
DS NPC Runs (Gizmo) - Full list

Apr 2nd, 2017
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  1. Bandit of the Forest Hunters
  2. Cleric of the Forest Hunters
  3. Crestfallen Warrior
  4. Domhnall of Zena
  5. Fog Knightess of the Forest Hunters
  6. Griggs of Vinheim
  7. Laurentius of the Great Swamp
  8. Maneater Mildred
  9. Oscar of Astora
  10. Patches The Hyena
  11. Pharis of the Forest Hunters
  12. Shiva of the East
  13. Shiva's Bodyguard
  14. Solaire of Astora
  15. Sorcerer of the Forest Hunters
  16. Black Knight (Sword)
  17. Black Knight (Greatsword)
  18. Berenike Knight (Mace)
  19. Channeler
  20. Lautrec of Carim
  21. Oswald of Carim
  22. Witch Beatrice
  23. Black Knight (Halberd)
  24. Havel The Rock
  25. Kirk Knight of Thorns
  26. Vince of Thorlund
  27. Nico of Thorlund
  28. Siegmaier of Catarina
  29. Ricard of Astora
  30. Big Hat Logan
  31. Crestfallen Merchant
  32. Iron Knight Tarkus
  33. Iron Golem
  34. Giant Sentinel
  35. Darkmoon Knightess
  36. Painting Guardian
  37. King Jeremiah
  38. Silver Knight (Dragonslayer Bow & Straight Sword)
  39. Silver Knight (Spear)
  40. Silver Knight (Straight Sword)
  41. Executioner Smough
  42. Dragonslayer Ornstein
  43. Balder Knight (Balder Side Sword)
  44. Darkwraith
  45. Crystal General
  46. Sieglinde of Catarina
  47. Black Knight (Greataxe)
  48. Paladin Leeroy
  49. Stone Guardian
  50. Marvelous Chester
  51. Artorias of the Abyss
  52. Lord Blade's Ciaran
  53. Hawkeye Gough
  54. Stone Knight
  55. Thief of the Forest Hunters/Hollow Thief
  56. Crestfallen Merchant/That guy that attacks you in Twilight Anor Londo
  57. Berenike Knight (Greatsword)
  58. Ingward
  59. Petrus of Thorlund (armor unnacessible without Cheat Engine)
  60. Reah of Thorlund (Miracles only :thinking:)
  61. Queelana of Izalith (Pyromancy only)
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