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2016 Nascar

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May 29th, 2016
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  1. The Gamers Muse Awards, April 2016.
  2. Presented by: JohnnyTLP
  4. Employee of the Month: Chrisw265, because revival hype #RevivalHype
  6. Not Employee of the Month: JohnnyTLP, because these awards were over 48 hours late. YOU HAD ONE JOB. Also you use both the 24 hour system and write dates as year-month-day, I don't even want to know how much you have to restrain yourself to make these things readable.
  8. Worst Alcohol Tolerance: Forseti Odin, because WEEEEEEEEEEE~ *interrogates a Blacksmith for an hour*
  10. Best 3-13 Archer Impersonation: That Archer that thought walking into an Animal Trap was a good idea, thanks for diving into the fray while trying to save your buddies, only to get completely owned, you'll be remembered maybe.
  12. Best Dungeon Master: Jack, seriously, you’re awesome, mate, thanks for all the hard work.
  14. Least Objectionable Design Decision: Capcom, for bringing Ema Skye to Ace Attorney 6, let the science commence (de-messing up her character from AA4 would be nice too, thanks, chaps, do a thing).
  16. Best Wombo Combo: Buttz Utterly, for that sweet critical hit followed by a perfect d10. *ahem*: Happy feet! Wombo Combo! That ain’t Buttz! That ain’t B- OH! OH! OH! OH! OHH! OHHHH! OHHHHHHH! WHERE YOU AT!? WHERE YOU AT!? WHERE YOU AT!? OOOH! …WOMBO COMBOOOOOOOOO!!! (What do you mean, “overacting”?)
  18. And the “Well, screw you too!” award of the week goes to…JohnnyTLP's doctors for hooking him up to a 48 hour heart monitor, thus causing him to be unable to sleep, shower, or be comfortable for 48 hours only to call him almost a week later and say that they goofed and the monitor recorded no data. Screw you, at this point actually having heart problems would be easier to deal with.
  20. New Awards Coming July 1, 2016!
  21. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  23. The Official TheGamersMuse Meme List:
  25. "114 Page Manual" - JohnnyTLP
  26. "Biggest Idiot Award" - Chrisw265
  27. "Elf Dancing" - Chrisw265 and JohnnyTLP
  28. "Marth Got So Nerfed In 4" - JohnnyTLP
  29. "Korra Is A Girl?" - JohnnyTLP
  30. "Over Here Sucks, But Over There Is On Fire" - Jack
  31. "Picks Up The Idiot Core" - Zinc
  32. "Pizza Give Me Strength" - Chrisw265
  33. "Red Mage It Up" - Jack
  34. "Roll For Tea" - Jack
  35. "That Was For A Squirrel, You Bastard!" - Chrisw265
  36. "Waifu Emblem Dates" - JohnnyTLP
  37. "What Happened On March 10?" - Jack
  38. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  40. This week in Dungeons and Dragons:
  42. Featuring: JohnnyTLP as Forseti Odin, Chrisw265 as Buttz Underly, and Jack as Dungeon Master
  45. JohnnyTLP: "I was hoping my yawn would motivate the plot. It didn't"
  47. Forseti Odin: "You don't meet potential victims of pickpocking that are that nice to drunks very often"
  49. JohnnyTLP: "This campaign is like, a fan art gold mine"
  51. JohnnyTLP: "Urination waits for no man"
  53. Forseti Odin: "Erm...that's either some code I'm not getting, or a shopping list... "
  55. Chrisw265: "You mean I can't just roll a D20 to be invisible?"
  57. JohnnyTLP: "Are there any open windows in this heavily guarded castle I'm trying to sneak into?"
  59. Chrisw265: "areyoukiddingme"
  61. JohnnyTLP: "How am I supposed to go against someone that quotes THAT song"
  65. Buttz Underly: "Tis but a scratch"
  67. Forseti Odin: "Buttz VS Gravity, truly the match of the century..."
  69. Forseti Odin: "What do you suppose the odds are that you're asleep, I'm trancing, and this is a weird dream...?"
  71. Chrisw265: "WAIT I HAD A GRAPPLING HOOK"
  73. -Forseti Odin sits down a few feet away from the castle wall, questioning all the questions, contemplatively-
  75. JohnnyTLP: "I was going to go with the "Wait outside because I don't want to cause an international incident" approach, seems in character."
  77. JohnnyTLP: "As for if I spelled it right, one may as well roll a 1d2"
  79. Forseti Odin: "(゜.゜) (-‸ლ) (~_~;) (*^3^)/~☆"
  81. Forseti Odin: "('A`) (屮゚Д゚)屮 (`-´)> (⌒▽⌒)"
  83. JohnnyTLP: "As fancy as Thaumaturgy is, dis isnt wrking"
  86. Chrisw265: "IT WAS A GOOD IDEA"
  93. Buttz Underly: "Hello sir, I don't suppose you're interested in the girl scout cookies I'm selling?"
  97. Chrisw265: "What's a castle without a little drama and adventure? :D"
  98. JohnnyTLP: "A normal sightseeing tour >:("
  100. JohnnyTLP: "Freaking...What is life even"
  102. JohnnyTLP: "Despite all my warnings, despite all the consequences, you yahoos just had to put "be stupid" first on your list of things to do today"
  104. Chrisw265: "(You're in this mess too)"
  107. JohnnyTLP: "I did Gerudo's Fortress with no bow, I can MLG pro my way out of here"
  109. Chrisw265: "Buttz Underly attempts to wake up?"
  110. Jack: "Dude, that's not a thing, you will wake up when the plot demands it, LIEK ANY GOOD RPG!"
  114. JohnnyTLP: "Your honor, I'm sorry I ate that man's lunch. It was my first time playing this game, you see, and I didn't know it was his. I just needed some health restored after fighting Lucca's robot"
  116. -Buttz Underly realizes he made the mistake of letting the guy who can't tell a lie go first-
  119. NPC: "No, They, Must, XUCTZZZZ, Dance"
  120. NPC: "DANCE?!?! What is wrong with you you BUCKET OF BOLTS!"
  121. Buttz Underly: "Well if the judge says so."
  122. -Buttz Underly does his best moon walk and boogie-
  124. JohnnyTLP: "Well gee, RNG does sometimes cooperate"
  126. NPC: "Dance, And, You, are, Free"
  127. Buttz Utterly: "Alright Odin, let's slow-dance our way out of this thing in style."
  128. Forseti Odin: "Buttz, get over here"
  129. -Forseti Odin whispers- "The only dancing we did in Bulgar was romantic slow dancing, one word of this to anyone and only Helm will be able to keep you safe"
  130. -Forseti Odin grabs one of Buttz's hands, and puts his other hand around his waist-
  131. -Buttz Underly does the same and follows Foresti's lead-
  132. Forseti Odin: "Now then, left foot start, 1, 2, 3, start"
  133. -Forseti Odin dances with Buttz, failing in all ways possible to hide the fact that his face is as red as a tomato-
  134. NPC: "You, Are, Free, To, Go. KZRT"
  135. Buttz Underly: "Alright Foresti, let's take our bow!"
  137. Forseti Odin: "two things, rather quickly"
  138. Forseti Odin: "F-First that was phenomenally risky, but thank you nonetheless.
  139. Second...we never any point..."
  141. Buttz Underly: "Should we even bother with the castle now?"
  142. Forseti Odin: "I THINK NOT"
  144. Forseti Odin: "You are very lucky that I'm both exhausted and a man in service to a god of protection"
  146. Chrisw265: "Goal for the day: Go in the castle. What actually happened: everything else. Goal for next session: go in the castle"
  147. JohnnyTLP: "Goal for today: Keep Buttz from causing an incident. What actually happened: PBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT"
  149. JohnnyTLP: "Goal for Next Session: Keep from casting Sacred Flame on Butz"
  150. Chrisw265: "Like Foresti could actually land one"
  152. JohnnyTLP: "If you didn't laugh so hard you couldn't breathe for a few seconds at some point tonight, you have zero sense of humor"
  154. Roll of the Night: Chrisw265, for attempting to pickpocket someone, rolling a 1, and having his character be mistaken for a drunk.
  155. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  157. Final 2015 JohnnyTLP VS Chrisw265 NASCAR Averages Season Results:
  159. JohnnyTLP's Averages:
  160. Week 1 - Kentucky - Brad Keselowski and Jimmie Johnson: 7.5
  161. Week 2 - New Hampshire - Kyle Busch and Denny Hamlin: 7.5 - Kyle Busch Winner
  162. Week 3 - Indianapolis - Matt Kenseth and Dale Earnhardt Jr.: 14.5
  163. Week 4 - Pocono - Kyle Busch and Kevin Harvick: 31.5
  164. Week 5 - Watkins Glen - Jeff Gordon and Carl Edwards: 24.5
  165. Week 6 - Michigan - Matt Kenseth and Dale Earnhardt Jr.: 5.5 - Matt Kenseth Winner
  166. Week 7 - Bristol - Jeff Gordon and Kyle Larson: 30.5
  167. Week 8 - Darlington - Kyle Busch and Matt Kenseth: 14.0
  168. Week 9 - Richmond - Joey Logano and Kevin Harvick: 8.5
  169. Week 10 - Chicagoland - Matt Kenseth and Brad Keselowski: 6.5
  170. Week 11 - New Hampshire - Joey Logano and Kyle Busch: 20.0
  171. Week 12 - Dover - Kevin Harvick and Brad Keselowski: 8.5 - Kevin Harvick Winner
  172. Week 13 - Charlotte - Kyle Busch and Matt Kenseth: 31.0
  173. Week 14 - Kansas - Joey Logano and Denny Hamlin: 1.5 - Joey Logano Winner
  174. Week 15 - Talladega - Dale Earnhardt Jr and Jeff Gordon: 2.5
  175. Week 16 - Martinsville - Kevin Harvick and Joey Logano: 22.5
  176. Week 17 - Texas - Jimmie Johnson and Dale Earnhardt Jr: 3.5 - Jimmie Johnson Winner
  177. Week 18 - Phoenix - Joey Logano and Brad Keselowski: 6.0
  178. Week 19 - Homestead - Kevin Harvick and Jeff Gordon: 4.0
  179. Total Average: 250.0
  181. Total Average for JohnnyTLP: 13.158
  182. Wins: 5 (beat Chrisw265 by 3)
  183. Better Averages: 10 (beat Chrisw265 by 1)
  184. Best Average: 1.5 (beat Chrisw265 by 1.5)
  185. Worst Average: 31.5 (beat Chrisw265 by 3.5)
  186. Top 5 Averages: 4
  187. Top 10 Averages: 11 (beat Chrisw265 by 2)
  189. -VS-
  191. Chrisw265's Averages:
  192. Week 1 - Kentucky - Kevin Harvick and Kurt Busch: 9.0
  193. Week 2 - New Hampshire - Joey Logano and Kyle Larson: 17.5
  194. Week 3 - Indianapolis - Tony Stewart and Jeff Gordon: 35.0
  195. Week 4 - Pocono - Joey Logano and Kurt Busch: 28.5
  196. Week 5 - Watkins Glen - AJ Allmendinger and Brad Keselowski: 15.5
  197. Week 6 - Michigan - Kevin Harvick and Kyle Busch: 6.5
  198. Week 7 - Bristol - Denny Hamlin and Carl Edwards: 5.0
  199. Week 8 - Darlington - Joey Logano and Kevin Harvick: 4.5
  200. Week 9 - Richmond - Brad Keselowski and Kurt Busch: 11.5
  201. Week 10 - Chicagoland - Carl Edwards and Joey Logano: 4.0
  202. Week 11 - New Hampshire - Brad Keselowski and Kevin Harvick: 16.5
  203. Week 12 - Dover - Kyle Busch and Jimmie Johnson: 21.5
  204. Week 13 - Charlotte - Martin Truex Jr. and Kurt Busch: 4.0
  205. Week 14 - Kansas - Matt Kenseth and Kevin Harvick: 15.0
  206. Week 15 - Talladega - Brad Keselowski and Jimmie Johnson: 11.0
  207. Week 16 - Martinsville - Jeff Gordon and Kyle Busch: 3.0 - Jeff Gordon Winner
  208. Week 17 - Texas - Brad Keselowski and Joey Logano: 21.0
  209. Week 18 - Phoenix - Kevin Harvick and Kurt Busch: 4.5
  210. Week 19 - Homestead - Kyle Busch and Martin Truex Jr.: 6.5 - Kyle Busch Winner
  211. Total Average: 241.0
  213. Total Average for Chrisw265: 12.684 (beat JohnnyTLP by 0.474)
  214. Wins: 2
  215. Better Averages: 9
  216. Best Average: 3.0
  217. Worst Average: 35.0
  218. Top 5 Averages: 6 (beat JohnnyTLP by 2)
  219. Top 10 Averages: 9
  222. -Final Results-
  224. Best Total Average: Chrisw265 - 241.0 Positions
  225. Best Numerical Average: Chrisw265 - 12.684 Average
  226. Most Wins: JohnnyTLP - 5
  227. Most Better Averages: JohnnyTLP - 10
  228. Best Personal Best Average: JohnnyTLP 1.5
  229. Best Worst Personal Average: JohnnyTLP 31.5
  230. Most Top 5 Averages: Chrisw265 - 6
  231. Most Top 10 Averages: JohnnyTLP - 10
  232. 2015 Champion: Chrisw265
  233. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  235. JohnnyTLP NASCAR Previews Archive
  238. Week 36/36: Homestead 2015:
  240. This FINAL championship week at Homestead-Miami:
  242. JohnnyTLP: Jeff Gordon and Kevin Harvick
  243. Chrisw265: Martin Truex Jr and Kyle Busch
  245. Championship Criteria:
  247. JohnnyTLP needs an average of 31.0 or better to have a mathematical chance at the championship.
  248. Chrisw265 needs an average of 12.5 or better to mathematically clinch the championship.
  250. 4 turns.
  251. 267 laps.
  252. 43 drivers.
  253. 18 weeks of competition.
  254. 2 competitors.
  256. For JohnnyTLP, a hopeless campaign has been given enough life for one last effort, thanks to a late season rally that's included four averages of 6.0 or better in the last five races. But will "never give up" be enough to overtake the championship favorite?
  258. For Chrisw265, a season that started badly has come back to life via unshakable consistency, thanks to a season-high six Top 5's and just two averages worse than 21.5. But will "consistency" be enough to defend his lead with this being anything but just another race?
  260. In the end, for all of these questions, for all the "What if?"s and "If only"s, for all the hypotheticals and possibilities, for all the laps that have passed and all the laps that remain which dare separate these two men from their goal, only one thing stands unquestioned: There will only be one winner.
  262. At the end of of the Ford 400 at Homestead-Miami, on a chilly November day, one will savor the thrill of victory.
  263. His opponent will endure the pain of defeat.
  264. And EVERYTHING will come to an end.
  267. Week 3: Vegas 2016 Flashback:
  268. The season is underway and the gap is all but irrelevant, with JohnnyTLP leading by only 4.75 average positions. Will JohnnyTLP's tactic of slow and steady wins the race allow him to pull out to an early lead? Will Chrisw265's winning streak overpower his consistency? Will disaster befall either predictor this week and set them up for a season of playing comeback? Will JohnnyTLP actually write these ridiculous taglines all season long? Will either player actually not pick Kevin Harvick next week if they get first picks (Hint: No)? Find out this weekend when we roll the dice for 267 laps in Las Vegas!
  270. Week 4: Phoenix 2016 Flashback:
  271. With three races in the books, NASCAR's early 2016 West Coast segment is off and running. Will JohnnyTLP's consistency continue? Will Chrisw265 close the gap with another win after last week's troubles in Vegas? Will either player encounter more trouble? Will Kevin Harvick finish anywhere but first? Will mother nature bring more rain to the desert because screw typical weather patterns? Find out this week when we rise from the ashes for 312 laps in Phoenix!
  273. Week 5: Fontana 2016 Flashback:
  274. With a month of races in the books, our players head to Fontana after both of them missed the Top 10 in Phoenix, and a mere 6.75 gap insures that the 32 races that remain leave plenty of room for continued developments in the points standings, and, while three sub-15.0 finishes have been scored thus far, no player can yet say they've had a truly disastrous week. Will JohnnyTLP be able to maintain his lead with his safe options? Will Chrisw265 follow up his momentum from last week with another victory? Will Goodyear blow someone's day to pieces (double bad pun, I am that cringe-worthy, deal with it)? Will a caution light fall onto the track thus ironically bringing out a caution (it happened one year, look it up)? Find out as we continue the early-season chaos with 200 laps in Fontana!
  276. Week 6: Martinsville 2016 Flashback:
  277. With NASCAR's early trip to the West concluded, we return to the East Coast and the state of Virginia to Martinsville, to the oldest track on the circuit for short track action at it's absolute finest. The race to pull ahead to an early season lead remains nose to nose, with JohnnyTLP's lead falling for a second week in a row to a mere 3.2 advantage. Will JohnnyTLP be able to climb back to the former glory of his first three races? Will Chrisw265 finish what he started in Phoenix and overtake him to get his first lead this season? Will either player experience the first truly disastrous day of the year during the chaos? Will another win propel either player ahead? Will either player be able to not crave hot dogs at some point during the race? Find out when we trade paint for 500 laps in Martinsville!
  279. Week 7: Texas 2016 Flashback:
  280. The first sixth of the season has done little to distance our contenders from each other, with almost 2,000 laps of racing separating them by mere 4.25 average positions, the season remains anyone's game, and a runaway victory now could give either player a massive psychological advantage going into the long months of summer, as their opponent is left to play catch up. For now, NASCAR rolls into Texas, where they say everything is bigger, and the stakes are no exception. Even on a bad day, JohnnyTLP's consistency finds a way to keep him alive, but he's not had a Top 15 in three races now, will he escape this slump and maintain his lead, or were the last three weeks a sign of disasters to come? Chrisw265 in 6 races has won more times than he did in 19 last year, but he's also suffered half as many finishes outside the Top 20 as he did last year, will Texas grant him another win and a shot at his first lead this season, or will it curse him with another unneeded bad day? In the last three races, one of our players has found the Top 10 only once, will Texas restore either player to the former glory they experienced in the earlier races this year? For all the trouble they had at Martinsville, both players have managed to avoid a sub 30th finish, will Texas end that streak, and will either player free fall as a result? 2016 is still anyone's game, and every lap is another chance at triumph and at tragedy, we'll find out which fate claims both of our players this weekend, as we follow our lone stars for 334 laps in Texas!
  282. Week 8: Bristol 2016 Flashback:
  283. One would think seven races would widen a gap, but the sever races in question of the 2016 NASCAR Predictions Season have nothing but shorten it, as JohnnyTLP's season-long lead has dropped down to a mere 2.86 positions. This intense battle now goes to an intense venue, Bristol, known by some as thunder valley, and others as the last great coliseum, it's a track with a reputation of wearing down drivers, provoking tempers, and transforming automobiles into piles of scrap. JohnnyTLP grabbed his fourth consecutive finish of 16.0 or higher last week, something he never managed to do in the entirety of 2015, but he's also missed the Top 10 four weeks in a row, will this streak of consistency return to it's former glory from earlier in this season, or will these somewhat mediocre finishes predate a true disaster? Chrisw265 has now statistically won in every other race in 2016, doubling his win count from 2015, but twice so far this season has he followed up a win with a finish of 24.0 or worse the following week, will he continue to eat into JohnnyTLP's lead with another stellar day, or will history repeat itself as he has his sights set on the lead? Bristol itself has very few undeniably safe picks, will this result in either player being dealt a terrible finish as a result of taking a chance? Falling off the lead lap was a major hurdle at times for both players last week at the 1.5 mile Texas, will this issue be amplified at the half mile Bristol? The season is underway and the all out brawl for the lead remains neck and neck, find out who will keep, or take it, this weekend when we try to catch lightning in a bottle for 500 laps in Bristol!
  285. Week 9: Richmond 2016 Flashback:
  286. What could have been disaster for both players last week in Bristol ended in only a blow to each player's pride, as each of our contenders' struggles cancelled each other out, the gap closing slightly to 2.31 in Chrisw265's favor. From a mediocre week for both in the averages but an unremarkable one in the standings, we now head to Richmond, where we'll run the final race of the first quarter of the 2016 season. JohnnyTLP's consistency remains solid, but the foundation it rests on has been steadily crumbling week after week, with five finishes outside of the Top 10 in a row, a first in our NASCAR Predictions History, and a season worst finish of 20.0 last week, will he finally find redemption after recent difficulty in Richmond, or will this weekend be the race that finally administers the coup de grâce to his lead? Chrisw265's relentless attack on the lead that he's been chasing all year has continued, as he now sits on five wins in 8 races and three in the last 4, but three times now has he followed up a Top 10 with a finish of 18.5 or worse, with this all or nothing approach, what will Richmond deal him in his quest to take his first lead of the season? Cumulatively, JohnnyTLP and Chrisw265 have a 75% success rate in regards to picking the race winner, will this continue in Richmond? Neither player has ever won three races in a row or won six races in a season, will Chrisw265 become the first to reach either of these milestones? The season has been ongoing for over two months, but that's done nothing to separate our players from their furious duel, find out who will gain the upper hand in this season long clash when we continue the conflict for 400 laps in Richmond!
  288. Week 10: Talladega 2016 Flashback:
  289. With a quarter of the season in the books, the gap remains a mere 1.94, and thousands of laps thus far have done nothing to change that. With those nine races complete, we move on to Talladega, a track where no memorization of statistics, ingenious intuition, or four leaf clovers can save you from the undeniable fact that luck is the flagman for this race, and that a good day can end with a single human error. JohnnyTLP at long last returned to the Top 10 last week, getting a victory to boot, but despite this, he still sacrificed ground to Chrisw265, will he be able to ward off another run of mediocrity? Chrisw265 has continued to gain on JohnnyTLP, in spite of being unable to capture the win last week, narrowing the gap to less than 2.00 for the first time this season, but two of his three Top 5 averages this season have ended in a finish of 24.0 or worse the week after, will this all or nothing approach come back to hinder him this week? Talladega is a track where luck may be more invaluable than any amount of numbers, will disaster befall either player, despite all the facts saying it shouldn't have? Talladega is known for chaotic finishes and out-of-nowhere winners, will either player suffer due to not taking a big enough chance? Find out when we hold our breath (no, seriously, that's all we'll be doing the entire race, I guarantee it) for 188 laps in Talladega!
  291. Week 11: Kansas 2016 Flashback:
  292. With ten races in the books the ever existent gap between JohnnyTLP and Chrisw265 has continued to slowly fade, from 4.7 to 1.7 as we wheel our way into Kansas. Both JohnnyTLP and Chrisw265 have been at a stalemate for the last few weeks, with JohnnyTLP's dedication to safe and consistent being locked in battle with Chrisw265's more aggressive approach, and it's shown in the numbers, as the three races prior only affecting the status of the season by 2.5 positions, will events in Kansas lead to either player pulling ahead? By the same hand, both players suffered their worst finish this season due to the sheer chaos of Talladega, with each player finishing worse than 25.0, will either be able to rebound in Kansas? At this point in the season, teams often find themselves either losing early dominance or finding new potential, will prior safe picks end in disaster, and will prior horrible options prove supreme? Find out the answers to all of these questions when we see what we can and can't do for 267 laps in Kansas.
  294. Week 12: Dover 2016 Flashback:
  295. As we roll into the final race of the first third of the 2016 NASCAR season the gap separating JohnnyTLP from Chrisw265 holds at 2.73, a gap that has endured constant attacks and slow but sure attrition for the past 11 races. With the margin separating the two and the slow but sure continuance of the season in mind, we move onto Dover, a track aptly named the monster mile, due to it's reputation for being one of the most difficult tracks on the circuit. JohnnyTLP has been able to break away from his recent slump earlier in the year, with two Top 10 averages in the last three races, seemingly returning to form, that said, the last time he managed this sort of consistency he found himself falling into a five race segment of time where he missed a Top 10 average each week, will Dover be the foundation for another dry spell? Last week was the first time in four races that Chrisw265 failed to eat into JohnnyTLP's lead, by the same hand, the last time he failed to do so he went on the aforementioned four race streak of narrowing the gap next race, at a potentially crucial moment, will he return to form and continue to close the gap to the lead, or will victory seem farther away than ever? Neither player has run particularly strong in recent weeks, with three starts out of the last four ending in an average of 25.0 or worse, will this trend continue, or will one player rise above to lengthen or close the gap? Dover, as prior mentioned is one of the most chaotic and unpredictable tracks on the circuit, will a seemingly safe pick fall victim to this legacy, dooming either player to a difficult week? Find the answers to all of these questions and more when we try to tame a monster for 400 miles in Dover!
  297. All-Star Race Exhibition 2016 Flashback:
  298. With the first third of the 2016 season in the books, we travel to the home of NASCAR, Charlotte, for a race where winning is everything is everything and the points don't matter. This week we'll take on the 2016 NASCAR All-Star Race, a 113 lap duel between the absolute best of NASCAR's best in a special exhibition race, in which we'll both be trying to predict the finishing order of the entire 20 car field. This race will have no bearing on the points whatsoever, as we'll be playing purely for fun and bragging rights, the player who correctly guesses the most positions wins, and, in the event of a tie, the winner will be the one who had the highest finishing successful prediction, with that, join us as we play with nothing to lose as we count our lucky stars for a very special night in Charlotte!
  300. Week 13: Charlotte 2016 Flashback:
  301. "With NASCAR's All-Star night behind us, we head into the longest race of the year, a 600 mile endurance race at Charlotte, with the gap between our players at 2.71. JohnnyTLP has been able to reverse the momentum of the season over the last two weeks, not only stopping Chrisw265's gain, but also adding about 1.00 back to his dwindling lead, however, our season-long leader has never gained ground on Chrisw265 two weeks in a row, under this new surge of momentum, will he find himself speeding out of control? Chrsw265 has overall cut JohnnyTLP's lead down by about 2.00 in the last 10 races, a slow but sure momentum that won him last year's championship, but, as prior mentioned, he's never lost ground two weeks in a row before now this season, with this unforeseen halt in his pursuit of a second championship, is this loss of momentum a sign of things to come? This upcoming race is the longest event of the year, and now, more than ever, are drivers likely to suffer poor finishes due to not being fully prepared from an athletic standpoint, will either of our players fail to take this into account when making their picks for this week? This race marks the first of the long second third of the season, packed to the brim with difficult tracks and scorching hot temperatures, we've seen many drivers fall from early-season grace only to struggle in NASCAR's upcoming summer stretch, have our players successfully adapted their strategies? Find out the answers to all this and more when we run the longest race of the year for 400 laps in Charlotte.
  302. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  305. (statistic keeping by Chrisw265)
  307. JohnnyTLP's Averages:
  308. Unlimited Exhibition - N/A
  309. Duel 1 Exhibition - N/A
  310. Duel 2 Exhibition - N/A
  311. Week 1 - Daytona - Joey Logano and Kevin Harvick: 5.0
  312. Week 2 - Atlanta - Dale Earnhardt Jr and Brad Keselowski: 5.5
  313. Week 3 - Las Vegas - Joey Logano and Jimmie Johnson: 2.5
  314. Week 4 - Phoenix - Kevin Harvick and Brad Keselowski: 16.0 - Kevin Harvick Winner
  315. Week 5 - Fontana - Carl Edwards and Kyle Busch: 16.0
  316. Week 6 - Martinsville - Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Kevin Harvick: 15.5
  317. Week 7 - Texas - Jimmie Johnson and Brad Keselowski: 11.0
  318. Week 8 - Bristol - Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Kyle Busch: 20.0
  319. Week 9 - Richmond - Carl Edwards and Joey Logano: 4.5 - Carl Edwards Winner
  320. Week 10 - Talladega - Kevin Harvick and Dale Earnhardt Jr: 27.5
  321. Week 11 - Kansas - Kurt Busch and Carl Edwards: 7.0
  322. Week 12 - Dover - Martin Truex Jr. and Jimmie Johnson: 16.0
  323. All-Star Race Exhibition - Various Drivers: 0/20
  324. Week 13 - Charlotte - Kevin Harvick and Carl Edwards: 10.0
  326. Total Sum: 156.5
  327. Total Average for JohnnyTLP: 12.04
  328. Wins: 2
  329. Better Averages: 5
  330. Best Average: 2.5
  331. Worst Average: 27.5
  332. Top 5 Averages: 3
  333. Top 10 Averages: 6
  335. -VS-
  337. Chrisw265's Averages:
  338. Unlimited Exhibition - N/A
  339. Duel 1 Exhibition - N/A
  340. Duel 2 Exhibition - N/A
  341. Week 1 - Daytona - Denny Hamlin and Dale Earnhardt Jr.: 18.0 - Denny Hamlin Winner
  342. Weel 2 - Atlanta - Jimmie Johnson and Kyle Busch: 2.0 - Jimmie Johnson Winner
  343. Week 3 - Las Vegas - Martin Truex Jr. and Matt Kenseth: 24.0
  344. Week 4 - Phoenix - Kurt Busch and Joey Logano: 12.0
  345. Week 5 - Fontanta - Jimmie Johnson and Brad Keselowski: 5.0 - Jimmie Johnson Winner
  346. Week 6 - Martinsville - Joey Logano and Denny Hamlin: 25.0
  347. Week 7 - Texas - Kyle Busch and Kevin Harvick: 5.5 - Kyle Busch Winner
  348. Week 8 - Bristol - Carl Edwards and Matt Kenseth: 18.5 - Carl Edwards Winner
  349. Week 9 - Richmond - Kyle Busch and Kevin Harvick: 3.5
  350. Week 10 - Talladega - Matt Kenseth and Denny Hamlin: 27.0
  351. Week 11 - Kansas - Kevin Harvick and Joey Logano: 20.0
  352. Week 12 - Dover - Chase Elliot and Tony Stewart: 18.5
  353. All-Star Race Exhibition - Various Drivers: 1/20
  354. Well 13- Charlotte - Brad Keselowski and Joey Logano: 7.0
  356. Total Sum: 186.0
  357. Total Average for Chrisw265: 14.31
  358. Wins: 5
  359. Better Averages: 8
  360. Best Average: 2.0
  361. Worst Average: 27.0
  362. Top 5 Averages: 3
  363. Top 10 Averages: 5
  366. Current Standings:
  367. 1. JohnnyTLP: 12.04 - (+2.27)
  368. 2. Chrisw265: 14.31 - (-2.27)
  370. This Week: Race 13/36, Pocono
  372. JohnnyTLP's Preview:
  374. JohnnyTLP's picks: ??? and ???
  375. Chrisw265's picks: ??? and ???
  377. JohnnyTLP's Honorable Mentions:
  379. Chrisw265's Honorable Mentions: ...Tony Stewart? and danica. still.
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