
Rebels in Equestria 11

Oct 10th, 2012
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  1. > “Are you sure you want to go through with this Anon?” Rarity whispers. “Twilight has a tendency to be a bit extreme when it comes to these ‘tests’.”
  2. > You sit and idly watch as Twilight scurries about the room, making preparations for whatever she has planned
  3. “Oh come on. It can’t be that bad. Besides, look how happy she is! Who am I to take that away from her?”
  4. > You both glance over to Twilight, who has the biggest smile plastered on her face. You can just feel the excitement emanating from her.
  5. > Rarity only looks at you in disapproval. “Fair enough Anonymous. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
  6. > Just as you were about to give a response, Twilight jumps in front of your face.
  8. > “I’ve finished my preparations Anonymous! We can begin whenever you’re ready!” She exclaims. The excitement is very notable in her voice.
  9. > You noticed that she’s also donned a fancy white lab coat, and a spiffy pair of goggles.
  10. > She looks at the other girls who’ve been waiting patiently up till now. “I’m going to need you girls to go wait out over there.” She points towards a separate waiting room with a window, allowing one to see into the lab.
  12. > Rarity quietly whispers “Good luck.” as she leaves the room. The other p0nies follow suit. Their facial expressions convey a similar message. For a brief moment you ponder whether you’ve made the right decision.
  13. > “Alrighty then! Just take off your clothing and lie down on this table when you ready.” She says nonchalantly without looking up from her clipboard. You cringe at the thought of your being in the nude
  14. > However, you don’t argue with her demands. You have a feeling that if she wanted to, Twilight could make you do whatever she wanted at this point.
  15. “Yeah. No problem.” You mutter
  16. > It seems Twilight has picked up on your discomfort
  17. > “If it truly bothers you, you may keep your undergarments on.”
  18. “Oh god, yes. Thank you.”
  19. > She giggles in response
  21. > You remove your clothes. And as you do, Twilight simply observes in awe. You can see the girls in the other room having a conversation, but the room is soundproof. You can’t hear a word they’re saying. As you remove your shirt and reveal your scars, you can see their expressions change into one of shock and abject horror. It looks like Fluttershy is on the verge of tears. On the other hand, Rainbow Dash puts on a face of disgust. They all begin whispering to each other. Twilight on the other hand is drawing a diagram of your body in great detail.
  22. > She takes note of every muscle, curve and bend of your body. Nothing escapes her eye. She completely replicates you on paper, she even was able to get the design on your “SWAG” boxers right.
  23. > “How’s it look?” she asks enthusiastically
  24. “Looking good! Looking real good!” you say nervously
  25. > Twilight giggles at your response.
  26. > You feel a mix of shame and embarrassment welling up in the back of your throat. As much as you try, you cannot ignore the stares from the girls. They feel like daggers tearing into your very soul.
  28. > As you lie down on the examining table, it sends chills down your spine. The metal feels cold and uninviting against your skin
  29. >Twilight uses her magic and attaches various electrode stickers on your body. They are attached to various monitors throughout the room. With another bit of her magic, they spring to life. They seem monitor and record your body functions on rolls of paper. Besides your physical functions you also notice how they seem to react to your thoughts and focus.
  30. > Numbers and lights of all sorts are displayed via the Nixie tubes that line the machines. You chuckle at the novelty.
  31. > Twilight fiddles with the controls of the machines for a minute before turning her attention to you. “Anonymous, thanks for actually letting me openly study you. I don’t know anyp0ny who is as open to this as you are. I can’t thank you enough!”
  33. “I’m doing this, but only on one condition.”
  34. > “And that would be?..”
  35. “If I do this, you have to forget about
  36. our little quarrel on the train. I don’t want any bad blood between us.” You hold out your right hand. “We cool?”
  37. > She nods and returns the handshake.
  38. > “Yeah, we cool.” She giggles at the phrase. Her warm smile reassures you that there were no hard feelings.
  40. “So what exactly are you going to be testing?”
  41. > She puts on her goggles. “Well, you said there was no magic on your home right?”
  42. “Yep. That’s right.”
  43. > She affixes leather straps to your arms and legs, completely hindering any movement. “Well I thought it would be a good idea to see how your body would react to certain type’s magic here in the lab.”
  45. > You think it over for a moment before interjecting.
  46. “So essentially, you’re just going to shoot me with magic lasers and see what the hell happens? No offense Twilight, but that sounds pretty damn stupid to me.”
  47. > She places a metal helmet, wired with all sorts of sensors, on your head. “Well, think of it this way. You’re going to be exposed to these types of magic eventually. So with that being said, would you rather find out there in some sort of freak accident? Or would you rather here in my lab? A nice controlled environment.”
  48. > You find yourself nodding in agreement. She does have a valid argument.
  49. > “Besides.” She adds. “I’m not going to do anything that dangerous! I have morals too ya’ know!”
  51. “Fair enough. But I swear to god Twilight. If you try to pull anythi-“
  52. > She puts her hoof on your shoulder. “Just sit back, and relax. Okay?”
  53. “I’ll try.”
  55. > Her horn begins to glow a faint pink aura. It hovers only inches from your forehead. It glows brighter the closer it gets to you.
  56. > At this point it’s actually releasing what seems to be sparks of electricity everywhere. You shut your eyes tight out of reflex.
  57. > You find it hard to believe, but you can actually feel the raw power that is Twilight’s magic. It’s like a tangible force that is pressing against your very self.
  58. > The bright pink magic reaches you, engulfing your body in a matching aura. With this aura, you are embraced by a wave of emotions and sensations. The pink aura gives you a sensation of peace and harmony, only rarely do you ever feel this good. The machines attached to you spring to life, recording what seems to be your every thought, feeling and emotion on paper.
  59. > Twilight changes her focus, and changes her type of magic. The color of the auras changes to a bright purple. And with it, a new set of emotions. Your mind races with previous memories and life experiences that can relate to this.
  60. > Twilight changes her focus two more times. Each one brings a new set of emotions.
  61. > Almost as if Twilight is trying her best to thaw out emotions once frozen by you mind.
  62. > “You’re doing great Anonymous. Just a little bit more data and we should be all set.” You can barely hear her over the sparks of magic that fly across the room.
  64. > The color of the magic changes to a dark black.
  65. > As soon as the magic engulfs your body, you can feel a cold shiver run down your spine. The magic feels cold and uninviting against your skin. As time passes, that cold fleeting sensation turns into pure pain.
  69. > It’s unbearable. It feels like a jolt of electricity has coursed through your body. At the same time, it feels like every single scar on your body feels like it’s been torn open. A sharp jolt of pain erupts from your right arm, it looks and feels like it’s been torn clean off. Looking down at your body, you can barely make out what seems to be several lacerations on your chest.
  70. “Wh-What the fuck!”
  71. > It feels like your getting burned alive. God, it’s terrible.
  72. > As the pain intensifies, you can feel the adrenaline pumping in your blood. As a result, you begin hyperventilating. Your vision is obscured from sweat and blood.
  73. > You’re caught in shock. Your heart is beating so hard it feels like it can tear out of your chest any moment now. At this point you’re struggling against your restraints. You slam your body against the table.
  74. “Fuck! Stop! What the- Twilight!”
  75. > These few seconds feel like an eternity to you. As time slows to a crawl, you mind races with new emotions.
  76. > Memories and images of your deepest fears flash before your eyes. Every single moment that you’ve kept locked away the back of your head is coming back. Every single action you’ve ever held shame with is presented to you.
  77. > As your mind gets raped by this dark magic, you begin to lose your grip on reality. All your senses slowly shut down and your mind grinds to a halt. As soon as the torment began, it ceased.
  78. > Looking to your side, you see the other girls rush out of the waiting room.
  79. > Twilight then picks up your head with her hooves. As she picks you up, you tremble uncontrollably at her touch.
  80. > Your vision slowly fades to white. Your last sight is her hovering worriedly over you
  82. --
  84. > “Anonymous! Anonymous!” Twilight shouts. She shakes your motionless body.
  85. > Twilight’s heart sinks as she notices the machines that record your vitals drop to a dangerously low level.
  86. > The other p0nies didn’t waste a second and busted in from the waiting room.
  87. > Rarity is the first to rush to your side. “Anon! Anon!” She slaps you across the face a few times in a ditch attempt to wake you up. “Anon! Wake up!” She slams her hooves in your chest before turning her attention to Twilight. “Well?! Just what do you think you’re doing just standing there? You did this! So fix it!”
  88. > Without so much as a second thought Twilight tries her luck with the magic once more. She struggles to maintain any sort of spell on you. Her magic is ineffective.
  89. > Fluttershy floats above you. She stares deep at you. Her eyes are met with yours. Your pupils are cold and dilated. Your gaze sends a cold shiver down her spine.
  90. > “Ya’ll hold tight! Im gonna see if I can find some help!” Applejack yells as she runs out the door.
  91. >“I’m going too!” Rainbow Dash rushes out as well, a colorful rainbow trail left behind her.
  92. > Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy struggle to get the leather restraints off.
  93. > “Wh-What should we do?” Fluttershy stutters
  94. > “I-I don’t know!” Twilight responds. Still struggling with the magic spells.
  95. > Rarity just slams her hooves in your chest over and over again. “Anon! Anon!” “Wake up! Anonymous!”
  96. > Twilight takes a few steps back and trips over herself. Completely mortified by the scene she has caused.
  97. > You still remain unresponsive, almost as if you were in a vegetable state. A spec of drool escapes your mouth.
  98. > “Anon! Anon! Anonymous!”
  100. ---
  104. > The cold breeze gusts throughout the quiet city
  105. > Snow gently falls from the heavens like dancing angels
  106. > The sky is blanketed by a thick blanket of clouds
  107. > The sun is on the edge of the horizon, setting ever so gently
  108. > In this light, the clouds give off a soothing orange hue
  109. > Snow begins to accumulate after falling for what seems like an eternity
  111. > You find yourself on top of a department store building
  112. > Perched on the rooftop you watch for any hostile activity
  113. > While it wasn’t the most exciting role to play in the resistance, it was one of the most important
  114. > Thankfully, tonight had been uneventful so far
  115. > Using a pair of binoculars you scan the streets
  116. > Bodies that litter the streets are now being blanketed by snow
  118. > “Anonymous! Hey, Anonymous!” The radio at your feet springs to life. It’s your buddy Mac. Autonomously you pick it up to respond.
  119. “Yeah? What’s up?”
  120. > “Just checking up on you is all. I can’t really see you from here. It’s too dark.”
  121. > You look around your feet. Among the scattered objects is a glow stick. You snap it and shake it vigorously, stirring the chemicals inside. The stick gives off a warm green glow. You flail the stick above your head a few times.
  122. “Can you see me now?”
  123. > Across the street you can see a small flashlight light being waved back and forth. When you look through your binoculars you can just barely make out Mac camped out on the adjacent roof top.
  124. > “Yep, I see ya’ alright.”
  125. > Content, Mac shuts of his flashlight
  126. > The radio fills with chatter from other rebels on guard. They crack jokes, or share juicy stories in order to lift each other’s spirits. You chuckle a bit before lowering the volume to a low whisper
  128. > In the distance, a group of civilians gather around an oil drum bon fire for warmth
  129. > The voices of young children draw your attention
  130. > You watch as a group of street kids come together to play
  131. > Despite the waging war, they live their lives care free
  132. > You try to guess as to how many of them have lost their families and homes
  133. > In a matter of minutes, the children have built two impressive snow forts and begun a snowball fight
  134. > You chuckle at the irony
  135. > The children may live carefree, but you don’t
  136. > To your right, a small tarp covers a metal crate. Removing the tarp reveals your small ordinance. RPG’s, Molotov’s and Smoke Grenades make up your small armory. The other rebels all have about the same amount of ordinance. Give or take a few rounds.
  137. > You pick up the Mosin Nagant that sits in the bin
  138. > It’s much heftier than the 10/22 you’re used to carrying around.
  139. > At first you marvel at its design and the elegance of its craftsmanship
  140. > You even go as far as to compliment man kind’s ingenuity for creating such a tool
  141. > But the cold metal touch against your hands remind you of its true nature
  142. > [spoiler]Its nothing more than a tool for murder[/spoiler]
  143. > A cold shiver runs down your spine
  144. > Try as you may, you cannot change this fact
  145. > As the children tire out, the snowball fight dies down
  146. > The resistance has converted many buildings such as this one into safe havens
  147. > A place where people can find a hot meal, medical attention, and a good night’s rest
  148. > There are few places within the city that can offer the same
  149. > There are even fewer than are not run by the enemy
  150. > As the hour grows late, people trickle inside your building
  151. > The children make a game of this, and race each other inside
  152. > With your binoculars you scour the area. Making sure there are no signs of the Estovakians
  153. > God forbid they find this place. Without a doubt, they would slaughter everyone.
  154. > You shudder at the thought
  156. > One of the racing children stops in the middle of the street
  157. > Looking through your binoculars, you can see it’s a little girl. She’s wearing the cutest red bow in her hair
  158. > She seems no older than eight years old
  159. > She looks up to you as if to say “Hello!” and starts waving
  160. > You return the gesture
  161. “Hello.” You whisper
  162. > Content with your response she scurries inside.
  163. >You begin to ponder if the war has any psychological effects on the children. As far as you could tell, they were as cheerful as ever.
  164. > As the sun begins to set, the area is drenched in darkness
  165. > Luckily, you’ve managed to find an oil lamp
  166. > It’s warm light flickers ever so gently with the wind
  168. > Despite is being boring and sleep depriving, you relatively enjoyed guard duty
  169. > It gave you a sense of pride
  170. > The people that walk through these doors are broken. Like you, they’ve lost everything.
  171. > They come here in search of help and guidance
  173. >While you can’t solve all their problems, you are able to give them one small luxury
  174. > [spoiler]Peace of mind.[/spoiler]
  175. > A commodity you willingly gave up once you joined the resistance
  176. > These people are able to sleep easy at night knowing they will be safe. Knowing that you’ll be watching over them
  178. > You reach for the thermos and take a drink
  179. > The warm coffee at this hour is a god send
  180. > Despite all your layers of clothing, the winter air froze you to the bone
  181. > It tastes wonderful, and feels like the hot coffee is warming both your body and soul
  182. > You hold the mug for as long as you can in an attempt to warm up your hands with its heat
  183. > From inside your coat pocket you pull out a small leather notebook and pen
  184. > Your hands have thawed out enough, picking up the pen you begin to write.
  186. > You poured your heart and soul into this book. You kept it on you at all times. You took the world around you and recorded it in your journal. You wrote it as you saw it, capturing how life truly is in a war torn country. You recorded everything around you: the people, the resistance and yourself.
  187. “Heh. One day this shit’s gonna sell more than Anne Frank’s Diary.” You chuckle at the thought and take another sip of coffee.
  188. > Reaching into your pocket you pull out an old leather wallet. You snatched it from the corpse of a fellow freedom fighter who died earlier that day. You rummage through it, taking any cash and valuables and putting them into your own wallet. After a while, you find some family photos that once belonged to the man. Finally, you found what you were looking for: his driver’s license.
  189. > You only spoke to this man once or twice. But from what you could tell, he was a good man. He was level headed and nice to be around. You remember he shared one of his cigarettes, a dwindling delicacy, with you.
  190. > The name on his ID reads “Yuri Lowell”. Content, you turn to the last few pages of your notebook. Each page is covered entirely with names. These are the names of fellow rebel fighters who died trying to protect their way of life. Naturally the resistance isn’t able to give any of these men a proper burial, so you maintain these lists as an attempt to remember those who fought.
  191. > Unfortunately, the list is becoming longer and longer every day. It’s becoming hard to maintain. It’s not an easy task, but someone has to do it. You read through the list once more. Many of the names here were friends and family you once knew. People you held dear to your heart, gone. [spoiler]All because of this fucking war.[/spoiler]
  192. > Tears slowly fall down your face and into the snow. Taking a deep breath, you decide to put the book away.
  193. “F-Fuck!” You clench your teeth with anger. You slam your fists onto the make shift desk before burying your face into your arms. Sobbing loudly.
  194. > [spoiler] Why me? Why here? What the fuck did I do to deserve this? [/spoiler]
  195. > [spoiler] Why the fuck are they here? Why won’t they just leave? [/spoiler]
  196. > You slam your fists onto the desk once more. This time spilling your drink and knocking off your radio.
  197. “Shit.” You mumble
  198. > You pick it up and turn up the volume once more. Hoping their high spirits might rub off on you. As you listen, your heart sinks
  202. > “The SAM’s! The fucking SAM’s! It’s in the alleyway! Hurry up!”
  203. > “Move the civilians to the basement! Now! I want them out of the line of fire!”
  204. > “There’s an entire platoon headed from the South Side! Someone get the fuck over there!”
  205. > You turn your attention to the South and focus your hearing. Off in the distance, you can hear the faint sounds of a jet engine
  207. > In the corner of your eye, you can see enemy troops storming into the street towards the rebel stronghold.
  208. > You jump into action.
  209. > Pulling up the Mosin Nagant and aligning your sights, you aim for a group of Estovakian soldiers. Their bright red and green uniforms stand out against the white snow.
  210. > BANG!
  211. > The recoil of the rifle is much stronger than your .22. It feels like a
  212. > Instinctively, you reset the bolt of the rifle and fire once more.
  213. > You see a man drop to the ground.
  214. > The enemy squadron starts to return fire, bullets barely grazing you.
  215. > You drop to the floor and crawl to another spot on the building’s roof.
  216. > All the meanwhile, you can hear the other rebel fighters giving them hell.
  218. > Fortunately, the cover of night fall made it all too easy to find cover.
  220. > You can hear the tell tale sounds of vehicles rolling in.
  221. > Grabbing the RPG, you crawl towards the ledge.
  222. > You take aim for a half track driving down the street.
  223. > The rocket lets out a satisfying “WHOOSH” as it flies through the air.
  224. > It hit’s it’s mark. The front of the half track becoming completely destroyed.
  225. > You quickly duck down into cover before an onslaught of fire is directed to your attention.
  227. > “What the fuck are you doing! Get off the roof! The jet! He’ll spot you!”
  228. > The realization strikes and fear sinks in
  229. > You scurry around, rushing to gather your things. You sling the rifles and RPG over a shoulder and your bag over the other.
  230. > The sound of the jet engine is getting closer. From the corner of your eye you can see a SAM missile being fired at it. The jet fires a barrage of flares and renders it useless.
  231. > You blow out the lantern and pray to god that the pilot didn’t see it
  232. > You make a mad dash for the southern edge of the building. There’s a ladder that leads to the alley below
  233. > Just as you turn your back to climb down the ladder, one rung at a time. The extra weight of the rifles and bag force you to maintain a tight grip on the ladder. Just as you make it halfway down you hear the sound of the jet’s rocket’s taking off.
  234. > The sound is absolutely deafening. You clench your eyes tight
  235. > That’s when it happened
  237. > The pilot’s aim was spot on
  238. > The rockets completely decimate several buildings around you. One of them lands relatively close to you, releasing shrapnel into the airspace. You yell in pain as they penetrated through you. The wall in front of you was now splattered with your blood and gore
  239. > That’s when the pain stared to register
  240. > Oh god. The pain. It’s unbearable. More than you’ve ever experienced in your life
  241. > You lost your grip and tumbled down the ladder, falling face first into the snowy ground below. You try to place your arms before you to cushion the fall, but it does little to soften the fall
  242. > As you hit the ground, you can hear a loud “CRACK” followed by a jolt of pain from your right elbow. You cradle your arm close to your body.
  243. “Fu-F-Fuck!”
  244. > As you try to out stretch your arm, it jolts out in pain. You arm is bent in an unnatural position; it looks and feels like you’ve dislocated your elbow during your fall.
  245. > Instinctively you reach for your radio in order to call for help. Because of the darkness of night, you fumble around aimlessly looking for it. Eventually you did find it. As you try to pick it up with your right hand, you are met with a huge surge of pain. It only takes a moment for you to realize your right hand is no longer there. All that remains is a bloody stump of gore and tissue.
  246. > Apparently, the explosion was close enough to dismember your arm. The shock wave hit you right at the wrist, severing your hand clean off. You lay there in disbelief.
  247. > [spoiler] This can’t be happening. Not to you. Not now! [/spoiler]
  248. > You can feel the blood begin pour out of your wounds. As your lungs quickly fill up with blood you find it harder and harder to breathe. The initial burst of adrenaline only last for a moment. When it wore off, you found yourself in a world of hurt.
  249. “H-help me.”
  250. > Almost as if to add insult to injury, the jet plane flies over head. The sound of the engine combined with the whirring of its cannon is absolutely deafening. It drops a barrage of bombs on top of the building you were guarding, destroying it in a huge explosion.
  251. > The all too familiar sounds of concrete crumbling and metal twisting fill the air. You can barely make out the cries of the building’s occupants for a split second before they are silenced underneath the collapsing roof.
  252. > The realization sinks in. [spoiler] Everyone inside is now dead, because of you. [/spoiler]
  253. > You lay in the cold snow, your body shivering uncontrollably. You take one last look at yourself. You muster up what little strength you have and start crawling out of the alley, towards the street.
  254. “H-h—h-help” you croak
  255. > [spoiler] It’s pointless. No one will hear your cries. No one is coming to help. [/spoiler]
  256. > As you drag yourself along the snow, you leave behind a steady red trail of blood
  257. > After crawling a total of three feet, your strength gives out and you collapse on the cold ground. The wounds consume you with pain. With your left hand you clutch at your chest. You apply what little pressure you can, trying your best to stop the bleeding.
  258. > It’s becoming harder and harder to move. Your body heat is sapped away by the cold snow.
  259. > You can feel your heart rate gradually slowing. You become weaker by the second
  260. “H-H-Help. Please!” you cry out
  261. > Your body becomes limp and unresponsive. Soon, the pain starts to fade away as well.
  262. > “Someone went down! Someone went down!”
  263. >Tears flow freely from your eyes now
  264. > “Anonymous! Respond! Anonymous! Please respond!” Mac’s voice shouts over the radio
  265. > You try to cry for help one more time, but choke up on blood. It’s all too much for you. No matter how much you try, now matter how much you fight, you can’t move. You can’t feel. You can’t win.
  266. > You begin to lose it. Your life slowly is slipping from your grasp, fading into darkness.
  268. --
  270. > Your eyes spring open, blinded by the examining light.
  271. > You can feel the unique texture of a Unicorn’s Horn just grazing your forehead, along with the unique tingling sensation of a magic spell. Fear sets in, and instinctively you shove the unicorn away.
  272. > Suddenly, you feel yourself restrained. As if several people are holding down your arms and legs. In a state of panic, you thrash about the table. Your strength is greater than theirs, and you free yourself.
  273. > In the process you managed to knock yourself off the examination table, landing on the hard floor with a loud “THUD”.
  274. > “A-Anon!”
  275. > That voice sounds familiar.
  276. > You rub your eyes clear of the sweat and tears, allowing them to refocus to your surroundings. You find yourself in Twilight’s lab once more. Alive.
  277. > You were about to pick yourself up, when a fleeting jolt of pain strikes your right hand, or what should be your now dismembered hand. The thought of you being a cripple flashes across your mind. Your mind races with fear, and your breathing becomes difficult.
  278. > Instantly, you bring your right hand in front of your face.
  279. “Thank god…” you sigh.
  280. > Your hand, it’s still there in one piece. You take a moment to think what you would have done if you became a cripple. It sends a shiver down your spine as you quickly dismiss the thought. Not a moment passes without you making sure everything works as it should. You clench your hand into a fist and crack your knuckles. Content, you look up to see the mane six standing worriedly before you.
  282. > “A-Anonymous? A-Are you alright now?” Fluttershy worriedly asks
  283. > You take a moment to process what the hell just happened.
  284. > [spoiler] What in the hell was that? Was it a dream? It couldn’t have been. It had to be real! I mean, it felt real! The pain was real! [/spoiler]
  285. > [spoiler] It had to be a dream. You don’t remember that sort of shit happening. You died at the bridge remember?[/spoiler]
  286. > “Anonymous?”
  287. “Wh-What happened?”
  288. > “You passed out. It didn’t look good. Are you sure you’re alright?” Fluttershy asks. She helps you up to your feet.
  289. > It’s only then do you realize you wet yourself during that entire ordeal. Your boxers are soaked, and there’s a thick puddle of urine from where you laid on the table.
  290. “Wh-What the hell?”
  291. > Your face turns a bright red. A mix of embarrassment and shame wells up in your gut.
  292. > You take a few steps back before stumbling over yourself. Completely taken back by all of this.
  294. > Twilight jumps to attention and runs to your aide. She stutters a bit before working up the courage to speak. “Anonymous! Are you alright?”
  295. > You turn your attention to her. As you reach your breaking point, your patience snaps. All that shame transforming into anger and hate. As she idly stands there, you shoot her a look of disgust.
  296. “You..You bitch! What the fuck did you do?!”
  297. > She stutters awkwardly for a bit, trying to fumble together a response. “Anonymous, I-I didn’t think you-“
  299. “No!”
  300. > You shove her away from you. She stumbles back before being knocked against a bookshelf
  302. > “Now what in the world do ya’ll think you’re doing?” Applejack shouts
  303. > “Yeah! Leave her alone!” Rainbow Dash yells
  304. > They step forward to aid Twilight, but you cut them off and shoot them a cold hard glare that stops them in their tracks
  306. > Turning your attention back to Twilight, you take a good long look at her. Staring into those big purple eyes you recognize her expression.
  307. [spoiler]Fear.[/spoiler]
  308. > That expression. That face. She had the same fear as the people back on your home during the war. The same fear that was instilled by the enemy, those who killed hundreds of innocent lives
  309. > The same kind of fear you’re striking into her right now
  310. [spoiler]Is that what you’ve stopped down to? Have you reached a new all time low?[/spoiler]
  312. > You step closer to her and reach out to her
  313. > Expecting a blow from you, she flinches and covers her face
  314. > You stare at her as she cowers from your very presence. As you look up, you can see the other’s looking at you with similar expressions. The entire scene gives you a deep feeling of disgust and shame.
  316. --
  318. > Without saying a word to anyone, you pick yourself up and exit the room
  319. > You wander about Twilight’s house until you find your belongings. The p0nies keep a close eye on your every move
  320. > You pick up your bag and stumble about the tree house
  321. > Eventually you find the bathroom and lock yourself inside
  323. > Passing by the mirror, you catch an image of yourself
  324. > A cold broken man stares back
  325. > Disgusted, you shatter the mirror into bits
  326. > Tiny fragments of glass are now embedded in your fist. Blood drips onto the tile floor
  328. > As you sit in the corner of the shower the cold water beats down on you
  329. > In your bag, you stashed a flask of alcohol. And although you were saving it for a special occasion, you need it the most now
  330. > The sting of the alcohol is soothing. As it dulls your mind it eases your conscious
  332. > Your mind wanders throughout various subjects
  334. > Why are you here?
  335. > Why aren’t you dead?
  336. > What the hell did Twilight do to you?
  337. > Did she know you’d go through that? Does she have some sort of motives?
  338. > You’ve no doubt shattered what little trust the p0nies had for you just there. Will you be able to regain it?
  339. > Will they truly exile you now?
  340. > Or would you be able to flee to another place?
  341. > How are things going back in Emmeria? What happened after the incident?
  342. > Was Luna able to see that dream as well?
  343. > What the hell are you going to do now?
  344. > You unravel each thought and consider your options
  346. > Your bag sat only feet away from you
  347. > You reach inside and pull out your revolver. The metal body shines bright in the dim light
  348. > You pull out the rotating cylinder and check inside
  349. > The weapon is retrofitted with a moon clip. Allowing for quick and easy reloading
  350. > Six rounds line the cylinder
  351. > Six shots
  353. > [spoiler] But one well placed shot is all you’d need to end all of this... [/spoiler]
  354. > You take another swig, emptying the flask.
  355. > You hold the
  356. > Quickly dismissing the thought. Nausea grows in your stomach, as you grow disgusted at yourself for even considering such an option.
  357. > You bury your head in your hands.
  358. “What…What the fuck is wrong with me…”
  360. --
  362. > “Twilight, just how long do y’all going for him to come out? He’s been in there for 3 hours! Any longer and he might never come out!” says Applejack
  363. > The p0nies are huddled around the bathroom door.
  364. > They’ve been patiently waiting for you to come out
  365. > “I think it’s if we wait for him. He’ll come out when he’s ready.” Twilight responds
  366. > “Ya know Twilight. You seem a little bit more forgiving than usual. Heck, if I were you. I would have knocked his pretty little lights out the second he’d lay a hoof on me.” Applejack states proudly
  367. > Twilight motions for Applejack to lower her voice
  368. > “It’s not that simple.” She whispers. “After he left, I took a look at the data I collected. And from what I could see, I think he needs a little alone time.”
  369. > “Well what did ya’ see?”
  370. > “The test results?...”
  371. > She carries a worried look on her face.
  372. > “Well…let’s just say they weren’t what I expected.”
  374. > “Well. Do you know why he’d lock himself in your bathroom? It doesn’t seem like a normal thing to do, even for a human.” Fluttershy states
  375. > “Maybe he’s just homesick. I mean, I bet he left a bunch of friends and family behind when he came over! He just needs something to cheer him up is all!”
  377. > “And what did you have in mind?” Rainbow Dash asks.
  378. > Pinkie Pie places her hoof on her chin and thinks it over for a moment
  379. > “Ooh! Ooh! I know! How about a party?!”
  380. > Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “You know Pinkie, somehow I don’t think that’s the best idea.”
  381. > “Oh come on! Everyp0ny loves my parties! It’ll cheer Mr. Anonymous right up!”
  382. > She bounces around the room in glee
  383. > “Ooh! Do you think he likes cake? Probably right?! I mean, who doesn’t like cake?! Oh my gosh! I gotta go make one!”
  384. > A blur of pink fills the room as she jets for the door.
  385. > And just like that, she’s gone.
  386. > Everyone simply shakes their head in disapproval.
  389. > Rarity steps to the door and tries knocking on it.
  390. No answer.
  391. > “Anon? It’s me, Rarity. Are you alright in there?”
  392. No answer.
  393. > She tries to open the door, but it’s still locked, and it won’t budge.
  394. > “I’ve just about had enough of this.” She mutters
  395. > She pulls a few bobby pins from her mane and carefully inserts them into the keyhole
  396. > “Rarity? What are you doing? Shouldn’t we let him have his privacy? I mean, ” Fluttershy asks
  397. > “Oh this? It’s just a little tricked I picked up in my travels. Observe.”
  398. > She fumbles with the bobby pins, activating the lock’s tumblers as she rotates the pins.
  399. > After hearing a small click, a content grin grows on her face.
  400. > “Rarity. Where did you lea-
  401. > Before Fluttershy has a chance to finish her sentence, Rarity cut’s her off.
  402. > “Alright Anonymous. We’re coming in!”
  404. > She swings the door wide open and steps inside. The rest follow suit.
  406. > They all gasp in unison upon entering.
  407. > They see you slouched in the corner of the room. With a bloodied hand and bits of glass scattered throughout your feet. You kept a firm grip on the Revolver in one hand, and empty flask in the other.
  409. > “Anon? Are you alright?”
  410. “Y-Yeah.”
  411. > You respond without looking up. Your gaze focused on the revolver.
  412. > “Do you nee-“
  413. “No. I’m fine. I..I just need a minute...alone.”
  415. > You collect yourself and make your way out the door. Stopping once you stand in front of Twilight.
  416. “Sorry.”
  417. > Making your way out the door, you dare not look any of the p0nies in the eye.
  420. --
  423. > Celestia’s sun is beginning to set as it makes way for Luna’s Night.
  424. > The buzz from the liquor has long since worn off, allowing your thoughts to focus.
  425. > You sit verdantly on a bench in front of Twilight’s home, spending much of your day observing the residents of P0nyville. You take note of their lax nature.
  427. > Your mind races on today’s events.
  428. > You debate on whether or not you should go back inside and formally apologize to everyone
  429. > You’re also considering on whether or not you should ask the p0nies for help.
  430. > It’s a strange feeling.
  431. > Knowing that there is something wrong with you; but not being able to make an accurate diagnosis.
  432. > You’ve already broken enough rules by telling Rarity your secrets.
  433. > But could she be trusted?
  434. > Did she go tell the other’s of your past when you weren’t looking?
  435. > No. If there’s anyone here that can be trusted, it’s her.
  437. > You finish your cigarette, enjoying the last bit of flavor.
  438. “Fuck it.”
  439. > You toss the cigarette butt onto the street, and head inside.
  440. > Much to your surprise, the home is nearly empty.
  441. > The only person here is Pinkie Pie. It almost looks like as if she was waiting for you. For when you enter, she makes this toothy grin.
  442. > “Hiyah there!”
  443. “H-Hey.”
  444. > She runs up to you and gives you a light hearted punch to the sides.
  445. > “Feeling better Mr.Grumpy Pants?” She lets out a giggly snort.
  446. “Yeah. I needed some time to think is all.”
  447. > “Well that’s good to hear! Lemme tell ya, you sure did give everyone in there a run for their money. I mean, are you sure you’re okay? It looked like you were gonna die on that table!”
  448. > Die.
  449. > That word send a tingle down your spine.
  450. “It’s alright.”
  451. > “Are you absolutely positively sure you’re alright Mister Anonymous?”
  452. > You chuckle at her persistence
  453. “I’m fine. I’m fine. I won’t be pushing daisies anytime soon, I promise.”
  454. > She lets out another giggle.
  455. “But seriously, where is everyone?”
  456. > “Oh that’s right, I almost forgot!”
  457. > You roll your eyes.
  458. > “Everyone’s at Sugar Cube corner. They’re all waiting for us!”
  459. “Waiting? Why?”
  460. > “I can’t tell you silly filly! That would ruin the surprise!”
  461. “Surprise?”
  462. > “Yup! It’s a surprise all right!”
  463. “Well, I guess we shouldn’t keep them waiting, huh?”
  464. > “Nope! Come on! Let’s go!”
  465. > She bounces joyfully towards the door.
  466. > You gather your things and place them into the trunk Luna gave you. [spoiler] Thank god this thing had a pair of wheels. It weighs a ton! [/spoiler]
  468. > “Come on Mr.Anonymous! Hurry up! We don’t wanna be late!”
  469. > Her childish innocence puts a warm smile on your face
  470. > She reminds you of yourself when you were younger
  471. > Innocent, caring and cheerful
  472. > Now you’re just a shell of the person you once were
  473. > You chuckle as she leads you out the door and to Sugar Cube Corner
  475. > The walk to the bakery is interesting to say the least.
  476. > Ponyville was empty. Not a single soul in sight.
  477. > When you asked Pinkie Pie about this, she only giggled. Muttering something about the “Surprise”
  478. > It didn’t take long to realize what was going on
  479. > But you decided to humor her and play along.
  480. > Who are you to ruin her fun?
  482. > “Alright Mr.Anonymous! After you!” She exclaims.
  483. “Pinkie Pie please. Don’t call me ‘Mr.Anonymous.’ It sounds…strange.”
  484. > “Huh? What’s wrong with Mister?”
  485. “It’s…too formal. Just call me ‘Anon’.”
  486. > “A-Anon?”
  487. “ Yeah, it’s what my friends back home used to call me.”
  488. > She grows this huge toothy smile.
  489. > “Oh my gosh! So does this mean we’re friends now?!”
  490. > She hops in place from excitement, a warm smile growing on both your faces.
  491. “Hah! Whatever you say Pinkie Pie.”
  493. > You open the door and step inside.
  494. > And there they are.
  495. > What seems like every single p0ny in P0nyville is here.
  496. > Pinkie Pie runs up to you.
  497. “I bet you weren’t expecting a surprise party where you Anon?”
  498. > [spoiler]You weren’t.[/spoiler]
  499. > “Wha- I don’t understand.”
  500. > “Well, it looked like you were having a pretty rough day. So, your old pal Pinkie Pie decided you needed a little pick me up! And what better way to cheer somep0ny up than with a party!...This could also your welcome home party!”
  501. “Welcome home?”
  502. > “Well duh! You’re going to be living here in P0nyville now, right? So that makes this place your home! Silly filly!”
  503. > She gives you a warm smile that melts you heart.
  504. “Thanks Pinkie.”
  506. > You step inside.
  507. > It seems Pinkie Pie lied to you.
  508. > Everyone was already partying without you.
  510. > Dozens of p0nies crowd into the small bakery.
  511. > A white pony DJ with purple glasses was laying down some fresh tunes.
  513. > You can’t help but tapping your foot to the rhythm
  515. > In the center of the room, there’s a huge dance floor.
  516. > It’s strange. Seeing p0nies dance.
  517. > You notice Twilight in the middle of the room, ‘dancing’ about awkwardly.
  518. > You chuckle to yourself
  519. > It looks like even p0nies can be born with 2 left feet.
  521. > As you make your way through the party, you notice something.
  522. > There’s a distinct lack of drunk or wasted p0nies.
  523. > It seems the parties here in Equestria are much tamer than the one’s from your local university.
  524. > You chuckle to yourself as you remember your first college party.
  525. > Good times….good times.
  527. > You make your way through the dance crowd.
  528. > Many of the p0nies are more accepting of you now. They actually seem friendly now.
  529. > It’s nice.
  531. > “Anon! Over here!”
  532. > You turn to the sound of the voice.
  533. > Rarity is sitting at a table, motioning you to join her.
  535. > “Feeling better Anonymous?”
  536. “Yeah. But hey, who threw this party? And why?”
  537. > “Why Darling, it was all Pinkie Pie’s doing. She insisted on throwing this little get together for you. Despite Twilight’s judgment, she invited everyone in P0nyville.”
  538. > She hands you’re a tall glass of wine
  539. “But why now?”
  540. > “I’m sure Pinkie Pie had her reasons. Besides, this is good change of mood.”
  541. “How so?”
  542. > “Well you remember the little mishap in the laboratory?”
  543. “Don’t remind me.”
  544. > “Well I’ll have you know, I’ve never seen Twilight behave in that manner.”
  545. “What? How she acted so carelessly?”
  546. > “Now now. Calm yourself Anon. To make it fair, I did warn you.”
  547. > You grumble under your breath.
  548. > “But no. I’m talking about something else.”
  549. “Hmm?”
  550. > “What I saw on Twilight today was unlike any way she’s acted before. Today, she was stricken with fear. With abject horror.”
  551. “…I noticed.”
  552. > “Don’t be too hard on yourself Anon.”
  553. > She finishes her glass of wine, before pouring herself a new one.
  554. > “There’s no doubt in my mind she’s intimidated by you, perhaps even mortified by your very presence. But I don’t blame her. She’s easily frightened. Honestly, can you just imagine yourself in her position? She’s at the top of her game, striving to master her magical and academic studies.”
  555. > You down rest of your drink. Rarity pours you another glass.
  556. > “And then you show up and literally turn everything she knows upside down. Anon, you’re the first human anyp0ny has seen for a while. And on top of that, you’ve somehow made yourself an esteemed guest of the Royal Family.”
  557. “Heh, I do have that effect on people.”
  558. > “I don’t think you realize it Anonymous. But you almost died today.”
  559. “Tell me about it.”
  560. > “Thank Celestia you didn’t. But imagine, what would happen if you did? Who do you think would be held accountable?”
  561. “Twilight…”
  562. > “Anon. I know you have a lot going on in your mind right now. Now believe me, I’m trying to understand you better so I may help you. I know there are certain things I may never understand. I know that you’ve experienced some terrible things in life.”
  563. > You down the wine once more as the memories linger once more.
  564. > “But you have to accept the fact that that’s all behind you now.”
  565. “What are you trying to say?”
  566. > “I think…” She pauses for a moment and looks into the dance floor.
  567. > Everyone has started this huge conga line that is snaking throughout the bakery
  568. > In the line, you’re able to make out Twilight, as happy as could be.
  569. > “I think a little party is what everp0ny needs right now.”
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