
Text Adventure Chapter 22 Log

Jun 10th, 2014
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  1. >Inspect Flamescythe
  2. [A powerful attack utilizing magic and enchantment to create an electroflame slash that deals heavy damage. Uses 2 Mana Points, Good attack (last two digits of roll), adds 10 Magic Attack. 4 turn cooldown.]
  3. {Experience: 0 / 500}
  5. >Inspect Mega Buster
  6. [A basic attack turned up to 11, a release of potent magical energy in an elliptical sphere that explodes upon impact and leaves little behind. Uses 2 Mana Points, Good attack (last two digits of roll), 3 turn cooldown.]
  7. {Experience: 290/300}
  9. >As you walk into the door, you’re suddenly assaulted by a multitude of levitation spells, removing and replacing things on you with disorienting speed.
  10. >Once it finally ends, you open your eyes back up and look down, seeing the pristine white coat that you know and love.
  11. >That’s when you heard Redheart gasp, too.
  12. >”Anonymous… that’s my cutie mark, isn’t it?”
  13. >You look on your back and barely see the stitching, but it was all there.
  14. >LEGENDARY DOCTOR, with the modified health sign to be Red’s cutie mark.
  15. “That’s the surprise, yeah.”
  16. >Red looks like she almost had tears in her eyes.
  17. >Before they could fall, though, she walks up to you and embraces you in a tight hug.
  18. >”I can’t believe you’d do that…”
  19. “Only for the mare I love.”
  20. >
  21. >She breaks the hug and looks at you, wide-eyed.
  22. >So did Pinkie.
  23. >What was wrong…?
  24. >Oh, oh boy.
  25. >You just said you loved her, didn’t you?
  26. >How could you slip so easily? How long has it been, two weeks--
  27. >”I love you too, Anon.”
  28. >Now it was your turn to stare.
  29. >...Yet, it was welcoming, with so many emotions going through your mind right now…
  30. >You loved her.
  31. >You love Redheart.
  32. >It was only a second longer before you and Red share the most passionate, unifying kiss you’ve ever kissed.
  33. >You heard Ms. Stringtie making squee sounds in the background, with Rarity sobbing tears of joy, if her personality’s anything to go by.
  34. >It seemed like a blissful eternity before the kiss was broken, but you were happy.
  35. >And you wanted to make sure that she would be protected.
  36. >You remove the Mana Tesseract from your bag, and offer it to her.
  37. [You give Redheart the Mana Tesseract.]
  38. “Here, I’d like you to have this… Gyro gave it to me.”
  39. >The intricate designs of the tesseract intrigued her, but the gift itself was pounding her heart with this newfound love, you could tell.
  40. >”T-thank you..”
  41. >It looks like she didn’t know what to do with it, as she was just looking it over like jewelry.
  42. “You uuh, drink it.”
  43. >She nods in embarrassment, a little red rosying her cheeks.
  44. >”Right…”
  45. [Redheart’s MD has increased by 20!]
  46. >After she drinks it, a little hair-raising spasm courses through her body, and she makes a little cute yelp.
  47. >”Oh wow, that has a kick…”
  48. “You should be as immune to magic as I am, now.”
  49. >Red looks back at you and gives you another tight hug.
  50. >The moment finally passes, and you take the time to look around.
  51. >Rarity was drying her tears, Stringtie was fixing some of her displays with a smile on her face, and Pinkie…
  52. >She was staring at the ground, interestingly enough.
  53. “Pinkie, are you alright?”
  54. >The pink menace looks right up at you with her trademark grin.
  55. >”Yeah Nonny, I’m super duper happy for you guys!”
  56. >Happy times were exchanged as you admire your newly refurbished coat.
  57. >The process took about an hour, leaving you at 10:00 A.M.
  58. >What would you like to do?
  62. “Well, I still need to do a few things before I register, so I guess, thank you Rarity, Ms. Stringtie.
  63. >Rarity nods and waves a hoof.
  64. >”It’s a pleasure, darling. Anything to promote the wonderful romance between you and Ms. Redheart here!”
  65. >Stringtie nods.
  66. >”Indeed, if there’s anything else you need, feel free to return!”
  67. >You wave your goodbyes to the duo as you leave with Red and Pinkie, your white coat flowing behind you.
  68. >As you return to the outside world, you have another step in your day that you needed to take care of.
  69. >Red and Ponka side by side with you, your party walks back over to Gyro’s shop.
  70. >You walk in behind after them once you open the door, and Gyro pops his dirty head from underneath the counter.
  71. >”Oh, h-hello again, Anonymous. I was just dealing with this recipe here, and for Celestia’s sake, it’s really really complicated!”
  72. >You nod in understanding.
  73. “I know, but you’ll get it.”
  74. >He gets himself up and puts his elbows on the counter, looking at the three of you.
  76. >”So, uh, what’s up? Anything you need?”
  78. -Buy
  79. -Sell
  80. -Exit
  81. -Talk to Gyro Gear
  84. “So, as your new business partner, I had some ideas to swing by you.”
  85. >He looks back behind him for a moment, fidgeting.
  86. >”Uh well, … Alright, swing it by me, I suppose.”
  87. >As you begin your planning, Redheart and Pinkie go excuse themselves to browse the wares a little bit, knowing how long-winded you could get sometimes.
  88. “I was going to go down to the Protected Wither and ask the guy about selling this weapon and distribute it to increase the product’s profits. See, stores like that always have trade routes, but it’d work even better because it works as a protection method, so he can make trade routes with the royal guards and make a large surplus with them, and other weapon shops could work as well. This would make you the prime producer and you’d get the majority profit, too.”
  89. >He was completely dumbfounded, but he picks up his expression after a second.
  90. >”You’ve uuh, put a lot of thought into that. But I heard money, and that’s always good for me, y-you know? Er, sorry, keep going.”
  91. “Sort of, but I had something to ask you, too.”
  92. >He waves you on.
  93. “Is there any chance Redheart here and myself could get a Defibrillator from you, and its recipe?”
  94. >”No, no no no, you’re paying for that stuff!”
  95. “Hear me out! We would go out and promote it at the tournament, both of us being in the medical career--”
  96. >Redheart interrupts.
  97. >”You’re not actually certified, babe…”
  98. >Pfft, you learned from the best, right?
  99. “Anyways, we can show the uses of the defibrillators there, which will extend to the hospitals that could use them.”
  100. >Gyro steps in, a little confused.
  101. >”Wait wait, what are you talking about, tournaments and hospitals? All the defibrillator does is create an electric shock to magnify magnetic properties!”
  102. “...You do realize it can jumpstart a heart too, right?”
  103. >He blinks, apparently not registering what you said.
  104. “At least, that’s what they do back in the human world.”
  105. >”...So, it’s not an invention?... I-I, I just got a lucky guess, on something that’s already invented elsewhere?”
  106. “Er, well, for all we know my world’s in another dimension, so it’s not really elsewhere… here, uh, anyways you’re still the main inventor here, don’t worry.”
  107. >He sighs and waves you on again.
  108. “Getting back to the point, promoting the defib will give it a lot of popularity and net you a lot more customers here too, and probably even get you a royalty deal if you sold the recipe to the medical trade.”
  109. >He looks back under his counter for a second, and he removes a box from underneath with his magic, setting it down on the counter and opening it, revealing a first model Defibrillator.
  110. >He seemed absent-minded at this point, now cradling the invention within his hooves.
  111. >”So you can save lives?... Wow… D-didn’t think I had it in me..”
  112. >You snap your fingers, regaining his attention.
  113. >”Oh, er, sorry…. Continue.”
  114. “Well, I’m done. I was just wondering if you’d give us the set and the recipe so we could promote it for you.
  115. >He sighs and looks right at you.
  116. >”I appreciate what you’re trying to do man, b-but…. I need the bits now, man, at least give me something!”
  117. “Is it tight here, or something?”
  118. >”Yes, I’m going bankrupt, alright?!”
  119. >He said that rather loudly and seems to have startled himself.
  120. >Red and Pinkie gasp and cover their muzzles at this revelation, and you stood there a bit shocked.
  121. >You didn’t know what to say to that.
  122. >He says it for you, after a moment.
  123. >”Look, d-don’t worry about it, alright? I just, I know you’re trying to get stuff here and that’s amazing and I thank you, f-from the bottom of my heart, but free isn’t something I can do. If you really want to help, you’d buy it, okay?”
  124. >You nod, unable to press the situation further.
  125. >What would you like to do?
  127. -Buy
  128. -Sell
  129. -Exit
  130. -Talk to Gyro
  134. [UTILITIES]
  135. -Watch (“Gives you time of day wherever you go if inspected.”) {21 bits}
  136. -Compass (“Gives you ease of direction so you don’t get lost within the Tundra.”) {21 bits}
  137. -Oil Lamp (“A light source for whatever fine night may need you. Comes with oil!”) {34 bits}
  138. -Cutting Torch (“Whether you need fire or a weld, this is the torch for you.”) {255 bits}
  139. -Flying Pedalcopter (“A fully operational 1 pony flying machine, pedal-powered!”) (1,700 bits}
  140. -Grappling hook (“A device that can get you where you need to be!”) {425 bits}
  141. -High-speed Equestrian Airship (“Oh, this is not for sale, I’m holding onto it for Princess Celestia. … No, trust me, you don’t have the bits for this. Even with the discount.”)
  142. -Defibrillator [1 in stock] (“My only copy, so keep it safe!”) {26 bits}
  144. [RECIPES]
  145. -(Recipe) Defibrillator (“Here, If you’re serious about the promotion, I’ll lower it a bit extra.”) {XX 44 bits}
  146. -(Recipe) Fetlock Rocket (“It’s a slingshot, what are you, daft?”) {47 bits}
  147. -(Recipe) Kablooie-mite (“Used as a mining explosive, but I’d look the other way for other uses…”) {68 bits}
  148. -(Recipe) Multi-Tool (“I couldn’t think of a good name for this… What, Swiss Army Knife? What’s a Swiss?”) {85 bits}
  149. -(Recipe) Clockwork Robot (“Very expensive, but it’s a wonderful invention of mine that may never see the light of day…”) {212 bits and quest to finish}
  152. -Kablooie Powder {20 bits per ounce}
  153. -Metal Pipe {13 bits}
  154. -Help with Blueprints/Engineering Lessons {68 bits per hour}
  155. [New!] -Miniature Zeppelin {75 bits}
  157. >”So, uhm, what do you want to buy, if… if you are?”
  159. -Buy item(s)
  160. -Inspect item(s)
  161. -Back to Menu
  162. -Exit
  165. >Selected:
  166. Defibrillator
  167. (Recipe) Defibrillator
  169. >Total: 70 bits
  170. >Do you want to buy these items? Y/N
  176. Your bit pouch: 34 bits
  178. >Gyro thanks you as soon as you give him the bits.
  179. >”It might not be that much in the grand scheme of things, but every little bit helps, you know, heh… Uhm, are you sure you didn’t want to buy anything else?”
  180. “I’m running low as it is, thanks for the offer though. …”
  181. >You have an impulsive action run through your body.
  182. >You can’t just leave him as is, for some reason, you just feel like he needs it.
  183. >You reach over the counter as he took the bits, and you wrap your arms around him.
  184. >”Hey, what are y-, gh, uh… …”
  185. >A few pats to his back, and you let go, feeling a bit of sauce run down your pockets.
  186. >”Er… Well, first time I’ve been… been hugged by a, uh, human…. or my life, but okay.”
  187. >Never in his life…?
  188. >”T-thanks.”
  189. “No problem. Hey, don’t worry, my friend. I’m going to show this stuff off and help you, even if it kills me. Got any business cards we could use?”
  190. >He shakes his head, still a little glassy from the out of nowhere hug.
  191. >”N-not really, no…”
  192. “Alright, that’s fine, I’ll find a way.”
  193. [QUEST ADDED: The Long Road Ahead - Expand Gyro’s Consumer Base (0/1)]
  194. >You nod and give him a proper hand-hoof shake, which he takes, and you look at Red and Pinkie, both smiling at the warmness you’ve displayed.
  195. >That ordeal took about half an hour, making it 10:30 A.M.
  196. >What would you like to do?
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