
7.1.Software development lifecycle

Apr 23rd, 2016
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  1. Software development lifecycle
  3. Scrum е може би най-използваната agile методология за разработка на софтуер
  5. Work phases are generally separated to:
  6. - Idea
  7. - Planning
  8. - Creating
  9. - Testing
  10. - Deploying
  11. Горния процес обикновено е итеративен при гъвкавите методологии
  13. Environments – areas where product can be built, distributed, installed, configured and tested:
  14. - Development environment
  15. - Common build environment
  16. - Integration testing environment
  17. - User acceptance environment
  18. - Production environment
  20. В Development среда се разработва софтуера и след това се тества. Продукта пак бива изтестван в Staging среда и чак тогава ако тестването е успешно, продукта отива в Production средата
  21. ! Staging средата трябва да е със същите конфигурации като Production средата
  23. A development methodology is a set of practices and procedures for organizing the software development process
  24. - A set of rules that developers have to follow
  25. - A set of conventions the organization decides to follow
  26. - A systematical, engineering approach for organizing and managing software products
  27. Heavyweight and agile methodologies:
  28. - Heavy methodologies rely on formal procedures and documents
  29. - Agile methodologies rely on small iterations and less formalities
  31. Често полезни промени, като рефакториране, не се правят по продукта, защото тези промени не се счиатат за разумни, според manager-ите на проекта, например
  33. Agile methodologies:
  34. - Scrum
  35. - Kanban
  36. - Lean Software Development
  37. - eXtreme programming (XP)
  38. - и др.
  40. Scrum – an iterative and incremental agile software development methodology for managing product development
  41. Scrum roles:
  42. - Scrum master – maintains the Scrum process
  43. - Product owner – represents the stakeholders
  44. - Team – a group of about 7 people
  45. o The team does the actual development: analysis, design, implementation, testing, etc.
  47. Scrum terminology:
  48. - Sprint
  49. o An iteration in Scrum
  50. o Usually few weeks
  51. - Product Backlog – попринцип не е възможно да се измислят всички неща (функционалности), които ще трябва да се направят за конкретния продукт
  52. o All features that have to be developed
  53. - Sprint Backlog
  54. o All features planned for the current sprint
  56. Scrum practices:
  57. - Sprint planning meeting
  58. - Daily Scrum stand-up meeting – до 15 минути
  59. - Sprint review meeting
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