
Shining Tickles WIP

Mar 28th, 2020
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  1. In one of the Canterlot taverns, it was business as usual for Flicker Feather and Dreamy Daze. Though their work didn’t involve the food or drinks. The two stallions owned the rooms in the back, which they used for all the sexy services their clients could ask for.
  3. Though they could satisfy nearly any kink or fetish one might have, their expertise was in tickling. Most of their sessions involved showing the client just how skilled they were as ticklers, or providing the client with one or two cute stallions to tickle and tease. It was often exhausting work, but always rewarding.
  5. Today, the two had just finished their latest session with a set of twins. After hearing how their work requires them to tend to and pamper dozens of ponies every day, Flicker and Dreamy were more than happy to be the ones pampering them. They spent their time giving them deep, loving foot massages, and following up with some therapeutic laughter.
  7. To pass the time waiting for another client, the two sat at their usual table in the back, sipping on mugs of cider and discussing hypotheticals.
  9. “I know we have our designated princess, but what if they both came in and Luna wanted me, and Celestia wanted you?” Dreamy asked, idly tapping his fingers on the table.
  11. “What about it? Would you be jealous or something?” Flicker teased.
  13. “No!” Dreamy shouted defensively. “...I dunno. I mean, I have no objections to just going all out on Luna if she wanted me to, but the other way around...I just figure that I nap so often she might know ways to wreck me that Celestia hasn’t discovered yet.”
  15. “I don’t think she'd be looking at your day dreams, dude,” Flicker chuckled, shaking his head.
  17. “Alright, well what about you? You think you could last against Celestia?” Dreamy countered.
  19. “What, a bit of teasing? I’m sure I’ll be fine,” Flicker scoffed.
  21. “Uh-huh, sure. You don’t know how she just...gets to you. She’ll say things and barely be touching you and you’d still be too flustered to think.”
  23. The thought of being the other princess’s tickle toy left both of them awkwardly blushing in silence.
  25. “Hm...What about Pinkie’s sister, Maud? Do you think you could get her to laugh?” Flicker asked, trying to start a different topic.
  27. “That depends, is Pinkie there helping me out, or is it just me and her in one of the rooms and I’m just told ‘good luck’?”
  29. “Pinkie would be there, and she’d give you hints, but not direct you on what to do.”
  31. Their conversation was put on hold as they heard footsteps approaching their table.
  33. “Hm, looks like I’ve found the right place,” a stallion’s voice said.
  35. The two turned their heads towards their potential next client. “Well, this is certainly a pleasant surprise!” Flicker exclaimed with a light chuckle.
  37. “Oh sweet merciless Celestia,” Dreamy blurted out, his jaw dropping.
  39. Standing at the table was the Prince of the Crystal Empire himself, Shining Armor. “You two are Dreamy and Flicker, right?”
  41. Flicker nodded. “That’s right, what can we help you with?”
  43. “Well, I’ve heard a few things about what you two do, and I’d love to get some tickle fun in...” Shining said with a sheepish, yet mischievous grin.
  45. “Wait...what about your wife?” Dreamy hesitantly asked. “Does she...y’know…”
  47. “Oh, don’t worry about Cadence. She’s the one who recommended that I come here in the first place.”
  49. Dreamy nearly leapt out of his seat in excitement. “Well then, let’s not waste any more time! I’d love to show you what we’ve got!”
  51. After sealing the deal with the proper payment, Dreamy eagerly escorted Shining to one of the back rooms.
  53. “Heh, didn’t even ask if I wanted to have fun with him myself…” Flicker mused, now sitting by himself. “Ah well, I did all those tickle tests on Twilight. Only fair he gets to have his fun with Shining, I guess.”
  55. Flicker reached across the table, grabbing Dreamy’s mug and pulling it towards him. “Still…It’d be a shame if this cider went to waste...”
  57. Dreamy opened the door to one of the back rooms, letting Shining Armor take a good look at all the kinky things that they had in store.
  59. On the left were several sets of bondage furniture, from stocks and wall-cuffs to more elaborate seats with straps if a specific position was desired. A bed complete with sheets and pillows was in the corner for either a comfortable bondage setup or a place to rest.
  61. The right side of the room had shelves and drawers, each one stocked with a multitude of tickle toys. Feathers, toothbrushes, hair brushes, paint brushes, vibrators, and spiky wheels were placed neatly on the shelves. Additional tools such as rope, handcuffs, blindfolds, toe rings, horn rings, cock rings, gags, and various oils and lotions were also included. All of it was organized and labeled accordingly so that clients wouldn’t need to waste time trying to find just the right tool for the job.
  63. “So, what do you think?” Dreamy asked, making a grand gesture towards the entire room.
  65. Shining Armor let out a low whistle. “That’s quite a collection you and Flicker have. I’m getting chills just looking at some of this stuff! So, how about we get started?”
  67. “Took the words right out of my mouth…” Dreamy nodded, closing the door behind them. “Oh, right! I forgot to ask this before, but did you want me to tickle you, or did you want to do the tickling?”
  69. -----
  71. “Heh. You know, I wanna see if you’re as good of a tickler as everyone says you are.”
  73. Dreamy shot Shining an excited grin. “Really now? I’m sure I can think of something that’ll leave you a giggling wreck in no time.“
  75. “You’re free to try,” Shining countered, his focus going towards the many options for bondage. “So, what’s your plan?”
  77. Dreamy stopped at one of the setups close to the bed. “I think setting you up here is a good start.” he said, patting the seat.
  79. The bondage chair Dreamy picked resembled a slim black recliner. The head of the chair extended high, with straps at the top for the wrists for easy access to the armpits. The bottom segment split apart, meant to keep the victim’s legs comfortably elevated and spread out. At each end were padded stocks for each ankle, with pegs on the top for toe-ties.
  81. As Dreamy opened up the ankle stocks, he turned to Shining. “So, uh, before I strap you in, did you want to keep your clothes on or take them off?” His cheeks gained a significant shade of red as he asked the question, his wings starting to twitch behind his back.
  83. “Oh, I’m fine getting naked for this,” Shining said in a low, teasing voice, winking as he started taking off his jeans.
  85. Dreamy pushed his wings back in line, trying to stay composed and not stare as Shining was stripping down. “R-Right…I’m gonna go grab a few things while you...yeah…” he turned around, rushing towards the other side of the room before his face got redder.
  87. Shining let out a short chuckle at just how flustered Dreamy got, a few mischievous ideas ran through his head as he took off his clothes.
  89. As Dreamy searched through the shelves and drawers, for tools he’d use for later. All the while trying not to think too hard about what Shining looked like naked. Though as he grabbed some brushes and combs, the image of a bound, buff, nude Shining Armor giggling and squealing kept invading his mind.
  91. Before his wings unfolded entirely, Dreamy managed to push them back in as he went back.
  93. Dreamy returned to see that Shining had stripped down entirely. Though instead of waiting near the chair like he expected, he was lying on his side on the bed, showing off his muscular body and his half-erect member. “I’m ready if you are…” he said in a low, sultry tone.
  95. Pomf!
  97. Shining snickered, putting his hand over his mouth to hide his grin, though it only lasted a few moments, as he quickly burst out into laughter seeing Dreamy struggle to control his wingboner.
  99. “I-You-Why would you-did you just!?” he stammered, his mind now a frazzled mess.
  101. “Hahaha, sorry, sorry! I wanted to tease you a bit, but I didn’t think you’d get so worked up over that..”
  103. “Oh, I am SO going to wreck you…” Dreamy muttered to himself.
  105. With his resolve strengthened, Dreamy started strapping Shining down in the seat. His arms were raised above his head and secured to the top of the chair, his ankles were locked in the padded stocks. The final bit of restraint came from a magic-suppressing horn ring.
  107. Now that Shining was properly set up, Dreamy’s eyes scanned all over his body. Partially in order to pinpoint any potential places to target, but mostly just to gawk again. From his sculpted abs to his large, smooth soles, there was just so much to take in, he eventually lost himself, vacantly staring at his abs, totally unaware that Shining was amusedly staring right back at him.
  109. “You just gonna stand there admiring your work, or are ya gonna tickle me?” Shining chuckled, wiggling around a bit in the seat.
  111. Dreamy snapped out of his trance. “Huh? Oh, right! You ready to do this?”
  113. Shining cocked his eyebrow with a smug smirk. “Think you can break a prince?”
  115. “Oh, I’ve taken on Celestia several times,” Dreamy said, his hands getting closer to Shining’s body. “It’s not a question of if I can break you, it’s just how long it’ll take.”
  117. To begin, Dreamy placed his fingertips at Shining’s elbows, and slowly traced down his arms.
  119. Shining let out a heavy exhale, his body tensing up in anticipation. He watched as Dreamy’s fingers got closer to his armpits, his arms reflexively trying to wriggle away.
  121. Dreamy’s grin grew larger as he watched Shining squirm under his fingertips. Once he was close enough, Dreamy suddenly changed pace, all of his fingers scribbling in his armpits.
  123. Despite Shining’s preemptive resistance, the abrupt attack quickly broke away at whatever defense he tried to set up. “Aaaaahahahahahaha!”
  125. “Ooh, that’s a cute laugh!” Dreamy grinned, his fingers moving even faster in his armpits as the blush on his cheeks grew bigger. “I’m gonna have so much fun breaking you…”
  127. “Yahahaha! You hahahaven’t broken me yehehet!” Shining laughed in defiance.
  129. “I know, but let’s see if you’ll still be able to say that in a few minutes…” Dreamy’s fingers started making tiny circles in his armpits. “All it takes is me finding juuuust the right spot to hit.”
  131. Shining’s arms jerked around, his body trying to force his hands down to protect his armpits from Dreamy’s fingers, but the straps only allowed his elbows a slight amount of bending.
  133. Dreamy’s fingers moved down, ready to explore the rest of Shining’s upperbody. His fingers poked around between his ribs, before giving his sides a sudden squeeze. “Now, let’s see where else you’re ticklish…” He said, keeping his fingers busy by lightly skittering over his sides, then giving his sides another squeeze at random.
  135. “HehehehehaHAAAAHAHAAA!” Shining’s laughter died down a bit when Dreamy went to his ribcage, but the squeezing got him jolting around in his seat. Each squeeze caught him off-guard, making him cry out with laughter.
  137. Dreamy’s time at Shining’s sides was short, his focus was now honed inward. His fingers started to slide across his stomach, getting to those abs that he’d been admiring ever since Shining was naked.
  139. The light tickling on Shining’s stomach was enough to get a squeal out of him, and for his cheeks to gain a nice pink shade.
  141. “Ooh, firm, yet so ticklish! All that training as a Royal Guard really paid off…” Dreamy mused, his fingers pressing into his toned tummy. “Heh, I’ll make sure to give these abs a good workout.”
  143. “Gahahahaha! D-Dreamy waaaait!”
  145. With his fingers hovering over Shining’s abs, Dreamy looked up to see the desperation starting to show in Shining’s face. “Alright. I’m waiting.”
  147. Shining gulped as he saw how close those fingers were to striking. He looked at Dreamy, who, despite the blush on his face, looked quite menacing. “Uh...there’s no way I’m gonna convince you not to tickle my stomach, is there?”
  149. Dreamy simply shook his head, his fingers now digging into his stomach, giddily skittering all over his abs once they made contact.
  151. “NOOOHAHAAAAHAHAHA! STAHAHAHAHAP!” Shining squealed, letting out heavy belly laughs as Dreamy toyed with his muscular body. Despite his pleading, he couldn’t give in just yet, especially not so early into the session.
  153. “I think this is much more effective than crunches. And a lot more fun too!” Dreamy joked as he only upped the intensity, with his fingers occasionally dipping into his navel. Being able to feel Shining’s laughter underneath his fingertips made his wings flap in delight.
  155. The chair wasn’t completely restrictive, Shining was allowed a little movement. His arms and legs could still bend a bit, his feet could still wiggle and curl, and his body could shift around in the seat, but none of that wiggle room could prevent Dreamy’s fingers from skittering all over his abs. The amount of movement he was allowed felt taunting, all his thrashing was ineffective.
  157. Being so close to Shining during the tickling, Dreamy couldn’t ignore the obvious any longer. It was actually torture to even pretend he wasn’t paying attention to it. He let out a shaky exhale as he paused the tickling. “Well, Shiny, I’ve only been tickling your upperbody for a bit, but you’ve been very excited by all of this!”
  159. “Hah...I’m not the only one here excited…” Shining weakly chuckled, his hands weakly gesturing to Dreamy’s outstretched wings and obvious bulge in his shorts.
  161. The blush on Dreamy’s cheeks started spreading to his ears. “Aha...can you blame me? It’s not often I get someone like you as a client…”
  163. Shining Armor smirked, noticing Dreamy’s gaze was still transfixed on his erection. “Is that so? Guess you’re pretty lucky that I walked in today, huh?”
  165. “Yeah, but not as lucky as Princess Cadence for getting to see this on a regular basis...” Dreamy said without thinking. Once his brain finally caught up and aggressively reminded him that he was talking to a married stallion, he desperately tried to backpedal. “I-I mean, uh…”
  167. Shining started to laugh again at how flustered Dreamy got. “What, you worried she’d hear you? I won’t let anything leave this room if you won’t. Plus all the attention you’re giving me feels kinda nice, actually.”
  169. Dreamy let out a huge sigh of relief. “Thank goodness, because I had absolutely no out for that.”
  171. “Anyway, I think that was a long enough break for you. As incredibly tempting as it is to just start working over your dick…” Dreamy backed himself up. “I haven’t even gotten to your feet yet…”
  173. Seeing Dreamy get closer to his feet got Shining’s heart racing again.
  175. Just to test things out, Dreamy slid a lone index finger down Shining’s sole.
  177. Shining’s foot flinched at the slight touch, the single finger already making him squirm again.
  179. Once his finger reached the heel, Dreamy pulled his hand back, staring at his bare foot in shock. “Woah…”
  181. “I-is something wrong?”
  183. “N-No, it’s just... They’re soft…” Dreamy said, sliding his finger down Shining’s foot again.
  185. “Nnngh…” Shining turned his head away in embarrassment, his foot twitching with each touch.
  187. “I...hold on.” Dreamy quickly turned around and ran out of the room, leaving Shining alone and restrained.
  189. Thankfully, the wait wasn’t long, as the door quickly opened up again, with Dreamy bringing Flicker in, pulling him by the arm.
  191. “Alright, alright! You don’t have to pull me!” Flicker said, slightly annoyed.
  193. Dreamy silently pointed at Shining’s feet, his wings fluttering in excitement.
  195. Still puzzled by Dreamy’s lack of information, Flicker walked over to Shining and kneeled down at his left foot, his finger pressing into his arch.
  197. “...Oh wow.”
  199. “Right?!”
  201. “You weren’t kidding, Dreamy,” Flicker said, pushing his thumbs into his arch, moving them in small circles. “I dunno if they’re the softest we’ve ever had, but definitely the softest pair from a stallion…”
  203. Dreamy sat down next to Shining’s right foot, his fingers gently pressed into the ball of his foot. “I know, it’s amazing, isn’t it? Big, soft, and smooth, they’re pretty much perfect!”
  205. Shining’s cheeks started to burn at just how much the two stallions were gushing over his feet. Though the impromptu foot massage was definitely welcome. He leaned his head back and let out a heavy sigh, relaxing himself after a somewhat exhausting tickle session.
  207. Dreamy looked over to Flicker, chuckling as he saw the smirk on his face. “Heh, I know that look. Already have something planned?”
  209. Flicker nodded, pushing his thumbs deeper into Shining’s foot. “Something fun just came to mind, yes. Though I’ll need your help, if you’d be so kind,” he said, gesturing his head towards the pile of tools Dreamy gathered in advance.
  211. With Shining closing his eyes in relaxation, Dreamy was able to push Flicker a few of the tools. “I’d be more than happy to!” he grinned, lightly pressing and stretching his toes.
  213. Shining let out a tired grunt, Dreamy and Flicker’s conversation was nothing but background noise to him.
  215. “On three?” Flicker said, getting his fingers ready.
  217. “One…”
  219. “Two…”
  221. Shining looked back down, noticing that both stallions had stopped massaging his feet. Instead, their hands were raised up, fingers clawed.
  223. “Three!”
  225. “W-WAAAIIIAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!” Shining realized what was happening too late, as Flicker and Dreamy’s fingers dug into his soft soles.
  227. “Ooh, this one’s definitely a good spot to stay at,” Dreamy cooed, his fingers scribbling all over his foot. “Feet this soft have got to be super ticklish!”
  229. Flicker nodded in agreement. “Indeed, though his intense laughter might be due to both of us being especially cruel to his feet.”
  231. “Is that what we’re doing? I thought this was us being nice.” Dreamy scoffed. “I thought we were saving cruel for later.
  233. “PLEHEHEHEASE! NAHAHAT THE FEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEET!” Shining begged, his feet flailing in the stocks.
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