She hummed to the song that was coming out of the jukebox, even though she wasn't entirely sure what song it was. She tapped her foot to the beat, then her eyes darted to the door as the big man came back. "How was your timeout?" Asking sarcastically, she rolled up her sleeves and patted her jeans, then pulling at the loose strings of the holes.
  84. Alexithymiaa: (For arguments sake, )
  85. whaIing: [are you kidding me that song is iconic]
  86. whaIing: [oh nevermind]
  87. SleeperStatus: ((maybe she crashed))
  88. Tsaaq: ((She did.))
  89. SleeperStatus: ((weba))
  90. Alexithymiaa: (Ty. )
  91. Tsaaq: Libi rolled her eyes. "Please." She said, waving her hand at him. "Shove that finger up your ass, shithead." Libi told him with a smirk. She followed him inside. "Guess who's back!" She called out. "Why not talk to her, only to talk to her morelike." Libi snickered, going back to her drink.
  92. whaIing: [like i was saying OF COURSE I KNOW THAT SONG its iconic]
  93. Alexithymiaa: (Well DUH, but I didnt specify a song in my post. So then I did.)
  94. Alexithymiaa: -She lifted her head and glanced behind her to see Travis walking back in, rolling her eyes and letting out a huff like a petty child. Turning around completely, she leaned her back against the jukebox behind her, her arms crossing over her chest so she could pout and be immature about it.-
  95. SleeperStatus: ''Oh fuck off''-Travis said as to the girl he didnt really know taking another chug of his beer. While grabbing another cig out of his pack lighting another taking a long pull-
  96. whaIing: "Oh shit, I still think you need a little time. Na, I'm just fucking with you relax." She furrowed her brows and rolled her eyes, thinking his reaction was child-like.
  97. Tsaaq: Libi started to snicker again. "I'm rubbing off on this fucker." She went to nudge him. She looked over to Quinn and sputtered loudly. "Come oooon." She called out to her. "He's a little testy." Libi muttered to the girl at the bar.
  98. Alexithymiaa: -Her eyes dropped down to the floor, staring at her neatly painted toes before hearing Libi's call. "Come on, what?"-
  99. SleeperStatus: ''Dont really care to be honest just think its funny how easy people think it is to jump down other peoples throats''-he chuckled a bit looking over at Quinn-''Come on Quinn you're acting like a brat relax''-he said taking another sip of his beer-
  100. whaIing: She still didn't understand what point he was trying to get across, but at this point she didn't care. She leaned her chest over the bar and turned towards the girl who's name was still unknown to her. "Hey, never got your name?" Stas asked as somewhat of a question but also a statement. She pursed her lips, but her eyes were somewhat glued to her figure.
  101. Tsaaq: "Come on and hang out." She said with a shrug "Shut up." She rolled her eyes at him. "Calling her a brat isn't gonna help." She said. "Oh uhh... I'm Libi." She shrugged. "What's your name again?" She asked.
  102. Tsaaq: ((Sorry I was checking the mail.))
  103. Alexithymiaa: (Fuck your mail.)
  104. Tsaaq: ((My book didn't come and I was mad.))
  105. Alexithymiaa: (I sent you something.)
  106. Alexithymiaa: "Hangout?" She asked, her eyes narrowing on the small group at the bar. "Why would you want me to come hangout? Apparently I'm a brat."-
  107. Tsaaq: ((Did you really >.>))
  108. Alexithymiaa: (Bahahaha no not this time. But maybe I'll doodle on a post it and mail it to you now.)
  109. SleeperStatus: ((wait im so confused about your post who said something about hanging out?))
  110. Alexithymiaa: (Libi)
  111. SleeperStatus: ((Oh lmao nevermind))
  112. SleeperStatus: ''A brat and now a cry just chill out girl''-he shook his head looking straight trying not to look at her anymore knowing how mad she is now-''You are just super salty right now''
  113. whaIing: Stas smiled and nodded her head. "Anastasia, preferably Stas. Nice to meet you." She locked her jaw and yawned, picking up her phone. "Ah shit." She mumbled under her breath after checking the time. She stood up from her stool, then pushed it in looking at all three of them. "I gotta go to the little girls bathroom." She was unsure why she told them because it wasn't as if they were the bestest of friends, but she still hurriedly skipped to the bathroom, opening up a stall and doing her business.
  114. Tsaaq: "Pleasure." She waved at Stas. Libi pursed her lips. "I don't think you're a brat." She offered but she didn't sound very confident, she was moreso nonchalant. Her eyes widened at Trav, she went to smack his forearm. "Come on dude. The fuck?" She rose an eyebrow as the girl got up. "Look look look, we should all go somewhere else, clear our head."
  115. Alexithymiaa: -She eased off the front of the jukebox and walked over to the counter, standing at the end and planting her open palm against it to lean her weight on. "Where do you want to go, Lib?"-
  116. SleeperStatus: ''Im down, i dont know why you stopped me from leaving before''-he said as he chugged the last of his beer as he stood up stretching a bit kicking out his legs-''I need some blow thats what i need''
  117. whaIing: [my bad i was making popcorn]
  118. whaIing: She sat on the toilet for a while, not even doing anything, just staring at the stall door with markings that said shit like, '15 bj's were given in this stall'. Or like 'Gloria Steinem rules', which Stas thought was interesting to put into a dirty bar bathroom. She flushed the toilet, opening the stall and then looking in the mirror. She pulled out her phone and started snapchatting, just seeing all the fun others were having.
  119. Tsaaq: "I don't know about you guys but I'm heading to my job." Libi said. "At least I can drink from a bottle and it'll be free and shit for sure..." She said. "Shut up, you didn't even know where you were going when you ran away." She said to Travis.
  120. Alexithymiaa: "Bottoms UP?" She asked, her face softening at the mere idea that she could just dance and enjoy herself and relax. "I'm fine with that. I'm tired of this place as it is."-
  121. SleeperStatus: ''Fuck off Lib''-he chuckled because he knew she was right he then walk over to the bar taking another cig from his pack lighting it and taking a long drag-''So wheres this place at?''
  122. whaIing: After washing her hands and obsessing over her looks in the mirror, she pushed open the door and walked back to the front, a bit more pep in her step. She jumped back into her seat, resuming in coversation and then leaning in to get an insight as to what was happening. She wasn't one to butt herself into plans and she did have a job, so she sat there quietly, swirling the liquid in the can around as amusement.
  123. Tsaaq: She stuck her tongue out at Travis as she moved for the door. "You coimng Stas?" She would ask as she held the door open, surprisingly, for the others. "It's further downtown shut up we'll be there soon."
  124. Tsaaq: ((*coming))
  125. Alexithymiaa: -She pushed off the bar and started to head over to where Libi was at the door, stepping outside and spinning around to watch everyone else following along. "I'll meet you there. I'm not leaving my car here." She turned and stepped quickly down to her SUV, climbing in so she could head off.-
  126. SleeperStatus: -Travis grabbed his beer and followed the girls out and jumped into his beemer starting it up, he then rolled his window down-''Ill just follow you guys there''-he then rolled his window back up taking another swig of his beer before putting it in his cop holder. He was never really nervous about driving with alcohol in the car-
  127. whaIing: Stas tilted her head, pushing herself off her seat and then pulling up her socks that were buried in her chucks. "Where we going?" She asked, almost as if she was a little puppy following them around. Her lips were tightened and her waistband was pulled higher. As she saw everyone shuffle out and jump iinto their cars, she gulped a bit embarassed to say, "Oh.. I don't.. have a car."
  128. Tsaaq: "Kay see you there." Libi said as she leaned on the door. "Come on, just come with me or some shit." She waved Stas over to her and went towards her hearse.
  129. Tsaaq: ((We're going to Bottom's Up.))
  130. SleeperStatus: ((just invite me there))
  131. Tsaaq: ((THAT WAS THE PLAN >.>))
  132. Covet: [Oh! Okay I'll go there instead XD]
  133. whaIing has joined the chat
  134. Tsaaq has joined the chat
  135. Alexithymiaa has joined the chat
  136. SleeperStatus has joined the chat
  137. whaIing: [hey i have to take a quick shower so lets just say im in Libi's car taking a call]
  138. SleeperStatus: ((aight))
  139. Tsaaq: ((Kay guess I'm posting.))
  140. Tsaaq: Libi's hearse pulled up across the street from bottoms up. She'd only been there hours before but it was a force of habit. She saw Stas had gotten a call and left her in the car. She went inside and jumped over the bar, knocking the girl who was standing there over. She went through the bottles before grabbing one of her own and cracking it open.
  141. Covet: Angel pulled up to the place finally getting free of her familial obligations for the night and made her way inside the bar. She swayed her hips and saw Libi standing behind the counter, "Libs! Heya Chica, You working tonight?" She asked as she walked up to the bar, looking at the display of booze to figure out what she wanted to start the night off with.
  142. Alexithymiaa: -Parking her SUV outside in the lot, she hooked her keys into the pocket of her shorts and made her way up to the bar, significantly more mellow after her little drive than before she'd left the Rusty Handle. Stepping inside, she immediately walked over to the bar because that's where she'd anticipated to see Libi, surprised to see Angel there as well. "Hey love. I didn't know you were swinging by tonight."-
  143. SleeperStatus: -Travis pulled up to Bottoms Up and put his car in park behind Libi's. He watched her get out he couldnt hesitate to look at her ass as she walked in. he just shook his head and reached into his glove box grabbing his coke and a magazine out. He figured he should do a couple lines since he didnt all day. Travis poured some of the white powder out on the magazine and rolled up a dollar to use as a straw. Once finished he leaned down and did all three lines without stopping he then threw his head back and yelled-''Wow thats some good fucking shit''-he then tucked the magazine and the coke back in the glove box and got out of his car locking it behind him. He quickly made his way into the bar looking for libi inside once he spotted her he walked up to her-''Sup sup''-he was hoping she could tell he just did some lines without her-
  144. Tsaaq: She tossed some of her hair over her shouder and took a long gulp from her bottle. "For tips sake, let's say yes." She said to Angel, grabbing whatever bills that was in the jar and putting them in her cleavage. "Good to see you bitch. You guys were gone by the time I got to you yesterday." Libi said, looking between them. She saw Travis approach, narrowing her eyes at him. "You're really perked up and shit for somebody who just came in to a shitty bar." She said to him skeptically.
  145. Covet: "Hot damn, both my girls in one spot. Now that's how I want to spend my night." She said with a grin, " I finally got away from the family so I could make it out. You'd think spending all of vacation together we'd be sick of each other, but apparently that's just me.Aw...for real? Yeah.. Miguel drug us out when he got there to pick up Q's vehicle.Rude." She laughed at Libi taking the tips for the night then turned to see Travis, "Well hello again. Fancy running into you in a place like this."
  146. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn smiled at Angel, planting her hands on her hips and looking over to Travis when he came in, addressing Angel's comment. "Yeah, it kind of sucked, but honestly if I would have kept drinking I'd be even more hungover today than I already am." She sighed, blowing out a breath to send her stray hairs away from her face.-
  147. SleeperStatus: -Travis smiled at angel when he walked up to the bar then moving his eyes to Libi-''Thats cause i just did 3 lines in my car''-he chuckled then looked back at angel-''Yeah looks like a shit hole but its cool with me. Oh and Quinn hates me right now''-he laughed again as he leaned against the bar looking between the three of them-
  148. Tsaaq: "So that's what happened. Figures." She blew raspberries. LIbi began to lift up her shirt. "Gotta look the part if I'm gonna stand here-" She said before seeing the bottom of her boobs. "Shit. I'm not wearing a bra. I forgot." She laughed and pulled her shirt back down. "Oh well." She shrugged as she took another drink. She almost spat it out. "You piece of fucking garbage!" She yelled at Travis. "You pushed off without me you fuck?"
  149. Covet: "Right? But they're not gonna interupt me tonight." She said with a smirk looking at Quinn, "And that's why I drink tequila.. I woke up feeling right as rain this morning." She said a little smuggly then smacked Travis as well a little miffed, "Sharing is caring, Cabron. By the way...what did you think of the stuff I gave you last night?"
  150. Alexithymiaa: -She quickly rolled her eyes at Travis, leaning her hand out on a stool to prop herself up. "I don't hate you, I just think you're offensive. It's completely not the same." She bounced a bit in place at the music playing throughout the bar, her eyes starting to wander out toward the sea of people moving and dancing and doing the thing.-
  151. SleeperStatus: -Travis laughed as libi scolded him about not inviting her to get high he then looked over at angel and smile-''It wasnt bad but it wasnt the telling you ill get you hooked up with my connect his shit is close to pure cocaine''-his mouth was watering just thinking about the fresh brick he was getting tomorrow. Travis then looked over at Quinn.-''Ya know wht Quinn i apologize''-he looked at her patiently-''Do you accept?''-he winked at her-
  152. Tsaaq: Libi pouted like a brat and drank from her bottle again, attempting to chug the liquor for as long as she could. She coughed and gasped for air, getting through about a third of what was left in it. She slammed the bottle down on the bar. "Garbage." She grumbled. "I didn't want to push off with you anyways, fucker." Libi whispered. "You gave him shit yesterday? Cause he gave me shit yesterday." She asked Angel.
  153. whaIing: She was about to slam the car door in anger, then remembering that she really shouldn't make a bad impression on a girl who can kick her ass if she really wanted to. She leaned lightly against the care, remembering to be careful. Slipping her hand into her back pocket, she grabbed a single cigarette since she hated the boxes, and her Bic lighter. She placed it in her mouth, about to light it until her phone buzzed again. She was over it. Stas shoved both back into her pocket and with a meaningful stride her feet hit the pavement and walked into the dive. She pushed open the doors with her shoulder and quickly ran to the bar. She saw one unfamiliar face but just decided to go to Libi. Reaching over the bar she handed her her phone. "Keep this away from me please." She huffed, sitting down into a stool.
  154. Covet: "Libs... you got some electrical tape back there? Just put that on your nipples. Nobody is gonna give a shit then." She said with a laugh then turned to Travis, "I'll give it a try at the very least, I suppose." She said with a casual shrug,"Wait what the hell did you say to my girl, to be offensive?" Angel said snapping her head back to him, her hands on her expossed hips, then she spoke to Libi, " Yeah, he shared with me in the bathroom when we got baked with Q, So I told him to try what I had, before Miguel drugs us off. " She watched the other girl she'd didn't know walk up and make a request of Libi, then looked at Quinn making a face as if asking "Who's this?"
  155. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn gave an easy shrug. "I guess so. But it's going to take more than a meaningless apology to be back on my good side, that's for sure." She turned her attention back to Angel, waving her off. "Don't worry about it. It's over." She nodded her head in Stas' direction, shifting a bit closer to Angel. "That's Stas. She's pretty cool."-
  156. SleeperStatus: ''Fine by me''-he said as he shrugged walking over to the bar taking a seat-''Libs let me get a beer please''-he said with a bright smile as he then felt his leg vibrating he quickly dug his hand into his pocket pulling his phone out.He was getting a call from an ex he quickly declined and set his phon on the bar-''Fuck that bitch wants to cheat on me and then wants to blow my phone off...get fucked you whore''-he said obviously taking to himself-
  157. Tsaaq: "Or I can be just topless. I'm practially topless most of the time I'm here." Libi shrugged. "Plus tape hurts my nipples." She took Stas' phone and furrowed her eyebrows. "Alright, you look like you need a drink." Libi said in a slur as she tucked the phone away and put a glass on the bar and poured some vodka in it. "Beer? Got it." Libi nodded at travis as she grabbed him a bottle and handed it over. "Keep talking like that you're gonna get me all hot and bothered." Libi said sarcastically in a monotone then smirked. "I don't even think I have exes." She laughed.
  158. whaIing: She leaned over and waved at the other girl, beginning to introduce herself while she gripped the glass. "Hi. Stas. Nice to meet you." She nodded at her. Stas wasn't really into the whole handshake thing, was too formal for her and people are all types of nasty these days. She lifted the glass downing all of it and then tapping it while it burned her throat, requesting more.
  159. Artificer has joined the chat
  160. Covet: Angel looked at Travis for a second, narrowing her gaze at him before Quinn told her it was cool, " Alright...good that means I don't have to go all Chola on some ass tonight." She said then looked at Libi..."How much do I pay you for a bottle? Since I know the money's going into your top tonight. " She said with a laugh, then looked at Stas, "Nice to meet you, I'm Angel." Looking over at Travis talk smack about his Ex, she laughed, " I'm pretty sure if she cheated... that's exactly what she's doing.. does that make you feel better now?"
  161. Alexithymiaa: "Don't even waste your energy." She continued to bounce a bit in place, turning to the rest of the group. "Who's dancing with me?" Her eyes jumped over each face, raising her brows.-
  162. Alexithymiaa: (Lucasssssssss)
  163. Tsaaq: ((Yay!))
  164. SleeperStatus: -Travis smiled at Libi then turned to look at Angel and chuckled-''Yeah and to think i almost got her pregnant''-he shook his head and then took a sip of his beer-''Thanks lib here''-he then slid a 50 dollar bill across the bar in her direction-''Theres your tip..go figure i give ya cigs and drugs and im the one shelling out money to you''-he laughed once more as he grabbed his phone sending his ex a harsh text-
  165. SleeperStatus: ((sup bro))
  166. Tsaaq: Libi smirk, shimmying her chest at Angel. "Bottles usually go for like twenty, thirty. You know we're cheap as she here." She answered while repouring Stas' drink then slurping some from the bottle herself. "Push her down the stairs. Trust me. That's worked for me like two and half times." She waved her index finger at him then took the cash. "Wow, thanks Trav. I appreciate it. Now I don't have to whore myself to live a lavish lifetsyle." She laughed. "Well... Somebody fucking dance with Q."
  167. Alexithymiaa: (Two and a half times.)
  168. whaIing: After downing her second glass she looked up at the even murmur, whisper, or thought about dancing. She loved dancing while drunk. "Me!" She shouted like a little girl, spinning around and pushing herself off the seat. She stood next to Quinn and began swaying her hips, shaking her butt to the beat of the music.
  169. Tsaaq: ((as shit***))
  170. Covet: Angel blinked at him, "Dios Mio...Stupido...Condoms are your friend... plan b... diapragm.. the mutiple forms of fucking birth control..You can get at least half of those for free at a clinic." She smirked and looked at Libi, "That's because she's a boss and knows how to work the system in her favor." She looked at Quinn and raised her hands, "Me, but let me get my bottle first." She reached in the pocket of her shorts pulling out a twenty and a ten for Libi. There now I wont feel guilty about drinking this... "Tequila, something with a name label, not that well shit."
  171. SleeperStatus: ((who's turn is it?))
  172. Tsaaq: ((You dingleberry.))
  173. Artificer: Damian swung open the door of the bar, his energy level was one peg below cartwheeling into the building. "Shaaaaaaawts" He hollered, cupping his hands to his mouth. As soon as he got in the bar he began bouncing to the music, waving his hands in the air a bit. "Wassup ladies, and the powda man!" Damian said, pointing his fingers at everyone like they were loaded guns. "Hey baby." He said, leaning against the bar, looking over it at Libi. "Can I get some shots, and some suga?" He asked, puckering his lips like a 13 year old taking a bathroom selfie.
  174. SleeperStatus: ((LMFAO!!!!!))
  175. Tsaaq: ((Right? >.>?))
  176. Artificer: ((lol in that case, guess ill post))
  177. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn smiled to Stas when she rushed to her to join in the dancing festivities, lifting her arms over her head and rocking her hips back and forth to the music. "Hey Damian!" She called over the sounds of the music, swinging her body from side to side.-
  178. Alexithymiaa: (ME you assholes.)
  179. SleeperStatus: ''Well i mean i got her pregnant when we were both 15 so my dad gave us two options, We could keep the baby and he would disown me and kick me out the will or i could get an abortion''-he said as he took another sip from his beer-''and im pretty sure you guys know what i picked''-he chuckled and then turned when he heard Damian-''Sup brotha!''-he was finally happy another male showed up cause he felt he was out numbered-
  180. Tsaaq: (("I'm around too many chicks." - Said no straight guy ever.))
  181. SleeperStatus: ((Lmao not when he's not getting any and getting bitched at))
  182. Artificer: ((When they are all strong, independent and dont need no man it can be intimidating lolol))
  183. SleeperStatus: ((thats what im saying))
  184. whaIing: [is it my turn?]
  185. whaIing: [yes]
  186. SleeperStatus: (( i dont even know anymore))
  187. Yielding has joined the chat
  188. Alexithymiaa: (Lucas is used to this. He gets it.)
  189. Tsaaq: "Teen pregnant? Gross." Libi stuck her tongue out. She grinned at Angel. "You were there for most of the times I threw myself down the stairs though. That's how you know." She snickered, she went to give her a bottle of tequila. She turned and put the bottle on the bar then raised and eyebrow. She grinned bashfully and bit her lip at Damian. "Heyyy." She greeted. "Totally. I'll give you some shots..." She smirked, licking his lips before kissing them.
  190. whaIing: [oh nevermind lmao]
  191. whaIing: [theres a child in here.]
  192. Yielding walks up to the bar and climbs the chair, slamming down a 5 dollar bill made with crayon
  193. Yielding: I want a white russian, hold the vodka, hold the kahlua and put it in a sippy cup toots.
  194. SleeperStatus: ((wtf? LMFAO))
  195. SleeperStatus: z
  196. Covet: "Well at least you aren't entirely stupid." Angel said with a shake of her head, "Wait...fifteen and pregnant.. Shit was she mexican too? Because that would describe about every other one of my cousins." She rolled her eyes, then took her bottle, turning around to see Damian. "What's up slick, get your mushy ass out of my way, I have dancing to do!" She said pushing past him going to dance with Quinn, and Stas.
  197. Covet: [No kids allowed... thank you come back never.]
  198. Yielding: whaaat
  199. Yielding: where does it say that??
  200. Yielding: Where is your manager?!?
  201. SleeperStatus: ((this is a rp room
  202. whaIing: Putting her hands on her knees she bent over and popped her hips in and out twerking while just repeating 'Aye' to herself but definitely loud enough for everyone to hear. She looked over her shoulder at her ass, then looking at Quinn and grinning, flashing her teeth. "Oh yea, join the party!" She exclaimed to Angel, getting back up and laughing.
  203. Yielding: I have every right, as an american to be here!
  204. whaIing: [yikes]
  205. Covet: [Yeah... like.. you're kind of being rude interupting us... so...please... move along now trolli]
  206. Yielding: I hvnt done anything wrong
  207. Yielding: youre being rude
  208. SleeperStatus: ((You're like super annoying))
  209. Covet: [I can't... ]
  210. Yielding: how if ive done nothing wrong?
  211. Tsaaq: ((LMao fuck off.))
  212. Yielding has left the chat
  213. SleeperStatus: ((Plus i fucking hate child avi's they make me itch))
  214. Alexithymiaa: (I just hate children.)
  215. Covet: [Ditto! to both]
  216. SleeperStatus: ((well i mean i hate kids but i love my daughter))
  217. whaIing: [Imvu children make me feel filthy]
  218. Alexithymiaa: (All children make me feel that way)
  219. Alexithymiaa: -Quinn laughed as she watched Stas, reaching her hand over to grab Angel and pull her closer, completely dancing up on that bitch like it was her job. "This is definitely a better use of my night than sitting in the Rusty Handle."-
  220. Artificer: Damian grabbed Libi's chin as she went to kiss him, holding the kiss for a moment longer."Lookin good hot stuff." He said, nipping at her lower lip before releasing her. He turned and watched all the ladies run out to the dance floor. "Why arent you out there twearking too?" He asked Travis, smacking him on his shoulder to get his attention.
  221. SleeperStatus: -Travis laughed looking at damian as he took another sip from his beer-''i'd put them all to shame to be honest, plus im a little coked up right now to be doing all that dancing i just wanna break shit right now''-he chuckled as he set his phone down-''I missed ya yesterday bro me and Lib ripped the stall door off in the bathroom at the Rusty Handle last night''
  222. Tsaaq: She giggled after their kiss. Libi screwed up her face at him. "Please don't be one of those guys who twerk to try and look funny, cause it's obnoxious." She stuck her tongue out and mimed gagging. "Wanna break shit? That's awesome. Too bad I'm JUST drunk." Libi said, pouring out shots for Damian and sliding them over to him. "Oh shit that was a real thing?" Libi asked in a dropped whisper. "I guess I almost forgot. That was fun though."
  223. Covet: "Yeah, I mean.. it's not a terrible place, but this is better. Do you want a drink?" She asked Quinn, and Stas, offering her bottle over to them as well, while she got her grove on with Quinn, grinding up on her. She heard the commentary about dancing, "Okay...put your money where your mouth is if you think you're so good. Q could dance circles around your ass, without even trying!"
  224. MickeyDeeFrenchFry has joined the chat
  225. whaIing: She stopped dancing, carefully grabbing the bottle from Angel and taking a slug. Once she finished, she wiped her mouth with her sleeve, grinding her hips back and forth, trying to belly dance. She giggled loudly, obviously drunk until she immediately stopped when she heard Travis. "Oh really? No twerking, like Libi said, but I doubt you're a better dancer than any of us." She nodded her head.
  226. Artificer: "Oh honey, there's nothing funny about when I dance." Damian said, chugging down a shot. "You aint the only one with them latin hips." Damian said to Angel, rocking his hips to the music, looking like he actually knew how to dance a bit. He chuckled and then turned, looking at Libi. "But I always dance much better with a partner." He said, giving her a playful wink before biting his lip a bit. He pounded another shot and looked between Travis and Libi. "Y'all fucking crazy." He said chuckling again. "Dont be getting my girl in trouble." He said pointing at Travis. "I dont wanna have to whoop yo ass." He joked, leaning back against the bar.
  227. Alexithymiaa: "Definitely no drinks for me." She waved her off, circling her arms around Angel's waist to do her thing. "I kind of hear challenges. I'm pretty sure I hear challenges." She smirked, backing off Angel just a bit so she could bust a few moves. She jumped and crossed her feet, spinning around and rolling her body in one fluid motion. -
  228. MickeyDeeFrenchFry has left the chat
  230. whaIing: [LMAOOOOOO]
  231. Artificer: ((OOOOOH BITCH BUUUUUURN))
  232. Alexithymiaa: (I cant.)
  233. SleeperStatus: ''Its was a joke! Gees''-he chuckled finishing his beer before turning back around to face libi-''When do you go on break.. i figure me you and Dam and whoever else wants to come could go do a couple lines?''-he smiled devilishly at her giving her a wink. he was obviously never a good influence-
  234. SleeperStatus: ((Omg Kamal had me dying yesterday when she was doing the coke with that church guy she goes ''Wow i feel like scarface'' i dont know why but i laughed so hard at that))
  235. Covet: [...... oh don't worry... you aren't the only one...]
  236. Tsaaq: She shook her head at Damian. "I know about your latin hips asshole." She tried not to laugh. "I don't really dance... At least not the way you guys dance." She said in a small voice, refilling drinks. "I don't think you have to worry about him getting me in trouble. We already know I'm trouble." She smirked. Libi stood up straight. "We can do that shit now honestly. Let's do it. Come on." She said hurriedly to Travis then turned to Damian. "Come on baby, let's go do a bump or two."
  237. Covet: "You have latin boy hips... they ain't got nothing on a woman's" She said scoffing, "Sadly Babe, no challenges...everyone is to scared you'd blow them out of the water." She said tipping her bottle back once she got it back and swallowed feeling that familiar boozy buzz. "Wait..Bump? Count me in!" She said throwing her hand up.
  238. whaIing: "Me too!" Any mention of drugs, she was in. She took another swig before handing the bottle back to Angel. "Thanks M'lady!" She grinned and leaned against Angel.
  239. Alexithymiaa: "Aw, you guys suck." She called back, cocking her hip out and dropping low to bounce once before popping back up. Her dancing slowed when she realized literally everyone was going into the bathroom for drugs. "Wait, seriously?" She asked, her arms slowly dropping to her sides.-
  240. Artificer: "Well then we will just have to dance later tonight." Damian teased "Yeah alright. Speaking of which, i never got those G's from you Travis." He said before looking over at Libi with a grin. "Things got a little uh, Heated before we took care of that." He took another shot and pushed away from the bar. He did a little MJ spin and started pimp walking towards the bathroom. "Ill out dance all Y'all bitches once i do more coke." He stopped and looked at Quinn now alone on the dance floor. "Dont partake?" he asked, still bouncing to the music.
  241. SleeperStatus: -Travis hopped up and headed for the door to go to his car and grab his stuff. Once outside he lightly jogged to his car unlocking the doors as he bent inside and opened his glove box pulling out his stash and closed it along with the car door as he jogged back inside the bar-''Alright lets go''-he said as he led them inside the bathroom-''somone lock the door behind them''-Travis then opened the gallon bag of coke and began dividing it up between them cutting it up nice and clean with his razor blade-''Alright who wants to go first?''
  242. whaIing: [do you guys mind if i play music?
  243. whaIing: *]
  244. SleeperStatus: ((go for it))
  245. Tsaaq: LIbi chewed on her finger and shrugged. "I'm sorry..." She said in an insincere tone then shrugged, looking at Damian playfully. She went around the bar, beginning to walk over to the bathroom before she looked back at Quinn and Damian. "We'll literally be right back." She called out, waiting to Damian to come over before she went inside the bathroom.
  246. whaIing has left the chat
  247. whaIing has joined the chat
  248. SleeperStatus: ((weba))
  249. Covet: "Hey there you go, " Angel said watching Damien, "She's a good girl. Green is her only friend. Don't peer pressure her." Angel said swatting at Damien. "We'll be quick, Q... Unless you're going to take off soon?" She said to her friend giving her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, before she headed off to the bathroom. "Holy fucking shit.....You just roll around with that much on your are fucking loco"
  250. whaIing: [hold on im closing out of imvu and rebooting one second]
  251. whaIing has left the chat
  252. whaIing has joined the chat
  253. Alexithymiaa: "Not in those type of festivities." She answered Damian, jerking her thumb over in Angel's direction before giving a nod. "Green only. I'll just be... around...." She trailed off, as everyone disappeared into the bathroom for drugs. She pursed her lips now that she was standing alone on the dance floor, easing her way toward the door so she could step outside and get some fresh air.-
  254. Artificer: "Well good for you." Damian said giving Quinn a smile and a thumbs up. "It really isnt that great." He said as he began walking backwards towards the bathroom. "We'll be right back, and then I will show you how to dance." He teased before spinning and walking to the bathroom. He wrapped his arm around Libi's waist walking with her into the bathroom. "Damn dude, you dont give a shit do you?" Damian asked, looking at Travis' giant bag. He dug into his pocket and pulled out his own dime bag of coke, flicking it with a finger and holding it up to see what was left.
  255. whaIing: [nevermind music isn't loading]
  256. SleeperStatus: ((Ill wait for you to post Whaling since no one said that they wanted to go first lmfao!))
  257. whaIing: About to go and join the crowd in the bathroom, she suddenly stopped. She looked over her shoulder and saw Quinn, then beginning to go back her way. "Eh, I won't be missing out on much." She went back over to Quinn, sloppily smiling at her while her legs could barely hold herself up. "Sooooo....." She dragged on before pulling a cigarette out of her back pocket.
  258. Tsaaq: Libi Smiled once he came over to her. "Come onnnn." Libi said, going to bit his neck as they finally came inside. Libi definitely forgot to lock the door. "If nobody's volunteering..." She trailed off. She untangled from Damian's grip and went to cut herself a few lines.
  259. Covet: "I'll go first...." She said looking around between everyone. "She said stepping up to do a line tipping her head back with a smile as she stepped back wiping her nose off. "Fuck yes... We should have done this before dancing. Not that it matters, I'm going back out there to tear it up for sure." She tipped her bottle back as well feeling the feeling the excess powder slipping down her throat with her saliva.
  260. Alexithymiaa: "It's fine, Stas. Go have fun. I'm going to head out anyway." She smiled to the girl, sending her a little wave before stepping down away from the bar, walking out to her car to climb in and take off for her house.-
  261. Alexithymiaa: (Yeah Im going to bed.)
  262. SleeperStatus: -Travis watched as Angel took the line like a champ he began clapping-''Good shit''-he said as he walked up and cut up four lines-''You think i shoudl do all four of these?''-he looked around the group and then suddenly dipped his head down and snorted all of them up without hesitation-''Holy shit!''-he yelled as he began to punch the side of his head and jumping in place-''Thats good shit man!''-he drifted back towards the wall where he leaned against for support-
  263. whaIing: [have a nice nightt]
  264. SleeperStatus: ((goodnight!))
  265. Alexithymiaa: (Niiiiight guys)
  266. Covet: [NIGHT BITCH!]
  267. whaIing: Stas shrugged as Quinn left, before basically running and bursting into the bathroom. She stopped herself by planting her feet into the ground as she saw people doing lines. "Save some for me!" Stas whined like a kid, weirdly she became childlike when she was tipsy. She pushed through some of them and jumped in place waiting for someone to cut some for her.
  268. Alexithymiaa has left the chat
  269. Artificer: Damian put his phone down on a sink, pouring a little bit of his coke out onto it before getting out his designated cocaine gift card to chop it up. He glanced up watching Angel, Libi, and then Travis do lines. He shook his head with a half grin as he watched Travis do four lines. He cut out four lines, one for everyone in the room. Damian did his own line before walking up behind Libi, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck. "Theres a line for you over here." he whispered to her before motioning her towards his phone, letting her do a line before he told everyone else.
  270. Tsaaq: "Allah almighty." She whispered with a shake of her head at Travis. "You're moving like a guy who wants to OD." She said with a laugh. She bit her lip as she watched the others do their lines before leaning over to do one. She stood and looked over to the lines Damian made and smirked. She went to kiss his cheek then ran over, doing her line and wincing as she stood up straight. "Thank you baby." She said to him with smirk.
  271. Covet: "Yeah... I mean...if you wanna do four...go for it, but I'm good with just one. I don't need to be faced, I just want a high." She said hearing the music out in the bar, dancing a bit in the bathroom . She looked at Damian and Libi, "You two are disgustingly know that."
  272. SleeperStatus: ''Oh shit look who came in finally''-he teased Stas as he walked back over to the coke cutting up a line for her-''Go head have a crack at it''-he said stepping back watching her as she beganto do the line-
  273. SleeperStatus: ((i hope she didnt fall asleep again))
  274. whaIing: [i didnt i just had to take off my makeup]
  275. SleeperStatus: ((Oh ok haha))
  276. whaIing: She joyfully leaned down, placing one finger against one nostril while the other took the white substance and snorted it carefully. Her head dragged against the line, she quickly pulled up, pinching the bridge of her nose and yelling. "Oh fuck. YES!" She started dancing to the faint music that could be heard from the main room.
  277. Artificer: "And for that," Damian said holding out a rolled up bill to Angel with a smile. "You get to go next." He said to her, before wrapping his arm around Libi. "You are totally right though, Libi is too adorable." He teased, kissing her forehead. "Yo, come take one too, youve been giving out all night." He said to Travis, motioning to his phone with his eyes.
  278. Tsaaq: "Shut the fuck up." Libi said to Angel before going to lean her head on Damian's shoulder, letting the coke rush over her. "Stop." She whispered to him before watching the others do their lines. "You know where we should go...?" She asked, looking around.
  279. Covet: "Okay fine, but that's my last one..." She said looking at Damian. "Then I'm going back out to dance and finish this off.." She said taking another pull from her bottle of tequila, shaking her head, before she took the bill from Damian and took the line, feeling the sting and burn in her nose. "She is sexy as fuck..not adorable. You bring her sexiness down to adorable..." She said handing the bill back then looked at Libi. "Where's that?"
  280. SleeperStatus: -Travis nodded his head listening to Damian as he walked over to his phone looking down at the line smiling, he quickly leaned down bringing his face close to the line sucking it up no problem and then taking some to rub on his gums-''God i love coke so fucking much!''-he chuckled to himself again as he walked back to the wall leaning on it-
  281. whaIing: As her favorite song came on, she rapped along to it, swaying her hips. She placed her hands under the hem of her sweatshirt, slowly pulling it off and tying it around her waist. Her bra was barely a bra, but she still danced as the loose strings ran dwon her back, sending shivers up her shrine. "C'mon let's go back to dancing!"
  282. whaIing: *down
  283. Artificer: " Your bedroom?" Damian teased, pecking Libi's cheek. "I know, She is tooo fine." He said, looking her body up and down. "We could tell." Damian chuckled, speaking to Travis as he shook his head with a grin again. Damian grabbed his phone from the sink, licking the leftover coke off the screen before putting it in his pocket.
  284. Tsaaq: Libi shook her head at him. "You love coke so much?" She repeated with a raise of her eyebrow. "Travis, come on dude." She looked around skeptically. "I don't know Angel. You in on this?" She asked." She shook her head. Libi watched Stas walk out then turned to face Damian. "There's a pawn shop down the street." She said quietly before biting her lip. "Let's get some shit."
  285. Covet: "When a guy walks in with a gallon bag of coke... No.. I never would have thought he might love it at all." Angel said giving a laugh as she rolled her eyes then looked at Libi. "Will there be cameras? I don't exactly need to be explaining that one to my dad from the other side of a jail cell. If there isn't, count me in."
  286. SleeperStatus: -Travis listened in on there convo and he began to nod his head virgorusly-''Oh fuck yes im down..and fuck camera's''-Travis said looking at Angel-''Damn Angel i didnt realize how sexy you are''-he joked as he gave her a wink-
  287. whaIing: As she made her way out of the bathroom, thinking they were all trailing behind her, she bobbed her head to the music, her head began to sweat profusely. Her body followed ensuite. That didn't stop her. She licked her lips, moving her hips in a rotation while her arms were thrown in the air, roughing up her hair. She could've been mistaken for one of the girls who work here.
  288. Artificer: Damian thought for a moment after hearing Libi's suggestion. "Im down, but no trash cans this time." He said, looking Libi's way. "We only do it if we know we wont get caught." He added, looking around at the people in the bathroom. "Travis, you better go put that ridiculous ass bag of coke away, and dont act like a coke dealer for at least few minutes if you are coming with." He said before moving his glance between Libi and Angel, because they were the only two he really trusted to do something like this with.
  289. Tsaaq: Libi bit the inside of her lip, tapping her heel against the floor of the bathroom."Fine... No trash cans." She said in agreement. "I never seen a camera in there..." She whispered. "I can check when we get there though. Everybody just stay back." Libi said, her heart racing she furrowed her eyebrows at Travis. "Really dude? Think with your fucking brain man, not your cock!" She scolded him before walking out of the bathroom, trying to look natural.
  290. Covet: "Trash cans?" Angel asked then shook her head then laughed at Damian giving Travis the run down of how we're going to do this. She heard Travis's comment and then Libi's, "I'm not sure if I should be insulted or flattered that it took you five lines to finally figure that out, Travis." She smirked and headed for the door, "Well let's get criminal, kids."
  291. SleeperStatus: -Travis chuckled loudly as he walked the bag of coke to the stall tucking it perfectly between the wall and the back of toliet-''That should be a good place for it''-he then turned around followed libi and the rest of them out of the bathroom not sure where this pawn shop was since he was still new to the town-
  292. whaIingwhaIing WhisperAdd Friend: Stas felt almost as if she would collapse right then and there onto the dirty floor covered in booze and other.. fluids. She panted loudly, not noticing that the people she was hanging with were about to leave. She went next to the wall and slid down, lying her hoodie down on the ground for her to sit on for protection from the floor and her bare skin. She was considering smoking, because coke and smoke was the best, but she just needed to catch her breath.
  293. Tsaaq: ((You better be writing The Great Gatsby mother fucker.))
  294. SleeperStatus: ((LMFAO!))
  295. Covet: [hahaha dead]
  296. Artificer: Damian laced his fingers with Libi's walking beside them as they headed towards the door. "Travis if you are just trying to get laid, stay here. I am not getting picked up for you fucking up cuz you are trying to get your dick wet," He said, looking back over his shoulder at him. "If you are," He said pointing at Stas as she sat on the floor. "Stay here with Stas, cuz I dont think Angel is your ticket." He said, before glancing at Angel. He decided not to give Travis his two cents about the hiding spot, kinda hoping he could come back and snag the coke. Thats what he gets for forgetting to get Damian his coke a second time.
  297. Artificer: ((Fitzgerald aint got shit on me))
  298. Tsaaq: ((Don't say the lord's name in vain.))
  299. Covet: [^]
  300. Tsaaq: Libi stopped, walking backwards a moment as Damian spoke. She licked her lips and laughed a little, covering her mouth. "Damn Trav." She whispered. Her eyebrows raised. She glanced at Stas on the floor and looked around. "Uh... We'll be back." She said to her. She squeezed Damian's hand. "Come onnn. While the high is still pumping my blood."
  301. Tsaaq has left the chat
  302. Covet: "I mean.. You're welcome to try, but I've got four brothers between the ages of twenty two and and thirty two that have no problem fulfilling their Latin duties by protecting their baby sister. They don't exactly play nice either." She said with a smirk, and that definitely didn't keep her from swaying her as about as she kept dancing. Her energy through the rough as they walked out the door, "Nice to meet you Stas" She said walking past her out the door.
  303. Covet: *her ass
  304. SleeperStatus: -Travis laughed at Damian as they were walking out-''Dude i could get my dick wet whenever i want, and nah im not tryna bone Angel....damn just relax bruh''-Travis tried to blow off what he said as they were walking not saying anything as they continued to walk-
  305. SleeperStatus: ((weba))
  306. Covet: [Webs]
  307. Tsaaq: ((Ty guys.))
  308. Tsaaq: ((It's Lucas' post right?))
  309. SleeperStatus: ((yeah))
  310. Covet: [Fuckin Fitzgerald Faker over here]
  311. Artificer: "I just aint about to go to jail." He said looking over his shoulder at Travis. "I'll relax later." Damian added before following Libi out the door, letting her lead the way. As two of them made it out the door first he leaned in to whisper to her so only she could here. "He cool?" he asked, motioning back to Travis with his eyes.
  312. whaIing: [probably doubt she left on purpose]
  313. whaIing: [oh oops ]
  314. whaIing: [ignore me]
  315. Tsaaq: "Yeah he's fine. He's just a little shit." Libi replied in an equally quiet voice. She bit her bottom lip, her heels clacking against the pavement until the reached the pawn shop. "Everybody shut their fucking faces." Libi shouted in a slur before peeking in through the glass door. "I'm gonna just punch a hole through part of the door and turn this knob shit-" She declared, cocking her hand back as she balled it into a fist.
  316. Covet: Angel got quiet and stood back with her hands on her hips as she watched Libi, whispering to Damian, "You ready to bandage her hand up after this?" She said then looked at Libi, "Sure you don't want to use something on your hand?" She asked fidgeting because she really wanted to move around but didn't want to draw attention to them.
  317. SleeperStatus: -Travis was acting like a look out, watching up and down the street several times. Coke made him very paranoid but he hid that from them well-''Coast is clear guys i dont see anyone out here''-he said as he checked around once more-
  318. whaIing: Stas pushed herself off the wall and dusted off her legs. She picked up her sweatshirt, balling it up in her hand while trying to get her bearings. She peaked behind the bar, looking to see if maybe Libi had left her phone. She shrugged and walked out of the bar, getting a random to call her an uber by flashing her tits. She carefully placed herself inside, and went home.
  319. Tsaaq: ((She'll get it tomorrow lmao.))
  320. whaIing: [Yea hhaha]
  321. whaIing: [goodnight!]
  322. Tsaaq: ((Night))
  323. SleeperStatus: ((goodnight))
  324. Artificer: "Umm no I'm not." Damian said to Angel as he grabbed Libi's fist. He pulled his shirt off and wrapped it around his and, nudging Libi out of the way before he punched through the glass door, reaching inside to unlock the door. "Im sorry babe, I know you wanted to do that, but I aint dealing with stitching you up tonight." He said, looking back at her as he apologized. His face lit up with a smile as he clicked the door unlocked and opened it up. "Ladies first." He said, motioning the girls with a hand.
  325. Artificer: ((that sentence is fucked, but im not even going to bother correcting my punctuation.))
  326. Covet: [GG Lucas]
  327. Tsaaq: Libi rose her eyebrow at Travis. "Will you shut your fucking face!?" She asked him hurriedly feeling paranoid but also excited as well. Libi pouted when Damian walked up and lowered her hand. She pouted as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Fine." She whined. Libi walked into the pawn shop and looked around at the items before heading towards where the jewlery case was. "Well I'm getting this." She lifted her foot up and slammed it down on the glass in an attempt to shatter it. She was wasted so sure the glass cracked but she also fell.
  328. Covet: Angel walked in and looked around at everything, She peered around looking for anything of interest to her, she was feeling buzzed, brave and stupid. Watching Libi try to take out a jewelery display case and getting her ass kicked by it, she started to snicker a little finding it funny, but was still trying to keep quiet.
  329. SleeperStatus: -Travis made his way into the pawn shop just looking around but something caught his was a samuri sword. His eyes lit up as he walked over to it. He didnt touch it he just stared at it threw the glass-
  330. Artificer: Damian stepped inside the pawn shop looking around. He chuckled and went to go help Libi up as she fell, he kneeled beside her putting his arm around her to lift her up. "You alright baby?" He asked as he lifted her to her feet. He glanced around looking for anything good.
  331. Tsaaq: "I'm fine." Libi replied as she leaned on him as she stood up. She kicked the case a couple of times until the glass shattered and fell to the floor. Libi smirked and grabbed up the jewlery and stuffed it in her pockets. Libi eyed a safe behind the counter and went to climb over the counter, looking at the cash register then the safe. "How would we take this, like this whole shit. I need a strong man over here!" Libi called out.
  332. Covet: "Shhhh!" Angel said as Libi called out. She'd fouind a couple of nice designer bags, that she could probably afford, but it was part of the rush. She slung them over her shoulder happy with her loot, not wanting to press her luck further.
  333. SleeperStatus: -Travis heard libi calling but his eyes were still glued to the samari sword, he then cocked back his right hand and with one swift motion shattered the glass cutting up his hand a little bit but he couldnt feel it cause he as numb all over-''Holy shit''-Travis whispered as he held the sword in his hands. The then held it out and grabbed the handle pulling it slowly out of its casing. He then put the casing down and used both hands as he began swinging it but he had control the entire time listening how the blade cut through the air-
  334. Artificer: Damian watched Libi climb over the counter to the safe. "Babe, no. That shit is way too heavy anyway." He said, climbing over the counter. He walked along the counter looking at the things inside the glass. He punched through the glass counter, his hand still wrapped in his shirt. As the glass shattered he reached in and pulled out a couple more necklaces, along with a watch, and some cuff links with what looked like a little diamond on them. "Lets not stay here too long." He said, eyeing the jewelery before shoving it in his pockets.
  335. Tsaaq: Libi made a whining noise as she attempted to pull the handle of the safe then huffed, stumbling backward. She began to pull on the cash register to yank it out of it's place on the counter. She stared in a daze for a moment. She heard sirens in the distrance and broke from her trance. "Fuck." Libi sai as she grabbed whatever lingering jewlery that was left over and tripped as she jumped over the counter. Nevertheless she ran towads the door, waiting for the others. "The fucking pigs are coming."
  336. Covet: "Oh crap!" Angel said running for the door, holding onto the bags tightly, "Where are we running to? Dios mio my heart is fucking racing..." she said bailing past them, and heading back towards the bar. "Did you drive Libi?" She asked trying not to panic too much, but loving the rush all the same.
  337. SleeperStatus: -Travis heard the sirens in the distance and instantly his heart started racing a mile a minute, he wasnt ready to panic he was getting to that point though. He quicky closed up the sword and used the strap so it would rest on his back. He then ran to the door with Libi and the rest of them waiting to find out what they were gonna do next-
  338. Artificer: Damian leaped over the counter hearing the sirens coming. He bolted for the door, pushing past travis to get to Libi. "Lets get outta here. Where's your car babe?" He asked libi, grabbing her hand pulling her along as he tried running back towards the bar.
  339. Tsaaq: She bit the inside of her cheek, looking up and down the street to see which way they were coming. "Yeah, I did drive here." Libi said to Angel before looking to Travis. "A sword... That's what you took?" Libi asked in an unamused before beginning to run in the direction of her car. "Come on!" She was going pretty fast for a bitch in heels. Libi practically leapt into the driver's seat. "Get in here!" Libi shouted and waved her hand for Damian to come over as she pulled off her vest.
  340. Covet: Angel climbed in and moved to the back of the hearse sitting down with her bags resting her head back against the sidewall. "Drive drive!" She said hitting the back of Libi's seat.
  341. SleeperStatus: -Travis ran track in highschool so that really stuck out when they were all sprinting to their cars, once he got to his he jumped in and started it up. The wheels screeched as he peeled out of the spot and down the street. The pedal was to the floor as he ran stop lights and stop signs. He finally got to what looked like a good place to lay low as he pulled into a dark alley and cut his lights. Travis was shaking at this point but then started to burst out in laughter because of the rush he had-
  342. Artificer: Damian climbed into Libi's car, shutting the door quickly as he looked over his shoulder watching for cars. "Pull out calm." He said tapping his foot as his heart raced. "Act like we aint done shit." He said, feeling his pockets full of jewelry. He watched Travis peel out down the street. "If anything theyll chase his dumbass with the sword." Damian said, taking a breath as he pulled his seat belt on.
  343. Tsaaq: "I'm good." Libi said. As she tossed the vest into her backseat then pulled out of her parking spot then began to casually drive away, resisting the urge to pass the shop as the sirens got louder. She grinned, and began to laugh. "That was fucking rad." Libi said, feeling the rush pump through her body as she began to speed away once they were far enough.
  344. Tsaaq: ((It's five am where I am I'm sleeping >.>))
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