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a guest
Feb 15th, 2010
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  1. 7:57 PM - GermanShephard: hey
  2. 7:57 PM - GermanShephard: did your Steam connextion spazz out too?
  3. 7:57 PM - GermanShephard: connection*
  4. 7:58 PM - Witchiebunny: Yes. Everyone's did.
  5. 7:58 PM - GermanShephard: OH SHI-
  6. 7:58 PM - GermanShephard: ILL BE BACK IN A WHILE
  7. 7:58 PM - GermanShephard: !!!!!!!!!!
  8. 7:58 PM - Witchiebunny: ok
  9. 7:58 PM - GermanShephard: GO OFFLINE
  10. 7:58 PM - GermanShephard: NPW
  11. 7:58 PM - GermanShephard: NOW*
  12. 7:58 PM - Witchiebunny: Me?
  13. 7:58 PM - Witchiebunny: No, I'm not going offline.
  14. 7:59 PM - GermanShephard: if you dont want to get caught in the crossfire, i suggest you do it now!!!
  15. 7:59 PM - Witchiebunny: Crossfire?
  16. 7:59 PM - GermanShephard: T_T
  17. 7:59 PM - GermanShephard: Nevermind
  18. 7:59 PM - Witchiebunny: *blinks*
  19. 7:59 PM - GermanShephard: ill take care of it on my own
  20. 7:59 PM - GermanShephard: ill be back in a but
  21. 7:59 PM - GermanShephard: bit*
  22. 7:59 PM - Witchiebunny: Alright..
  23. 8:00 PM - GermanShephard: if you lose connection again, i suggest you remain offline
  24. 8:00 PM - GermanShephard: ok?
  25. 8:00 PM - GermanShephard: same goes for eeryone
  26. 8:00 PM - Witchiebunny: What are you talking about?
  27. 8:00 PM - GermanShephard: everyone*
  28. 8:00 PM - GermanShephard: need to know basis
  29. 8:00 PM - GermanShephard: ok?
  30. 8:00 PM - Witchiebunny: Right. Well if you're telling me to go offline, I need to know.
  31. 8:00 PM - GermanShephard: fine
  32. 8:01 PM - GermanShephard: i think someone i know might be trying to force Steams servers to give them a bunch of "clientinfo" if you nkow what i mean
  33. 8:01 PM - Witchiebunny: I doubt it'll work.
  34. 8:01 PM - Witchiebunny: Steam does this a lot.
  35. 8:02 PM - GermanShephard: RUN
  36. 8:02 PM - GermanShephard: Hard shutdown
  37. 8:02 PM - GermanShephard: if all else fails, unplug it
  38. 8:02 PM - Witchiebunny: Alright.
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