
Crucifix the Fallen

May 31st, 2014
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  1. Crucifix the Scourge Lord
  3. Crucifix was born to a pair of immigrants as Relar Thyei-Ran in a small town named Grevel. His family haled from the North-lands who themselves were birthed themselves from a far ancient dynasty that was long forgotten. His two parent were indentured servants to a local landowner and take care of his grandfather, Remus Thyei-Ran, an aging man that's the sole remainder of said kingdom, a prince that could now never take throne. His grandfather told stories of masses of treasure and land that stretches as far as the eye's can see atop of the highest mountains to the young boy as he grew. He would later die shortly after the lad's 16th birthday and have his ashes sent off back to his dead kingdom to be spread among the last remains of his inheritance of old. The employer of his parent's offered to pay for the expenses as they were good to him, but Relar took it upon himself to do so, wishing to see his grandfather off himself as well as see the land he spoke of. Relaf would depart that day, taking his grandfather's sword for protection as well as supplies for the trip.
  4. The lad would depart travel by horse across the mountainous landscape, a horse given by his parent's employer as a parting gift, and would take many weeks before he would see the ground of a valley once more as the roads took him higher into the clouds. Raised higher than the clouds and against the sunset, that from this spot would seem to last forever, was a small temple from which he would come to. It was magnificent in size and structure. It marked itself ten stories tall with a statue of a Demonic Man piercing through a massive snake devouring a globe with his sword. The sword itself was kept lit with a blue flame, seemingly on it's own. Below the statue was a small silver idol depicting a snake wrapped around a crescent horn. As the boy gocked at the massive structure a lone priest approached him. The man spoke to him in a hushed tone, but still expressive of his shock of a boy, so young even, or anyone at all, coming to a shrine of such, "Why do you pilgrimage to these images that most would deem profane and blasphemous boy and take honor to us as so? " The boy spoke to him, "Because I have learned to respect what I don't know, because there is much I do not see or will ever see and in comparison what I am is so little." The monk bowed to him, "You speak wiser words than you seem and speak of nobler intentions than I can profess, I am sorry for my judgements I had placed... Please allow me to teach you of my ways so that my knowledge may be passed on to the next and my order will not die." The boy stood up, and bowed in accordance, "I would be honored."
  5. From there the monk would tell him the ways of Thyei-Ran, the Professer of Gods. The god hails from a time where the gods and demons of the world walked among the people and waged war with another. His origins come from within the chaos of the underworlds, a demon of untold power and skills that rivaled the greatest devils or dark lord that were above him. For his crimes of power however he was cursed to bear the flesh of noble skin and walk among people. He walked with people for many years, finally settling and learning with them the plights of the mortals and learned to love, finding a wife and bearing a child. However he would see the tragedy however of not only the blights caused by daemons, but as well as the curses struck by gods as his family was crushed underfoot as the two sides of war toppled his crops and burned his family at the stake for being associated with a demon such as himself. He would escape with his life by an inch, but his mortal coils not only changed him to bear the mortality of man but as well bear the anguish of being at mercy of the powers of holy destiny and evil temptations. He would gather forces from his travels, of those left homeless from the crusades of immortals. Soon gathering enough men to topple both armies he'd drive through and strike at the capitals of the holy forces, driving them back to their heavens and striking a palace on top of their monasteries declaring the blood of mortality to be kings of the Earth. He would place a queen, his second in command and longest friend, Tyria Thyei-ran, who chose to bear his name to honor him after death. Leaving the demons to be the final chapter to be completed by the rest of mortality in his old age he would leave to see the highest mountain in all the land, a place that could never be seen by daemon or mortal eyes if not for his actions, and die there in peace. His followers would erect a temple and teach of his ways as he died, a god of mortals. His order and kingdom would fall however as the test of times is the bane of mortality itself and his temple left deserted except by the boy and the monk.
  6. After a week of staying, to protect from a passing stormn, with the lone monk the boy had to leave to continue his journey to his homeland, but left promising the monk that he would return. From the Temple Above the Clouds he could journey once again down, seeing the vast lands of his people as he broke through the fog layer. The lands were scarred with blood and fire as the fields were left burnt and the town from the center, though too far to see in great detail, could be seen left in ruins. He was never told why his family left, but now knew, the tides of rebellion and siege swept the land. As he made it down from the high cliffs of the mountains he could see the remains of what was the pilgrim town that once housed the populations of the temple. The monk had never known what happened to his fellow visitor, assuming they left on their own accord. However the boy saw what truly had happened to them so many years ago as their skeletons hanged across the crucifixes that dotted the roads to the valley floor below. As he passed, he took count reciting a small prayer for death that he was taught by his parent's and told the meaning of by the monk, "Thy-Bella Eve debour hy nou coture mehschyp." Or as it means, "May sorrows lift those who live to the mountain's peak." He recited this anthem over two hundred times as he took the steps down the mountain on his horse.
  7. As he entered the mouth of the valley he came across a small camp at the edge of sunset. The people were sitting around a campfire. From he could tell, from their hollering and drinking, they were reciting tales of heroism in his naivety. Wishing to hear further on what they said he reigned his horse towards them and when he was close enough he spoke aloud, "Sorry to interrupt, but I was traveling on a pilgrimage to my family's hallowed lands and I would like to have some bedding to rest in for the night." The group of warriors look at him as if he were daft but soon took out a large chuckle as they took a large drink of their ale or mead with a commander coming out among them expressing, "Aye, we can spare you a tent for a night, but lad do tell of what hallowed land ye speak of!?" The man speaks in an accent unheard by Relar and nothing like his grandfather's but he retorts back, "To the hall of the dead of the kingdom of Thyei-Ran for my grandfather's ashes to be returned to the earth from where he was born." He says, taking the urn from his bag as proof of his journey. The Men however are taken aback as the commander wields his sword within an instant, "We be simply posted to keep watch of the roads, but to find the both the body of the prince of whores as well as his mongrel grandson! We shall dine within the meadhalls of the forefather's men!" He says rushing forward but stopped as Relar pulls back his steed and draws his blade, an action not taken ever on this trek. Although from his perspective Relar sees nothing, the commander and his men see blade become engulfed with bright red flames that trail with smoke circling around boy and twisting into a dark figure causing the men to run in fear. The boy would scoff at the coward soldiers as he steadies his horse. "I can't believe that worke-" he mutters, stopping short as he sees his own reflection with a puddle below him. "What in HELL!" He yells, turning his body around on the horse slashing violently behind him as his horse tries to see as suit. There is however nothing to hit. He dismisses it as his own nerve as he sheathes his sword stepping off the horse to check the camp for more supplies, but passing by the puddle to take his own reflection one more time.
  8. Coming sunrise, to a particularly cloudy and dark sky, he sets out towards the center of the town towards the ruined remains of the castle. Within the Valley he travels through the dead remains of crops, years old. However, rather than the fields returning to nature they remain barren and salten. Even after days of rain the ground seemingly cannot wet as it remains dry and crack with not a barren of life other than the random mice scurrying within the folds of the earth. After a day of travels he comes across a small camp of refugees. They are cornered around the outer ring of the city.. As the boy travels across the camps the people, sickly and ravaged by war gather around him. They each start bowing towards him, spooking his horse momentarily, and chanting, "Our lord and prince, the king of whores and defiler of the sky!" Relar is taken affront as they boy to him, "I am not the prince, I merely take his ashes to be set to rest." They then all stop in their chant and take a silence backing off from the man just enough to guide a path through the city's walls, taking him past towards the inner circle, around the castle.
  9. Traveling through the courtyard of the castle he takes in awe the sheer size. Though the place has since been abandoned and nature has overtaken the walls and floor, unlike the rest of the city and valley. From there he would get off his horse and travel through the halls of the castle, coming across the throne room. There sat the throne of the castle, large and made from a deep black stone, almost obsidian but duller. It's legs were two figurines of two demons, the same from the temple, holding the weight of the chair. The chair's seet was made to appear to be a tower, draped in now torn velvet, lifted towards the sky's clouds by the demons below. Coiled on it's velvet seat was a small scourge made from a black metal, almost glass like and a helmet shaped in the face of the demon himself. Over it was a small note. Over the aged paper it read, "To those that seek to heir of the throne, with this weapon and this helmet, were passed from my forefathers and mother's from the time of the sundering of gods, you may bring another age and restore order as I failed to do. —— Themus Thyei-Ran the Third" As Relar took the whip, it singeing at his touch, each strand almost sprang to life sparking with ash as it almost lit aflame. The ends of each cord as well hiss as they begin twisting like snakes. He takes a swipe with it to a nearby statue, each strand twisting around the head, strangling it and each glowing bright with flames. Pulling the scourge back the statue rips apart as the scourge almost burns through the stone. He would take the helmet and the scourge, leaving his grandfather's ashes on the throne, "You were never destined to live among the dead, you were destined to dine with kings..." He says wiping the tears from his face before departing.
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