
Blue Robin 1

Jan 11th, 2015
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  1. >It's cold
  2. >Dark too
  3. >Middle of the night, presumably
  4. >At least the air smells fresh
  5. >Nothing like the city ai-
  6. >Wait
  7. >You sit up, eyes adjusting to the darkness
  8. >Moonlight beams softly through the forest canopy overhead
  9. >A forest?
  10. >How can you be in a forest?
  11. >Your place was far from even the local park, let alone a forest
  12. >Did you get kidnapped?
  13. >Are you dreaming?
  14. >You're getting punk'd aren't you?
  15. >You hop to your feet and brush the dirt and miscellaneous debris from your clothes
  16. >Right off the bat, you notice how strangely calm everything is
  17. >How strangely calm you are
  18. >A light breezes ruffles the leaves in the trees around you
  19. >After a few moments, you pick no direction in particular and begin walking
  20. >With no survival skills to speak of, this direction seemed to be as good as any
  21. >As you walk, your fingertips start to chill so you stuff them in your pants pockets for warmth
  22. >As fate would have it, it seems you weren't left empty handed
  23. >In your pockets, you find a ring with various keys, a brass vaporizer, and a half-empty bottle of e-juice
  24. "Well these are practically useless."
  25. >You pocket the items and continue walking
  26. >You can figure out what to do with them later
  27. >If there is a 'later'
  28. >You're pretty sure you're lost as lost can be
  29. >So who knows?
  30. >You might make it out, or you might get owned by a bear or something
  31. >Until then, you walk and keep looking for any signs of civilization
  32. >Well, so long as Ghandi's not involved
  34. >Have only a few minutes gone by, or has it been hours?
  35. >Just trekking on in the endless forest really started getting to you
  36. >At first you thought your tired mind was screwing with you, but then you started catching glimpses
  37. >Eyes
  38. >Following and watching you, but hidden just outside your peripherals
  39. >Maybe it was just paranoia setting in, but you could almost swear they were there
  40. >Soon enough, mild panic begins to set in
  41. >It has to be real
  42. >It feels too real to be an illusion
  43. >And you've been fucked up before
  44. >You pick up your pace as shot upon shot of adrenaline surges through your veins
  45. >You're definitely being watched
  46. >Followed
  47. >Hunted
  48. >Before long, the sound of running and rustling leaves accompanied the sightings
  49. >Whatever they were, they were closing in on you
  50. >You just have to keep running
  51. >You can't die like this, out in the middle of some damn forest with no explanation as to why you're there in the first place
  52. >At one point, you thought taking random turns would help
  53. >You tried running as fast as you could
  54. >You jumped across large rocks, small streams, and fallen logs to get away
  55. >But it was all for not
  56. >They just kept coming back, no matter what you tried
  57. >You couldn't think straight anymore
  58. >What was going to happen to you?
  59. >Mauling?
  60. >Getting eaten alive?
  61. >Why did you end up in this situation?
  62. >There had to be some sort of explanation for all of it
  63. >There just had to!
  65. >Your running degraded quickly into a staggered walk as your body began to collapse from exhaustion
  66. >How long have you been running from this unknown threat?
  67. >How much longer do you have to live before whatever is following you ends your sorry ass?
  68. >By this point, your legs felt boneless
  69. >You find one more fallen log partially lit up by the moon's light
  70. >And you park your doomed ass against that log
  71. >Catching your breath, you look up through a gap in the canopy to the night sky, lit up with countless stars
  72. >It would be more beautiful if it wasn't the last thing you'd ever see
  73. >Judging by the 4 or so pairs of eyes watching you and the complete silence, you'd say this is it
  74. "So this is were it all ends, huh? The grand finale? The fat lady's finally ready to sing?"
  75. >Still no motion from your predators
  76. >What was holding them up?
  77. >Did they want a more lively prey or something?
  78. >Fuck them
  79. >If they're going to kill you, they'd better just hurry up and do it
  80. >You haven't the energy to run away if you had the chance
  81. >Still no movement, just staring
  82. >Out of frustration, you yell into the dark
  83. "Ya just gonna stand there and watch!? Come on! Come and finish me off, damnit!"
  84. >Nothing
  85. >Fucking really?
  87. "You fucking kidding me? Ya finally wore me down, now you won't finish the job?"
  88. >A calmer you would've laughed in your face
  89. >Egging on a predator that just chased you halfway across a forest in the middle of the night?
  90. >You would've called yourself crazy
  91. >And maybe you are, but right now you're just pissed
  92. "Come one, kill me already!"
  93. >As if someone had told the funniest joke known to man, laughter breaks out from the 'predators'
  94. >"Kill you? No, no, no, you got us all wrong."
  95. >A girl's voice?
  96. >Were these other humans the whole time?
  97. "If you aren't hunting me, why did you chase me all the way out here?"
  98. >This time, a male voice chimes in
  99. >"'Cause you just kept freakin' runnin', duh!"
  100. >Sassy
  101. "Yeah, cause you were fuckin' chasing me!"
  102. >Another girl's voice speaks
  103. >"Please calm down, we were... only curious."
  104. >Curious?
  105. >"We've never seen a... you... before."
  106. >A 'you?'
  107. >What the hell is going on here?
  108. >If they don't know what you are, then they can't be human
  109. >But then, what are they?
  110. "W-what are you?"
  111. >A few seconds of what sounds like hoofsteps approaches you
  112. >As they stepped into the beam of moonlight, nothing could ever have prepared you for what you-
  113. >"Oh shit, watch out!"
  114. >CRASH
  116. >Just like that, you're tackled to the hard wood floor and ripped from your memories
  117. >From the voice alone, you know exactly who just sacked your quarterback
  118. >You look over and see none other than Virgo picking himself off the cafe floor
  119. >Clumsy bastard, that one
  120. "Damnit Virgo, how many times do you have to throw yourself on me before you understand I'm not into stallions?"
  121. >Several of the onlooking mares in the cafe giggle, a tactical move
  122. >Virgo goes absolutely scarlet
  123. >It's super-effective
  124. >Virgo used Damage Control
  125. >"Ha! Ha! Very funny, Anon! You were always the biggest joker!"
  126. "Yeah okay, whatever colt cuddler."
  127. >It had no effect (as always)
  128. >You pick yourself up get back into your chair
  129. >Virgo sits across from you
  130. "So Virgo, what brings you crashing into my lap today?"
  131. >Virgo ignores the jab
  132. >"I kinda just tripped... but that aside, what're you doin' tonight?"
  133. "Not you."
  134. >"Damnit Anon, seriously. You got plans or something?"
  135. >You pull out that old brass vaporizer and take a long hit
  136. >The moths don't really seem to care about it
  137. >You exhale and take a slow sip of your black coffee that miraculously didn't get knocked over by Virgo's obviously gay advances
  138. >"You sure take your time, don't you?"
  140. "You know me. And nope, not a damn thing to do tonight. Why, is it bar night already?"
  141. >Virgo deadpans
  142. >"You know damn well every night is freakin' bar night."
  143. "Yeah well I was hopin' it'd be something different this time."
  144. >"Actually, there is something different this time."
  145. "Are ya finally gonna propose to me? Virgo, I-"
  146. >"Damnit Anon!"
  147. >You chuckle as Virgo takes a deep breath
  148. >"So there's this new mare in town. Foreigner, from... eh well, doesn't matter. What matters is she's heading to the Tulip tonight an-"
  149. "The Tulip? That fancy shmancy girly bar down the street? Oh man, don't tell me-"
  150. >"No! Don't even go there. Anyways, she's headin' to this place with Caramel and Goldie as some kind of welcoming party, I think."
  151. "And you wanna drop in unannounced, uninvited, yada yada yada?"
  152. >Virgo pauses
  153. >"Yeah, pretty much."
  154. >You take another hit and exhale slowly
  155. "How'd you find out about all this?"
  156. >"Ah come one, Anon, you know how I wor-"
  157. "Ya eavesdropped on Caramel didn't ya?"
  158. >"How the hell do you do that?"
  159. "You're easier to read than a picture book, dude."
  160. >Virgo sighs
  161. >"Doesn't matter. You in or out?"
  162. >You think for a second
  163. "You're pretty set about this, aren't ya?"
  164. >"You haven't seen this mare, Anon."
  165. >Another sip of coffee
  166. "So basically, you wanna crash a girly-ass bar to flirt around with a new mare you don't even know, possibly pissing off Caramel and Goldie AND embarrassing the hell out of the new gal all in one foul swoop for no good reason?"
  167. >"Sounds about right."
  168. "You just keep finding new ways to sink lower and lower, don't ya?"
  169. >Virgo just looks at you, waiting
  170. "Aight fuck it, I'm in. I got nothin' better to do anyway."
  171. >"My place at 7."
  172. "Yeah whatever man, let get outta here."
  175. [End Chapter 1]
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