Guest User


a guest
Jul 31st, 2009
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  1. if($poster_id != ANONYMOUS && $postrow[$i]['user_level'] != ADMIN)
  2. {
  3. $current_user = str_replace("'","\'",$postrow[$i]['username']);
  4. if ($is_auth['auth_greencard'])
  5. {
  6. $g_card_img = ' <input type="image" name="unban" value="unban" onClick="return confirm(\''.sprintf($lang['Green_card_warning'],$current_user).'\')" src="'. $images['icon_g_card'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Give_G_card'] . '" >';
  7. }
  8. else
  9. {
  10. $g_card_img = '';
  11. }
  12. $user_warnings = $postrow[$i]['user_warnings'];
  13. $card_img = ($user_warnings) ? (( $user_warnings < $board_config['max_user_bancard']) ? sprintf($lang['Warnings'], $user_warnings) : $lang['Banned'] ) : '';
  14. // these lines will make a icon apear beside users post, if user have warnings or ar banned
  15. // used instead of the previous line of code, witch shows the status as a text
  16. //
  17. // You may also included several images, instead of only one yellow, these lines below will produce several yellow images, depending on mumber of yellow cards
  18. // ------ From here --- do not include this line
  19. //$card_img = ($user_warnings >= $board_config['max_user_bancard']) ? '<img src="'.$images['icon_r_card'] . '" alt="'. $lang['Banned'] .'">' : '';
  20. //for ($n=0 ; $n<$user_warnings && $user_warnings < $board_config['max_user_bancard'];$n++)
  21. //{
  22. //$card_img .= ($user_warnings) ? '<img src="'.(( $user_warnings < $board_config['max_user_bancard']) ?
  23. //$images['icon_y_card'] . '" alt="'. sprintf($lang['Warnings'], $user_warnings) .'">' :
  24. //$images['icon_r_card'] . '" alt="'. $lang['Banned'] .'">') : '';
  25. //}
  26. // ----- To this line --- Do not included this line
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