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May 24th, 2024
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  1. System Information:
  2. OS Version:
  3. Linux Distribution: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
  4. Kernel Version: 5.15.0-46-generic #49~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 4 19:15:44 UTC 2022
  6. Hardware Info:
  7. Machine Type Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. MS-7C89 1.0
  8. CPU Type GenuineIntel x86_64
  9. CPU Info Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10100 CPU @ 3.60GHz
  10. CPU Speed 4300 MHz
  11. CPU Physical Cores 4
  12. CPU Logical Cores 8
  13. Physical Memory 16247716 KiB
  14. Virtual Memory 2097148 KiB
  16. Crash Dump:
  17. 0ce62af1-ba7c-b5f5-2208c532-2ae62cd4.dmp (326240 bytes)
  19. Application Log:
  20. [thread ffffffff][I][0]: Log system initialised
  21. [thread ffffffff][I][0]: Default allowed number of simultaneously open files in the system is 1024.
  22. [thread ffffffff][I][0]: Current memlock limit is 67108864.
  23. [thread ffffffff][I][0]: setrlimit(RLIMIT_MEMLOCK) failed, (1) Operation not permitted
  24. [thread ffffffff][I][4]: setup_teb_register() - using LDT entry 13
  25. [thread 00000001][I][120]: OpenGL Core context version 3.2 detected
  26. [thread 00000001][I][185]: OpenGL information:
  27. [thread 00000001][I][185]: renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB/PCIe/SSE2
  28. [thread 00000001][I][185]: vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
  29. [thread 00000001][I][185]: version: 3.2.0 NVIDIA 470.199.02
  30. [thread 00000001][I][185]: GLSL version: 1.50 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
  31. [thread 00000001][I][185]: Detected NVidia card
  32. [thread 00000001][I][185]: Max surface size: 32768
  33. [thread 00000001][I][185]: Supported and usable: texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge: yes
  34. [thread 00000001][I][185]: Supported and usable: texture_storage: yes
  35. [thread 00000001][I][185]: Supported and usable: copy_image: yes
  36. [thread 00000001][I][185]: Supported and usable: texture_storage_multisample: yes
  37. [thread 00000001][I][185]: Supported and usable: texture_view: yes
  38. [thread 00000001][I][185]: Supported and usable: ATI_separate_stencil: yes
  39. [thread 00000001][I][185]: Supported and usable: EXT_stencil_two_side: no
  40. [thread 00000001][I][185]: Supported and usable: texture_filter_anisotropic: yes
  41. [thread 00000001][I][185]: Supported and usable: explicit_attrib_location: yes
  42. [thread 00000001][I][185]: Supported and usable: compressed 3D textures (VTC): yes
  43. [thread 00000001][I][185]: Available texture memory (from NVidia extension): 3145728 kB
  44. [thread 00000001][I][185]: Multisample textures test:
  45. [thread 00000001][I][186]: GL_RGBA8 (0x8058): 32 samples
  46. [thread 00000001][I][187]: GL_RGBA8UI (0x8d7c): 32 samples
  47. [thread 00000001][I][187]: GL_RGBA8I (0x8d8e): 32 samples
  48. [thread 00000001][I][188]: GL_RGBA12 (0x805a): 32 samples
  49. [thread 00000001][I][189]: GL_RGBA16 (0x805b): 32 samples
  50. [thread 00000001][I][190]: GL_RGBA16F (0x881a): 32 samples
  51. [thread 00000001][I][192]: GL_RGBA32 (0x8814): 32 samples
  52. [thread 00000001][I][193]: GL_RGBA16I (0x8d88): 32 samples
  53. [thread 00000001][I][194]: GL_RGBA16UI (0x8d76): 32 samples
  54. [thread 00000001][I][196]: GL_RGBA32I (0x8d82): 32 samples
  55. [thread 00000001][I][197]: GL_RGBA32UI (0x8d70): 32 samples
  56. [thread 00000001][I][198]: GL_RGB8 (0x8051): 32 samples
  57. [thread 00000001][I][200]: GL_RGB32F (0x8815): 32 samples
  58. [thread 00000001][I][201]: GL_RGB32I (0x8d83): 32 samples
  59. [thread 00000001][I][203]: GL_RGB32UI (0x8d71): 32 samples
  60. [thread 00000001][I][203]: GL_RG8 (0x822b): 32 samples
  61. [thread 00000001][I][204]: GL_RG16 (0x822c): 32 samples
  62. [thread 00000001][I][205]: GL_RG16F (0x822f): 32 samples
  63. [thread 00000001][I][206]: GL_RG32F (0x8230): 32 samples
  64. [thread 00000001][I][206]: GL_RG8I (0x8237): 32 samples
  65. [thread 00000001][I][206]: GL_RG8UI (0x8238): 32 samples
  66. [thread 00000001][I][207]: GL_RG16I (0x8239): 32 samples
  67. [thread 00000001][I][207]: GL_RG16UI (0x823a): 32 samples
  68. [thread 00000001][I][208]: GL_RG32I (0x823b): 32 samples
  69. [thread 00000001][I][209]: GL_RG32UI (0x823c): 32 samples
  70. [thread 00000001][I][209]: GL_R8 (0x8229): 32 samples
  71. [thread 00000001][I][209]: GL_R16 (0x822a): 32 samples
  72. [thread 00000001][I][210]: GL_R16F (0x822d): 32 samples
  73. [thread 00000001][I][210]: GL_R32F (0x822e): 32 samples
  74. [thread 00000001][I][210]: GL_R8I (0x8231): 32 samples
  75. [thread 00000001][I][210]: GL_R8UI (0x8232): 32 samples
  76. [thread 00000001][I][211]: GL_R16I (0x8233): 32 samples
  77. [thread 00000001][I][211]: GL_R16UI (0x8234): 32 samples
  78. [thread 00000001][I][211]: GL_R32I (0x8235): 32 samples
  79. [thread 00000001][I][212]: GL_R32UI (0x8236): 32 samples
  80. [thread 00000001][I][212]: GL_R8_SNORM (0x8f94): 32 samples
  81. [thread 00000001][I][212]: GL_R16_SNORM (0x8f98): 32 samples
  82. [thread 00000001][I][212]: GL_RG8_SNORM (0x8f95): 32 samples
  83. [thread 00000001][I][213]: GL_RG16_SNORM (0x8f99): 32 samples
  84. [thread 00000001][I][214]: GL_RGBA8_SNORM (0x8f97): 32 samples
  85. [thread 00000001][I][214]: GL_RGBA16_SNORM (0x8f9b): 32 samples
  86. [thread 00000001][I][215]: GL_SRGB8 (0x8c41): 32 samples
  87. [thread 00000001][I][216]: GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 (0x8c43): 32 samples
  88. [thread 00000001][I][216]: GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F (0x8cac): 32 samples
  89. [thread 00000001][I][217]: GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8 (0x88f0): 32 samples
  90. [thread 00000001][I][217]: GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16 (0x81a5): 32 samples
  91. [thread 00000001][I][217]: GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24 (0x81a6): 32 samples
  92. [thread 00000001][I][218]: GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8 (0x8cad): 32 samples
  93. [thread 00000001][I][219]: GL_RGB10_A2 (0x8059): 32 samples
  94. [thread 00000001][I][219]: GL_RGB10_A2UI (0x906f): 32 samples
  95. [thread 00000001][I][220]: GL_R11F_G11F_B10F (0x8c3a): 32 samples
  96. [thread 00000001][I][220]: GL_RGB565 (0x8d62): 32 samples
  97. [thread 00000001][I][221]: GL_RGB5_A1 (0x8057): 32 samples
  98. [thread 00000001][I][221]: GL_RGB9_E5 (0x8c3d): 1 samples
  99. [thread 00000001][I][222]: Command line: 'C:\home\wombi\Spiele_Versionen\Stronghold3Linux\bin\win32_release\Stronghold3.exe'
  100. [thread 00000001][I][248]: TomCrypt initializing...
  101. [thread 00000001][I][248]: TomCrypt initialized
  102. [thread 00000001][I][248]: DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH start.
  103. [thread 00000001][W][249]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  104. [thread 00000001][W][249]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  105. [thread 00000001][I][252]: DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH done.
  106. [thread 00000004][W][252]: eON_HeapSetInformation() - requested heap corruption termination, ignoring
  107. [thread 00000004][W][255]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  108. [thread 00000004][W][825]: eON_GetProcAddress() for module 0x1130000, in PE file 'msvcrt.dll' FAILED. Proc not found at name '_get_terminate'.
  109. [thread 00000004][E][835]: Game is asking for capture devices. As on Linux presently their support is not coded, we return no capture devices. This error will be reported only once per game launch.
  110. [thread 00000004][I][835]: Enumerating COM libraries...
  111. [thread 00000004][W][837]: REGISTRY OPERATION: RegOpenKeyExW() returns ERROR_NOT_FOUND (subkey not found) key = HKEY_CURRENT_USER, subkey = SOFTWARE\PersonalAudio\MyEars
  112. [thread 00000004][I][837]: Initializing primary sound buffer
  113. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  114. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  115. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  116. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  117. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  118. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  119. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  120. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  121. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  122. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  123. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  124. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  125. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  126. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  127. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  128. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  129. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  130. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  131. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  132. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  133. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  134. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  135. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  136. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  137. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  138. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  139. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  140. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  141. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  142. [thread 00000004][W][841]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  143. [thread 00000001][W][848]: Attempt to set main game window display mode, when there's no main game window!
  144. [thread 00000004][W][848]: FindResourceExW() returning NULL. Name with id 32512 not found in module (nil)
  145. [thread 00000004][I][891]: GetDeviceCaps( hdc = 0x97979798, nIndex = 4 (HORZSIZE) )
  146. [thread 00000004][I][891]: GetDeviceCaps() returning 12
  147. [thread 00000004][I][891]: GetDeviceCaps( hdc = 0x97979798, nIndex = 6 (VERTSIZE) )
  148. [thread 00000004][I][891]: GetDeviceCaps() returning 12
  149. [thread 00000004][I][902]: Available video memory: 3072 MB
  150. [thread 00000004][I][902]: Available texture memory: 3072 MB
  151. [thread 00000009][I][911]: OPENGL: OpenGL thread start
  152. [thread 00000009][I][919]: OpenGL backend to Direct3D9: SUMMARY OF FALLBACKS AND INEFFICIENCIES:
  153. [thread 00000009][I][919]: OpenGL backend to Direct3D9: END OF SUMMARY
  154. [thread 00000009][I][924]: Recommended max number of vertices addressed in one glDrawRangeElements() call: 1048576
  155. [thread 00000009][I][924]: Recommended max number of indices addressed in one glDrawRangeElements() call: 1048576
  156. [thread 00000009][I][924]: Shader precompilation start: unprepared shaders: 129, unlinked programs: 83
  157. [thread 00000004][I][932]: Max D3D9 surface size is now 8294400
  158. [thread 00000009][I][975]: Shader precompilation finished
  159. [thread 00000009][I][1998]: No OpenGL commands for full second. Flushing GL to make sure it hasn't deadlocked.
  160. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  161. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  162. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  163. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  164. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  165. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  166. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  167. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  168. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  169. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  170. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  171. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  172. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  173. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  174. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  175. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  176. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  177. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  178. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  179. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  180. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  181. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  182. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  183. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  184. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  185. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  186. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  187. [thread 00000004][W][2392]: EnumDisplaySettings() is passed the DEVMODE struct size indicating that the game wants additional information, which we aren't filling. Returning spec indicating older Windows and less information.
  188. [thread 00000009][I][3364]: No OpenGL commands for full second. Flushing GL to make sure it hasn't deadlocked.
  189. [thread 00000004][I][4184]: Max D3D9 surface size is now 8388608
  190. [thread 00000004][I][4699]: Max D3D9 volume size is now 131072
  191. [thread 00000009][I][5859]: Uniform buffer mAsmVertexFloatStreamedBuffer (0xdfbddff0) now has 2 internal buffers, taking 8192000 bytes
  192. [thread 00000004][W][6664]: Game is trying to lock a surface that's not lockable! Permitting this. This message will be logged only once per run.
  193. [thread 00000009][I][6804]: Uniform buffer mAsmPixelFloatStreamedBuffer (0xdfbde034) now has 2 internal buffers, taking 8192000 bytes
  194. [thread 00000009][I][7135]: Uniform buffer mCommonVariablesStreamedBuffer (0xdfbde1cc) now has 2 internal buffers, taking 294912 bytes
  195. [thread 00000004][I][100570]: Max D3D9 surface size is now 16777216
  196. [thread 00000009][I][101594]: Uniform buffer mAsmVertexFloatStreamedBuffer (0xdfbddff0) now has 3 internal buffers, taking 12288000 bytes
  197. [thread 00000009][I][101627]: Uniform buffer mAsmVertexFloatStreamedBuffer (0xdfbddff0) now has 4 internal buffers, taking 16384000 bytes
  198. [thread 00000009][I][114043]: Uniform buffer mAsmVertexFloatStreamedBuffer (0xdfbddff0) now has 5 internal buffers, taking 20480000 bytes
  199. [thread 00000004][W][223164]: Refreshing folder '/home/wombi/.local/share/firefly/stronghold3/GameDocuments/Stronghold 3/Saved Games/', temp folder is 'C:\tmp\stron0RF0Ga\'.
  200. [thread 00000004][W][285996]: Refreshing folder '/home/wombi/.local/share/firefly/stronghold3/GameDocuments/Stronghold 3/Saved Games/', temp folder is 'C:\tmp\stron0RF0Ga\'.
  201. [thread 00000004][I][1805035]: ===enforcing log flush===
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