
Umbra - Untitled Luna Romance Story

Apr 29th, 2015
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  1. Originally posted by Umbra in the Luna threads:
  4. >A heavy sigh escapes your lips as a stubborn thought refuses to leave your mind
  5. >You are Anonymous, and currently finding yourself in a bit of a pickle
  6. >When you first came to Equestria, none of the ponies would even give you a chance
  7. >Well almost none of them
  8. >Princess Luna had been the first to reach out to you
  9. >She knew all too well what it was like to be ostracized due to fear
  10. >And with that you had made your first friend
  11. >As you would come to learn, she needed a friend just as badly as you did
  12. >Eventually, you and the night princess become inseparable
  13. >Seeing her just as much of your routine as getting dressed or brushing your teeth
  14. >And that's when the quandary started
  15. >That was 6 months ago when you first met her
  16. >You had been accepted by and made friends with other ponies since then, but Luna still held a special place above them
  17. >But then one lonely night came along
  18. >Luna had been given a serious task to attend to and left Canterlot
  19. >No problem right? You get to do your own thing.
  20. >Wrong
  21. >No matter what you did to entertain yourself, it all seemed...hollow
  22. >Like you were just killing time rather than having fun
  23. >This hadn't happened before
  24. >Not having Luna around this time really took the wind out of your sails
  25. >It was a truth you hadn't wanted to accept
  26. >"I love her....fuck." you thought to yourself
  27. >You sit in the one spot that always lets you clear your head
  28. >The gardens in the castle courtyard
  29. >During the day it was quite a vibrant display of color and life
  30. >Well that, and you had changed your sleeping habits to be more nocturnal and currently couldn't sleep
  31. >At the moment, watching all the other ponies come and go through the courtyard was enough to get the job done
  32. >But it doesn't last for long, as the silence is broken by a pair of flapping wings
  33. >"Well hello Anonymous."
  34. >You look over to see Princess Celestia herself, gently touching down
  35. "Hello princess." You reply, making sure to bow
  36. >"It isn't very often I see you out in the sunlight."
  37. "I suppose I just can't sleep...wait, I'm not bothering anyo-anypony here am I?"
  38. >"Trouble sleeping? Is something on your mind Anonymous?"
  39. >Skipping right over what you asked, it was like she could tell something was amiss
  40. >But considering how long she's been around, you figure reading expressions is second nature to her
  41. "Too much on my mind I guess." You reply flatly
  42. >She says nothing however
  43. >Just looks at you, her concern evident
  44. >At first, Celestia had been wary of your presence here
  45. >But she saw, after awhile, that you made her sister happy, and it helped your case quite a bit
  46. >Now though you can't help but wonder
  47. >Should you tell Celestia the truth?
  48. >How would she react to hearing you love her sister?
  49. >You'd be lying if you said you didn't want to get this off your chest though
  50. >If you couldn't sleep over it, then it was an issue
  51. >Celestia is still staring at you, and it becomes evident that you're not getting out of this one
  52. >Choose your next words carefully Anon
  53. "Can this stay between us?" You ask cautiously
  54. >She gives you her trademark motherly smile and nods
  55. >Well shit, here goes nothing
  56. "It's just there are feelings I have...for Luna that I don't know what to do about."
  57. >Celestia listens intently, but gestures for you to continue
  58. >You were always terrible at expressing yourself, but you have to keep going
  59. "I love her, is what I'm trying to say."
  60. >This time, Celestia finally speaks up, sensing your discomfort
  61. >"It is to be expected Anonymous. With how close the two of you have grown."
  62. >Her tone is reassuring
  63. >Well at least you know she doesn't mind
  64. >"Why not tell her?" She asks
  65. >A simple one, yet that seemed to be the million dollar question
  66. "Well I mean, look at me. A mortal, a stranger to you guys. I'm not nobility, I don't hold some high rank, I'm just another subject. And she's a princess, the immortal goddess of night. Part of it is it just isn't my place to speak up."
  67. >"Part of it?" She repeats after a bit
  68. >And now for what was really keeping you awake
  69. "She's been the best friend I've ever had, here or back home. Finally my existence is worth something to someone. And the fact that we make each other happy just by spending time together. What we have...means more to me than anything. And if I tell her the truth...I'm afraid that she won't feel the same way and what we have now will be ruined."
  70. >Celestia's reassuring smile slowly turns into a frown as you go on
  71. >"You said before that you didn't think you should have these feelings. Do you wish to be rid of them?"
  72. >A feeling of resignation washes over you
  73. "I guess that's what I was getting at. That maybe I should just...forget it altogether. It would probably be better that way."
  74. >You're caught off guard when Celestia cuts you off as you're about to speak
  75. >"I do not think that is the right way Anonymous."
  76. >She pauses, for a long time this time, as if she's trying to pick exactly the right words
  77. >"I cannot attest as to whether or not your feelings would be returned. But I do know this. I've never seen my little sister as happy as she has been with you around. My subjects have always been wary of her, being associated with night and the dark. That on top of immortality does not make it easy to form lasting connections. My point is, its obvious you are as important to her as she is to you. And she would want to know how you feel. And she wouldn't want you to walk around with this anxiety."
  78. >You take some time to digest what she had told you
  79. >But try as you might to think otherwise, you know she's right
  80. >Funny thing about fear, it can serve equally as a deterrent and a motivation
  81. >You had always told Luna that she could talk to you about anything
  82. >Now you feel like a hypocrite for not wanting to talk to her about this
  83. >Celestia was right on all accounts
  84. >You needed this talk a lot more than you thought you did
  85. >At least now you have the courage to rip off the proverbial bandaid
  86. >You see now why her subjects adore her so much
  87. >Here she was, taking time out of her royal duties just to give you a friendly ear
  88. "Thank you Celestia, I know what needs to be done now."
  89. >You decide to show gratitude by giving her a hug before she leaves to lower the sun
  90. >Tonight was when Luna was supposed to return
  91. >After all, it was the time spent without her that made you realize all this in the first place
  92. >Thanks to Celestia, you knew what you needed to do
  93. >And you may just have the confidence to do it too
  94. >Nothing else could be done now though, except wait
  96. >Fast forward
  97. >The moon watches diligently in the night sky
  98. >There was a coi pond deeper within the courtyard garden that has become your current haunt
  99. >But the only difference now is that you're ready
  100. >Which is good because the familiar sound of flapping wings reaches your ears
  101. >Princess Luna, goddess of night glides down to you, bathed in moonlight
  102. >You take a deep breath to steady yourself, and let Celestina's words repeat in your head
  103. >"And she would want to know how you feel. And she wouldn't want you to walk around with this anxiety."
  104. >"Greetings Anonymous!"
  105. >She calls out to you before touching down
  106. >You simply walk beside her, ask her about her assignment and listen
  107. >You barely notice that she suddenly stops talking
  108. >"You're awfully quiet this night Anonymous."
  109. "I've just been listening to you." You reply reflexively
  110. >But she shakes her head
  111. >"We...I know you better than that by now."
  112. >Time to sink or swim
  113. >there's vomit on your sweater already
  114. "There's been something on my mind since you left, but I've been reluctant to tell you."
  115. >She looks worried now, but urges you to talk
  116. "Its just, when you left on your assignment, it was...different this time. Normally it would be fine to be left to my own devices. But this time it felt...lonely, empty. No matter what I did, I couldn't shake it."
  117. >She seems to be listening intently now, it looks for a moment like she wants to say something but apparently decided against it
  118. "After some thinking, I figured out why. It was you, that made every night special. All the time we've spent together...its irreplaceable."
  119. >Luna's expression is now unreadable, but you've gone too far to stop now
  120. "What I'm trying to say is. When you were gone these last few days, it made me realize how important you are and that...I love you princess."
  121. >The cat was out of the bag
  122. >All you can do now is wait for her reaction, whatever it might be
  123. >But her expression becomes readable
  124. >Almost like she's confused
  125. >"Why would you be reluctant to tell me this?"
  126. >She sounds hurt
  127. "You mean apart from the obvious 'you're a princess and I'm a commoner' deal? I've been afraid that you wouldn't feel the same way, and what we already have would be destroyed."
  128. >There it was, everything laid bare
  129. >That was legitimately one of the hardest things you've ever had to do
  130. >When you decide to look over at her, you're greeted by a pair of wings wrapping around your body and a sigh of relief
  131. >"We-I am relieved to hear you say that Anonymous."
  132. >Say wat
  133. >She looks up at you with sparkling eyes and a grateful smile
  134. >"You are not the only one who has been harboring such trepidations."
  135. >Do you dare hope?
  136. >You don't have to for long
  137. >Before you can react, she locks her lips with yours
  138. >And just like that time seems to stand still
  139. >Any fear that you, or apparently that she had evaporates
  140. >To think that she felt the way you did, and that she was just as nervous as you
  141. >You return Luna's sentiment by pulling her close
  142. >Nothing else needs to be said
  143. >When the kiss breaks, you realize something else
  144. >Despite everything, things really did change between you and the princess
  145. >But for the first time, you aren't afraid of change
  147. >Towards the top of Canterlot castle, a certain day time princess looks down at the garden, and the scene that just played out
  148. >She clops her hooves together and smiles knowingly before going off to bed
  150. END
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