

Oct 15th, 2019
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  1. ⏚ ⌂180% [kmajumde:~/work/git/vdsm] master+* ± make check
  2. Makefile:1029: warning: overriding recipe for target 'check-recursive'
  3. Makefile:548: warning: ignoring old recipe for target 'check-recursive'
  4. Checking that .in files are ignored...
  5. ! git --no-pager grep execCmd `git ls-files | grep -v -F -f execcmd-blacklist.txt`
  6. out=`tox --version`; \
  7. if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then \
  8. echo "Error: cannot run tox, please install tox \
  9. 3.14 or later"; \
  10. exit 1; \
  11. fi; \
  12. version=`echo $out | cut -d' ' -f1`; \
  13. if python2.7 build-aux/vercmp $version 3.14; then \
  14. echo "Error: tox is too old, please install tox \
  15. 3.14 or later"; \
  16. exit 1; \
  17. fi
  18. tox -e flake8-py2
  19. flake8-py2 installed: You are using pip version 10.0.1, however version 19.3 is available.,You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.,2to3==1.0,ansible-runner==1.3.1,ansible-runner-http==1.0.0,asn1crypto==0.24.0,atomicwrites==1.3.0,attrs==19.1.0,Babel==2.6.0,backports.functools-lru-cache==1.5,backports.ssl-match-hostname==,bcrypt==3.1.4,beautifulsoup4==4.6.3,blivet==1.20.4,cachetools==3.1.1,certifi==2019.6.16,cffi==1.11.5,chardet==3.0.4,Cheetah==3.1.0,Cheetah3==3.1.0,configparser==3.7.4,contextlib2==0.5.5,coverage==4.5.1,cryptography==2.3,cssselect==0.9.2,cycler==0.10.0,decorator==4.3.0,dnspython==1.15.0,docker==3.5.0,docker-pycreds==0.3.0,docutils==0.14,enum34==1.1.6,file-magic==0.4.0,filelock==3.0.9,flake8==3.5.0,funcsigs==1.0.2,functools32==3.2.3.post2,future==0.16.0,gdeploy==2.0.2,google-api-python-client==1.7.9,google-auth==1.6.3,google-auth-httplib2==0.0.3,google-auth-oauthlib==0.4.0,gpg==1.12.0,html5lib==1.0.1,httplib2==0.13.0,idna==2.8,importlib-metadata==0.18,iniparse==0.4,ioprocess==1.3.0,ipaddr==2.1.10,ipaddress==1.0.18,IPy==0.81,Jinja2==2.10.1,jmespath==0.9.0,kiwisolver==1.1.0,kubectl-gluster==0.9.5,lago==0.46.0,libvirt-python==4.7.0,lockfile==0.11.0,lxml==4.2.5,M2Crypto==0.35.2,MarkupSafe==1.0,matplotlib==2.2.4,mccabe==0.6.1,mock==2.0.0,more-itertools==5.0.0,netaddr==0.7.19,nose==1.3.7,numpy==1.15.1,oauthlib==3.0.1,olefile==0.46,ordered-set==2.0.2,ovirt-engine-sdk-python==4.3.1.dev20191009+git0af7588,ovirt-imageio-common==1.6.0,packaging==19.0,paramiko==2.4.2,pathlib2==2.3.4,pbr==4.1.1,pep8==1.6.2,pexpect==4.7.0,Pillow==5.3.0,pluggy==0.13.0,ply==3.9,psutil==5.4.3,psycopg2==2.7.5,pthreading==0.1.3.post3,pwquality==1.4.0,py==1.6.0,pyasn1==0.4.5,pyasn1-modules==0.2.5,pycairo==1.17.1,pycodestyle==2.3.1,pycparser==2.14,pycrypto==2.6.1,pycurl==,pyflakes==1.6.0,PyGObject==3.30.5,pygpgme==0.3,pyinotify==0.9.6,pykickstart==3.16,pyliblzma==0.5.3,PyNaCl==1.2.1,pyOpenSSL==19.0.0,pyparsing==2.2.0,pyparted==3.11.0,PySocks==1.6.8,pytest==4.6.4,python-augeas==0.5.0,python-daemon==2.1.2,python-dateutil==2.7.5,python-dmidecode==3.12.2,python-keyczar==0.71rc0,pytz==2018.5,pyudev==0.21.0,pyxattr==0.5.6,pyxdg==0.26,PyYAML==5.1,requests==2.22.0,requests-oauthlib==1.2.0,requests-unixsocket==0.1.5,rpm==,rsa==4.0,sanlock-python==3.7.3,scandir==1.10.0,scp==0.10.2,sepolicy==1.1,setools==4.1.1,six==1.12.0,stevedore==1.28.0,subprocess32==3.2.6,terminator==1.91,testlib==0.6.5,toml==0.10.0,tox==3.14.0,typing==3.6.2,uritemplate==3.0.0,urlgrabber==3.10.1,urllib3==1.25.3,vboxapi==1.0,virtualenv==16.0.0,wcwidth==0.1.7,webencodings==0.5.1,WebOb==1.8.2,websocket-client==0.53.0,wrapt==1.10.11,xmltodict==0.12.0,yum-metadata-parser==1.1.4,zipp==0.5.2
  20. flake8-py2 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='2876287451'
  21. flake8-py2 run-test: commands[0] | python /home/kmajumde/work/git/vdsm/tests/profile flake8-py2 flake8 --statistics . build-aux/vercmp contrib/logdb contrib/logstat contrib/lvs-stats contrib/profile-stats init/daemonAdapter lib/vdsm/storage/curl-img-wrap lib/vdsm/storage/fc-scan static/libexec/vdsm/get-conf-item
  22. PROFILE {"command": ["flake8", "--statistics", ".", "build-aux/vercmp", "contrib/logdb", "contrib/logstat", "contrib/lvs-stats", "contrib/profile-stats", "init/daemonAdapter", "lib/vdsm/storage/curl-img-wrap", "lib/vdsm/storage/fc-scan", "static/libexec/vdsm/get-conf-item"], "cpu": 245.772017016042, "elapsed": 45.6846981048584, "idrss": 0, "inblock": 0, "isrss": 0, "ixrss": 0, "majflt": 0, "maxrss": 76720, "minflt": 104087, "msgrcv": 0, "msgsnd": 0, "name": "flake8-py2", "nivcsw": 54955, "nsignals": 0, "nswap": 0, "nvcsw": 1443, "oublock": 0, "start": 1571138789.930507, "status": 0, "stime": 0.935263, "utime": 111.344941}
  23. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ summary ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  24. flake8-py2: commands succeeded
  25. congratulations :)
  26. tox -e pylint-py2 \
  27. static/usr/share/vdsm/ lib/vdsm lib/vdsmclient lib/yajsonrpc
  28. pylint-py2 installed: You are using pip version 10.0.1, however version 19.3 is available.,You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.,2to3==1.0,ansible-runner==1.3.1,ansible-runner-http==1.0.0,asn1crypto==0.24.0,astroid==1.6.6,atomicwrites==1.3.0,attrs==19.1.0,Babel==2.6.0,backports.functools-lru-cache==1.5,backports.ssl-match-hostname==,bcrypt==3.1.4,beautifulsoup4==4.6.3,blivet==1.20.4,cachetools==3.1.1,certifi==2019.6.16,cffi==1.11.5,chardet==3.0.4,Cheetah==3.1.0,Cheetah3==3.1.0,configparser==3.7.4,contextlib2==0.5.5,coverage==4.5.1,cryptography==2.3,cssselect==0.9.2,cycler==0.10.0,decorator==4.3.0,dnspython==1.15.0,docker==3.5.0,docker-pycreds==0.3.0,docutils==0.14,enum34==1.1.6,file-magic==0.4.0,filelock==3.0.9,funcsigs==1.0.2,functools32==3.2.3.post2,future==0.16.0,futures==3.3.0,gdeploy==2.0.2,google-api-python-client==1.7.9,google-auth==1.6.3,google-auth-httplib2==0.0.3,google-auth-oauthlib==0.4.0,gpg==1.12.0,html5lib==1.0.1,httplib2==0.13.0,idna==2.8,importlib-metadata==0.18,iniparse==0.4,ioprocess==1.3.0,ipaddr==2.1.10,ipaddress==1.0.18,IPy==0.81,isort==4.3.21,Jinja2==2.10.1,jmespath==0.9.0,kiwisolver==1.1.0,kubectl-gluster==0.9.5,lago==0.46.0,lazy-object-proxy==1.4.2,libvirt-python==4.7.0,lockfile==0.11.0,lxml==4.2.5,M2Crypto==0.35.2,MarkupSafe==1.0,matplotlib==2.2.4,mccabe==0.6.1,mock==2.0.0,more-itertools==5.0.0,netaddr==0.7.19,nose==1.3.7,numpy==1.15.1,oauthlib==3.0.1,olefile==0.46,ordered-set==2.0.2,ovirt-engine-sdk-python==4.3.1.dev20191009+git0af7588,ovirt-imageio-common==1.6.0,packaging==19.0,paramiko==2.4.2,pathlib2==2.3.4,pbr==4.1.1,pep8==1.6.2,pexpect==4.7.0,Pillow==5.3.0,pluggy==0.13.0,ply==3.9,psutil==5.4.3,psycopg2==2.7.5,pthreading==0.1.3.post3,pwquality==1.4.0,py==1.6.0,pyasn1==0.4.5,pyasn1-modules==0.2.5,pycairo==1.17.1,pycparser==2.14,pycrypto==2.6.1,pycurl==,pyflakes==2.0.0,PyGObject==3.30.5,pygpgme==0.3,pyinotify==0.9.6,pykickstart==3.16,pyliblzma==0.5.3,pylint==1.9.3,PyNaCl==1.2.1,pyOpenSSL==19.0.0,pyparsing==2.2.0,pyparted==3.11.0,PySocks==1.6.8,pytest==4.6.4,python-augeas==0.5.0,python-daemon==2.1.2,python-dateutil==2.7.5,python-dmidecode==3.12.2,python-keyczar==0.71rc0,pytz==2018.5,pyudev==0.21.0,pyxattr==0.5.6,pyxdg==0.26,PyYAML==5.1,requests==2.22.0,requests-oauthlib==1.2.0,requests-unixsocket==0.1.5,rpm==,rsa==4.0,sanlock-python==3.7.3,scandir==1.10.0,scp==0.10.2,sepolicy==1.1,setools==4.1.1,singledispatch==,six==1.12.0,stevedore==1.28.0,subprocess32==3.2.6,terminator==1.91,testlib==0.6.5,toml==0.10.0,tox==3.14.0,typing==3.6.2,uritemplate==3.0.0,urlgrabber==3.10.1,urllib3==1.25.3,vboxapi==1.0,virtualenv==16.0.0,wcwidth==0.1.7,webencodings==0.5.1,WebOb==1.8.2,websocket-client==0.53.0,wrapt==1.10.11,xmltodict==0.12.0,yum-metadata-parser==1.1.4,zipp==0.5.2
  29. pylint-py2 run-test-pre: PYTHONHASHSEED='1092713412'
  30. pylint-py2 run-test: commands[0] | python /home/kmajumde/work/git/vdsm/tests/profile pylint-py2 pylint -j2 --reports=no --score=no static/usr/share/vdsm/ lib/vdsm lib/vdsmclient lib/yajsonrpc
  31. Using config file /home/kmajumde/work/git/vdsm/pylintrc
  32. ************* Module vdsm.supervdsm_server
  33. E: 42, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  34. ************* Module vdsm.v2v
  35. E: 58, 0: No name 'P_VDSM_LOG' in module 'vdsm.constants' (no-name-in-module)
  36. E: 58, 0: No name 'P_VDSM_RUN' in module 'vdsm.constants' (no-name-in-module)
  37. E: 58, 0: No name 'EXT_KVM_2_OVIRT' in module 'vdsm.constants' (no-name-in-module)
  38. ************* Module vdsm.constants
  39. E: 29, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  40. E: 29, 0: Unable to import 'vdsm.common.constants' (import-error)
  41. ************* Module vdsm.API
  42. E:1254,17: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_FENCE_PREFIX' member (no-member)
  43. ************* Module vdsm.taskset
  44. E: 43,15: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_TASKSET' member (no-member)
  45. E: 63,15: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_TASKSET' member (no-member)
  46. ************* Module vdsm.mkimage
  47. E: 33, 0: No name 'EXT_MKFS_MSDOS' in module 'vdsm.constants' (no-name-in-module)
  48. E: 33, 0: No name 'EXT_MKISOFS' in module 'vdsm.constants' (no-name-in-module)
  49. E: 33, 0: No name 'DISKIMAGE_USER' in module 'vdsm.constants' (no-name-in-module)
  50. E: 33, 0: No name 'DISKIMAGE_GROUP' in module 'vdsm.constants' (no-name-in-module)
  51. E: 35, 0: No name 'P_VDSM_RUN' in module 'vdsm.constants' (no-name-in-module)
  52. ************* Module vdsm.vdsmd
  53. E: 40, 0: No name 'dsaversion' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  54. E: 56,17: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'P_VDSM_CONF' member (no-member)
  55. E:193,24: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'P_VDSM_RUN' member (no-member)
  56. E:199,21: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'P_VDSM_LOG' member (no-member)
  57. E:202,14: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'P_VDSM_LOG' member (no-member)
  58. E:213,35: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'P_VDSM_RUN' member (no-member)
  59. E:220,19: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'VDSM_USER' member (no-member)
  60. E:222,28: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'VDSM_USER' member (no-member)
  61. E:223,25: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'VDSM_GROUP' member (no-member)
  62. E:224, 8: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'VDSM_USER' member (no-member)
  63. E:225,21: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'VDSM_USER' member (no-member)
  64. E:233,15: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_CHOWN' member (no-member)
  65. E:234,16: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'VDSM_USER' member (no-member)
  66. E:234,37: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'QEMU_PROCESS_GROUP' member (no-member)
  67. ************* Module
  68. E: 37, 0: No name 'dsaversion' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  69. ************* Module
  70. E: 26, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  71. E: 26, 0: Unable to import 'vdsm.common.constants' (import-error)
  72. ************* Module
  73. E: 29, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  74. E: 29, 0: Unable to import 'vdsm.common.constants' (import-error)
  75. ************* Module
  76. E: 26, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  77. E: 26, 0: Unable to import 'vdsm.common.constants' (import-error)
  78. ************* Module
  79. E: 26, 0: No name 'dsaversion' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  80. ************* Module
  81. E: 28, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  82. ************* Module
  83. E: 32, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  84. E: 32, 0: Unable to import 'vdsm.common.constants' (import-error)
  85. ************* Module
  86. E: 32, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  87. ************* Module
  88. E: 38, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  89. E: 39, 0: No name 'dsaversion' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  90. ************* Module
  91. E: 29, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  92. ************* Module
  93. E: 34, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  94. ************* Module
  95. E: 77,11: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_CURL_IMG_WRAP' member (no-member)
  96. E: 87,11: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_CURL_IMG_WRAP' member (no-member)
  97. ************* Module
  98. E:121,50: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  99. ************* Module
  100. E: 59,11: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_GREP' member (no-member)
  101. E: 80,17: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  102. ************* Module
  103. E:154,19: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_SAFELEASE' member (no-member)
  104. E:202,19: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_SU' member (no-member)
  105. E:202,56: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_SH' member (no-member)
  106. ************* Module
  107. E:121,37: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  108. ************* Module
  109. E:104,15: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_DD' member (no-member)
  110. ************* Module
  111. E:213,22: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  112. E:217,56: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  113. E:219,45: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  114. E:220,38: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  115. ************* Module
  116. E: 87, 8: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_DD' member (no-member)
  117. E: 89,18: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  118. E:118, 8: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_DD' member (no-member)
  119. E:120,18: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  120. E:121,36: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  121. ************* Module
  122. E: 39,27: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'P_VDSM_RUN' member (no-member)
  123. ************* Module
  124. E: 34, 0: No name 'EXT_DMSETUP' in module 'vdsm.constants' (no-name-in-module)
  125. ************* Module
  126. E:114,30: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  127. E:157,19: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  128. E:366,48: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  129. E:396,36: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  130. E:1383,15: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_FSCK' member (no-member)
  131. E:1409,15: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_TUNE2FS' member (no-member)
  132. E:1420,15: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_CHOWN' member (no-member)
  133. E:1421,16: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'METADATA_USER' member (no-member)
  134. E:1421,41: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'METADATA_GROUP' member (no-member)
  135. E:1690,11: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_MKFS' member (no-member)
  136. ************* Module
  137. E: 31, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  138. ************* Module
  139. E:201,29: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'DISKIMAGE_GROUP' member (no-member)
  140. E:202,29: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'METADATA_GROUP' member (no-member)
  141. ************* Module
  142. E:267,11: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_MOUNT' member (no-member)
  143. E:287,11: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_UMOUNT' member (no-member)
  144. ************* Module
  145. E: 39, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  146. ************* Module
  147. E: 29,11: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_FUSER' member (no-member)
  148. ************* Module
  149. E: 44,36: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  150. E:269,26: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'P_VDSM_LIB' member (no-member)
  151. E:270,30: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'P_VDSM_RUN' member (no-member)
  152. ************* Module
  153. E:125,13: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'DISKIMAGE_USER' member (no-member)
  154. E:125,46: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'DISKIMAGE_GROUP' member (no-member)
  155. E:348,18: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_LVM' member (no-member)
  156. E:1200,41: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  157. E:1334,19: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_CHOWN' member (no-member)
  158. E:1388,35: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  159. E:1427,35: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  160. ************* Module
  161. E: 55,29: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_TAR' member (no-member)
  162. E: 58,29: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_TAR' member (no-member)
  163. E:146,25: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'DISKIMAGE_GROUP' member (no-member)
  164. E:147,25: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'METADATA_GROUP' member (no-member)
  165. ************* Module
  166. E: 34, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  167. ************* Module
  168. E:244,23: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_DD' member (no-member)
  169. E:251,24: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_DD' member (no-member)
  170. ************* Module
  171. E:446,17: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_LVM' member (no-member)
  172. E:930,39: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  173. E:930,59: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  174. E:2117,36: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  175. E:2143,36: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  176. ************* Module
  177. E: 75, 9: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_FC_SCAN' member (no-member)
  178. ************* Module
  179. E:144, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  180. ************* Module
  181. E: 47,14: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  182. E: 58,40: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  183. E:350,45: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  184. E:427,38: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  185. E:496,43: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  186. E:496,63: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  187. E:657,39: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  188. E:657,59: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  189. E:671,39: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  190. E:671,59: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  191. E:748,53: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  192. E:749,27: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  193. ************* Module
  194. E: 81,12: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'VDSM_USER' member (no-member)
  195. E: 82,13: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'VDSM_GROUP' member (no-member)
  196. E: 85,12: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'QEMU_PROCESS_USER' member (no-member)
  197. E: 86,13: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'DISKIMAGE_GROUP' member (no-member)
  198. E: 86,40: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'METADATA_GROUP' member (no-member)
  199. E:399,31: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  200. E:440,34: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  201. E:774,59: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'MEGAB' member (no-member)
  202. ************* Module vdsm.common.commands
  203. E: 28, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  204. ************* Module vdsm.common.cmdutils
  205. E: 32, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  206. ************* Module vdsm.common.hooks
  207. E: 42, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  208. E: 42, 0: Unable to import 'vdsm.common.constants' (import-error)
  209. ************* Module vdsm.common.supervdsm
  210. E: 30, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  211. ************* Module vdsm.common.pki
  212. E: 24, 0: No name 'constants' in module 'vdsm.common' (no-name-in-module)
  213. ************* Module vdsm.virt.sampling
  214. E: 44, 0: No name 'P_VDSM_RUN' in module 'vdsm.constants' (no-name-in-module)
  215. ************* Module vdsm.tool.transient
  216. E: 52,53: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'VDSM_USER' member (no-member)
  217. ************* Module vdsm.virt.vm
  218. E:311,15: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'P_LIBVIRT_VMCHANNELS' member (no-member)
  219. ************* Module vdsm.tool.upgrade
  220. E: 29, 0: No name 'P_VDSM_LIB' in module 'vdsm.constants' (no-name-in-module)
  221. ************* Module vdsm.tool.configurators.abrt
  222. E: 62,12: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'SYSCONF_PATH' member (no-member)
  223. E: 81,12: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'SYSCONF_PATH' member (no-member)
  224. E:101,12: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'SYSCONF_PATH' member (no-member)
  225. E:118,12: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'SYSCONF_PATH' member (no-member)
  226. ************* Module vdsm.tool.configurators.certificates
  227. E: 40,25: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'P_VDSM_EXEC' member (no-member)
  228. ************* Module vdsm.tool.configurators.libvirt
  229. E: 63,27: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'SANLOCK_ENABLED' member (no-member)
  230. E: 64,27: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'LIBVIRT_SELINUX' member (no-member)
  231. E:248,12: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'SYSCONF_PATH' member (no-member)
  232. E:259,30: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'QEMU_PROCESS_GROUP' member (no-member)
  233. E:293,12: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'SYSCONF_PATH' member (no-member)
  234. E:365,12: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'SYSCONF_PATH' member (no-member)
  235. E:393,12: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'SYSCONF_PATH' member (no-member)
  236. E:423,12: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'SYSCONF_PATH' member (no-member)
  237. ************* Module vdsm.tool.configurators.sanlock
  238. E: 33,18: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'QEMU_PROCESS_GROUP' member (no-member)
  239. E: 33,48: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'VDSM_GROUP' member (no-member)
  240. E: 48,12: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'SANLOCK_USER' member (no-member)
  241. E: 61,17: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'SANLOCK_USER' member (no-member)
  242. E: 62,23: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'SANLOCK_USER' member (no-member)
  243. ************* Module vdsm.tool.configurators.multipath
  244. E:303,22: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_MULTIPATH' member (no-member)
  245. ************* Module vdsm.tool.configurators.bond_defaults
  246. E: 31,19: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'P_VDSM_RUN' member (no-member)
  247. ************* Module vdsm.tool.configurators.managedvolumedb
  248. E: 81,22: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'VDSM_USER' member (no-member)
  249. E: 81,43: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'VDSM_GROUP' member (no-member)
  250. E: 82,34: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'VDSM_USER' member (no-member)
  251. E: 82,55: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'VDSM_GROUP' member (no-member)
  252. E: 97,40: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'VDSM_USER' member (no-member)
  253. E: 98,40: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'VDSM_GROUP' member (no-member)
  254. ************* Module vdsm.gluster.api
  255. E:232,15: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'EXT_MOUNT' member (no-member)
  256. ************* Module vdsm.gluster.gfapi
  257. E:228,35: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'P_VDSM' member (no-member)
  258. E:259,35: Module 'vdsm.constants' has no 'P_VDSM' member (no-member)
  259. ************* Module vdsm.supervdsm_api.udev
  260. E: 32, 0: No name 'EXT_CHOWN' in module 'vdsm.constants' (no-name-in-module)
  261. E: 32, 0: No name 'DISKIMAGE_USER' in module 'vdsm.constants' (no-name-in-module)
  262. E: 32, 0: No name 'DISKIMAGE_GROUP' in module 'vdsm.constants' (no-name-in-module)
  263. E: 32, 0: No name 'QEMU_PROCESS_USER' in module 'vdsm.constants' (no-name-in-module)
  264. E: 32, 0: No name 'QEMU_PROCESS_GROUP' in module 'vdsm.constants' (no-name-in-module)
  265. ************* Module vdsm.supervdsm_api.virt
  266. E: 28, 0: No name 'P_LIBVIRT_VMCHANNELS' in module 'vdsm.constants' (no-name-in-module)
  267. E: 28, 0: No name 'P_OVIRT_VMCONSOLES' in module 'vdsm.constants' (no-name-in-module)
  268. PROFILE {"command": ["pylint", "-j2", "--reports=no", "--score=no", "static/usr/share/vdsm/", "lib/vdsm", "lib/vdsmclient", "lib/yajsonrpc"], "cpu": 188.97545383898714, "elapsed": 258.4993209838867, "idrss": 0, "inblock": 0, "isrss": 0, "ixrss": 0, "majflt": 0, "maxrss": 475328, "minflt": 272756, "msgrcv": 0, "msgsnd": 0, "name": "pylint-py2", "nivcsw": 78427, "nsignals": 0, "nswap": 0, "nvcsw": 7092, "oublock": 192, "start": 1571138836.572101, "status": 2, "stime": 8.251683, "utime": 480.248582}
  269. ERROR: InvocationError for command /home/kmajumde/work/git/vdsm/.tox/pylint-py2/bin/python tests/profile pylint-py2 pylint -j2 --reports=no --score=no static/usr/share/vdsm/ lib/vdsm lib/vdsmclient lib/yajsonrpc (exited with code 2)
  270. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ summary ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  271. ERROR: pylint-py2: commands failed
  272. make: *** [Makefile:989: pylint-py2] Error 1
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